02x08 - Rhymes With Shout

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x08 - Rhymes With Shout

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Chicago Fire...

Go back!

You are not taking my house, not without a fight.

Do you think I'm dating Benny?

I'm his daughter Katie.

When I needed you most, you left.

I'm here to say I'm sorry.

Hop in the back.

With all the eyes on this house, you really think it's a good idea to bring people on ride-alongs?

What, I can't have a friend here?

Help me.


Flaco's dead.

We'll take this to the grave, just me and you.

You've always been there for me.

Yeah, that'll never change.

I promised Heather I'd have this stuff boxed up and shipped by Friday.

You did a good job taking care of those kids, Matt.

I'm gonna miss coming by and hanging out with those guys.

You can still come by.

I may not be as good at charades, but I can be decent company.


Um, all right, I think that's the last of it.

I'm serious. You should still come by.



I... [Sighs]

I just feel like we've already been down this road, you know?


I'll see you at work.



Kind of unfair that I have to pay rent and she doesn't.

Life is unfair, Otis.

There you go.


Is that a viper helmet?

Yeah, yeah, yeah... yes, yes, it is.

You're a Battlestar fan?


This the dual signature edition, both Hatch and Benedict?

Yeah, I bought it for like 350 a few years back, but it's worth way more than that now.

Better investment than stocks any day.

That's exactly what I told my mom.


Hey. Morning.

We blowing off work today?


I put in a transfer to another house.

You... you put in a transfer?

What... what do you mean?

I just wanted...

I want a change of scenery.

It's... it's getting stagnant there.


For how long?


I'm... I'm not coming back to 51.

The tech professor was telling me about some jobs in heating and cooling repair that pay real good money.


As soon as you get your degree, you can look into it.

Yes, boss.


Hey, Leon.

Yvette, be careful.

Drive that thing like a kamikaze.

[Laughs] Girl hasn't listened to us since we baby-sat her.

Yo, I'ma call you after I get out of class.



Go, go, go!

[Tires screeching]


Oh, no, no, no.

No, come on.

Joe, she's breathing?

Come on. Come on, baby.



Come on!

g*nsh*t wound to the back of her neck.

I got her pulse back.

Get her into the ambulance, get her on a monitor.

She's hanging on.


I don't need no damn doctors, man.

Get the hell up off me!

Yo, that's Dom.

The Insane Kings been after him for a while.

[Siren whoops]

Get out of here.

Why? Who's that?

Just go.

Recognized you from Firehouse 51.


Hank Voight. Detective Lindsay.

Joe Cruz.

Hey, did you see what happened?

I was around the corner when the sh*ts were fired.

I... sh**t's car was gone by the time I ran up.

Yvette, the victim... she...

I know her and her mom.

They're neighbors.

It's a terrible thing. I hope she's all right.

Yeah, we'll see if we can get any I.D. on the sh**t from witnesses.

I know where to find you.

Sorry, man.


Excuse me, are you a real-life firefighter?

[Laughs] Isabella.

Is this your coffee spot?

I remember you used to get coffee here.

I was hoping to run into you.


I have to go to this black-tie event tomorrow night for work.

Any chance you wanna join me?

I'm dateless.

I mean, I'd... I'd love to, but I don't have a tux.

I can get you one.

Come on, it'll be fun. I promise.



Benny sent me Christmas presents almost every years, so I'll give him that.

Same here.

Express mail.


So what's your real family like?

My mom got married when I was four, and I have two stepsisters, twins, volleyball champions of the world.


Oh, yeah.

A lot of travel, though.

My mom and stepdad are at their tournaments every weekend.

I'm sure they're proud of you too.


I don't plan on... on working here forever.

I'm hoping to start my own catering company someday.

That's great.


So what got you into cooking?

Who knows?

I better get back to work, though.


It's been a really weird thing seeing Benny again and finding out about a half-sibling.

Little weird.

Well, it was... it was really nice meeting you, Kelly.

Hey, any chance you'd want to come by the firehouse and cook for us?

We'd supply all the ingredients.


And it would be good practice for the catering gig.


That'd be great.




That's perfect.


All right, I'll see you then.

And of course, you know, my mother's blaming me, saying that as her employers, we should have figured out a way to keep her in the country.

No offense, but Zoya's English was a little no bueno.



Hey, it might boost sales if we got a bartender who could actually communicate with the customers.

Zoya's leaving?


Yeah. Back to mother Russia.


Heard Sergeant Voight called here looking for you.

What's that about?

He's working a drive-by went down in my neighborhood this morning.

I was nearby when it happened.


Morning, everybody.

I have a quick announcement to make.

Shay has transferred out of 51.

Transferred as in... as in like past tense?

As in not coming back?

Correct, and it is her prerogative.

Look, Shay served this house well.

This here is Alan Choot.

He's gonna be working with us this shift.

Chout, actually.

Rhymes with shout. Great to meet you guys.

I am sure you will give him a warm 51 welcome.

Hey, you're Dawson, right?


Heard great things about you.

Glad to be here.

Looking forward to seeing some action.


Hey, did... did you know about this?

I found out at 7:15 this morning.

Hello, Wallace.

You reneged on a deal.

I changed my mind.

It's within my rights to do so.


You and I, we... we... we've had some disagreements in the past, but that's to be expected.

And I think we played fair and were respectful of each other.

And I like my job when I'm working in a situation like that.

But when someone crosses me or underestimates me, I like it even more because it gives me an opportunity to show exactly what I'm capable of.

Make no mistake.

I'm going to shut down 51.

And when I'm done doing that, I'm gonna bury you.

[Door closes]

Hey, Pouch, get back here.

Sorry about the busybody.

No problem. Nice to meet you.

Guys, this is my wife Lisa.

This is Herrmann, Otis, and Mouch.

Great to meet you, Lisa.

Yeah, same here.

Hey, Ryan.


Both: Nice to meet you.


Come here.

I'll see you later, baby.

All right.

So you and the wife are making another go of it.


We went through a rough spot when I got back from Iraq, and she was with this other guy for a while.

But put all that behind us, and so far, so good.

Glad to hear it.

Why is Voight looking for you?

Don't worry.

He's just looking into a sh**ting in my hood.

That's it.

[Alarm blares]

Ambulance 61, Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3.

Accident at Broad and Wacker.

[Sirens wailing]

Three-car accident with multiple victims.

I need two more ambulances.

Copy that.

Chief, we got the minivan.

Squad, check out the second car.

Capp! You grab the passenger.

Tony, Clarke, you guys grab the pickup.

On it.

Casey, we got two booster seats!

Check for kids.

I'll get in to the driver.

51, drop two lines and charge 'em.

I smell gas.

Right away, Chief.

No kids! All clear in the back!

Hey, there. My name's Matt.

We're gonna get you out of here... hang tight.

Dawson, could use your help in the minivan.

On my way. Go help Squad.

She's pinned in pretty good.

I need the small ram.

Got it.

Hang on, guys.

I'm here.

Hey, we got two in the car.

Both are bleeding. Passenger's unconscious.

[Engine revving]


Hey, bud, what the hell are you doing?

Get your foot off the pedal... get your foot off the...

Capp, get over here!


Get out.

That guy caused the whole thing.

Was driving like a lunatic.

Let's get you checked out in the ambo, come on.



Hey, get something to knock him out.


Now, Choot!

Let's go.


Chest laceration. Shortness of breath.

Legs pinned, but seems pretty alert.

Just breathe nice and easy for us, okay?

We're gonna take good care of you.



I'm gonna put a c-collar on you.

And then you'll be on your way to the hospital where you can see your family.

She'll be free in a sec. Almost ready?


Back board?



I'm good. You okay?

I'm good.


Get back.

Hit it!

As soon as the flames took over the car, I was gonna jump in the back window myself.

I do a lot of spelunking, so I'm good with diving into small spaces, but I wasn't wearing my fire protective gear.

Well, it's probably best if you...

Stayed outside? Yeah, that's what I figured.

My buddy that I go spelunking with, he throws these crazy parties on the weekend, and we always...

Hey, Choot?

No offense, but I could really use some quiet right now.

My head's k*lling me.

It's Chout, actually.


Hey, Lisa?

I picked up some...

Hey, baby.

What are you doing here?

Well, heard about the two of you gettin' back together.

Wanted to offer my heartfelt congratulations.

But Lisa and I still have unfinished business.

I loaned her some money when we were together...

You're a real piece of work, Hayes.

I said I'd pay you back.

Get the hell out.

I know all about you.

Lord knows I've heard enough about it from this one.

I want my money.


I'm not gonna tell you again. Get out.

I swear to God I didn't know he was coming over.

He just showed up.

But I'll take care of it.


That didn't go well.

That's how he always looks.

Everything all right?

It's fine.

Hey, who was that guy who walked out right before...

It's none of your business, Capp.

Drop it.

Hit it.

Some cities have gone as far as to sue to stop cutbacks in essential emergency services.

Miami, Omaha, Stamford...

You're thinking about a lawsuit?

Well, it's not a permanent solution, but these closures that McLeod is implementing, they're in breach of firefighters' contract with the city.

We could talk to Sullivan, President of the union.

We get him to file an injunction against firehouse closures.

I don't know, Chief.

Greg Sullivan is more about getting his picture taken than standing up for his fellow firefighters.


You don't think it's worth a try considering we are kind of fightin' for our lives here?

Hey, Lieutenant, is Shay serious about quitting 51?

She transferred to another house.

So yeah, I'd say she's pretty serious.

It's gonna be strange not having her around.

I think this is just her feminine side kicking in, meaning temporary dramatics.

10 bucks says she's back here next shift.


Well, you didn't return my messages.

Figured I'd pop by.

Sorry about that. I've been out on calls all day.

Somewhere we can talk?


Insane kings have been trying to take over that turf again.

Yeah, it's been pretty rough in my neighborhood lately.

I'll bet.

I noticed your brother Leon was in the Kings.

He was.

I'm proud to say he broke out of that life.

He's on the straight path, going to community college now.

Well, congrats on that.

Pretty tough getting out of the g*ng once you've jumped in.

It's lucky thing his boss Flaco was k*lled in that Humboldt Park fire.

And that little twist of fate made a big difference, I bet.

See, I was thinking maybe Leon could help us.

Our best shot, maybe our only shot, is to put someone on the inside.

sh**t's bound to start running his mouth at some point.

Oh, whoa, whoa, you want Leon to go back into the g*ng?

They'll sniff that out right away.

They'll k*ll him.

Not if he plays it right.


We need his help, Joe, and I'm hoping we get it because as long as I'm focused on bringing down the Kings, I won't have time to take a closer look at what happened at that Flaco fire.


I don't know what you're talking about.

As far as I remember, that place burned to the ground.

You have a decision to make.
[Knocks on door]

Come on in.

It's weird not having Shay here.

Did you talk to her at all?

No. I left another message, though.

That su1c1de call's what started all this, and I... I keep thinking that if I had just handled it differently, maybe she wouldn't have bailed on 51.

You can't second-guess yourself.

Shay made the choice to switch houses.

That's on her.

But I was hard on her.

You're the P.I.C.

Buck stops with you.

When you're in charge of people, you... you can't always be best friends.

Don't beat yourself up.


Not to get all schmaltzy or anything, but... thanks for saving my life today too.



You've done that for me like a million times in the last few months.

I've been thinking about it... and the truth is...

I don't know where I'd be without you.

[Knock at door]

Hey, I had some questions about stocking the rig.

You guys go through like ten times the amount of supplies I'm used to.

Yeah, sure. Okay, yeah.

I can... I can...

Help me out?

Yeah. [Chuckles]


Ready? Lift.

Okay, take it down.

[Men groaning]


We're goin' again. Mouch, sit down.

Herrmann, take my place. Mills, Otis.

What the hell is goin' on?

Looks like Casey's got some serious steam to blow off.

Extreme physical exertion, food deprivation.

Are we in some kind of CIA training program I'm unaware of?

Oh, stop it. She'll be here any minute.

Who is this she you keep talking about?

She's just a chef at a restaurant near here.

This long a wait?

Well, she'd better be a stripper-chef popping out of a vat of pasta marinara.

Maybe I oughta just throw something together really quick.

If she shows up, I'll get out of her way.

Go ahead. She ain't coming.

Everything go okay with Voight?


Then why do you look like hell?

It's just been a rough day, that's all.

[Dinner music playing, background chatter]

Have you ever worn a tux before?

Uh, prom.

Well, you rock it.

You are looking pretty damn good yourself.

Thank you.

I think I got a plan of what we're doing tonight.

Oh, do you?

Damn straight.

God, not here.


Oh, thank you.

Thank you.



So who's this Wheeler guy?

State Senator. Rising star.

I would love to run his next campaign.

Mm. I've been told I'm on his radar.


[Chuckles] Oh, come on.

I see him. I want to introduce you.

Senator Wheeler.

Isabella, good to see you.

Good to see you too.

I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Peter Mills.

Very nice to meet you.

Yeah, same here.


Senator, I had some thoughts I wanted to run by you when you have time.

Of course, anytime.


Me and Leon talked about it, and he doesn't want to do it.

So if you've got any dirt that you got to dig up, go ahead.

That how you feel about it, Leon?

Want to let your brother roll the dice on this?


Would you give us a second here?

Leon getting himself k*lled doesn't help anybody.

And if he...

They took Yvette off life support an hour ago.

She's gone.

I'm sorry, guys.

We're talking about the m*rder of a 10-year-old girl here.

You knew her.

It's obvious that you both cared about her.

I want you to help us stop all of this, Leon.

Help us put away whoever did this.

We will be with you.

We will be with him every step of the way.

I promise you that.

So will you help us?

I gotta ask you a question.

Mm, the answer is yes.

[Chuckles] Um...

Did you bring me here tonight because you thought having a black boyfriend would help you get the job?

Absolutely not.

It's just, you know, yesterday, we were reconnecting.

Tonight, I'm your boyfriend.

It's... it's a quick promotion.

It seemed like the simplest way to introduce you, I guess.

Pete, I like you.

That's why I invited you here tonight.


I'm gonna grab a cab home.


Thank you.


I have to make this quick, McHolland.

Have two meetings to get to.

I understand. I gotta get to work, too.

Did you have a chance to look at Chief Boden's proposal?

I did.

Then you know we've got a good case, but the union has to spearhead it or we can't push it through.

[Laughs] Problem is I can't do it.

Why not?

It'd be a pretty dumb move of me to piss off state officials my first month into the job.

You can understand that.

Let's be honest. This isn't my fight.

It's 51's.


I was handed a lot of dirt about you during the election, and I kept it under wraps because I didn't think it was right for me to personally benefit from airing it out.

But to protect my chief, and my brothers and sisters on the job, I will shout it from the rooftops.

I assume you're referring to my ex trying to chisel me for more child support.

Yeah, that probably would have done some damage, but the election's over, pal.

Go ahead. Climb up on that rooftop.

No one will care, and you'll come across like a bitter loser.

Lucy Hofnagle.

She's in my book club.

You broke her heart, something your current wife would probably be surprised to discover.

Oh, no.

Voight threatened to look into what happened with the Flaco fire if Leon wouldn't go back into the g*ng undercover.



But Leon, he's gonna do it, Lieutenant.

Our neighbor, this young girl...


She died.

He wants to help, and I can't stop him.

After everything I did to get him out, now he's going back in, and it was all for nothing.


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Getting him out of there wasn't for nothing.

It was... all right, it steered that kid straight.

You've done everything you could for him, all right?

Now, you have to trust that he'll make it out on his own this time.

All right?


Chout's back.

I am going to k*ll this guy if I have to sit next to him one more second.

You need to talk to Shay.

I've tried, Dawson.

Maybe you should go by the apartment, talk to her.

No, I've reached out.

I've left messages.

She shuts me down every time.

She'd rather ride around with that Devon chick than talk to me.

I don't know what else I can do.

[Alarm wails, buzzes]

Ambulance 61, injury at 2909 North Hudson.

Let's rock and roll.



Oh, thank God. This way.

I heard someone coming in the back door.

I thought it was an intruder, so I went at him before I realized it was just my neighbor Luis.

You went at him?



Look, it's pulsating.

It's directly in the...


Oh, my God.

If it moves much, we could lose him.

We have to stabilize it completely.

Grab a two-inch tape. We gotta secure the fork.

Do you bake, ma'am?

I'm sorry?

I need a bundt cake pan, the kind with a... a hole in the center.

Yeah, I... I got one of those.

Chout, I can't do this without you.

Let's rock and roll. Come on.


This should stop anything from knocking into it or sending it in any deeper.


Hold that there for me, nice and firm.


Okay, let's get him on the backboard nice and slow.

Did you see how impressed that attending was when he saw the setup?

Yeah. [Chuckles]

Hey, I got to ask.

What happened with you and your old partner, Shay?

Sometimes partners go their separate ways.


Maybe she was intimidated.

You gotta bring the A-game to be your partner.

You're... you're amazing.

Well, Shay's pretty amazing too.

Hey, you know my buddy Blair, the one I spelunk with?

His lake house party is this weekend.

You and me, we should go.


Chout, you're a really nice guy, but the thing is...

I'm taken.


Hey, it's Betty Crocker.

Those home ec. classes finally paid off, huh?

Hey, Choot wants me to tell your cake pan story on my next podcast.

Apparently, he's a big fan of the show.



No problem.

Hey, come on, let's go.

Change at the bar. We're late for deliveries.

[Clears throat]

You wanted to see me, Chief?


I just got a call from commissioner's office.

An injunction against McLeod and her bosses is in the works.

Glad to hear it.


It's just been really crazy.

I'm sorry.

You were never planning on coming, were you?


I was ten when I met Benny for the first time.

He held me really tight, and said how sorry he was and how he was gonna be in my life... how I was his daughter.

And I mean, I can't tell you how much that meant to me.


The next time I saw him was two weeks ago.

I'm sorry he disappeared on you, Katie.

[Sighs] I'm really happy with my life right now, and I just...

I don't want to spend anymore of it worrying about another trapdoor that might open, so I just really hope that you can understand that.

I can.


I'm not Benny.

I'm proud of you.


Hey, Clarke!

I thought you were heading home tonight.

Decided it'd be better to come here.

All right.

Sometimes you need to step away from a situation before it goes bad, you know what I mean?

Yeah, sure.

I'm glad you came then.


I can't have you stepping out of line.

You got an IPA on tap?

Can you help this jarhead out?

Coming right up.

You drink too fast.

Not fast enough.

If I was drinking now, I'd drink fast too.


Because you're going back to Russia.


I'm gonna miss you, Joe Cruz.

You know, maybe there's a solution to both our problems besides drinking too fast.

I say you marry me.


You say this because you are sad.

In Russian, this is koleno reaktsii ryvokl.

I have no idea what those words mean.


I do know that I can't risk losing someone else I care about, and I think that we could have something really great together.

Marry me, Zoya.



Okay, Joe.

Zoya and I are getting married!


Hey wow! Hey, that's great!

Good for you, buddy.

Hey, let's have a drink to that.

Damn right we should.


Thank you.

Come here, you guys.


Here you go.

Hey, congrats, buddy.

That's really great.


Both: [Speaking Russian]

They'll probably be married 50 years and have a bunch of kids, and...

Oh, this is insanity. My mom's gonna be ecstatic.

I mean, over the moon, but this is insanity.

It's kind of... what the hell?

Dude, the TV's gone.



My viper helmet.

Hey, are you okay?



What the hell is going on?

I gave Devon a key.

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