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03x12 - Let's Get Dangerous!

Posted: 03/04/24 09:35
by bunniefuu
This is the city of St. Canard.

A metropolis overrun
with the worst kind of crime:

super crime.

But a purple protector
stands alone,

dutifully watching for--

-Oncoming traffic! -Aah!

-[horn blares] -[tires screech]

Sorry, Bradford.
Bit of unexpected turbulence.

-All fine now.
-All would be better

if you weren’t wasting time
and money on this trip.

After that string of accidents,

our St. Canard Research
Facility is a lost cause.

Dr. Bulba may be a bit

but his lab is cutting edge.

If he says he’s onto
something big, I trust him.

His latest project is supposed
to be revolutionary.

-Profitable. -Reckless.

Mr. McDuck, Bulba’s experiments
are worthless pipe dreams.

Better not to deal with him.

Yes, fine. Thank you, Bradford.

Shortsighted old buzzard.

There’s no reward
without a little risk.

Bradford doesn’t know
how things work.

I’m still on the phone.

I don’t know how it works.

Someone shut this
blasted thing off!

Hurry, Launchpad. A bold new
scientific horizon awaits.

Me and LP don’t have time
for nerd stuff.

I scored an exclusive interview

with Launchpad’s pal Drake,

that is sure to boost
my online viewership.

We’re talking 20,
maybe even 25 viewers.

Why would Launchpad’s
weird buddy boost your ratings?

I don’t know, he’s just a real
super guy.

[both laugh]

Yeah, when the chips are down,
he really knows

how to get dangerous.

[both snicker]

So this Drake guy
is Darkwing Duck?

-What? No! -What? No!

-Nice save.
-We are so good at secrets.

No, no, no!

Come on! Why?

[yelping and whimpering]

[car horns blaring]

Scrooge McDuck.

What a momentous honor.

Oh! Let’s take a picture.

[camera shutters click]

The pleasure is mine, Bulba.

Ah! Call me Taurus. Or Terry.

Or whatever you want.
You’re Scrooge McDuck.


And you must be Huey.

You know me?

Junior Woodchuck Robotics
Champion four years running?

I’d hire you right now
if you weren’t too short

for the lab coats.

And Louie.
Huge fan of Louie, Inc.

Groundbreaking stuff, young man.

We were really doing good work

until a monster
tried to k*ll me.

You know, I have a grizzled
old monster after my money too.

But enough about Bradford.

[all laugh]

But even he couldn’t say no
to our top secret project.

It promises to change the world.

Change the world?
Is it a terraformer? How do--?

Hubert, please don’t
pester the man

who’s going to make me--
Us-- Scrooge rich.


Wonderful question.

I have one myself.

I’m eager to see
what you’ve been working on,

and heard reports
of some rather costly setbacks

in your lab of late.

Ah, yes. Of course.

There’s no reward
without a little risk.

But first, I will need
something from you.

-[all] Hmm? -The most
powerful force in the world.

A childlike sense of wonder!

Mr. Bulba, I take it with me
everywhere I go.

-Whoo-hoo! -Yeah!

[Launchpad] Hello?


Maybe we got the wrong
abandoned tower?

[both gasping]

[Darkwing Duck] I am the terror

that flaps in the night.

I am the toddler
kicking the front seat of crime.

I am--

Is that motorcycle your face?

-Drake! -Oh, hey, LP--

This is amazing.

First you love Darkwing,
then you play Darkwing.

Now you are Darkwing.

This is like every dream
I’ve ever had.

Only my hands aren’t
made of waffles, right?

Mm. Aw.

Do these costumes
come in junior sizes?

Are these smoke bombs?

They are!

Smoke b*mb. Smoke b*mb.

[laughs] Oh, shiny.

Launchpad’s pal Fenton
hooked me up.

His talents are wasted
designing doodads

for that hack Gizmoduck.

Between you,
me and the motorcycle,

Fenton can’t stand the guy.

I can’t believe we’re actually
going to fight actual crime

with the actual Darkwing Duck.

On the old TV show,

Darkwing faced the vilest
villains imaginable.

Bushroot. Quackerjack.

Megavolt. Liquidator.

Well, those are
fictional villains

from the old TV show, so...

[Launchpad] So your real life
villains must be even more impressive.

Oh, sure. Yeah, about that.

Yes! On-location
live-stream crime fighting.

Crimes, where are they?

Displaying map of St. Canard.

There’s no crimes.
St. Canard is supposed to be

the supervillain
capital of the world.

Not since the new mayor took
charge and cleaned up.

-Hmm. -Computer, are you sure?

Sorry, which of us

is a sophisticated

Oh, right, it’s me,
the big computer.

There’s no crime.

But there was. So much!

You just missed it.

No, there wasn’t--

Oh, man.

Without a superhero fight,

this docudrama is going to lack
docu and drama.

[camera shutters click]

All right, you want
to fight crime?

Let’s get dangerous.

-[cackles] -[titters]

This is the future.

Gentlemen, I give you
the Ramrod.

Should’ve put a tarp over it
for a dramatic reveal.

-[powering up]
-[electricity crackling]

Oh, this is really something.

What is this, exactly?

The "Reality Altering

Powered by a unique circuit key,
it makes anything.

-Anything? -Anything.

Everything. What’s your
favorite food?

-Pizza! -Haggis.

-I heard haggis. -[both sigh]

So we use the key

to find the right frequency,

[powering up]

[electricity crackles and whirs]

[timer bell dings]


-[chomps] -Ugh!

It tastes like socks
and bitter regret.

That’s how you know it’s haggis.

This contraption could solve
world hunger.

Replace the polar ice caps.

Pfft. Who cares?
Set that baby to rubies.

This is incredible.

Where do the materials
come from?

Is it a cartridge,
or quantum dynamics?

Leave it to Huey
to literally question

how the sausage is made.

You taste that? It’s success.

Oh, no, actually,
it’s sheep’s bladder.

[groans] Oh, boy.

[Darkwing Duck]
The virtuous violet vigilante

surveys the city for sin--

Sorry, could you film
from the other side?

My chin looks weird
at this angle.


Oh, we’ve been here for hours.

And I will cherish every second.

Hi, Gizmoduck?
Would you be able to come down--

-No, no, no, no, no!
-[glass shatters]

Ooh! I mean, grr!

Crime. Time to swoop down
on the delinquent.

-[grunts] -Huh?

-What the--? Get him. -Hey!

-[both coughing]
-[Darkwing Duck laughs]


Your menacing misdeed has been
immured, you malfeasant...


But the glass breaking and--

Oh, I am so sorry, I...

...wouldn’t want you

to throw out your back, citizen.

Lift with the knees.



Oh, forget it, what’s the use?

How can I be a crime fighter
when there’s no crime?

I just wanted to inspire people,
you know?

And make a difference.

-Uh, Darkwing Duck...?
-...Is a sham!

But at least the cape
looked good, right?

It would have struck fear
into the heart of any...



My clever ruse lured them
out of hiding.

And now, I strike.

I am the terror
that flaps in the night.

I am the turnip that turns up
in your beet salad.

I am--

Hey, not done yet.
Get back here.


Hi, I’m going to need you
to sign a waiver

to be on this show.

Not so fast...

little girl?

Let me go.

Taurus Bulba can’t see me.

I can explain.

Dewey? I thought if any of us
would be arrested,

-it’d be Louie.
-I am as surprised as anyone.

I can vouch for these two.
I don’t know the masked one.

I starred in a movie for you.

We fought the moon together.
You dressed up as me.

Oh, I know exactly who he is.

A hero!

[camera shutters click]

This noble St. Canardian

risked his life
to stop a dangerous thief

from sabotaging our lab.

Well, it’s the least
I could do--

As mayor of St. Canard,

I’ve made super-crime
prevention a priority.

And while this is not
an invitation

for a bunch of other costumed
yahoos to do the same,

heroism must be rewarded.

I am proud to present
Darkwing Duck

with the key to the city.

-[camera shutters click]
-Mayor Owlson,

I am honored to--


While we at McDuck Enterprises
are changing the world,

heroes like Darkwing Duck
are out there protecting it.

Oh! Although maybe I should keep
my key on me for safekeeping,

[all laugh]

[indistinct chattering]

-Huey? -Aah!

This is Dewey’s hat.


Fine, I’m trying to figure out

how the Ramrod works.

It makes no sense.

How can you create something
from nothing?

And I know I’ve seen the circuit
on that key before.

Why would you try
to ruin a machine

that could make me
infinite gold?

Because I have to know.

Also, if you made infinite gold,

it would devalue the price
of all gold.

Stop ruining things for me!

Live from St. Canard,
it’s Dewey Dew-Nite.

With our guest,
that daring duck of mystery,

that champion of right,
Darkwing Duck.

-[audience cheers]
-[Launchpad] Whoo! All right!

I know those guys.
We hang out all the time.

So, DW, got any new projects?

Defending the defenseless
at every turn.


Also, I’ve got a cookbook.


-[Gosalyn] Oh, cool.
-[both gasp]

So is stopping that crook

Taurus Bulba
on your busy schedule?

You? How did--? What did--?

Ha-ha! I totally found
your secret headquarters.

The residue from your smoke b*mb
contained traces of saltwater,

so I knew you’d be by the bay.

Also, that kid
is live-streaming.

It was not hard.

Keen gear, this place is huge.

Hey, Dewey, do something!

I can’t.
This is good television.

Whoa! Look at these high-tech
arrow bolts.

With your face on them.

Like your motorcycle.

You have a bit of a complex,
don’t you?

What do you want, villain?

Ah, ah, ah, it’s Gosalyn,

And I want your help, hero.
I figure you owe me one.

You kicked me in the face.

You stopped me
from exposing Bulba.

As a friendly,
upstanding citizen

with great taste in superheroes?

As a thief. And maybe worse.

My grandpa, Dr. Waddlemeyer,
built the Ramrod under Bulba.

But grandpa discovered
a flaw in the programming.

The Ramrod was unstable
and dangerous.

One night, he went to warn Bulba

and never came back.

Now Bulba’s claiming
that he built the Ramrod.

But if I can get
that Ramrod key,

I can prove it’s dangerous,
stop Bulba,

and find my grandpa.


Do you have any proof?

Besides that whole story and
the fact that Bulba’s a jerk?

Listen, I feel for you, I do.

But he’s an upstanding citizen,

and I’ve caught you breaking
into two separate places

in 24 hours.

Without evidence,

I can’t risk a good person’s

You mean you don’t want
to risk your own.

Some hero.

You know what?
I’ll do it myself.

Like always.

Hey, wait up.

I don’t want to be part
of your weird show, all right?

This isn’t about my hit show.

I... I know what it’s like

to search for someone
that’s missing.

And I know what it means
to have someone believe you.

Let me be your Webby.


I mean, we’ll Dewey it.

Does that mean you’ll help?

Let’s Gos for it, Gosalyn.

Please stop.

I know what you’re going to say,
and I can’t.

We got to at least check it out.

Bulba believes in me.
The city needs me.

Yeah, and so does she.

Get it? Because my name
is Dewey, and I "Dew" things...

You want to make
a difference, right?

[laughing] Whoo!

-[Darkwing Duck] Whoo-hoo!

Uh, excuse me, Mr. Bulba?

Huey, how can I help you?

I have one quick question
about the Ramrod.

How? How can you make
something from nothing?

Where does the stuff
the Ramrod makes come from?

Is it connected to those
accidents you’ve been having?


Feels like more
than one question.

-[door opens] -Mr. McDuck.

Maybe these children
should be in school.

This one sure loves
asking questions.

Aye. I also know
to trust this lad

when he smells something fishy.

I’d like to see
the Ramrod plans.

[laughs] Right away, Mr. McDuck.


-[grunts] -Sorry.

Now, fan out. Search for clues.


-[Taurus Bulba] Right this way.




Just let me get something
from my filing cabinet.


-Here it is.
-[Darkwing Duck] Oh! Ow.

Those are the Ramrod plans?

No, no, no, no, no.

This is the index.

The map will take you
to the Ramrod Plans room,

where all your questions
should be answered.

[all grunt]

Darkwing, what a surprise.

Yup, yup, yup.

Just making sure your
top secret files were safe.

They are.

Hey, um...

who’s that?


My best friend.

Thaddeus was always
the smart one.

Too smart.

Sometimes he couldn’t shut
that big brain off.

He came to the lab one night

raving about fixing a flaw
in the Ramrod.

And I assured him
there wasn’t one,

but he didn’t listen.

He tried to reprogram it,
and the Ramrod backfired.

Thad was blasted. Poof.

I covered up the accident
because I didn’t want

people to think
he was a crackpot.

Oh, his poor granddaughter.

Couldn’t accept
her grandfather was gone.

A victim of his own genius.


Gosalyn? Oh!

[panting and grunting]


He’s not gone.
I can bring him back.


Get back here.

Gosalyn, please. Stop.

Or you’ll get hurt.

You’d like that, wouldn’t you?

[Dewey] Gosalyn!


-[growls] -[whimpers]


-[growls] -Dewey.

Let’s, uh, "Gos" for it.

[gasps] She’s Deweying it.


Hold it right there, young lady.

What are you doing?
Give that back.

I’m sorry, kid.

Stealing this isn’t going
to bring him back.

Yes, it is. He’s not dead.
He’s in a different dimension.

Wait, what?

Keep looking. I know I’ve seen
that circuit design somewhere.

Not everything is a riddle or
a problem or a Missing Mystery.

Missing Mystery? That’s it!


It’s Solego’s Circuit.

Solego was a mad thinker

who believed that every story,

every work of fiction,

was actually a window
into an alternate dimension.

He was working on a device

to open doorways
to those dimensions.

Waddlemeyer must’ve invented it
by accident.

The Ramrod doesn’t
create items from nothing.

It sucks them in
from other dimensions.

But those rifts aren’t stable,
so that means...

If grandpa was caught
in a Ramrod blast--

Then he might be alive somewhere
in another dimension.

Please. He’s my family.

Ugh. Even if he was still alive,

he could be in any
of a trillion dimensions.

The Ramrod isn’t stable enough
to search them all.

Thank you, Darkwing.

You said you checked
the Ramrod yourself.

So is it stable or not?

Uh, well, of...

of course it is.

Then there’s no harm in trying
to find him, is there?

And when we do,

grandpa can tell us
exactly what happened.

Oh, Gosalyn.
So like your grandpa.

You both ask too many questions!

[powering up]

I’ll knock you both
into another dimension.

Smoke b*mb!

[Taurus Bulba coughing]


The key! Aah!


Gosalyn, run!


[wind gusting]





Gosalyn, it’s over.

No one can save you now.

[Darkwing Duck] I am the terror
that flaps in the night.

I am the scourge
that pecks at your nightmares.

You are finished.

No, I am Darkwing Duck!


Okay, that was pretty cool.




-[screams] -Gosalyn!



Come on, swoop, swoop.
Got to swoop.

Why aren’t you swooping?

[yelps and laughs]

Oh, boy. I see you. Yeah.


-Yes! We did it.
-Yes! All right!

Whoo, that felt good.

Another dastardly deviant

deposed and defeated,
thanks to Darkwing--

[yelps and croaks]

Should’ve untied the cape.

Amazing. I mean, not as good
as the old Darkwing Duck show,

but close.

Thanks, LP.

Hey, um, thank you.

Now let’s use that Ramrod key
to find my grandpa.

-Where is it?
-Uh, I left it with Bulba.

-Why didn’t you grab it?
-I was saving your life.

[Gosalyn] Fine, then let’s
go grab... Bulba?

Dewey! Where have you been?

Epic superhero adventure.

And you?

-Our own adventure.
-Reading charts.

We’ve got to shut down
the Ramrod.

The more it’s used,
the harder it is

to close the dimensional rifts.

All of reality
could get sucked in.

[Taurus Bulba] No. No.

I’m going to change the world!

I just need to find a way
to stop that meddling brat

and that ridiculous superhero.

Taurus, shut it down.

This doohickey is dangerous.

Well, then, let’s get dangerous.

[electricity crackling]

[Taurus Bulba laughs]

[Mayor Owlson]
St. Canard, I can’t believe
I’m about to say this,

but an interdimensional
rift has opened,

allowing four supervillains
from an old TV show

to wreak havoc.

I urge citizens
to stay in their homes.

Our police forces
are overwhelmed,

but if I understand

one of Darkwing Duck’s multiple
catchphrases correctly,

"When there’s trouble,
you call DW."

Darkwing, St. Canard
is calling you now.

We need a hero.

All right, Darkwing,
what’s the play?

DW’s been waiting
for this moment his whole life.

Well, after careful deliberation
and strategizing,

I’ve come to a well-researched

We are doomed!


Well, that doesn’t
inspire confidence.


Get a hold of yourself, man!

The city’s in trouble.
My grandpa’s still missing.

You said you wanted
more crime to fight.

Yeah, but those
are supervillains.

They got superpowers
and everything.

Darkwing, this is Fenton.
I’ve been going over--

We’re kind of busy right now.
Can we call you back?

Oh, yeah. Sure. I’m flexible...


Oh, this is my fault.

Every day I wake up

and wish the Darkwing Duck
TV show was real,

and today that wish came true.

Why have dreams when they all
turn into nightmares?

Both of you get a hold
of yourselves.

You are the terror
that flaps in the night.

Come on, act like it.

You can handle these chumps.

-[Launchpad] Quackerjack.
-[Gosalyn] A clown.

-[Launchpad] Bushroot.
-[Gosalyn] A house plant.

-[Launchpad] Liquidator.
-[Gosalyn] A cup of water.

-[Launchpad] Megavolt. -Yikes.

This’ll be easy.

All we have to do
is kick some villain butt,

break into Bulba’s
heavily fortified lab,

reopen a transdimensional rift,
and get my grandpa back.

I broke into the lab before,
I can do it again.

This isn’t like last time.
Bulba’s lab is on lockdown.

What are we supposed to do?

Beat up a supervillain
and make him let us in?

Now that’s a superhero idea.
Let’s do that.

I know this is important,
but all this is too much.

-You’ll get hurt.
-Uh, I can handle myself.

In my experience,
children are the most daring
adventurers in a family.

Oh, that’s what we need:
an adventure family.

Gosalyn, you’re the Dewey.

Lucky, Darkwing,
you’re the Launchpad.

And I’ll be the single
most important member

of the family: the uncle.

[in Scottish accent]
Bless me bagpipes.

Oh, phooey.

Sorry, still looking
for my real family.

Don’t need a new one.

Supervillain located

in the abandoned
Toy Warehouse District.

There’s an entire district
for that?

We can fight one supervillain,

Because we’re superheroes,


Okay, then.

Let’s get dangerous.

-[both] Yeah!
-In the safest way possible.


[Launchpad] Whoo!

[all grunt]

-Hey! -Where’s Uncle Scrooge?

[Huey] I knew you were a phony.

Come now, Huey.
It’s just business.

No! Every time you activate
the Ramrod,

you tear a hole in reality.

You have to tear things
down first

before you make something new.

That’s innovation.


Oh, I don’t think
I like him anymore.

What are you doing?

Ah, Director Buzzard.

I hired you to crack the Solego
Circuit for FOWL’s master plan,

and instead you do all this?

We’re trying to reign in chaos,
not create more of it.

Sir, this is a huge opportunity.

You want to take over the world?

This is a big,
bold way to do it.

This is not how things work
in the real world.

You’re just like Scrooge,
and Thad,

and his granddaughter,
and that coward Darkwing Duck.

Too afraid to embrace
a daring new vision.

And what if Scrooge’s family
learns the extent

of our plot against them?

You’re risking
our entire operation.

How many times must I say it?
We are not supervillains.

Too bad, because here
at Bulba Supervillain Solutions,

we are.

-[electricity crackles] -Aah!

Look, he’s shocked!

Get it?
Because I electrocuted him.

Gentleman, we need something
big and splashy

to announce ourselves
to the world.

Any suggestions?

Uh, we could k*ll Darkwing Duck.

Wonderful! You’re my new
vice president.

Now, go get him.


Soon, this whole city
will be my playground!

[Darkwing Duck]
Quackerjack, Darkwing’s most
dangerous toy-based villain.

Cool, cool, interesting.
Let’s go beat him up

and force him to get us
into Bulba’s lab.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You can’t just run in there.

What’s your read
on the situation?

Well, Uncle Launchpad thought
everyone might be hungry,

so I packed snacks.

[Darkwing Duck]
I mean, what should we do
about Quackerjack?

This setup reminds me
of a Darkwing episode.

Oh, yeah. How did that one
start again?

♪ Daring duck of mystery ♪

♪ Champion of right ♪


Let me out of here.

Or mark my words,
you’ll face the wrath of--

Bradford? What are you
doing here?

Well, I saw the chaos
and was concerned

about your dear Uncle Scrooge’s

I know why you’re really here.


You’re worried this attack

is going to cost
McDuck Enterprises money.

Ha! Was I that obvious?

[door hisses open]

You think this is hard,
try picking the lock on the bin.

Not that I have.

Are we sure that’s a good idea?

You’re just children.

-[Huey] You coming?
-Yes, of course,

because you are clearly
rescuing me.

Heron, track my homing beacon
and send an extraction team.

[Heron] Copy that.

We’re coming for you.

Ugh! Where did that clown go?

[toy squeaks]

Darkwing, stand back.

We wouldn’t want you
to slip on this.

Look, I’m the hero here,

and I’m trying to be heroic
by keeping you safe.

From the banana?

Thanks, but I don’t need you
to look after me.

Then after a commercial
for juice boxes,

it’s revealed the toy army was
a distraction from... something.

Oh. It was a giant robot.

You’re going the wrong way.

You mean away
from the 30-foot robot?

You know who playfully banters?

-Hello, Darkwing?
-Still not a good time, buddy.

Hold on.



-[engine revs] -[tires squeal]


[engine starts]

Ha-ha! We lost him.

Ugh! And our chance
to get at Bulba.

What were you going to do,
fight that thing?

I mean, what fantasy
are you living in?

I think everyone’s dehydrated.

I’m adding orange slices
to the Uncle list.

Make money from home

by having your home destroyed.

Ask me how.

Ooh, it’s Liquidator! Come on.

[tires squeal]


Gosalyn won’t rest until she
and Darkwing find the Ramrod.

If we find the Ramrod,
they’ll find us

and we can get out of here.

This is the only way through.

Wait, is that some kind
of Venus flytrap?

Maybe exposed to a growth serum?

It’s Dr. Reginald Bushroot,
a prominent scientist

who was accidentally
turned into a plant monster.

Those vines are part
of his root system.

If we trigger them,
he’ll know we’re here.

Launchpad made me watch a lot
of Darkwing Duck.

Perhaps we should just stay put

instead of confronting
the dangerous plant man?

It’s the only way forward.
Besides, we can handle it.

We are adventurers.

Well, sonny,
did you ever consider

that not everything
should be a "fun adventure"?

-All the time, but no one
listens, so it’s no use.

♪ Dew-wing Dew ♪

When there’s trouble,
call D-E-W.

♪ Dew-wing Dew ♪

Hit me with that saxophone,

Bradford, the extraction team

is closing in on your location.

-What was that?
-I believe the blue one

is playing an imaginary

Uh, like so.

[both scatting]

Oh, no.



[all panting]

Let me guess, you haven’t felt
this alive in years.

I’ve never been closer to dead,

thanks to your constant
foolhardy adventures.

If you didn’t meddle with
forces you didn’t understand,

Magica De Spell would never
have broken the bin,

the moon would never
have invaded Earth,

and all of reality
wouldn’t be in jeopardy.

Someone has to put
an end to this!


I’m clearly having
one of my spells.

Forgot to take
my brain medicine today.

You mean the one in your hand?


Why don’t you take it now?


Why don’t I?


Much... better.


[Gosalyn] Whoo!

That was awesome!

We’re getting close.
I can feel it.

I thought being repeatedly
splashed in the face

by a giant water fist
would be more refreshing.

[sighs] You two get some rest.

I’ve got some things
to take care of.

You mean, "Okay, everyone,
change your clothes,

because we’re going
back out there."

You guys have other clothes?

Chop-chop. Let’s go.

My grandpa isn’t getting
any less missing.

I’m doing everything I can.

Well, it’s not enough.

W.A.N.D.A., find us
another supervillain.

W.A.N.D.A., do not answer that.

Don’t tell me what to do.

Come on, hero. Hero up.

Hey, is this a bad time?

-One sec. Young lady--
-Young lady?

--if you’re fighting crime
under my roof

and using my smoke bombs,
you will play by my rules.

And if you won’t listen,
then you are staying here

until this is all over.

You can’t make me.

You’re not my family.



Nice night.

-[people screaming]
-[explosions and sirens]

Look, I know I’m being
hard on him, okay?

I just...

I need to find my grandpa.

Of course. Which is why
DW hasn’t slept in days.

He spends all night talking
on the phone with Fenton,

trying to figure out
how to get your grandpa back.

-[Fenton] I’m detecting
huge leaks

in multiversal energy.

By my calculations,

Bulba can only use
the Ramrod one more time.

Then we’ll have to be there when
he does to find Dr. Waddlemeyer.

Except you don’t know
which dimension he’s in.

And the longer the Ramrod is on,

the more unstable reality gets.

There’s no safe way
to bring Dr. Waddlemeyer back.

That’s unacceptable.
I can’t accept that.

Sorry, but that’s the reality.

I can’t let her down.

[grunts and groans]

I am awake, and ever vigilant.

Yeah, I know.

I was just going
to get some rest

and I thought you could
use some too.

[snores and groans]

[sobbing] Okay.

It’s okay. Got to add tissues
to the list.

Energy spike detected.

The Ramrod has been powered up
for the last time.

Feels like that
might be important.

Okay, you got this. I got this.

Time to hero up.

What is he doing?

He usually does this whole thing

with smoke bombs and the--
The speech.

I’ve never seen him
just stand there.

Maybe it’s a trick,
or a trap, or--!

Who cares? He is one man
with no superpowers.

Bring him to me.

I am the terror
that flaps in the night.

I am the last bite
in the soggy cereal of sin.

And I am calling you out, Bulba,
so let me in!

Oh, good, you’re all here.

Maybe you could attack me
one at time, or...?

Uncle Launchpad made pancakes,

and they are getting cold.

[Gosalyn] Darkwing?

Where is he? He left us behind?

When that young man gets home,

he’s getting a stern talking-to.

W.A.N.D.A., search the city’s
security cameras

for Darkwing’s last whereabouts.

A "please" would be nice.

[Gosalyn] What is he doing?

He can’t take them
all on as once.

Let’s go show
those supervillains

they’re not so super,
uh... villains.

No. Darkwing was right.

We’ve got to be stealthy.
This isn’t a show.

But they don’t know that.

Launchpad, what do you know
about Darkwing Duck villains?


[Heron] Hello? What’s going on?

-Are you in a tunnel?

It’s, ahem, just a dry cough.

I’m fine.

[Scrooge, on monitor]
Bless me bagpipes.

A sea monster ate my ice cream.

Ugh. That idiot pulled villains
out of one fictional dimension

and put Scrooge in another.

How am I supposed
to explain this

without rousing suspicion?

How, indeed.

How do you know about all this?
What are you really doing here?

Yeah, answer all
his pestering questions.


Oh, no, we k*lled him.

[Heron] This is Black Heron
to FOWL Director Buzzard.

The extraction team
is almost there.

I knew it!

You’re a bad guy.

That depends on
your point of view.

Of course, from your point
of view right now, yes,

I definitely am.

[both yelp]


A sea monster ate my ice cream.
A sea monster ate...

I need out. Now.

This is a dumb plan.
I immediately regret it.

Jambalaya Jake and Da Bugmaster

come to help take out
our nemesis Darkwing Duck.

Oh, C-string villains.

You recognize them?

We done tussled
with that purple polecat

like a gator in a henhouse.




Huh. The more, the merrier.


Blasted-- Oh, come loose.

[door opens]


You’ll never get away with this.

For the record, what is "this"?

I mean, I know,
but just so we’re all clear.

We’re changing the world.

So I’ll make my entrance,
address the camera.

"Leaders of the world,

"I’m here to offer
a brand-new vision of reality.

Our vision."

And then we’ll show them
we mean business

-by destroying you and--
-Sorry, what now?

Ha! Ooh, that’s good.
Make sure you get his reaction.

Okay, everyone, places.

All right, Gladys,
make the boss look real nice.

Ready? Let’s get dangerous.


I can’t do this.

It’s too much, Launchpad.

This isn’t like TV.

It’s real life,
where there’s real danger.

Yeah, and sometimes you lose.

He knows that
better than anybody.

Anyone can do
the right thing when it’s easy,

but it’s what you do when things
are hard that makes you a hero.

And we’re rolling
in three, two...

-[Gosalyn] I am the terror

that flaps in the night.

I am the technical difficulty

you’re about to experience.

Where is Darkwing Duck?


What a wonderful opportunity

to show you
our supervillains at work.

Get them.

Introducing the fearsome four,

guaranteed to destroy
Darkwing Duck,

or your money back.





You get to the Ramrod.
We’ve got this.

You’re an actor and a Launchpad.

How are you going to stop
four supervillains?

[both] Well, technically,
Bushroot isn’t really a villain, per se.

[gasps] That’s right!

I keep forgetting you’re nerds.

Come on, you nerds.

[all] Let’s get dangerous!

-[electricity crackles]


Come on, come on.

Where are you, grandpa?


Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

-This is just like episode 3.
- "Beauty and the Beet."

We could really use
an episode 21 right now.

"Just Us Justice Ducks."

Underrated crossover episode.

But a real fan favorite.





[electricity crackles]

[wind gusting]

That’s it. A good boss
knows when to step in

and get his hands dirty.


[all screaming]

Oh, a sea monster
did not eat my ice cream.

-What happened? -What does
quackerrooney even mean?

Why are our heads so round?

Gos, quick, find your grandpa!

No! The more the Ramrod is used,

the more unstable
the rift becomes.


Hang on, lads!

-Did you find him?
-I’m trying everything.

He’s not here.

The rift has been open
for too long.

I can’t turn it off.

It’s going to destroy


Unless what?

You ruin everything!

Keep... looking.

Gosalyn, no!

Who cares about this reality?

We can make a better one.

One with your grandpa in it.


[all grunt]


Wait. Where’s Bradford?

Bradford? FOWL!

Well, I suppose you’d rather
fly around

in an unmarked helicopter?


Your little adventure fantasy
is coming to an end, McDuck.

Our reality just got
a lot more dangerous.

Gizmoduck saves St. Canard!

Guess I’m stuck
with the reality I’ve got.

That doesn’t mean
you should give up.

Launchpad knows a shocking
number of super scientists.


Look, you got knocked down,
beat up and blown up today.

But what matters
is that you get back up.

And I promise I’ll help you
find your family.

Now, in the meantime,
I’ve got...

well, I’ve go an idea.

Does it involve more vehicles
that look like your face?

I-I was kind of... well,
sort of-- I-I-I don’t know.

I-I was wondering if you wanted
to be my crime-fighting partner?


I mean, uh, yeah, yeah,

I could stick around for that.


Go to them.

Ah! I’m coming too.

I’ll spend my days in Duckburg,
nights in St. Canard,

and I’ll sleep
on the drive over.

Uncle Launchpad
is here to stay! Ha-ha!

[W.A.N.D.A.] Yes, very sweet.

There is a crime in progress.

[engine revs]

[Darkwing Duck]
Let’s get dangerous!