02x04 - A Nuisance Call

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x04 - A Nuisance Call

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Chicago Fire...

Seems that we have an infestation... known as the common snitch.

Something you want to say to me, Herrmann?

I want you to meet my girl, Isabella.

Sounds like you could use some campaign help.

Do you want to celebrate later?

Yeah. Sounds like fun.

He wants you to promise you won't go away, like mom and dad.

I'm right here, guys.

I'm not going anywhere.

You're really into this Jay guy, aren't you?

Yeah. I think I am.

I want a new deal. See, my man, Jay here.

He's been assessing your business.

You came here to spy on us?

I know who our arsonist is.


If one of your former men is now setting fires it doesn't exactly cast your leadership in the most flattering light.

We know you started this fire!

I want to know why arson investigation is wasting their time checking Hadley's alibis.

He uses timing devices.

He could set a fire downtown and be in Skokie before the first bell.

He craves attention.

That's what this is about.

If he thinks nobody's watching maybe that'll throw him off his game and he could get sloppy.

So sit around and wait for him to start another fire?

Provoke him?

Whatever. This is...

Wallace really screwed the pooch on this, huh?

How do you let a guy like Hadley just...

Wait, pop. No one saw this coming.

It's only you and the fire Marshall's office that seemed to think he had a red flag pinned to his chest.

Oh, boy.

Can I borrow you a sec? Hey, Benny.

Please tell me we're not making a huge mistake here.

What's up, roomies?

What's up, Otis? Hey, do you need a hand?

Oh, no. My brother's unloading the u-haul outside.

He's fine.

[Groans] What's up, bro?

[Laughs] Hey, pal.


Oh, man.

How awesome is this, huh?

Oh, uh, you know, I figured there's three walls.

We each get one, right?

I love it.

[Laughs] I knew you would.

What's vodka in Russian?


Hey, you guys got your cut last week.

What, do you want to turn me upside down and shake another dime out of my pocket?

I'm just here to see Gabby.

She don't want to see you, buddy.

Get lost.

You got a problem, pal?

This doesn't involve you, all right?

When a dirt bag like you comes sniffin' around for a friend of mine, I'm involved.

I don't care who you work for or how many kneecaps you break every week.

You don't scare me.

Stay the hell away from her.

Uh, careful, Griffin, no flipping off the bars, 'kay, buddy?

You're a natural. You're gonna be a great dad.

One day.

Hey, you still need me to watch them after next shift?

Yeah. That would be great.

I've got a couple of repair jobs I got to get to.


[Phone vibrates]

Is everything all right?


I really stepped into it with this guy Jay.

Complete loser, and I'm trying to end it, and he [Laughs] won't... he won't let it go.

I'd be more than happy to have a conversation with him.

No, no. It's nothing I can't handle.

Thanks, though.

Last order of business.

I'm gonna need a couple of volunteers to help me with the new wellness program for this house.

It involves workshops, physical exams.

I believe we all have to have some new kind of fitness diary.

[All groaning]

So, volunteers?

I don't have all day.


Mills, Shay.

You are now the new wellness reps.

[All clapping]


Ambulance 61. Person in distress.

398 Wells Street.

That's Darryl.

Our favorite frequent flyer.


Hey, Chief?

This call, he's a nice guy but he just wants company.

It's a nuisance call.

There's nothing we can do about that because we can't refuse a call. Go.

Here we go.

Darryl. [Laughs]

How you been, buddy?

Oh, I missed you.

You're lookin' as beautiful as ever.

Oh, aren't you the charmer?

Sit up, bud. Come on.

There we go.


Can I see your finger?

'Kay, your blood sugar is 43.

Why's it so low, Darryl?

Look, I know you like it when we come visit you but you have to check your levels, okay?

And eat after you take your Insulin.

All right. I'm gonna check what's in the fridge.

Aw, you always take such good care of me.

We talked about this, Darryl.

This is a lot of time and expense for a glucose shot, and we have other things to do.


Baloney and cheese, and no chips?

What's up with that, Darryl?

You know I can't live without my girl.

Well, may I suggest joining a chat room and let us do our jobs?

Yeah. She's right, Darryl. I mean, this has got to stop.

You know, you have no idea what you mean to me, Leslie.

Oh, well that's sweet.

Whoa, Darryl.

Darryl, uh...

Put the g*n away right now, Darryl.

You know I can't live without you.

You... you don't have to live without me, Darryl.

I've got this, Shay.

I'm not kidding, Darryl. Put the g*n on the floor now.


Look, uh, just... just give me the g*n, okay, and, uh, and we can go to Vegas tomorrow and get hitched, okay?

Just give me the g*n.

Okay, sweetheart? Just... just... just give me the g*n.



The two of you should head to the Lakeshore.

Get checked out for blood exposure.

I'll notify medical.

Meet you there with the paperwork.

Look, take whatever time you need to deal with this.

Anything I can do for you just let me know.

Hey, you all right?

Fine, thanks.

Yeah, you know. We're okay.

Yo, Mr. President!

Not even close. A lot of ground to make up.

You're gonna walk all over Sullivan.

It's gonna be like the Harlem globetrotters against those white dudes!

The Washington Generals.

That's them!

Isabella says I got to campaign like an underdog.

Politics 101.


The, uh, ambo sound okay to you?

Yeah. Why?

Thought I heard a weird sound in the engine on the way back.

I didn't hear anything.

It was like a grinding sound.

Yeah, I'm gonna... I'm gonna have the fleet come take a look at it 'cause last thing I need is for it to break down on me on a run.

Here. Give me your shirt. I'll wash it with mine.

No, I'm good.



You okay?


I'm fine.

If there's anything I can do on my end, name it.

Actually, being here in the house helps.

I'll be fine.

Listen, you got to take care of yourself.

Forget about watching the boys. I'll call my sister...

No. No, no, no.

Actually, spending time with them is kind of exactly what I need right now.



What was that about?

I need you to write up a full report of all interactions between Hadley and everybody in this house since we let him go, and it's per McLeod.

What does that got to do with saving money?

Hey, why doesn't she have her in-house rat, Clarke, write up the report?

He's been informing on us anyway.

Hey, hey, hey.

We have just got to deal with it, okay?


There she is!

You'd never catch me up there. I'm terrified of heights.

Great view, though.

Hey, uh, you staying for lunch? I'm making chicken adobo.

I might take you up on that.

I'm gonna be shadowing my candidate for the next couple shifts.

We're getting some day-in-the-life pics of Randy to use in his campaign.

I've been told I posses an "everyman" quality.

Oh, yeah.

I can see my Uncle Luis right there around the gut.

So, I set up a meet-and-greet at the rec center down the block.

Friendly crowd, local firefighters.

It's a great photo op.


And we have a little time to get some sh*ts around the house first.



We've got to talk about Gail McLeod.

Chief, believe me.

Nobody's happy about making budget cuts.

Look, I understand.

Ms. McLeod has a budget to worry about, but she's crossed a line.

It's gettin' personal.

She's making all kinds of insinuations about me, how I run my firehouse, how I dealt with Hadley, which is not her job.

Look, if she wants to crunch her numbers, let her crunch her damn numbers, but you have got to get her off my ass.

I'll see what I can do.

You get that email from McLeod about the new inventory request forms?

Yeah. I got it.

I wish you would have let me handle Darryl.

Thanks, Dawson.

That's exactly what I need to hear to start my day.

I'm not blaming you, Shay.

Good 'cause I was doing just fine without your berating the man with a g*n in his hand.

Well, somebody needed to defuse the situation.

Maybe he just needed to know that somebody cared, you know?

Then again maybe you didn't.

I don't know. I couldn't tell.

What? Of course I cared.

I just... I don't need to lead him on to show him.

Come on.

We were just having fun with each other.

And look where it led.

I didn't pull the trigger.

Let me remind you that I'm the paramedic-in-charge on Ambulance 61.

If you had stepped back like I asked, Darryl might still be alive right now.


I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to...

Sure you did, and by all means, blame me for what happened.

Call in a report with the paramedic chief.

Whatever you need to do to feel better, but do not talk to me.

We will work together. That's it.

There he is.

Hey, buddy.

Appreciate you coming out.


Go get 'em, tiger.


Did you make this little spread out here?

Would it impress you if I did?



Who's paying for all the signage and snacks?

You are.

Then can we just keep it to chips and salsa next time?

Go. Mingle. Remember, no talking points.

No pressure. Just have fun.

Good to see you, Martinez. I'm countin' on your vote.

Hey, Mouch!

If you're such a great union rep, why did you turn your back on a union brother?

This guy was supposed to represent me when I was being forced out of my job.

Why don't you go home?

Because it's my union, too.

I never lied about what happened.

I apologized.

I did everything right.

What did you do?

This guy was afraid to stand up to the brass.

You call that leadership?

I call it a damn joke.

Your side of the story, obviously.


You still the one feeding Pouch?

Get out.

Where's Severide?

In the change-out room, bangin' another secretary?

I said get out!

Don't forget to vote.

I heard what happened with your paramedics this morning.

How are they holding up? Are they all right?

They're working through it.

I understand you spoke to Ed Yates over at C.F.D. headquarters.

I did.

More than happy to tell you exactly what I told him.

No, no. Thank you. He's brought me up to speed.


Ed has been informed that I'm accountable to the state, not to the city of Chicago and not to the C.F.D., so your concerns, they're not really his department.

Well, thank you for coming all this way just to inform me of that.

Anything I can do for you?

What gets you up in the morning, wanting to be a battalion chief?

Why do you still want to do it?

You know, I am not going to stand here, be insulted by somebody who has no idea of the concept about what it is to be a firefighter.

You want to know how I do my job and why I do it?

You know what you can do?

Ask around.

He showed up at a union meeting?

Are you kidding me?

You're surprised?

He's unhinged. I'm telling you.

He's gonna k*ll somebody.

Who's the broad with Boden?

Hm, McLeod.

She's a consultant that the state sent to close firehouses.

That's right, Wally.

Take on the state.

Good strategy.

All right, you'll be hearing from me.

So, basically [Clears throat] everybody has to keep track of their calorie count and report 'em to me so that I can put 'em in my special binder.

Is Mills gonna tell us how many calories he's putting in everything?

Better not. [Laughter]

McLeod can't force us to participate.

We have a contract.

Mouch is right.

You have the right to opt out if you prefer to pay the higher insurance premium.

All right.

So, next thing is they're trying to encourage us to be more active, so they're giving out fitness bonuses to anybody who can pass a fitness test.

Yeah? Cash bonuses?

No. Gift certificates to...

Salad King.



Good enough. What's the test?

Uh, push-ups for men of your age-range.

My age-range?

Start countin'.

[All cheering]

No. You got to schedule an appointment...

[All speaking at once]

No, no. Guys.

Guys, you got to schedule a...

[All speaking at once]

Truck 81. Squad 3. Ambulance 61. Car accident.

[Sirens whirring]

That car was trying to beat somebody to a spot.

He just plowed right through the wall.

She's barely breathing.

To the right, move!

Everybody get back!

Somebody get us out of here!

Watch it!

Oh, God. What do I do?

She's my best friend.

Stay calm, ma'am. We'll get you both out.

Casey, get that car out the drop area.

Pull those pin-ins out.

Got it. Mills, get the chain.

Severide, get up there. Stabilize that car.

There's not enough clearance to get the rig in.

We'll take the aerial up. There's no time.

Get what you need from the squad.

Load it in a buggy. I'll drive you up.

All right, come on.

Driver's losing a lot of blood.

Looks like an arterial bleed.

Be ready. Doesn't look like she's got a lot of time.

Hey, ma'am? Ma'am, can you hear me?


Let's go, let's go, let's go!



I want you to take your scarf and see if you can tie it around the upper part of her arm to stop the bleeding, okay?

A little higher up, right under her shoulder.

Is it safe to get out of the car?

Relax, pal. We're gonna get you out.

We don't have time to stabilize this car.

Chief, I'll go on line and pull the victim out through the back.

Clarke, you secure the rope.

Yes, sir.

Tight as you can. Good.

Those cables aren't gonna hold much longer.

Tony, the chains. Come on!

On line!

You're good to go.

One, two, three, go.

Help me!

I can feel the card sliding!

You gotta sit still. Don't move.

I'm coming in.

Chain's hooked up.

Cover your face!


You're doing great.

She's getting so pale.

I don't know if it's tight enough.

Please, just get me out of this thing.

How we doing on that chain?

It's almost there.

Let's get going.

Come on.

[Metal warping]


Don't let me fall.

I got you.

Cruz, hit it!

Everybody get back.

Get back!

One, two, three, go!

Watch out!

Cruz, grab the hurst.

It's in.

Put it there. Let's get these doors off.

Got it.

Right behind you, Mills.

We need to get a c-collar on her.



You got her?


Watch her shoulder.

She's clear.

One, two, three.

[Gasps] Did it work?

I don't even know if she's still alive.

You saved her life.

Dude. Dude, dude, dude.

So this new apartment is working out great.

Last night we opened up this 18-year-old bottle of whiskey Severide's dad got him.

[Pops] Freakin' awesome. [Laughs]

Good for you.

What's up your ass?

Nothing, Otis.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Is this about the third bedroom?

Because you said I could have it.

I just think it might get a little crowded with Severide datin' Zoya.

Severide and Zoya? Get out of here.

I saw him pick her up from Molly's.

Zoya doesn't drive.

He was giving her a lift.

Dude, Kelly's my boy, all right?

Boys don't do that to their boys.

Wait, is that mousse in your hair?

Ahah. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

No, seriously.


[Tsking] No.

[Sighs] Oh, man.




I saw you left this behind.


I scooped it up for you.

Hey, Clarke.

You sh**t pool?

A little.

How about eight-ball?

It's five bucks a game at the Silver Cue.

You know? We meet there after shift.

I'll take all your money. [Laughs]

Hey, Griffin. Griffin, careful.


Gabby, is Uncle Matt your boyfriend?


No, we're just really good friends.

Told you!

[Phone rings]

I told you not to ask her that.

Hey, quit callin' me, okay? We don't have any money.

It's not about that.

Well, then there's nothing to talk about.

Gabby, will you just listen?

I've heard plenty, thanks.

Okay? You've wasted enough of my time.

You want to keep callin' me I'm callin' the cops.


Griffin fell off the monkey bars!


Oh, God.

Hey, Griffin?

Where does it hurt?

On my side.

It's okay. Just take nice, slow breaths, all right?

You're gonna be all right.

Yeah, I need an ambulance for a possible rib fracture at Adams Park.


He's fine. He's fine.

Um, he's got a... a cracked rib but nothing serious.

They're doing some routine tests.

What happened?

Um, I... I had to take a call and I... I stepped away for a second and apparently he was, like, in the middle of this flip and... [sighs] I had to call...

Hey, it's all right.

It's okay.


Where is he?

[Knock on door]

Ms. McLeod? My name is Benny Severide.

Yes. I know the name.

You have quite the sterling reputation.

It's a privilege.

Thank you.

Please. Come in. Have a seat.


I, uh... I'm sorry to drop in like this but I... I felt that it was important to see you.

Oh, no. It's not a problem at all.

How can I help you?

It's about house 51.


We are working out a few problems over there.

So I understand.

Your son's at 51, isn't he?

Yeah. Yeah.

I'm very proud of him, which is part of the reason I'm here.

I know the guys in that house.

They're good firefighters in a community that depends on them.

My question to you is, is it a problem house or is there a problem chief?

That him?


Something on your mind?

Just... you gotta know what they're sayin' about you in the house.

I'm not an idiot.

So why don't you say something?

Tell your side of it.

No one asked.

Well, I'm askin'.

McLeod asked me to report on house 51.

I said "no."

So then who's the rat in our house?

I don't know, man. I mind my own business.

I don't even know that the...

Okay, stop. Stop.

[Laughs] I mean, it's so cheesy.

I mean, Klingons?

Cylon... you... you haven't even seen the show!


Okay? That's it!

We are gonna do an old-school Battlestar marathon and you are gonna thank me.

Oh, my God.


Oh, I'm glad you moved in with us.

Me too. This is great.

[Laughs] It's great. It's really great, right?


And I need this!

You know, I need... I need to have more fun!

Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah.



In my life.

Just in general.


And I... [sighs] and this face.

[Laughs] I mean, you're such a cutie-pie!





Don't tell Kelly about this, okay?


33rd and Bell.

That's on the dangerous buildings list.

Let's take a ride.

What's up, Herrmann?

Eh, you know.

I got snack duty.



All right, so listen.

Has Gabby talked to you about Molly's at all?

Just that you guys are gettin' soaked by that new bar down the street.

You been inside that place?

Of course not. You?


Well, once. For a birthday party.

It would have been rude not to show up.

Well, we got another problem besides Game Day.


The old coot who we bought Molly's from, we kind of inherited this hanger-on type guy.

We agreed to give him 1%, but he's been gettin' more aggressive and showing up with some real knuckle-draggers.

Now, she'd k*ll me for telling you this, but Dawson got mixed up with one of those guys.

She cut him loose, but he ain't going away easy.

I want a name.

Hey, check it out.

Squad three to main.

Hey, you want some?


You enjoying all that extra streaks I made you wash?

[Chuckles] Yeah.

You guys know he was in Iraq, right?

Yeah? As a spy?

No. First battalion, eighth marines.

He was in one of the bloodiest battles of the w*r.

Yeah, well I wouldn't believe everything this guy tells you.

[Alarm sounds]

Truck 81. Squad 3. Engine 51.

Ambulance 61. Structure fire.

[Sirens whirring]

Chief, it's Hadley.

Windows are all blocked.

The only way in or out is through the front.

It's a death trap.

This building is known to have squatters.

We've got to get inside to do a search. No choice.

Everybody proceed with extreme caution.

Floors and stairs might be weak.

Truck, Squad, get in there.

Clear a path for engine to get their attack lines in.

Got it, Chief. Everybody mask up.

Let's get that door open.

Through this door. Spread out.

Truck go left, squad go right.

Fire department, call out!

Anybody see anything?

No, but there's that smell again.

This floor's clear. Let's move up to the fifth.

Everybody watch yourselves.

Fire department! Call out!

Let's clear a path for engine.

Check every square inch.

Squatters could be hiding anywhere.

Engine 51, you're clear to bring in the attack lines.

On our way.

Take cover!

Fire device just went off!

Keep down, there's more!

We gotta get off this floor!

Exit's blocked!

Chief, fire's accelerating fast.

There's another stairwell in the 2-3 corner, 40 feet due west.

This way!

Flames are closing in.

Where the hell is it?


It's locked. Got to force it. Cruz!


Hey! In there!

I'm going after Hadley, everybody else finish searching the lower levels and get the hell out!

Let's start on three and work our way down.


Hadley's close, Chief. I'm gonna bring him out.






All I have to do is drop this bottle.

Flatten the whole block and everybody on it.


It's Kevin now? [Laughs]

None of this is worth it, man.

You can still walk out of here alive.

Or we can all go out together.

Hey, hey! Hey!



In here!


Watch it, watch it.

Get him on the gurney.


You're still here?

This is the one.


Damn, man. You scared me.

You're the snitch.

What did you just call me?

You heard what I said.

Watch your mouth, candidate.

You have been feeding information to McLeod this entire time.

You're the rat.

There's two kinds of people in the world.

Predators and prey.

You'll drive yourself crazy trying to understand cases like Hadley.

All you got to do is make sure that you're never the prey.

Thanks for being here, pop. It means a lot.

Don't mention it, kid.

I miss my mom.

I know you do, buddy.

She misses you guys.

She'll be out soon.

A year.

It'll go by fast. I promise.

See you in the morning.

Can you stay with me till I fall asleep?

Of course.

Here, I'll tuck you in.

I can't believe Herrmann opened his big mouth.

I'm glad he did!

You're mixed up with some heavy stuff, Gabby.

Don't... don't worry about it, okay?

It's not a big deal.

No, it is, and you're trying to downplay it 'cause you're embarrassed you got mixed up with a deadbeat.


Yeah. Maybe a little.

All right, but here's the deal, and this does not get repeated, you hear me?

[Sighs] Okay.

There's something you need to know about this Jay guy.



You're a cop?

[Laughter in background]
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