02x03 - Defcon 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x03 - Defcon 1

Post by bunniefuu »


Previously on Chicago fire...

Wasn't a kitchen fire, chief.

When I was looking at the dangerous buildings map, it hit me that all the arsonist's targets were on there. It's a fire fighter.

Steady work has been pretty hard to come by.

Is that why you're setting the fires?

I guess you better prove it.

You get 1% all for doing nothing but walking away from our bar.

There is a scotch tasting happening Friday night.

Would you want to join me?

I'd love to.

Allowing visitors to ride on any of the apparatus is a serious violation.

How does she know that?

There is a snitch in the house.

Fire's comin'!

I pled guilty to D.U.I. manslaughter.

Can you take care of Griffin and Ben?

I think you've outgrown these sneakers.

Griffin, please don't kick your backpack.

You're gonna smash your lunch.

You guys know the drill, right?

My sister Christie is gonna pick you up from school today and you'll stay at her house tonight while I'm on shift.


Tomorrow's our big day, so I'm going to pick you up from school early.

Try not to get too dirty at lunch.

I told you, I'm not going.

I know, Griffin.

But you have to.


I'm picking you up early tomorrow, and that's the end of it.

Now let's get going.

I'm already late.


Where was it?

Right where you said. In the console.

Thank you so much for driving it over.

Thank you.

No worries.

Are you rushing to get away from me again?


Look, I was just in a relationship that... that fell apart.


So I guess this is good-bye forever?



I owe you one.

A marker. I like that.

What's it good for?

Come to Molly's tomorrow night and find out.


Severide, hey.

Hey, what's up, Otis?


I was just talking to Shay, told me the good news.

Good news?

Your new apartment.

Sounds tight.

Oh. Yeah, thanks.

Yeah, no, problem.

She did say it was a three-bedroom, and you guys might be looking for a third roommate to, uh...

[Clicks tongue] defray the costs.

She said that?

Hey! Yo, Otis!

We agreed we were gonna to him together.

Why do you even need a new place, Cruz?

Your apartment isn't bad.

You spend a night in my neighborhood, lulled to sleep by g*nf*re!

You try living two doors down from my mother.

Now, Severide, this is exactly the kind of drama you won't have to deal with if you choose a mellow, mature roommate.

[Scoffs] Guys, it's just an apartment.

You haven't even seen the place.

I can come by right after shift.

Me too.

Listen, this isn't cheerleader tryouts.

You guys need to work this out amongst yourselves.

Chief! Hey!

You got a minute?

Just the one.


I know who our arsonist is.



No way. I'm not buying it.

Look, I don't want to believe it myself, but I got a real bad feeling about this.


My old man, he wants to take it arson, but... he'd like to get your blessing first.

You got any proof?

No, but I...


I had my issues with the man, but he's a fire fighter and a good one.

So you want to accuse him of starting fires, you'd better have more than a bad feeling.

[Alarm wails]

[Over P.A.] Squad 3, Ambulance 61.

Car in water.

330 West Lower Wacker.

Driver lost control and barreled right through the guard rail.

Anyone come up?

Not since I got here.

How many in the vehicle?

No idea.

[Metal creaking]

[Pounding, muffled yelling]

[Indistinct police radio chatter]

Give him a tug.

Something's wrong. Try him again.

Rope's caught on something.

He's off line. Damn it!

Shay, grab me the monitor.

What happened down there? You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

Why are you two so eager to move in with Shay and Severide, anyway?

For the residual tail, Mouch.

The... the what now?

Okay, between Severide and Shay, think how many beautiful women are going to be parading through the apartment.

Imagine it: Severide is out at the bar, he's chatting up some babe.

She's got a friend.


The fun doesn't have to stop there.

All he has to say is, "hey, let's take this back to my place where we can hang out with my awesome roommate, Joe."



Okay, Mouch, why do you want to be their roommate?

I've been lonely since Mari left.

Oh, yeah. That's not pathetic at all.

Great news, Otis.

I just got our beer distributor to comp us two kegs for the promotion.

Way to hustle, Herrmann.

Good beer or cheap beer?

Free beer.

Meanwhile, I still need 200 signatures to secure my nomination.

Relax, all right? We'll get there.

Hey, you know, Mouch, you should meet my friend, Isabella.

She spent the last two years in D.C.

Working for some congressman.

And she's back home now trying to start up her own political consulting firm.

That's overkill, don't you think?

It's not like he's running for POTUS.

Thank you, Gabriela.

I would very much like to meet your friend.

Wait, hold on. Is she hot?

She's straight.

Hey, Mills, um, you got a sec?

Yeah. What's up, Lieutenant?

My pop's out on the apron.

He wants to come in but doesn't want to disrespect you.

So, if you want him to stay outside...

Yeah, tell him he can stay outside.

He's here to help out with the arson investigation.



Where I come from, you get in a fight, you shake each other's hands afterwards... and you put it behind you.

I can do that if you can.

I like you, kid. You remind me of...

This doesn't make us buddies.

Just find the son of a bitch who torched my mom's diner.


Just tell me why you think I should give you my blessing to investigate Kevin Hadley.

There's a well-established psychological profile for fire fighter arsonists, and Hadley fits it to a tee.

They tend to be white and male.

They come from broken homes.

Hadley's father abandoned them when he was 13.

They're usually unmarried.

They lack stable interpersonal relationships.

I mean, Chief, you saw the way he blew everything up around here.

Benny, you're talking about half the fire fighters I know, including you.

Chief, it's Hadley right down the list.

So you think he's motivated by anger over getting kicked out of 51?

You told him he wasn't worthy of this house, so he's trying to prove you wrong...

Show you that he's smarter than you are.

And he isn't going to stop until someone's dead.

Chief, you should know that I...

I confronted Hadley about this.


What'd he say?

He said, "Prove it."

Hey, Pete.


How's your mom doing?


Trying to decide if she should rebuild or just call it quits.

Tell her we're going to take this arsonist down.

She knows.

We draw straws for the third bedroom.


No, there is no way I am leaving this up to random chance.

It ought to be about who wants it most.

We should have a contest.


The "Cinnamon challenge."

Where you try to eat a spoonful of cinnamon in under 60 seconds?


You mean the Internet craze that lands people in the hospital with a collapsed lung?

Yeah, that's the one.

What are we, a bunch of frat boys all of a sudden?

It's cool.

Benny's got a solid reason to be here.

They told you about Hadley?

What about Hadley?


Kelly thinks Hadley's the one responsible for the arson fires.


Shay, are you serious?

[Objects clatter]


[Cell phone vibrates] I'll talk to him.

This is Matt.

Yeah, why?

Chief, need a big favor.

I got to run out for half an hour.

After you were late this morning?

Yeah, I know, Chief, but can Herrmann cover as acting officer while I'm gone?

You need a Lieutenant to cover for you.

I need that paperwork on my desk.

Chief, it's half an hour.

There better be a damn good reason.

There is.


[School bell rings]

Believe me, Griffin and I are gonna have a long talk the minute I get off shift. This won't happen again.

I have to say, Matt, this whole child care situation doesn't exactly instill me with confidence.

We're making the best of it.

There are other options.

Not for me.

I... I have an obligation to Heather and her late husband.

Matt, your only obligation is to Griffin and Ben.

You need to make sure they have constant and proper guidance.

And if I feel like you can't provide that while you're working 24-hour shifts, well, then I have to share my concerns with DCFS.

[Door opens] Hello?



I'm sorry. You are?

I'm Gabby Dawson. I'm with Matt.

[Police radio chatter, static]


I'm sorry about that.

I'm sorry. I'm still on duty.





This isn't like Griffin at all.

Obviously, he's acting out.

In a span of a year, he's lost his father, and his mother's been taken away.

But he'll get there.

He'll get there.

He just needs to know that we're here and that we love him and it's okay to feel whatever he's feeling right now.

Thank you.

That's, uh... that's just what I was about to tell Matt.

[School bell rings]

Boden's got a big mouth. You didn't have to come.

But you're so glad I did.

Griffin, what are you doing?

You can't just go around hitting kids.

All right, we'll talk later.

I'm gonna pick you up early tomorrow.

You can't. I have detention.

Griffin, it's not like I'm trying to drag you along to pick up my dry cleaning.

This is a big deal.


Matt, if you're gonna engage in a battle of wills with an 11-year-old, you're gonna lose.

So what? I'm supposed to back down?

No. No, just back off a little.

Let him come to you.

Oh, good afternoon, Chief.

[Both chuckle]

Ms. McLeod.

Come right in.


Um, listen.

A Kevin Hadley was dismissed from your house earlier this year.

Is that correct?

Why is arson discussing ongoing investigations with an outside consultant?

The reasons for his transfer are vague.

Why'd you force him out?

I don't believe that's your business.

Chief, all due respect, if one of your former men is now setting fires all over this city, it doesn't exactly cast your leadership abilities in the most flattering light.

Kevin Hadley exhibited unacceptable behavior toward another fire fighter.

He couldn't remain in the house.

I showed him the door.

Without filing a grievance with human resources?

I opted not to report his behavior.

My aim was to get the man out of the house, not to ruin his career.

So you let his unacceptable behavior go unreported, and now he's targeting 51 with arson fires.


Well, thank you, Chief.

I just needed to get some clarification on that.

You have a good day.


How's it going, Clarke?


So a bunch of us are going to Molly's tomorrow.

You should join us.


Sure, tip back a few beers, get to know us all a bit better.

What's a movie from 1985 starring Cher?

Four letters.

I don't know. Addams Family?

Anyhow, maybe we'll see you at Molly's.

Your wife too.

Bring her along.

Hey, Capp.

Can I borrow you for a second?

Brian, just go slow.

If I feel a pinch, I'll speak up.

You're sure about this.

It's gonna destroy the ring.

Or maybe we can get it off with olive oil.

My wife moved out, back in August.

So I don't need the ring anymore.

Sorry to hear that.

Yeah, what are you gonna do?

[Alarm wails]

Keep that under your hat, huh?

Ambulance 61...

Yeah, sure.

2051 West Potomac.


I just pretended to be Casey's girlfriend.

Um, anyway, it's kind of a long story.

But the point is, it wasn't a big deal.

I mean, I wasn't, like, nervous or awkward or anything.

I'm content just being his friend.


You're really into this Jay guy, aren't you?

Yeah, I think I am.


Here we go.

What are we looking at?

Over here. My buddy Chris.

He's got a little... problem.

Yep, that's a problem.

Okay, one nail I get. But four?

He disabled the safety on his nail g*n so it'll sh**t rapid fire.

A real time saver.

They're in pretty tight.

Hey, Dawson, should we call a truck?

I don't know. He's already going into shock.

Do you have a saw?

We need to cut this board free.

Yeah, here.

Whoa! Oh!


Deep breaths, deep breaths. There you go.

Cut it as short as you can.

Ooh, ooh, ooh...

[Saw grating] Oh! It's vibrating!

Sorry, man! Are you okay?

He won't be okay until we get him to a hospital.

Keep cutting.

I can't. I can't!

We're not amputating an arm. It's a piece of wood!

Give it to me. Cover his eyes.

[Saw grating]

[Man screaming]



Can you stand up?

Nice and easy.

Here you go. Stay close to me.

Oh, and you guys should be wearing eye protection.

All right, this is an I.P.A.

It's a little hoppier than the last one.

Give it a taste.

It's not bad, right?

We got a whole slew of different...

I'm telling you, girl, you'd love Daft Punk.

"Get lucky." Oh, you're kidding me!

The guys with the crazy helmets!

[Foreign accent] Oh! Is that the horsey-riding song?

The... [galloping]



God, no. No. You know what, girl?

You're about to have your horizons broadened.

I am gonna make you a mix CD. Just you wait.

Hey, Cruz. Mouch is here.

Time for the cinnamon challenge.

We're not really gonna do this thing, are we?

Are you kidding me?

I've been promoting it on my podcast.

I mean, people came out here to watch.

You know what? I don't need the apartment that bad.

I'm out.

Look like it is down to you and me, Cruz.

May the best man win.

Dude, this is ground cumin.

[Container thuds] Oh, sh**t.

Hey, they're right next to each other on the shelf!

Hey, Mouch.

I want you to meet my girl Isabella.

Ah, the kingmaker, huh?


I've heard a lot about you.

And I about you.

Sounds like you could use some campaign help.

Nice. Firm grip.

Nobody ever won an election with clammy hands.

The secret is: I wipe my palm on my pants.

So talk to me about your campaign strategy.

Uh, we just started talking about what I should...

Oh, cute.



Here, try this one.

Who is this guy?

Oh, that? That's Jay. He's sort of a regular now.

They're... they're just friends.

It's cool, Otis.

I can handle it.
[Low conversation]

She looks happy.

[Police siren whooping]

Who's in charge here?

He is.

Hey, how ya doin', officers?

Come back after shift and try the autumn ale.

We got a complaint from one of your neighbors.

You're kidding me. Who complained?

You know I can't tell you that.

Look, I'm afraid you're gonna have to shut this booth down.

No, no, no, no...

I cleared this with the city, see?

I got a permit that says we can hold an outdoor event, see?

[Paper rustles] We're on the up and up.

This isn't about permits.

"Unlimited beer tasting, $10."

It's a violation of happy hour laws.

Can't serve unlimited alcohol for a set price.

Shut it down or get fined.


Game day.

Sorry, folks. Gotta shut it down.

You wanna go to Defcon 5, Game Day?

I can go to Defcon 5.

Defcon 5 is actually the lowest level.

Shut up, Otis.


What does that mean exactly, "They put him on their list of suspects"?

Means that they're taking our suspicions seriously.

They'll dig into Hadley's background, maybe bring him in for questioning.

What they ought to do is keep an eye on him 24/7.

They need to catch him in the act.

Arson investigation doesn't have the manpower for that kind of surveillance.

Hell, I got time on my hands.

I'll stake out his place.

Kelly, you start meddling with the investigation, and you could put their case on very shaky procedural grounds.

Please, just let A.I. handle it, okay?

Wow. Hey.

This is a nice place you found here, Leslie.

Thank you. And thanks so much for helping out.

I... I feel bad. You probably want to get back to Beth and the kids.

No, no, it's okay.

Anyway, Kelly needs me.

Well, come on. Between these arson fires and Renee pulling the rug out from under you...

You're having trouble at home, aren't you?

Well, Beth and I are taking a little break right now.

Oh, boy.

No, no, it's gonna be fine.

I'm driving back to Kenosha every weekend.

It'll work out, okay?

Hey, can you give me a hand with the coffee table?

[Shay mutters]

We were doing pretty good there until officer friendly showed up.

After expenses, we cleared 62 bucks.

And remember, Arthur's gonna show up at the end of the week to collect his share of that.

Great. Thanks for reminding me.

Arthur's this wannabe mobster who weaseled his way into a silent partnership.

Total leech.

[Drawer bangs]

Hey, go home, Herrmann.

You've been on your feet all day.

I'll finish cleaning up.

Thanks, Dawson.

Maybe I'll go pour myself a nice, big, tall glass of antifreeze.

[Keys jingle]

Good night.


Do you want a hand with the glasses?

[Keys jingle]

Yeah, we could wash the glasses.

Or we could... let them soak awhile.

[Keys clatter]

You need anything, Gabby?

Sorry, what?

You want some toast or something?

Oh, no.

Sorry, I'm great. Thanks.

See, you just got re-tweeted.


Dawson, I owe you big-time.

Isabella's a real find. What's going on?

I set Randy up with a social media presence so he can reach out to the online CFD community.

Now he can gather endorsements electronically.

I only need 120 more signatures, and I'm on the ballot.

That's great.

Where's Herrmann?

He should see this. [Laughs]

Thanks so much for doing this.

Yeah, it's great practice.

And if I can get Randy elected union president that'll really help me establish myself in Chicago.


Plus it's no chore hanging around a firehouse, if you know what I mean.

I think Pete over there has a thing for me.

Oh, he's your ex?

Gabby, I didn't realize.

Don't worry, he's off-limits.

No, no.

Actually... you know what?

He's fair game.



Can I have your attention, please?

As per discussion I have just had with our consultant friend Ms. McLeod, from here on out, anyone who must leave a shift for personal reasons, you need to submit a request and allow enough time for a relief to be brought in.

Absolutely no exceptions.

By the way...


Cinnamon challenge.

Are you out of your mind?

Oh, it's cool, Chief.

We're gonna have a paramedic present.

You are a fire fighter with the city of Chicago, and you are promoting a dangerous stunt that has filled emergency rooms with victims who are stupid enough to try it!

Cinnamon challenge? What cinnamon challenge?

We're not doing a cinnamon challenge.

I didn't think so.

How is she finding out all this stuff?

I know she doesn't subscribe to your podcast.

Can I have your attention, please?

I got an announcement to make too!

Just a heads up.

Lately we've been finding rat turds all over the house.

Seems that we have an infestation.

Finkus backstabberus... better known as the common snitch.

Not to fear, though.

These disgusting vermin don't typically last long at 51.

Something you wanna say to me, Herrmann?

Just puttin' it out there, Clarke.

A general warning.

Well, maybe I should give you a very specific warning.

Come on. Come on!


Enough. Enough!

Enough of this.

You gotta be kidding me.

Old 51. I miss this place.

Easy, Mills.

How's everyone been?

What are you doing here?

Just wanna buy a T-shirt.

Got to support the local firehouse, right?

Get out.

Before I carry you out.

Why? So you can keep spreading lies about me?

What can we help you with, Hadley?

That's a laugh.

If I ever need help with anything, this is the last place I'll come looking for it.

Hey, buddy? New guy.

Watch your back around here.

Word to the wise.

[Alarm wails]

Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25.

House fire. South California and Madison.

[Sirens whooping]

[Horn blasting]

It's a condemned house. Structurally unsound.

He's setting another trap for us, Chief.

Yeah, no doubt.

I'm gonna hold off.

Truck 81, Squad 3, stand down.

Engine 51, hit it with your water cannon.

Nobody goes inside.

We gonna let this one burn to the ground if we have to.

[Glass shatters]

[Man groans]

Dawson, Shay!

Hey, buddy.

Hey, buddy.

Hold still! Hold still! Don't move.

My girlfriend's inside.

I can't find her.

Send me and Capp in.

That fire's in the structure.

We'll do one rapid primary search, and we'll get out.

You got one minute.

Capp! Come on, let's move.

Herrmann! Mills! Get 'em a straight ladder.

Got it.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Take it easy.

My girlfriend is...

Take it easy!

They're looking for her right now, okay?

If she's still up there, they'll find her.

No! She's not... she's not upstairs!


She woke me up.

Said she smelled something funny coming from the basement.

I think she went back down there!

Chief! We got a problem!

Severide, get out of there.

She is not upstairs. Get outta there now.

Copy that! Capp!

Spellman, get a crew in the back door with a 1 3/4-inch hose.

Clear a path for truck to get into the basement.

On it, chief.



With me.

Fire department! Call out!

[Instrument blipping]


We got her!


Chief! We're cut off!

We're gonna need help getting out of the side window in sector four!

51! Bring a ladder to sector four!

[Glass shattering]

Move! They don't have long!

All right, ready? Go!

Got her?

She's breathing.

Lift her up.

Mills, you first.

[Low chatter]

On "three." One, two, three.

We need saline and an IO drill and burn sheets... lot's of 'em.


Take it easy, Severide!

You almost k*lled that girl, you son of a bitch!

She could spend the next six months in the burn unit 'cause of you!

Now, this is insanity.

Just followed you over here to watch you work.

We know you started this fire!

How could I?

I was at 51 when it happened. You saw me.

Severide! Severide.

You know what?

Keep your lousy T-shirt.

Let's go! We got a fire to fight.

We're gonna go inside and sign us in.

Then we'll walk through a metal detector, just like at the airport.

They'll take us to a visiting room, then the guards will bring your mom in to sit and talk.

She'll be wearing kind of a funny jumpsuit and maybe she won't have on any makeup.

But she's still your mom.

She still loves you.

Can we just get on with it?


Listen to me, I've been where you are.

I know it's not easy to see your mom this way, but you have no idea what a great thing it is you're doing for her.

You two are all she has right now.

So keep being brave.

For her.


All right.



Okay, let's do it.

[Baby crying]



[Machinery beeping, buzzing, low chatter]



Mama! Mom!


I missed you.

So I gotta sit there and listen to this guy Rome from arson and my old man lecture me about how I'm playing right into Hadley's hands.

That I'm giving him the attention he craves.

What do they expect you to do?

They want me to ignore him.

So he gets bolder, I guess... I don't know... and slips up.

What, or k*ll someone?

That's... yes.

That's what I said.

I mean...

Hadley worked under me for two years.

I should have seen this coming.

Whoa. Look, Kelly.

Don't put yourself through that. It's not your fault.

I'm just sick and tired of waiting for bells to go off.

We need to stop reacting and start anticipating.

That's what we need to do.

No, what we need to do is let arson handle this.

And you and I need to go somewhere and get drunk.

Come on, I'm buying.


Yeah! Come on.

[Both laugh]

God, you cheap-ass!

Come on.

Come on, Otis, we got drinks to serve.

This'll only take a minute.

And you're gonna love it.

Trust me.

[Clicks tongue]

[Police radio chatter]



Did you call the fire marshal to report an over-capacity crowd at Game Day?

I don't know what you're talking about, Christopher.

What are you guys doing?

I think Otis just took us to Defcon 1.

Right this way, folks! We got half-price drinks!

Come on in and party!

[Both laugh]

Go get 'em!

I'm getting outta here. [Chucking]



You burned me a CD? Aw.

You are adorable.



What's up, Cruz?

[Engine revving]

[Distant voices]

Everything all right?

He wants you to promise you won't go away.

Like mom and dad.

I'm right here, guys.

I'm not going anywhere.

[Loud overlapping chatter]

Where's Zoya?

No idea.

Okay, so...

Due to liability concerns, we had to Ixnay the cinnamon challenge.

But... but fear not. for Joe Cruz and I... are going to attempt the saltine cr*cker challenge: Where we will attempt to eat six crackers in under a minute with not a drop of water.

[Random groans]

No, no, no, no.

It's gonna be awesome. Trust me.

Okay, here we go.

[Timer beeps]



You can take the third bedroom.

I'm out.





[Unimpressed comments] Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Ha ha ha!

All I ask is that you don't sit idly by while Greg Sullivan runs unopposed.

Your signature will help put me on the ballot, make sure we have a real choice at the voting booth.

Thank you, Tony.


He's like a new man.

Give me a lump of clay, and I'll mold it into a masterpiece.

Oof! [Both chuckle]

We're about to get our last two signatures.

Um, do you want to celebrate later?

Yeah, it sounds like fun.

Uh, do you realize that Gabby and I...

Gabby and I talked.

She's cool with it.




We did it!

200 signatures. We made the deadline.

I am on the ballot!

[Cheers and applause]

Hey, you and me, buddy!

We're going all the way! Wow!

Well, well, well.

How about this crowd, huh?

Things are really looking up around here, huh?


Hey, Dawson, get Arthur his dough... so he can be on his way.

Some kinda joke?

That's 1%, per our agreement.

What? You want an audit?

No, tough guy. I don't want an audit.

I want a new deal.

See, my man Jay here... he's been assessing your business.

We'll talk numbers soon, huh?

So... when you said that you were...

You were working construction, you meant you were working for Arthur?


And you came here to spy on us?

Get outta my bar.

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