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03x17 - The Fight for Castle McDuck!

Posted: 03/03/24 22:41
by bunniefuu
Deep in the heart of scotland

lies the ancestral home
of clan mcduck,

a family whose name is
synonymous with greatness.

Magic mists keep the castle
hidden out of time

except for once,
every five years.

So, where are the mists?

Did you break it?

No, this magic castle
is on the fritz.

You gave us a lemon!

It's a typical homecoming
as scrooge and his father

perform a traditional
scottish greeting ritual.

Oh, let's just be thankful
for this unexpected visit.

Family hug!


Downey mcduck,
the matriarch of the family

and keeper of its stories.

What secrets does she hold?

Well, uhh...

- There's the thing about...
- this is perfect!

With the castle back early,
we can finally find

this legendary artifact...

The blessed bagpipe
of clan mcduck.

Bless me bagpi...
Oh, that's why he says it.

Why was isabella finch looking
for some old mcduck junk?

According to finch,
the bagpipe can

"bring life to that
which has not".

A rare and probably
expensive thingie?!

Um, I guess.

I'm gonna be rich!
And the best part is,

we've already tripped all
the traps and done the whole

"spooky, mystical
castle mcduck" thing,

- so this should be a breeze!
- Ah, but this old castle

is full of secrets
and dark mysteries.

- A whole new adventure may...
- No! Bad nerd!

Stop trying to complicate this.
This is just us

snatching something
from our ancestral home...

For safe-keeping,
because we care

so deeply about
our family history.

Treasures of the past,
tales of the future

and a mystery for now...

What could have made
castle mcduck

reappear from the mists
four years early?

♪ life is like a hurricane ♪

♪ here in duckburg ♪

♪ race cars, lasers,
aeroplanes ♪

♪ it's a duck blur! ♪

♪ Might solve a mystery ♪

♪ or rewrite history! ♪

♪ Duck tales! Whoo ooh ♪

♪ every day
they're out there making ♪

♪ duck tales! Whoo ooh ♪

♪ tales of daring, do bad ♪

♪ and good luck tales!
Whoo ooh! ♪

That's strange.

Seems like the magic
has been drained somehow.

Scrooge mcduck inspects

the castle's
mystical foundations.

Got to be delicate
when dealing with

unpredictable druid stones.

I've got it.

Oh! Now, you broke my castle
and my foot!

I broke...? If you
don't like how I do things,

you can call one of
your other kids instead.

Who do you think I called first?

Hello, brother!

Oh, matilda!

I thought you were off
selling goat yogurt?

It was goat-gurt
and, unfortunately,

that business went sour.

- What?!
- What is happening?!

Scrooge's youngest sister,

A mcduck I've never met?!

This is the coolest!

Stay professional, webby.

This is the coolest.

Hey, did you ever try to
slap your sibling so hard

that your other sibling felt it
and then they did?

Dewey, please.
They're better than that.

- They're mcducks!
- Yes.

Your sister is back at home.

Just until I get my
next big idea on its feet.

- Oh - and you are?

Hi, I'm webby, I-just-met-you

Got good taste, this one.

Well, you may be
interested to learn about

my egg-citing new business!

A businesswoman,
just like her brother!

It's an emu farm!

Well, not just like her brother.

Animals live outside!

Why have a bunch of
noisy chickens cluckin' about,

laying lots of puny eggs
when you could have one bird

that lays a giant egg?

I'll be rollin' in emu-lah!

Eh? Ehh?

Ah! well,
let me be the first to invest.

Ach, I don't need to start
my business with family money

like some billionaire I know.

I got my start with hard work.

And that dime daddy gave you.

Did everyone know about that,
but me?!

Yes. Well.
I'm gonna go ice my foot.

- You two got a handle on this.
- We'll get on it, da.

As soon as scroogie
gets out of this headlock.

The love between them
is palpable.

Uh, sure.

I've divided the castle
into a grid.

- We sweep counterclockwise...
- Ah!

Oh, sorry,
I was taking a "huooze."

that's a snooze I take
while huey

explains boring nerd stuff.

Trademark louie duck.

My nerd stuff

is going to find us
the missing mystery.

Yeah, sure. Or...

Hey, great-great-grandma downy!

Where do you
keep your magic pagpipes?!

Check the junk room, next to
the christmas lights, dears.

- Come on, I'll show you.
- Hmm. Much easier.

Yep, good. Who wants to solve

an elaborate ancient puzzle

I'm not disappointed.

Ssh! Would you please be quiet?!

Oh, so sorry, mr. Blot.

This is my first mission,
if you can believe it!

So honored to be
your partner, by the way.

I've already learned so much...
How to suck up magic mists,

how to become
one with the shadows...

Am I talking too much?
'cause I talk too much.

Ugh. I told fowl I work alone.

Well now, this lone wolf
is in a wolf pack, pal!

Director buzzard's orders...

Everyone gets a partner
for missing mystery missions.

Ooh, that's a tongue twister!

The bagpipe is
a dangerous magical artifact.

The mcducks
cannot find it first!

Stick to the shadows.
Quiet as the grave.

Shadow. Grave. Got it.
Sneaky. Silent. Spooky.

- Ooh!
- Stop it!

I don't know why the mists
would have parted early.

The castle's
still lousy with magic.

Each room more magical
than the next!

What is this trove of
historical wonderment?!


This is the statuary hall.

Where the most legendary
members of clan mcduck

are memorialized in stone
for all eternity.

Each mcduck here, is a...
Where'd you go?


Those are the twins,
murdoch and danny.

Cool bow and arro... oh, no...

and here's agnes,
countess mcduck.

She singlehandedly stopped
the whiskerville rebellion.

One of our ancestors
was invisible?!

That empty pedestal
is waiting for

the next worthy family member.

Only the greatest mcducks
get a statue.

You mean, like uncle scrooge?

You know, for when he dies

many, many hundreds of years
from now.

Oh, well, webby, pfft.

It would be a nice token
but statues aren't...

you?! Ha! Riches are
all well and good, brother,

but we aren't making a statue
of the money, are we?

I'm the one taking care of
the castle and ma and da.

I'm sure I'd help
around the house more

if I lived at home
half the time.

A magical home that I built

which has granted you
immortality, by the way.

What's happening?

Why are they saying mean things
in a nice way?

Oh, it's just
a little sibling rivalry.

My brothers and I
get into it all the time,

but it's no big deal because,
deep down,

they all know I'm the best one.

Trust me, it'll all blow over
if you just leave it alone.

Right. Okay. Leave it alone.

Oh, I gotta fix this!

Help yourselves, boys!

See, huey? Easy as... why?!

How will we know which one is
the right bagpipe?!

So many variables!

And what if one of them
is cursed or deadly?!

Looks like this is gonna be
harder than we thought!

If one of these bagpipes
kills me,

I'm gonna be so mad at you!

"taking care of ma and da."

hey, uncle scrooge!

Oh, what's this?

An old family photo album?!

Let's look at it
for no suspicious reasons!

Look how close
you and matilda were! Aww!

Our first business...
Mcduck's famous mudslide pie.

Made with genuine mud!

Only made a penny
but we had a lot of fun.

See? Why don't you
forget about the statue

and love your sister again?

Ah, dinnae fash yerself, lass.
Of course, I love my sister!

No silly family squabble
could change...




You said whiskers ran away.

What?! That could be
any old clump of hair.

Where is he, eh?
Oh, I bet you've got him

stashed away somewhere... ah ha!

Oh, that whiskers.

Were you dying his fur?!

It was for matil-dos!
My very popular salon!

That clump of hair was my pet!

This was supposed to fix things,

but instead it's
broken into a fight!

This is not a fight,
this is a squabble.

No punches, no tears,
and no parents stepping in.

It's fine.



If you get me in trouble,
I swear to grammy's ghost

I will take you, and all
you hold dear, down with me!

Okay, now it's a fight.

I broke clan mcduck!

Scrooge! Your
blasted clump of hair

is choking my beloved pet
slash business venture!

- That's because your...
- What's the matter? Who's hurt?

Ach! What is that filthy
creature doing in my house?!

Attacking my prize emu,
that's what!

Whiskers! What has scrooge
done to you?!

Me?! It was matilda!

You probably weren't
watching him well enough!

What did I tell you?
Animals live outside!

It's not an animal,
it's an investment!

Whiskers is family!

That could have gone worse?

In order to bring life

to that which has not,
the blessed bagpipe

has its own
metaphysical resonance.

Testing for
a metaharmonic frequ...

Watch it! There's a system here!

Ugh, let's just play them all
and get this over with already.


We're free!

The bagpipe!

To find where I hide,

follow these steps
and look inside.

Man, it's none of these.
How're we gonna find it now?

Careful deductive reasoning!


If I could just decipher
the runes in the journal...

Too complicated.

Metaphysically speaking,
if I could just...

you nearly gave us away!

Sorry, mr. Blot. I got
a bad case of the sneezies.

Funny story, my name's pepper,
but I'm allergic to pep...

Look at these
unnatural atrocities!

Aw, a rainbow.

It makes me sick!

Nothing will stop me
from destroying this family

and their
wretched castle of wizardry!

Whoa, there,
just hold your horses.

I know you hate magic and all,

but if we hold off
on destroying everything,

I can triangulate the path
to these runes

and then they'll
lead us to the bagpipe!

I suppose you have a point.

And maybe the thing
you thought was annoying

turned out to be
pretty helpful, huh?


Da, pass the neeps and tatties.

Tatties are for children
who follow the rules.

Um, at least they're
not yelling anymore.

This is way worse.

We've gone past fight
into a full family feud.

Mama, ask papa to stop hogging
the black pudding.

This is for whiskers.
He's had a hard day.

No animals at my table!

Scroogie, flip over this table
you bought me for emphasis.


You don't get to flip
the table! I flip the table!


We have got to fix them!
This can't be the end

of the most perfect,
wonderful family of all time!

If we get involved,
we'll just make it worse.

- Hmph!
- Hmph!

You're right. Although, the
person who helps end this feud

would be the savior
of clan mcduck.

Might even get their own
statch-dew... sorry, statue.

Everyone! Come quick!
Dewey's hurt!

Oh, dear!

Oh! My blood! Put it back in,
put it back in!! Ugh!

Oh, the pain! It hurts... so bad!

Oh, no!

Boy! Lad, what happened?

He was worried
about you fighting.

He tried to make you both
a statue. But he fell off and-

here, under the eyes of
the greatest members

of clan mcduck, your
bickering has lead to disaster!

Why did dewey have to suffer
for your petty squabbles?


Oh, dear!

Dewey! Oh, lad! I'm so sorry!

Look what your pettiness
has done

to my favorite great-nephew!

- What?!
- I'm your favorite?

Of course. Nothing is ever
precious scroogie's fault!

Maybe your nephew was hurt
by your own negligence!

Aye, just like his negligence
hurt poor whiskers!

No, it's getting worse!

Hey! That rune
matches one from the book!

Forget that.
What's happening here?

Uncle scrooge says
I'm his favorite!


Oh! it's a miracle.

This was some
sort of trick so we'd forget

- what you did to whiskers!
- That blasted emu!

Whoa-whoa-whoa, so,
your favorite, dewey here,

is gonna get all the inheritance

after I waste my time
on huey's dumb quest?

Dumb quest? Dumb quest?!

Don't worry, I just said that
to make matilda feel bad.

- What?! I'm the best one!
- Dewey, what are you doing?!

Does anyone else care about
the missing mystery? Huh?

Because it's somewhere in here!

That's it!

All righty! Now to find
the last rune.

There it is!
The blessed bagpipe.

Completed in record time!

We make a pretty good team, huh?


That wasn't a no.

You don't deserve a statue,
ya bullion-baggin' birkie!

Oh, but you do?!

No, stop! You're a family!

You love each other.

That's it!

None of you
deserve a statue right now

because none of you are living
up to the name clan mcduck!

Webbigail is right.

Matilda, you
can have the pedestal.


Because I...

Am no longer a mcduck!

- What?!
- I don't need this hassle!

I am now scrooge
of clan mcscrooge!

Right! Come on, kids!

Hey, hey, watch it! Hey! Ow!

Got it! Whoa!


Phantom blot?!

Whoopsie doodles.

Scroogie, what did you do?

We were all standing right here.

The blessed bagpipe brings life
to that which has not.

And now fowl's got it!

Not for long!

For now, this fine family's
greatest members have awakened!

And we will all come together
to defend their home

as a unified clan mcduck!

Oy, who took my bagpipe?!

Murdoch, ya shameless
sharpsh**ter, was it you?

No, but I'm glad it's gone!
Your bloviating blowing

was always making a racket
and made me miss my sh*ts!

Ever think it was maybe
your aim and not my bagpipe?

Oh, come on!

Hey! Get back here
with that bagpipe!

Is this what clan mcduck
has fallen to?

A bunch of mannerless
marauders? So undignified.

- Oh!
- Ooh!

- Ooh!
- Ah!

How dare you!

- No-no-no-no!
- Stop it!

- Ahh!
- Ooph!

That's my castle
you're destroying!

Oh! So, you wasted my hard-won
earnings on a palace

but you couldn't build a full
statue for your own father?!

Daddy? For your information,
my son gave me this castle!

You're mooching off
your own kin?!


Mind the heirlooms!

I can't believe
you lost the bagpipe!

Me?! Where were you looking!

You nearly ruined
the whole mission!

This is why I
never have a partner!

Oh, no, mr. Blot, sir. It's
because I'm the only egghead

fowl could ever get
to volunteer.


All the other eggheads

think you're like a creepy freak

or too intense or
entirely unlikeable.


I'm the best one!
Nobody likes you!

- Okay, okay, but...
- The bagpipe!

- ...Huey's the worst one.
- Grab it!


You saved me!

Yes, well,
you're my partner and...

Uh, protocol and what not.

Yeah! Nerp.

I've been...

I'll be taking this.

Nice one, partner!

- Not listening to you!
- You're responsible...

oh, come on!

Every story has its end,

and this is the end
of clan mcduck.


I set out to
preserve their history,

but I ended up
destroying it all...

The past, the present
and the future.


Oh, great, now
the castle's coming down!

Let's go! Boys! Webbigail!

The mcducks
meant everything to me.

Not just because of
their great name,

but because they were
a great family.

One I thought
I could be a part of.

But now, it's gone.

Guess the name mcduck
didn't mean much after all.

Webby! Look out!



Let's send this
ignominious ink-stain packing.

For clan mcduck!

But I thought you were
clan mcscrooge now.

It's not the mcduck name that
makes our family great.

It's the people in it.

Come, emutilda!

We ride!

All right mcducks!
Let's wipe 'em out!

Ooh! Ugh!

Oy, clan mcduck!

We got outsiders
muscling in on our turf

and fightin' our family!

Nobody fights our family but us!

Oh! Daddy!

Well done!

Ow! Hi, I'm pepper!

Hi, pepper, I'm webby! Hiyah!



Get out of my house!

Come pepper, we must retreat

into the embrace of the shadows!

Aw, but we were having
so much fun!

Don't worry, soon the
magical world will live in fear

of phantom blot and pepper!


Man, the last time we were here
was hard,

but at least we weren't
almost crushed

by our giant stone ancestors!

Which is why I wanted to
do this the hard way.

Sometimes doing things
the easy way

gets you in hard trouble
down the line.

That some sort of
junior woodchuck rule?

Nope. Just something I learned
by being your brother.


- Hey!
- Blessed bagpipe

of clan mcduck! Check!

It's all destroyed.

It's not your fault, lass.
Sometimes families fight.

But the mark of a great family
is one who can work through

their petty differences
to be closer than ever.

But next time, we won't try to
put ourselves on a pedestal.

You all realize that that's
literally what we're doing,

right now, right?

Ooh! Ooh!
I've got an edge piece!

I think this is
a part of a kilt.

They all have kilts.