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03x14 - The Split Sword of Swanstantine!

Posted: 03/03/24 22:40
by bunniefuu
Ahh, the grand bazaar
of istanbird.

History's first
and finest strip mall.

Ahh... Mmm...

Dew I smell adventure?

Don't mind if I dew... Ey?!
Come on!

Don't let the savory scent
of shish kabob distract ya.

It'll be a reward

after we find the split sword
of swanstantine.

Swanstantine the great
was a warrior-king.

It's said his mystical sword

channeled the bearer's
inner strength.

When he d*ed,
the king ordered the sword

be divided into three pieces

and hidden within the very city
he founded centuries ago.

Sword, centuries,
shish kabob, got it.

- To adventure...!
- It's gonna take more than gusto.

Yes, it's going to take
verum fortetudenum.

- Yeah, sure, sure, sure. Sure. Sure.
- Uh... Uh...

True strength?
According to finch's journal,

only those in tune
with their inner strength

could claim the sword
from "the heavens,"

"the underworld,"
and "splendor of the earth."

I don't know
what that part means.

The five of us must
work together as a family,

and what are you two doing here?

We were sleeping over,
and you said,

"everyone in the plane."
so we got in the plane.

Well, do you...
Do you like history?

- Meh.
- It is my life.

That's the spirit!

- Best friend road trip!
- Aah!

Hurry now, barines, fowl
will be after the sword, too.

They could be lurking...

- Aah!
- Nice try, heron!

Oh, I'm... I'm sorry,
ma'am, you looked like

this vile villain I know.

Ever the gentleman, mcduck!

- Whoa!
- Boo!

Consider your treasure hunt
officially fowled up!

Agents, I have
top hat distracted.

Find that sword!




Kids, I'll handle her. Pair off!

And procure the precious parts
before fowl does!

Should I change out of
my pajamas first, or...?

- Let's go!
- Aah!

Ok, if we wanna find

the sword piece we're after,

we can't do anything
to alert fowl.

You, sword? Looking for a sword!

Looking for a sword here!
Do you have a sword?

Or we can blindly ask
every person we see.

According to finch's journal,

our piece of the sword
resides in the "heavens."

aw, how am I gonna get to heaven

when legends live forever?

We have to rely
on our inner strengths.

Keen observation.

Oh, there it is!

Oh! We could follow
that fowl lady

and b*at her to it.

Agent dee!

Ok, ok, no problem.
We can use those platforms

to figure out a way
up there first.

Hear that, tech-head?

Prepare to get

As long as
she doesn't realize we're here.

Oh, this is a heck of
a predicament.

On one hand,
I don't wanna hurt you two,

but in my other hand,
I have a flash b*mb.

Uh, webs?


I... I can't see anything!

It's a flash b*mb!

It should wear off
in a few minutes.

We don't have a few minutes!

Ok, ok.
Inner strength time, baby.

Just hold my hand, and we can
make it through this.

Dewey? Dewey!

Look up!

Or, uh, listen up, I guess!

How'd you get up there so fast?!

I don't know! I just dewey'd it.

Oh! Stay up there!
I'll get to you... Somehow...

I think there's a step here...
Whoa! Nope.

Gotta be a step here... aah!
Ok, nope, whoa, maybe...

Don't worry.
I'll b*at her up there

with the help of my trusty
new kitty sidekick, fluffy.

- Your what?!
- -you're like one of those

- hairless helper cats,
right, fluffy?

He said yesssss!

Oh, man. I'm coming, dewey!

You made it! Let's go!

Ok, we got lucky so far,
but without our sight,

we'll have to use
our other senses.

Hearing, touch...

Dewey's tasting his way
to the top!

But we don't know what's ahead!

You could totally...

nailed it!

...Make it through just fine?


Ohh! Phew...

You may have bested me before,
mcduck, but not this time!

Ach, that's what you said
the last four times!


I'm tasting victory!

And splinters.

Wait, that's it!
Dewey's inner strength

is his confidence!
I can just follow

in his brash, bold footsteps!
Which way?

Just take a huge leap
towards the sound of my voi...

- I'm ok!
- What was that sound?

Should I still leap
toward your voice?

I don't know! Just jump!

But... What if there's
no platform and I fall?

Oh. Then don't jump.

I think I can find
the sword myself.

Sword... Sword?

Sword, sword, sword.
Sword, come on, sword.


- Whoa!
- Dewey!

It's ok! I can't see the danger!

Whoa! My vision is coming back!

I'm gonna die!

Oh, no. Ok. Inner strengths.

Find another platform,
scan your knowledge

of middle eastern architecture...

Oh! Maybe I can echolocate

using sound waves like a bat!

Skree! Skree!


Whoa! Your sight's back?

Nope! I'm just dewey-ing it!

Then I'll be your webb-eyes.

Cute. Shame you won't
see this coming.

Webby, front kick, now!

- ugh! You fried
my eye circuits!

Whoa! Whoa!

Oh, heh...


We totally dewebby'd it!

Aw! It looks like
our true inner strength

was our friendship!

And the friends we made
along the way.

Right, fluffy?

Pardon me,

but do you have a reservation?

Oh, uh, did you... eh...

I suppose we have
room available on the patio.

I guess this whooping
will have to be al fresco!

Ok, so the cross guard
of the sword

is supposed to be in the...

The underworld, yes.

I've procured pennies
to pay the ferryman

to travel the river styx.
Also, I found this axe.

Whoa, violet! If I know
a thing or two about legend,

it's that all this
flowery "underworld" language

is just a cover
for a con. Come on!

What is this place, exactly?

The spice-a-torium!
A notorious underworld

spice exchange known for
the shadiest of dealings.


This seems extraordinarily
and unnecessarily dangerous.

Maybe for louie and violet,
but not for...

The silver-tongued serpent.

And this is my colleague,
the notorious violent saber.

We're here to speak
to the spice baron.

The silver-tongued serpent?

Just a little alias
I've been developing.

The underworld runs on gossip.

I tell a few lies here,
spread some rumors there,

and voila, I'm a legend
of the criminal underworld.

So our survival
depends on your ability

to convince
a bunch of criminals that you

are even more dangerous
than them by lying.

Stick to your strengths.

But what if you have to
live up to the legends?

That's a future louie problem.
There's the sword guard!

What an honor!

The serpent, gracing us
with his presence.

Ah, cristoph, old friend, hello!


I'm looking to spruce up
the decor in my t*rture dungeon

and I heard you were
in possession of

swanstantine's sword guard.

Oh, dear, serpent,
you've put me in such a pickle.

I don't want
to incur your wrath,

but I also want this man's
50 pounds of gold.

All right, condiment duke,
or whatever you call yourself,

john d. Rockerduck
shall have his guard.

Eh, what's this hullabaloo?

Fowl b*at us here?

You had to stop
for that liver kabob.

I don't have to tell you
what happened

to the king of si-ham
when he crossed me.

I'm sorry, mein freund,

but the silver-tongued serpent

demands the guard,
and he's not to be displeased.

Silver-tongued what?
He's a mere child,

a drooling, blabbering,

And I'm me, the heir apparent
of the rockerduck fortune,

ruthless rustler, and
the greatest land baron

of the american west.
In america!

Well, it seems
we will settle this

the way we settle all feuds.


This will put some feathers
on your chest.

That's cobra zest! Demon pepper!

La muerte instantania.

The instant death.
Perhaps we should come clean.

Perhaps we should bail!

The first player to drop
a single bead of sweat

loses the game! Or worse.

Oh, boy.

I mean, oh, boy!

Why so nervous, serpent?

It's merely a spice-off,
a ritualistic duel

known by even the most
unseasoned of criminals.

it's a pun, spice pun.

Everyone, laugh!
Laugh at my spice pun!

But rumor has it
that the serpent

is the fastest spice sh**t
in three continents. Am I right?

Yes, well, all of my taste buds

were singed off when I was
cryogenically frozen, ha-ha!

Alas, I'll never again enjoy
my beloved deviled eggs.

Aw, come now, the baby snake
isn't afraid

of a little paprika, is he?

Heh-heh, yeah,
I once polished off

a batch of haunted
ghost pepper gumbo

at the spoonerville
feisty fiesta cook-off.

Yeah, I got an iron esophagus,
it's pretty cool.

- Look! It's something else
over there!

Huh? Why?!

Mmm! Goes down
like a glass of goat's milk.


What is the meaning of this?!

Surely the legendary serpent
is no cheater.

Because we all know
what happens to cheaters here.

Wait, cheaters or cheetahs?




I can't do it!

Because she's going to!

Dry as a bone!

Truly, the serpent
and the saber are mighty!

They've played you for bumpkins.

Don't you fools know
who that is? It's louie duck!

not notorious criminals!

They're just kids!

Wait. You're the louie duck?

Um, yeah?

The very louie duck
who vanquished the bombie,

overthrew the pharaoh toth rah,
and crushed scrooge mcduck's

greatest enemies
with a single pen stroke!

Uh... So says violet saberwing,
conqueror of the shadow realm

and scourge of the dread
sorceress magica de spell.

Now you see
why we go by fake names?

Because the truth of us
is far more terrifying.

Jahozafat and sarsaparilla!
Of all the times

for my bodyguard
to be a baby! Oh! Aah!

We have... A winner! Yah!

Don't touch me! I have money!

Oh, but don't touch that,

Don't touch me or my money! Aah!

Try something.

Looks like our true strength
was just the truth!


but how did you swallow
all that spice?

Tibetan focus techniques,
and a membership

to the spice of the month club.
Also, my mouth is on fire.

Excuse me.

The blade
of swanstantine's sword

is in splendor of the earth.
Hmm. I'm gonna need

graphing paper, a compass,
color-coded flow charts...

An excuse for when fowl
beats us to the blade

because you were staring
at some dumb book?

I know we have to act quickly.
Just let me cross reference

finch's notes
with the city's layouts to...

- we're standing on it, man.
- Huh?

-Of course!
It's in the earth!

The south arrow
for swanstantine!

According to legend,

we must tap into
our true strength

to free the blade and...

Hammers are strong!

This is an ancient
historical artifact!

There's a right way to do this

without wrecking everything.

See? We did it!

Well, thank you!
That's not the first time

I got a nerd to do my homework!


Mmm! Now, gimme!

- What is happening?
- Oh, I froze time

and put us in your mindscape.

You can do this?! Why don't you

use your magic to get the blade?

Dude, I had, like, half
a second. How about a simple,

"thanks for not letting me
get pecked to death, lena"?

This'll give us some time

to figure out how
to stop that lug.

Wait. If we're frozen
in my mind,

then we have
all the time in the world!

I could analyze
every possible scenario!

I was thinking, you know,
figuring out where to punch him.

Fighting is chaos.

We can't give in
to the animal within.

We need strategy.
The perfect plan.

We could...
Run infinite simulations!

Let's do this!

Now, gimme!

Ok, escape is not an option.

Now, gimme!

Now, hold on a second, mr. Beak.

You want the blade,
I want the blade.

There's no reason why we
can't come to an understanding.



Now, why would you want
a golden blade when I have this?

A bucket of delicious bolts,

the perfect snacky-poo
for a steelbeak!

Yah! Aah!

Please, sir, no!

Don't hurt me!
This blade is all I have!

And... I... I love you?

Allow me to introduce myself.

The name is mervyn birdwhistle.
Uh, you don't care, do you?

What sword?

Your trash man?

I'm you as a boy!


Ugh! Nothing is working!

Yeah, dude, there's no
thinking around this.

You're gonna have
to face him head-on.

No! I can figure this out!

Ugh! Think smarter, huey!

You can do this! Ugh!

Hm, a secret huey mind-door.

What is "the duke
of making a mess"?


No, don't open it!

Yah! And stay in there!

Huey! That's your true strength!

You have that
hiding inside you?!

Deep, deep down.
Where it belongs.

The duke of making a mess
is the part of

me that is pure emotion.

Gets in the way of my thinking

and is against everything
I stand for.

Take it from someone
who used to be magica's shadow.

- you can't ignore the parts
of yourself you don't like.

Even the parts you're afraid of.

You gotta own them.

But he's pure, chaotic rage.

And you are pure,
frustrating order!

Think of all you two
could do together!

If anyone can handle
that thing, it's you. Now, go!

Remember me as I was.


Yah! Aah! takin' a
sword from a nerd!

Oh, man, two sick nerd burns
in one day.

Wait. What's this, now?

Hey! Ow! Oh! Ow! Oh!

Aah! I can't control him!

Yes, you can! Because he is you!

Channel your inner strength!

The junior woodchuck

verum fortetudenum.

I'll be holding on to this.

The kid's an animal!

That was... The most beautiful
butt-kicking I've ever seen.

I'll cherish this day.


I've got her covered!

Lads, lasses, where are ya?

We got the handle!

We got the guard!

And we got the blade!

Ahh, I knew you could foil
those feculent fowl agents!

I beg to differ.

Your bazaar adventure is over.

Get it? "bazaar"?

Ho-ho-ho, man!
I gotta try standup!

Quiet! My patience is up.

Hand over the sword pieces.

Come on, man! Duke it up again!


Too weak. Need... To recharge.

Do as she says, kids.

What should we do?

Nothing. Just wait.

Finally! The sword
of swanstantine!




What the...?

The split sword
could only be claimed

by those possessed
of inner strength.

Heron's all surface.
You used your inner strength...

And you kids are mine!

Did you want to resume
this fight?

Um... Bail!

You'll be hearing
from my lawyer!

After he thaws!

Well done, kids.

But now that we have the sword,

it is our solemn duty
to use it wisely.

Here ya go! Everyone, take one!



Do you think he washed the sword

before he cut the meat?

Mr. Director,
mission accomplished.

We got what we came here for.