02x02 - Prove It

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x02 - Prove It

Post by bunniefuu »

What is it?


That's my badge number.

We have reason to believe that Kelly Severide has gotten the attention of an arsonist.

Previously on Chicago Fire...

I am going to have to close down two more houses.

Your house is on the short list.

You must be the new guys.

Jeff Clarke, sir.

I was hoping that you could be my eyes and ears over there.

I would like to announce that I am running for union president, and I would appreciate your support.

Casey, move!


You said the baby's coming on Thanksgiving.

When was the last time you guys...

For you to imply that it's... it's not mine?

How you doing?

I'm doing just great.

Be safe.

Yes, sir.


Where's the driver?


The kids...

The kids are at the babysitter.

I got it!

[Crying] I'm so sorry.

[Siren wails]

Hey. [Chuckles]

You're... you're back early.

Yeah, two weeks of my mom's "Natural birthing" lectures was enough.

Come here. Feel this.

Crazy kicking for the last two days.

The baby missed you, I think.

I... I'm gonna be late, so I better get going, but, um, we'll catch up after shift?

Sounds good.



Yeah, I'm just looking for any kind of an update.

I don't have one.

Everything is up in the air right now.

Okay, well, I still have the kids here.

Where do you keep the cereal?

Uh, call me back as soon as you hear anything.

[Phone beeps]

Uh, yeah. All right.

I'm gonna make you guys some lunch for school.

What about breakfast?

Yes. Good point.

When's my mom coming back from her trip?

Soon, really soon.

Ben, just... here, put that stuff back, buddy.

You guys need to get dressed. We're late.

Well, when you talk to mom, tell her we're ready to go home, okay?

Evie will pick you up from school today.

[Glass shatters] Oh!

Okay. [Grunts]

I got this.

Don't worry. [Sighs]

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it!

Thanks, Ben.

You missed some.

Thanks, Griffin.




I figured I'd stop by on my way to work, see how everyone's doing.

I'm starving.

All right.

Whoever runs to the bedroom first and gets dressed in under two minutes gets one of these.

I'm timing you. Go! I'm timing you!

Get on it!

[Chuckles] Impressive.

Did you talk to Antonio?

I'm not getting anything from the attorney.

Yeah, he says that Heather has a good chance of getting out on probation soon.

First offense, single mother...

Cut it out! Stop it, Ben!



[Shouting continues] I hope he's right.


These arsons we've been fighting...

M.O. matches up with John Westminster.

That's a guy that my dad helped put away a few years back.

Yeah, yeah. "Big John." I remember. So?

So I called D.O.C., and it turns out he was released from prison a month ago, right before the fires started.

So you think he's looking to settle the score with Benny by coming after you?

I think it's worth looking into.


Anything for Benny Severide's kid.

[Sighs] I... I don't think you understand the seriousness of this situation, Chief.

Oh, I can assure you I do.

Then explain why you have yet to input any data into The Wizard.

I will, Ms. McLeod, as soon as I get five minutes.

No, today, this shift... unless you'd like me to get a relief battalion Chief to come in to do it for you.


I'll get it done.


Thank you, Chief.



So the management company called to remind us that the new tenants are gonna move in on the 16th.

Yeah, Renee and I can finish packing up this weekend.

So does that mean you talked to her about the baby?

She just got back to town a few hours ago.

Give me a break, okay?

51 has the best food in town.

Where'd you learn how to cook?

My family owns a restaurant.

Been behind a grill since I was a kid.

Any update on Heather's friend Jen?

Still in critical condition.

Casey, how are the boys?

As far as they know, mom's on a trip.

Hopefully they'll be home soon.

If it hadn't been for her, they'd have shown up to school an hour late wearing pajamas.

Yeah, that smelled like beer.

[Alarm blaring] Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulance 61.

Multi-vehicle accident, interstate 90 at the Eisenhower expressway.

[Sirens wailing]

Hey! Hey, over here! Over here! Hey.

Just before the house went over, I saw a motorcycle passing on the right.



I can feel his leg, just not a pulse.

All right, get me some cribbing and air bags.

We need to lift and stabilize this home.

You got it.

[Man groans]

Boden, you hear that?

Otis, Mouch, grab me a ladder. There's someone else inside.


Severide, where do you want it?

Guys, right there.

Clarke, follow me.

Located the victim. Send me up a line.

Ma'am? Can you hear me?

Airway's clear. She's breathing.

All right, I'm on line.

All right, going down.



Back door's open.

Casey! We got a missing kid.

Ran from the car.

Got it.

What have you got, Severide?

He's in bad shape.

We need to find a way to get him out of here quick.

From the size of the seat, the kid could be anywhere from, like, three to six years old.

Clarke... send me down a sawzall, then bring the stokes basket.

Got it. Send up a sawzall.

Got it.

[Saw whirring]

Up on green.

[Coughs] Found the owner of the boot.

The other victim's trapped beneath 'em.

We need those air bags now!



Air bags are up.

Motorcyclist's legs should be free, Lieutenant.


One, two, three, up!


Go. There we go.

All right, guys, get ready to lift him up.

Hey, buddy.

It's okay.

I'm Matt.

What's your name?


Come on out.

Come on.

Let's get you safe and sound.

[Siren blares]

This Wizard program is the most convoluted...

Yeah, we should record this.

Use it to show how ineffective McLeod's systems are.

This crazy budget tightening has nothing to do with saving lives.

Now you're talking like a union president.

You will not record this.

Yeah, you know what? You need to get out there, you know, and start your campaign.

Greg Sullivan's already in high gear.

I got one of his flyers in the mail yesterday.

Me too.

Nice, high-gloss paper.

Guy's got campaign funds.

Nah, forget the funds.

You know what, the most valuable commodity in any election is the candidate themselves.

Visit the firehouses, present ideas, take questions... town hall-style.


It's not a bad idea, Herrmann.

Will the two of you kindly take your business elsewhere?

He's right there.


Mr. Casey, I'm so sorry to bother you.

Where are Griffin and Ben?


My daughter has a sore throat, could be strep.

I need to take her to the doctor.


I tried to get them to come inside, but there's a problem with Griffin.

Griffin, come inside.

We'll give you guys a vip tour.

He can go in. I'm staying outside.

Hey, Dawson!

Hey, guys.


I'll take Ben inside.



Ben Darden's in the house!

Hey, you little rug rat!

Look at you! [Laughs]

How you doing? You're getting so big.

Come on, we'll show you around the joint.

How about that, huh?

Is that all of Chicago? Is my house on there?

Yep, it is.

It shows us every street and address in the city.

Right there, that's the "dangerous buildings" list.

Every station has one.

It shows us all the buildings that are really tricky to fight fires in.

Yo, you want to come check out the truck?

Yeah. Yeah.


Ben's an idiot for acting like this place is so cool.

Your father loved it here.

I just want to go home, okay?

I know.

How about this?

I'll cancel my construction job.

After shift, we'll go down to the pier.

You can grab whatever you want for lunch.

Can I go up on the ladder?

Uh, I... I think we're gonna have to check on that one, partner.

Rules say no visitors in the aerial...

But then again, you're not just any visitor, huh?

Chief, what do you say?

Ah, go ahead.

[All cheering]

Come on.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Knock at door]



We barely got a chance to say hello this morning, and you seem so stressed, so I thought I'd come and cheer you up.

Now, my parents are a little too excited about becoming grandparents.

Oh... look at this.

Aw, come on!

Isn't this the sweetest?


What's going on with you?

Look, you know that I love you no matter what, right?

When you moved to Spain, we said that we'd keep in touch but that we wouldn't be exclusive.


Is there any chance that this baby...

[Door closes]

[Knock at door, door opens]

Lieutenant? Arson just called.

Wanted to let you know that the cops have big John in custody.



Hey, detectives are talking to him now.

The bastard's even twitchier are than I remember.

You got anything solid tying him to the fires?


Hey, look. It's the arson guy's son.

Two buildings up in flames?


Do you know how many people you almost k*lled?

Huh, how many of my own men, huh?


Get away from me!

Kelly! Kelly!

Get him away!

Get him away from me! Get him out of here!

Get him out of here!

Hey, I looped you in out of respect for your father, as a courtesy.

You understand?

[Water running]

I'm telling you.

Renee looked pissed running out of here!

What if I was wrong about the due date?

That would be bad, Shay.

I don't think I was, but I'm not a frickin' obstetrician.

[Knocks] Taking too long!

Remember, as McLeod said, "only 42 ounces of potable water per employee per week."


Sounds like you saved the day with Griffin and Ben this morning.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

I love those boys, but hanging there with Casey?

It's not exactly helping me move on.

You know what?

I have been traveling in too small a circle, if you know what I'm saying.

The world does not start and end at Firehouse 51.

That is so damn true.

[Knocks] Let's go!

I have seen you both naked a hundred times!

Just open the door, so I can take a shower!

We really need to get out more.

Yes. Yes, we do.



Thanks for coming down.

Thanks for calling.

It's good to see you.

You too.

Could I get one of those too, please?

Coming right up.

Thank you.

Well, did you... did you talk to the guys at arson?

Yeah. Yeah.

As soon as Big John was on their radar, Rome called me.

Did you know they had him in custody?

They let him walk?


I heard that. The thing is, I'm not so sure he's the guy.

M.O. might be similar, but I could tell him pretty well.

I don't see him having the balls to set a car on fire right outside a station house.

You're wrong.

All due respect, I think you're wrong.

The guy, he... he knew me the minute he saw me.

I... he knew I was your son.


Well, let me get in it with arson.

See what I can find out.


It's good?



Hey, you know Cruz is making a move on your cousin, right?


I would kick him out, but he's the only regular customer we have.

Well, if it isn't Mr. Long Island iced tea.

Mock all you want, but that drink suits this place.

So you're saying this place is outdated, and we only exist to get you drunk quick?

[Laughs] No.

More that you're fun and sweet and unpretentious.

Nice recovery.

[Clears throat]

There's a scotch tasting happening Friday night at a place in Wicker Park.

Would you want to join me?

I'd love to.

There was a definite hesitation before he said yes.

But point being he said yes.

You should come to the tasting too.

You could bring someone.

[Sighs] Calm down.

I'm gonna be packing all weekend. I can't.


[Cell phone vibrates]

Who's Amy R?

Oh, the real estate agent I'm meeting with tomorrow to see apartments, and I think she's hitting on me, but I can't tell.

[Laughs] It's kind of amazing how bad you are at sussing out lesbians.

I know, right?

[Siren wails]

She's in here! She's in here!

I was in the other room, and I heard a thump.

She must have fallen down the stairs.

She's breathing.

Let's get a c-collar on her and get her on the backboard.

Did you... did you move her at all?

No. She was right there when I found her.

Oh, my God, Phoebe.

What did you do to my sister?

I didn't do anything. She fell. Tell him! She fell!

He beats her up! Did he tell you that?

He did this to her.

Okay, sir.

We gotta... Hey! Hey!


This is Ambulance 61.

We need immediate police assistance.


Hey, buddy?

We can't get your sister to the hospital unless you stop that and move out of the way, all right?

He's gonna k*ll him!
[Sirens wailing]


Oh, God.



Move it. Oh, God.

I told you cops he'd k*ll her if you didn't stop him.

[Cries] Nobody listened!

Dispatch, we need a second ambo at 4042 Larrabee.

Please don't let my baby sister die!

You think that woman knew her husband was a total scumbag before or after she married him?

He could have pretended to be Prince Charming for years, and she wakes up too late next to a monster under the bridge.


No, you know you are backing me into a corner here.

What happens when that...

Oh, sorry to interrupt.

Hold on.

Hang on a second. I have to go in the other room.

Hey, you catch any of that?

Clarke was lighting somebody up on the phone.

Personal business, I guess.

I guess.

Something seems off about that guy.

Something besides him taking your spot on Squad?

Remember, it's not a speech.

It's a town hall, so you have to be comfortable and conversational to hold the audience's interest, and that's where these come in.

They're called "key cards."

They're used by some of the most successful public speakers in the world.

Key cards.

It's stuff that we've all heard you spout time and time again, you know, when you're getting yourself all worked up.

I'd be more comfortable and conversational if I was sitting.

Oh, well, then let's get you a stool.


The town hall seat of choice.

Okay. I can work with this.

Great. Give it a shot.

Three man trucks.


What are your feelings about that?

Well... only a pencil-pushing bureaucrat would think a three-man truck is a good idea.

You know, every study they've done shows Search and Rescue times go right down the toilet whenever you have fewer than five guys on a truck.

It's common sense.

"Fitness bonuses," "reduced benefits."

All stuff I have very strong opinions about.

My brains, your face.

We can take this campaign all the way.


Thanks for coming over. I really appreciate the help.

Yeah. No problem. They're great kids.

Griffin barely ate.

Well, I don't blame him.

He's old enough to know when grown-ups are hiding something from him.

He'll be happy to get home.

Good chance Friday's my last night with him.

You want to come over for dinner?

They're a lot happier when you're around.

We could order Chinese food, get a movie.

I can't. [Laughs]

I can't stay for a movie.

I have a dinner thing.

Oh, well... somebody has a hot date.

Mm, no.

It's just a thing.

[Doorbell rings]



I just got some bad news.

Heather's friend Jen... she didn't make it.

That's terrible.

Yeah, and it changes everything.

Heather's looking at a manslaughter charge now.

Jen, uh... [Chuckles] she taught me how to roller-skate.

I've known her since...

It was an accident.

[Quivering] The lawyer said I'd spend the next five to ten years in here unless I made a plea deal.

They don't know that for sure.

It was a first offense, and you're a single mom.

I took the deal.


I can't risk being away from my boys for their entire childhood.

[Cries] I can't.

I pled guilty to D.U.I. manslaughter, which is 15 months.

You know that before Andy died, we put you in our wills as the boys' guardian if something happened to us both.


Can you take care of Griffin and Ben while I'm in here?


No, for real, though.

Let's just play the game.



I, uh... I just wanted to give everybody an update on the Darden boys.

Turns out they're gonna be living with me for the next 15 months or so, and..

The thing is I'm gonna need some help.

I, uh...

Say no more.

We're there.

Whatever you need.

They're our boys too.


You got this, buddy. You're no Greg Sullivan.

You're a fireman's fireman.

Where's the stool?

Hey, you guys got any stools?

I'm not comfortable, Herrmann.

Hey, take a deep breath.

[Both take a deep breath]

You're gonna be great.

Hey, guys!

Uh, can we get your attention over here?

Just for a minute.

Come on.

Yeah, thanks. Uh...

I'm Randall McHolland, and I am running for union president.

I'm here for, uh... to talk about some issues.

Three-man trucks.

[Soda can opens]

Three-man trucks?

Which studies show are far more dangerous than five-or six-man trucks.

Uh, wellness programs... dos and don'ts.

Uh, dos... and don'ts.

Here, here.

Try... try...

[Both murmuring]

[Alarm blares] Oh, thank God.

Truck 65, Engine 118...

Sorry about that.

See ya.

Ambulance 97. Multiple injuries.

Don't worry about it. Okay?

I mean, this is just one of 98 houses in the city.

Oh, actually now that McLeod has dropped her ax, it's 97 and counting.

I mean, who knows how many more before she's...

[Siren wails]

Now you're gonna get all worked up?

[Siren wails]

Bedroom has southern exposure, so it's really light in the mornings, which is not so great for hangovers.

True, also not something the average realtor would mention.

Guess I'm not the average realtor.

Here, come check this out.

Built-in wine fridge.

Wow. Nice.

I have an ex-girlfriend who would have loved that.

Sounds like a girl with good taste.

Not really.

She ended up dumping me and going back to her husband.

Ugh, I'm gonna bet she's regretted it every day since.

Oh, God. I hope so.



You don't have one of those, do you?

A husband?

Hell, no.

Not in this lifetime. [Laughs]


Hey, you're back.

What are you doing?

I went and got a test done.

That's why I've been gone.

I had a one-night stand... with a guy in Spain.

I thought it would help me get over you.

It didn't.

You were right.

This baby's not yours.

[Sighs] I know how crazy this sounds, but I... I wasn't lying to you.

And I actually convinced myself that it was yours.

It was ours.

Kelly, you'll make a great father someday.




Good-bye, Kelly.


Is there anything I can do?

Honestly, I just need a place to live.

Our place is gone, right?

Yeah, but I've got an "in" with a great realtor and a lead on a one-bedroom and a sweet three-bedroom.



We could take the three-bedroom and... find a roommate later if we need.

Sound good?


That sounds good.

All right. I'm sorry, babe.

[Alarm blares]

Truck 81. Squad 3. Engine 51. Ambulance 61.

Building fire. 2939 Cortland Street.

That's my restaurant.

[Siren wailing, horn honking]


Ma? Ma!

You okay?

I'm okay.

We all got out, but Peter... everything's gone.

No. No, we're gonna save it, okay?

Hey, everybody's out, but we got to get in there.

No. All occupants are out of the building.

The fire is in the roof trusses.

We are gonna go defensive with master streams.

Nobody enters the building.

Let's get those water cannons working.

Cruz and Otis, raise the aerial.

[Under breath] Come on...

Send the water!



Mills, I want you out of that building right now.

Do you understand me?

Why... why is Peter in there alone?

Wallace, you get my boy out of there!

You get him out of there!




We'll get him.

Mayday, mayday.

We have a man inside. Squad 3. Go get him!

Come on.

[Radio chatter]

Otis, Mouch.

Charge the line and back us up. Herrmann, with me.

What the hell were you thinking?

Dad's medals.

I do not need any damn medals.

I need you.

Ma, come on.

You freelance like that, you will get yourself and anyone else who was willing to go in after you k*lled!

Do you understand me?

Wasn't a kitchen fire, Chief.

Ms. McLeod. What brings you here?

Chief Boden, I will be making weekly check-ins with all of the houses under my aegis, so I would like to speak to everyone, if that's all right.

It'll just take a minute.

Common room, ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you.


We'll get the guy who set these fires.

This won't take long.

I just want to make sure that we're all on the same page, yeah?

Allowing visitors, especially children, to ride on any of the apparatus is a serious violation of C.F.D. policy and a potential liability for the department.

How does she know that?


There's a snitch in the house.

You can call me a killjoy if you'd like, but the severity of this cannot be overstated.

We've got bigger problems.

First your car. Now my restaurant.

It doesn't make sense.

Mills wasn't even on the job when Big John set those first fires.

No, my pop's right.

It ain't him.

It's a firefighter.

What makes you so sure?

When I was looking at the dangerous building's map it hit me that all the arsonist's targets were on there and in our district.

Except for the car and the diner.

So it's a firefighter who's got beef with all of us at 51?

Why can't we go home?

I don't know.

I think... I don't know.

Where's mom?

What will happen?

I told you. I don't know.


Hey, guys.

It's... it looks like you're gonna be living here for a while with me.

You promised we were going home soon.

That's right, and I thought you were, but things changed and, um, it's gonna be this way for a while.

Why can't we go home?

Because your mom isn't there.

The kids at school said she's in jail.

She is.

And I should have told you that sooner.

I want to live in jail with her. [Cries]

I want to see my mom.

Buddy, listen.

You can't live there, but, um, you can visit.

You guys can handle this.

Listen... those firefighters and paramedics at 51?

Well, they're your family too and they're gonna help me take good care of you guys.

Okay? [Sniffling]

Come here, buddy.

It's pretty cool... being able to drink in a bar after it's closed.

Grab a couple glasses, 'cause I have a champagne cognac in the back we are gonna crack open.

Sounds great.

Found it.

I can't wait to try it.

[Background chatter, music playing]

[Slap] Hey!



How are you, buddy?

I'm okay.

Can't complain.


Can I get you a beer?

Oh, no. I'm good.

I'm good right now. Thanks.

So what brings you around my stomping grounds?

Well, I was looking for you, actually.

Oh, yeah?


I was just thinking about some of the fires we fought together.

String of arsons on the westside, barbershop, couple garages, that old Italian restaurant on diversey.

You remember?

Vaguely, yeah.

You sure you don't want one?

I'm gonna order another round.


I'm good, but I'll tell you what.

I got your next round.

So you came all the way out here just to, uh, reminisce?

There's been a bunch of similar fires the last couple weeks.

That's what brought back the memories.

Reminded me you're a damn good firefighter.


I appreciate that. I do. [Laughs]

But I got to tell you... steady work has been pretty hard to come by since I got pushed out of 51.

Look at me.

Is that why you're setting the fires?

You think I'm setting the fires?


I guess you better prove it.

I'm going to.
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