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02x14 - Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!

Posted: 03/03/24 22:28
by bunniefuu

I missed ya, girl.

The Cloudslayer flies again! Cloudslayer? That is way better than the Sunchaser.

Whoo! Why would Huey and Louie want to miss thi



- I think I may have some idea.

- Their loss.

Dewey and Della Duck on their first high

-flying adventure! Not "adventure.

" Business venture.

We are headed to Boarway, home of the Von Drake Doomsday Vault! [BOTH]


- A sterile seed depository.

- Meh.

My old colleague Ludwig Von Drake collected millions of seeds for safekeeping in case of apocalypse.

Unfortunately, the vault's been damaged by melting permafrost.

We must convince the owners to hire McDuck Bin Securities to fix it.

If we manage to get there in one piece.

Please, Uncle Scrooge.

I've been flying since before Donald could walk.

Och, fine.

You know what you're do [ALL SHOUTING]


Now, all that stands between me and that contract is Flintheart Glomgold! [MANIACAL LAUGHTER]


Lightning! [LAUGHS]

I cut his dramatic

-entrance budget.


Life is like a hurricane Here in Duckburg Race cars, lasers Airplanes It's a duck

-blur We might solve a mystery Or rewrite history Ducktales, whoo

-ooh Every day they're out there Making Ducktales Whoo

-ooh Tales of derring

-do Bad and good

-luck tales Whoo

-ooh D


-Danger lurks behind you There's a stranger Out to find you What to do? Just grab on To some Ducktales Whoo

-ooh Every day they're out there Making Ducktales Whoo

-ooh Tales of daring Bad and good Not ponytails Or cottontails

- No, Ducktales!

- Whoo




The noble seed.

Our hope for a better tomorrow.

Carefully tended, a seed will sprout with promise.

That's what your father, Ludwig, wanted for you

- what any parent wants for their child really



- to see them thrive in the face of an uncertain tomorrow.

In that vault lies everything the world needs to survive a doomsday scenario: food, water, shelter, poison darts, vampire antitoxin, and the fabled Money Tree of Aurum Oros.

- [BOTH]



Money tree? Owlson, why didn't you tell me there was a money tree? It was one of several points in the presentation I prepared for you, which I'm now realizing you didn't read.


The money tree is the most venerated of vegetation.

To gaze upon even its seed is to know the true meaning of wonder.


Ah! I swear to lock them up so tight that nothing will ever touch those seeds until the end of the world.


- Aw.


We've got to see those money tree seeds before Scrooge locks them up forever! Jinx! Double jinx! My son, literally running toward adventure.

I've never been more proud than this moment.

Race ya to the Cloudslayer! The Doomsday Vault is the key to our future.

So far, so good.

A future in which I make more money than McDuck, win our bet, and win his company! Here's where you come in.


I break into the vault, grab the money tree, we split the profits 90/10, then I blow up the vault to cover our tracks! [ALL GASP]


What he means is, we will respectfully blow your minds with how secure we'll make that vault,

- for half the price.

- Uh


And if you don't give us the job, I'm just gonna steal the tree anyway, so





So sorry, everyone.

Deepest apologies.

I can't believe he lost us another contract.

Congratulations, Mr.


You have the job there.


No more cockamamie ploys! Cockamamie ploy? That was clearly a maniacal scheme.

How long have you worked for me? I don't work for you! I am the only one who keeps you from ruining this company with your brainless plots! Schemes.


Better luck next time, Flinty.

See you back in Duckburg.


Uh, where is my plane? And Dewey? And Dell Oh, no.


To stand out Above the crowd Even if I gotta Shout out loud Till mine is The only face that you'll see I gotta stand out Till you notice me Nailed it! [CHUCKLES]

Mom, stop.

No I'm just kidding.

Keep going.

When I was stuck on the moon, all I thought about was teaching you how to adventure.

Well, that and avoiding horrifying moon monsters.

But you're already a natural at all of this! Roger Dodger! As the crow flies! Copilot to pilot, we're a go for, um, uh, flying, I guess? Copilot? No way.

You're pilot material, buddy.

Take the stick! Me, fly the Suncha I mean, Cloudslayer? Scrooge won't even let me touch the toaster.

You're my kid.

You can do anything.

You are the best mom! [GRUNTING]

Now, close your eyes.

Feel the sky.

I'm doing it.

I'm Dewey






I am so sorry.

For what? That was a perfect first try.

I'm so proud of you, Dewey.

To adventure! So, you want to do this the easy way or the fun way? I am offended you had to ask.

Easy, Beakley.

Della wouldn't just steal an aircraft and set out on a whim.

Oh, you know, except for that one time.

But she's matured, and I'll just

- What in the blazes?

- Aha! Capture Scrooge, force him to get me to the vault, steal the money tree.

Brilliant scheming, Glomgold.



Beakley, I'm gonna have to call you back.


Oh, well, seems I'm headed to the vault anyway.

Might as well take your plane.

Oh, Owlson took my plane.

I captured you so I could take yours.



Looks like we're walking.


With no gear, no supplies? You want to march blindly, without thinking? Uh


- I forgot who I was talking to.

Let's go back to base camp.

We need to prepare.

- I know where I'm going!



You're on thin ice, Glomgold.

I don't have to listen to you, McDuck.

No, you are literally on [BOTH SHOUT]


All part of the scheme! [SHOUTS]



Money tree, here we come! I can't stop laughing! [BOTH GASP]


Pretty weird way to build a bridge.


Dewey, honey, I don't think they built it with a big hole in it.

It must've been torn apart when the ice melted and this crevice widened.




Welcome, survivors.

If you're here, the world has ended.

So sad.

But congratulations on not being eaten by zombies or hyper

-intelligent hairless apes or something like that.

Now, don't worry, because I, Professor Ludwig Von Drake, have prepared for every possible threat.

Except climate change, apparently.

Now, then, you are gonna see a color pad next to the door.

I thought the apocalypse might be brought about by werewolves.

You know, they're very smart with numbers, but they's extremely colorblind.

Now, the password is very simple.

It's, uh Oy, hold on.

What is that [MUTTERING]


That's right.

Red, yellow, green, red Blue, blue, blue Red, purple, green, yellow Orange, red, red Ah, stupid frozen buttons! [GRUNTING]


-k*ll barricade! This blows chunks! Hey, a vent! Oh, I don't think I can fit through there.

Oh! But you could!

- Crawl through and let me in!

- On it! Alley

-dewp! See you on the other side.

Miss you already! Gonna crawl through this vent Gonna make my mom proud Gonna earn the love I want So Dew


- What was that, honey?

- N




Perfect recovery

- No one heard that

- Is everything all right? There may be some kind of trigger or electrical panel.

Yerp! I got this.


- Whatever you do, don't touch it.



Aw, phooey.


Dewey, override the security system! Sure.


-peasy, lemon squeeze

- Oh, no!

- Right.

If you were smart enough to survive the apocalypse, you should be able to deduce which wire will deactivate the trap.

Otherwise, anyone in that room goes squish!


- Good luck! You got this, honey! You can do anything you put your mind to! Way to go, Dewford.

Your first adventure with your mom, and you're gonna get her k*lled! Okay, focus, focus.

You have the 10, the nine.

You got your eight over there.

- Coming up on seven!


Six, five, four

- Red.


- three Purple! No! Chartreuse? [GROANS]

Just pick a wire! Watch out, now.

Here comes two! Hope you got this figured out, because here comes the one.

No rush, honey! [GRUNTING]

You're doing great! One quarter.

One eighth.

Not helping! [NERVOUS GROANS]

See? Now, that wasn't so hard at all.

You're alive? Oh, you're alive! Whoo! I was inches from death, terrified, then boom! You pulled it out at the last second for maximum tension! Uh


What else will Dewey and Della conquer together in the forbidden vault? Yetis? Escaped lab experiments? Bacteria that will strip the very flesh from our bones? Let's find out! Yeah.

Let's Dewey it.


I'm freezin' me tail feathers off! What would the kids want in the seed vault? Besides the opportunity to inconvenience me? Ech! The sooner we find them, the sooner I can be rid of you.

Oh, what the crebbins is this mess? It's gonna cost me thousands to replace these mangled mechanisms.


It's fine, as long as they're safe.

Let's press forward.

Hang on.

I'm dryin' off by the fire.


I cannae turn my back for one second! We've gotta move!

- Fine.

I'll dry off quicker.


- [expl*si*n]




Welcome to my doomsday seed vault

- Cool!

- Oh, wow! encompassing all the entirety of plant life on this planet, including some very rare and mythological plants.

I have treated each and every little seed with my Von Drake Super

-growth formula patent pending so you don't starve to death while you're waiting for your crops to grow.

It will cause them to grow at immense rates.

Hey, hey! I wouldn't plant them within a mile of each other, for safety reasons.

So which one of these boxes are the money tree seeds in? [DELLA]

Right there.

Boy, it's a good thing we've got this giant arm to help out.


Ah, phooey! Come on! Ya worthless hunk of junk! Ow! Sorry, kid.

Looks like we came all this way for nothing.

So much for our first great adventure together.

If I don't make it, tell my brothers I was the best one! Whoa!

- Yeah!


Okay, just boulder up those lockers like a rock wall.

Then once you have a seed, base

-jump back to the platform, and Wait.

Is this crazy? Crazy is my middle name! Are you sure? No, it's it's actually Dingus.

Ew, really? No, I mean it's pretty dangerous.

I can do this part if you want.

Mom, relax.

I'm your son.

I can Dewey it.

I can do anything, just like you told me! [NERVOUS CHUCKLE]

Of course you can, my little hero! Huh?






I made it! Of course you did! [GRUNTING]


So beautiful! So worth it! [DELLA]

I knew you could

- Oops.

- Aah!




This is all your fault, Scrooge! You shackled us together! You poured gasoline on the fire with no sense of consequence! What was I supposed to do? Make me not do that? Oh, I notice the room is on fire.

I will activate the sprinklers.

Blast! Frozen! And to preserve the seeds of humanity, I will hereby seal off the room! [BOTH GASP]



Aah! Save me, Scrooge! [SEETHES]

Okay, calm down.

Just need to open the door using the panel, which the children broke.

So, we simply climb out that vent that has also been compromised by Della and Dewey's senseless actions.

Or for good reasons.

Don't want to jump to any conclusions.

The most pressing matter is the fire.

So, we just need to activate the sprink [EXCLAIMS]

Can you never think anything through, Della? [HUFFS]

It's been over a decade, and she's still the same headstrong kid, jumping blindly into danger or space or any other disaster without a thought to the damage she leaves behind! Whoa.

You've got, like, your own whole personal thing going on there.

Move! Great.

Now I'm cold again.

Dewey, are you okay? I got this, Mom! Totally under control! Do not worry! Kids! Oh.

They were after the tree.

- That makes sense.


You were running a counter

-scheme this whole time! Send your family ahead while you slow down old Glommy, eh? That's my money tree! I don't care about the stupid tree.

My family is in danger! When you abduct me, you can decide what's important! Okay, just get some momentum going, then swing yourself out onto that nearest branch.

You can do it! [GASPS]

I can't! I can't do it! Mo



I got you.

I've always got you.

Give me that! And that! Hey, no touching! [BOTH SHOUTING]

Ah, that's better.

And you two! Uncle Scrooge, I can explain.

Explain what? That you stole my plane, put us all in danger, oh, and destroyed humanity's only hope for surviving the end of the world? Did you ever think of how you were gonna get out of this? Hmm? Simple.

We jump.

Oh, no, you don't! No more jumping headfirst into Trust me.

We can do this.

I got you.

- Now!




I thought we'd leave through here.

- How did you

- What? You gave a whole big presentation with a map.

I paid attention.

When you're stuck in space for 10 years, you pay attention to exit strategies.




Dewey! I'm sorry, Mom.

I let you down.

I'm not the adventurer you hoped I'd be.

No, honey.

I will always believe you can do anything, but you never have to prove anything to me.

Oh, how am I gonna fix this? You cannae! You failed, McDuck! Now the Von Drakes are going to fire you, give me the job, and then I may have a way out of this mess.


Learned a lot about welding gold on the moon.

It's a right bonny bin.

And since the gold came from the money tree, you saved me millions in construction costs.

And we harvested enough seeds to double what they had in [GASPS]

I'm just gonna let someone else put these seeds back.


But who's got all the money? Glomgold does! Prepare to lose our bet and your company!



Uh No! Curse you, gentle breeze! Aah!