02x01 - A Problem House

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x01 - A Problem House

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Chicago Fire...

[Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's "Weight of the world"]

♪ this is stranger than love or loss ♪
♪ turning backwards ♪

Nothing makes sense.

I know it's been a tough couple of shifts for everybody.

But that is why this place is gonna rock.

To Molly's.

To Molly's.

♪ it's the weight of the world, I know ♪

Unfortunately, you did not make Squad this time around.

I'd like an application, please.

[Siren blaring]


Andy was one of my best friends.

And he was your husband.

Why can't we be happy?

So, lesbian, huh?

Pop, what the hell?

[Siren blaring]

I've been searching for the perfect guy to be the father of my baby.

Kelly, I wanna know if you'd like to have a baby with me.

I'm in.

She's goin'!

Was that the doctor?

It didn't take.

Just tell me honestly that you don't have feelings for Casey.

I can't tell you what you need to hear.

It wouldn't be the truth.

I'm sorry.

[Siren wailing]

♪ it's the weight of the world, I know ♪

You want to stay.

I can't go with you.

♪ struggle to be whole ♪



♪ as you are mine ♪
♪ and we will find ♪

What's up?



Uh, these are the last of the bills we need to split up.

Aw, that's sad.

So how's the hunt for new digs going?

Good, good. I mean, it will be.

I haven't really officially started yet.

Shay, we have to be out of there by the 15th.

I know. I'll make it work.

Did you and Renee find a place yet?

Closing in on one.

It's got a perfect baby room, right next to the master.


Can I ask you something?


You said the baby's coming on Thanksgiving, yeah?


[Clears throat]

Well, it's just that, um, Renee left February 9th.

So when was the last time you guys...

February 9th.

Exactly. So the due date should be the first week in November, at the latest.

Shay, look, look, look.

I know this sucks for you.

You wanted to have a baby, and I have one without you.

No, it's not about that.

I get it.

But it's not Renee's fault or mine.

And for you to imply that it's not mine... tell you what, I'll handle these.

See you back at the house.

[Sirens blaring]

How's the apartment hunt going?

Oh, you know, better than telling Kelly I didn't think Renee's due date added up.


Yeah. You can imagine how he took it.

And this has nothing to do with you and a baby and her and a baby?


I'm past all that, all right?

[Horn blasting]

Good to be back?

Better than good.

Hey, we have a 2 1/2 story fully involved.

If you wanna get a line in that basement, let's get a primary search started immediately.

Someone's inside.

We'll vent the roof and start in the basement.

We've got the main floor.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Do you smell...



[Glass shatters]

Cruz, Herrmann, Otis, up the aerial to vent.

Candidate, we're in the basement.

Hey, 51, follow us in with the light.

Capp, stay with me.

Herrmann, Otis, a little help?

[Glass shatters]

That smell's still here.

Yeah. Diesel?


[Radio static] There's no one down here.

It's an inferno, Chief.

We're heading back the way we came.

Copy that.

Come on, let's go, go.

Anybody in here?

Hey, I got nothing.

Where is she?

Check the hallway.

Fire department. Call out!

Anybody here? Call out!

[Wood creaking, groaning]

Mayday, mayday!

I'm trapped in the basement.

Mouch, let's move.

The stairs are gone.

I need a charge, 1 3/4 at the stairs.



Down there!

Okay. Lower it down!

All right, on!

One, two, three, pull!



[Men groaning]

Let's get him down. You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay, I'm okay.


Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah, yeah.


There's no one in there, Chief.

What is it?


That's my badge number.

Sorry, Mari.

We got a call.

Oh, this is Mari!

What took you so long, Mouch?

Mouch... it's a nickname. It's...

Welcome. We're so glad to have you.

Thank you.

Uh, this is Otis.

And this is Mills, Herrmann.

That's Joe Cruz and lieutenant Casey.

This man has had a smile on his face since the day you arrived.

Come on, I'll show you around.

Oh, uh, Mills, Mari and I are gonna make lunch today.

Say what?

We're making butajiru.

Bubutu what?


Hey, I'm not eating any raw fish.

Yeah, some Royals have started tagging.

The numbers could just be a coincidence.

[Exhales] It has to be, right?

We'll keep an eye out.

Hey, how was fishing?

It was good.

Jumpin' in the boat.

Got my head cleared, so, uh...

That's good, man.


You seen Boden?

Said he got called to headquarters.

Coffee or some water?

I'm sure I can get some...

Oh, here we go.

Sorry I'm late.

Please have a seat.

I wanna thank you all for coming, Chiefs.

I know you're anxious to get back to your firehouses, so I will keep this as brief as I can.

My name is Gail McLeod.

And I've been hired by the state fire marshal's office to rein in the disbursement of state money to the Chicago Fire Department.

Now, I have been charged with creating a more streamlined and automated CFD, and reducing expenditures by 10%.

So, first we will be installing and training you on a system that we're calling, "The Wizard."

The Wizard?

[Chuckles] I know, great name, right?

But The Wizard will monitor things like apparatus fuel efficiency, man power distribution, overtime approval.

That alone will save this department nearly 4% a year.

Yeah, we save 4%, but we lose the ability to make the best decisions for our men.

What makes you think that you make the best decisions, Chief?

Have you ever run into a burning building, Ms. McLeod?

'Cause I was in one less than an hour ago, where we barely saved one of our own.

In fact, have you ever grabbed a burn victim?

Tried to pull him to safety, but had the skin of his arm come off in your own glove?

'Cause I have.

We all have.

No, Chief.

I've never done any of that.

But I do have to make very, very difficult decisions.

Like this morning when I told Firehouse 33 that it was closed, permanently.

Now, to cover the additional 6% that we do need to cut, I am going to have to close down two more houses.

You're here... because your house is on the short list.

Okay, um, sign ups for training on the new software...



You okay?


Um, Herrmann and Otis are driving me crazy with this whole game day thing, and it would be really nice to not talk about how we're all going down in flames, so...

Tomorrow night? I'll buy.

That'd be great.

It's really good to have you back.

Smells good.

Wow. That is amazing.

I've never eaten so good.

I come in, there's noodles, there's rice, there's little chopped up fish.

Holy mother, it's good.


[Dog barks]

Okay, everybody, listen up.

The state of Illinois, in all its wisdom, has brought in a consultant to make recommendations on firehouse closures.


51 is on that list.

To be certain that it doesn't happen here, we are gonna tighten up, not give 'em a reason to even look in our direction.

Does everybody understand?

Meaning what, Chief?

Meaning that the trucks and the gas will be monitored.

So no more side trips to go and get ice cream.

You will also be required to join a wellness program, or you will pay higher premiums.

This is insanity, Chief.

Yeah, according to these wellness doctors, I'm technically obese.

The Union's not gonna stand for this.

Actually, I heard douchebag Greg Sullivan is running for Union president.



I know him from bowling league.

And let me tell you, he's no fireman's fireman.

He's a climber.

Regardless, we lock it down starting now.

You got it, Chief.

You're gonna have some new faces soon, from the house that's already been closed.

Everybody keep an eye out.

How's Casey?

Um, first I saw him was this morning, but he looked better.




And... he needs a friend.

He needs something, all right.

[Tires screech]




Multiple g*nsh*t wounds.

Get off me.

Don't leave me here!

[Tires screech]


Stop! Stop the car!

Hey, hey, need some some help here!

On the ground! Get on the ground!

Don't you move!

He's circling.

One, two, three, four b*llet holes.


Over there!

Try to get a line in.


He's not breathing. I'm gonna tube him.

I'm losing him. Starting CPR.

[Whispering] Come on... damn it.


Damn it!

[Overlapping chatter]

All right, call it in.

You couldn't have walked him into the E.R.?

Dawson, don't.

Come on in.

How you doing, Peter?

Fine, Chief.


Well, I just wanna make you aware, one of the new fire fighters coming over from 33...

He's gonna be joining Rescue Squad.

Sounds good.

Anything else?


That'll be all.

So what happened?

Drive-by drop-off, gurney completely destroyed.


How do you replace a gurney?

Uh, we took one from Lakeshore.



Hey, Renee, it's Kelly.

Listen, um... give me a call when you get a chance.

All right, love you, bye.


Transfers from a closed house is never good.

They were closed for a reason.

Do you really think 51 is in danger?

We just gotta keep doing our jobs.

We'll be fine.

Will you look at this?

Who's running against him?


We deserve what we get then.
[Knock at door]

Come in.

Hey, Heather.


Just wanted to get a jump on these.

Oh, here.



How you doing?

Ready for normalcy.


That's all you can hope for right now.

By the way, Thursday...

Yeah, I know.

I can't believe it's been a year.


Sylvie and Shylah are taking me out to happy hour, just to get my mind off of it.

Good idea.

We're going to McIntyre's on Michigan, if you wanna come.

They already said to plan on closing it down.

[Chuckles] I'm on shift.

But I'll definitely try to drop by.

Thanks, Matt. For everything.

Andy would've done the same for me.

[Footsteps approaching]

Hey, breakfast is almost ready.

Ben, how you doing?

Hey, Griffin, how you doing?

I'm not hungry.

Griffin Darden...

I'm not hungry!

Ah, it's the shirt.

Anything related to the fire department...

I'm sorry. I didn't realize you...

[Techno music]

♪ ♪

[distant cheering]

I'm telling you guys, we're going to get crushed.

Your optimism is always inspiring.

You know, my aunt, she used to be this secret shopper for her company.

She'd go in, completely anonymously, check on the customer service, and report back.


We need a secret shopper to go check out game day.

Yeah, good by me.

Don't try to big dog it.

Just go over there like a normal customer.

I know how to walk into a bar.


I'm not going out of pocket on this.


I want an itemized receipt.

Excuse me, do you guys accept game day coupons?


Keep your elbows up, you'll get into a better flow.

Hey, what's happening, Antonio?

You know, staying out of trouble.

Good man.

Hey, we're good, right?

You know, it didn't work out between Gabi and I.

Yeah, we're good.

A little battle of the badges is coming up.

We'd be a good match.


Unless you're fighting for the CPD, of course.

What's that mean?

I saw your name on the applicant list.

Yeah, that...

I was in a bad place, man.


It stays between us.

You'd make a hell of a cop though.

So... how was it?

Fish were biting. It was, uh...

Thank you. It was a great idea.

That was my dad's favorite spot.

Hey, Matt...

You know... you know there are no expectations here, right?

We're friends. Great friends.

And I'm happy being in your life as a friend.

You've always been there for me.

Yeah. That'll never change.



I just want you to know, I have had the best time.

Best time.

And I'll come to Osaka as soon as I have furlough.

In my culture, men with narrow eyes are destined to do great things.

You are destined for greatness.

[All cheering music blasting]

Hey, uh, can I please send a couple Long Island ice teas to the ladies in the corner?

Long island ice teas?

What do you think this is, spring break at Jersey Shore?

15-year scotch is the answer.

Is that right?

I mean, admittedly, I don't know about those girls, but most women prefer a man who knows what to pour.



What are they drinking now?



Sea breezes.

That's what I thought.

Three long island ice teas, please.

Coming right up.

[Door opens, distant cheering, music]

We're open till 2:00.



On me.

No discount on that.

[Distant music]

You got nothin' to worry about.

What do you mean?

It's stale and bland and corporate.

They put on a big show tonight, but tomorrow game days is gonna look like another bad date with a hangover.



Yes, we're gonna be fine.

Here. I forgot a receipt.

Chop, chop, guys.

[Phone vibrating]

Severide, we got trouble!

Get out here!


Your car!

What the hell?

[Tense music]



You smell that?

Same chemical.

Yeah, now we know.


You guys make your own fires around here, or...

You must be the new guys.

I'm Lieutenant Spellman, this is Clarke.

Wish it were under better circumstances.

I'm Casey. This is Severide.

Nice to meet you.

Jeff Clarke, sir.


We both smelled the same thing there and at the Camaro.

[Knock at door]

Come on in, Clarke.

Pardon the interruption, sir.

But, um, I found this on the car.

What is it?

That coil holds a styrofoam cup filled with something like brake fluid, sitting on an oxidizer.

It's a homemade accelerant.

How do you know all this?

I've seen it before.


We bring in arson investigation and CPD.

Who put these up?

First watch?

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Why don't you just run, Herrmann?

I don't think that I'm the electable type.

Everyone come with me, please.

Okay. Step one of the cutbacks... overtime pay has been suspended.

Here we go.

And we are gonna start doubling up on lockers.

They're gonna take out that whole section and use it to store some of the equipment from the closed Firehouse 33.

Please don't ask me why.

This has reached a new level of absurdity.

So now, you get to choose who you wanna share with.

Anyone but Cruz, I'm begging you.

I'll take Otis.

He didn't mean that.

On a more serious note, we have to reason to believe that Kelly Severide has gotten the attention of an arsonist.

I have been assured by CPD and arson investigation that they are into it.

But I expect extra vigilance in the coming shifts from all of you.

And finally, today marks one year since we lost Andy Darden.

Everyone hold a thought for him and the family that he left behind.

We are all a little less without him in our lives.

I'll leave you to it.

You need something?

No. No, I'm good.

If anyone asks, we saw a cat in a tree.

You got it.

[Background chatter, muzak playing]

Looks like your wrecking crew right here.

Matt. Thanks for coming.

Ah. I only have a second.


Well, this is Silvie Shylah, and Jenn.

Hi, nice to meet you.

Thanks for taking this one out.

Oh, she deserves it.

Yeah. How you doing?

I'm doing just great.


Here you go, ladies.

And I'm about to be doing a whole lot better.

Looks like you're in excellent hands.

He's on duty, or else I'd make him do sh*ts with us.

Next round's on me.

Make sure it's a celebration.

Thank you.

All right, be safe.


Yes, sir.

See you, guys.



See, no one will even know we were gone.

Still and Box alarm, building fire.

Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51.

[Siren blares]

My mother's on the fourth floor.

She says her chest is hurting.



We'll get her.


Ma'am, please.

I got one.

[Woman coughing]

Hey, take the staircase up!

Get attack lines in here.

Let's clear it!



Let's get you outta here.

I got him.

Hey, rooms are clear back there.

Let's go upstairs.

Let's go!

All right, let's send the water.

That wind isn't good.

Fire's jumpin', Chief.

Damn it.

Shay, Dawson, get out of there.

Evacuate the building right now.

Pull her in, pull her in!

I got her.

Hey, Chief?

No way we're going down the stairs we came up.

Fourth floor.

Hang tight. We're coming.

Severide, Casey, shay and Dawson are trapped in building two.

Can you see 'em?

Got 'em, Chief.

We've got an incapacitated woman on a stair chair.

She can't move.

Fire's out in building one, Chief.

Casey, we can't get the aerial in there to pull 'em out.

Mills, Otis, run a straight ladder up.

Bring 'em across.


[Tense music]

♪ ♪

We gotta go.

Here we go. Steady, Otis.

Got it.

Fire's coming in the room.

Come to the window.

We'll get you.



You're up.

[Metal creaking]

Come on.

You got it, Gabi.

Give me your hand.

Okay, nice and easy, Shay.

Fire's coming!

Get me off this thing.

All right.

Tie her to the line.

Here comes the victim.

Keep the slack out of the line.

Engine 51 moving into building two.

There you go.

Casey, move!

Now! Come on, Casey!

Let's go!


Otis, Mills, pull!

Pull. [Grunting]

We gotcha.

I'm okay.


I'm okay.

Okay, everyone out, now.

You two okay?

A little well done, but we're all right, Chief.

Here, hop on.

Found two of these in the basement.

[Knock at door]

An arsonist? What the hell?

Are you okay?

Yeah, we'll find him.

We'll... we'll find him.

All right.

Look, Kelly, um, I'm sorry about the Renee thing.

And I'm sure everything's on the up and up.

Renee's visiting her parents.

It's the last time she can fly before the baby.

I don't wanna get into it with her on the phone, but...

Okay. Okay, good.

All right, cool.


Who's on pouch poop duty?

'Cause there's a few bombs in the back.


Oh, don't you dare look at me.



Oh... my... God.


[Indistinct chatter] Ready?

Yeah! Whoo!

Yeah! [Laughing]

That's what I'm talking about, baby!

Thanks a million, Judas.

Guys, what do you want me to say?

Game day's incredible.

It's the best bar in Chicago.

No, it's the single greatest place on Earth.

[Knock at door]

You asked to see me, ma'am?

Oh, yes.

Come in, come in. Please, have a seat.

Hi, you are Jeff Clarke, yes?

Yes, ma'am.

And how are you liking the fit at 51, Jeff?

Uh, I think it's a real good fit, ma'am.

Good, good.

Well, listen, I, um...

I pushed to get you promoted from relief at 33 to a permanent place on Squad at 51, because I know you're a fireman that a superior can count on.

I'm sorry...

I... I was hoping that you could be my eyes and ears over there.

It's nothing shady.

It's just a bit of a problem house.

There are prescription dr*gs missing off of an ambulance, there's a sexual harassment claim, all of which are massive liability risks.

I don't know anything about that, ma'am..

[Laughs] No, no, no.

I... I didn't expect you to.

But it would be very helpful if you could just check in with me once a week and let me know what's happening.

In light of the fact that it would be incredibly easy to put you back into a relief rotation, I would think that you'd wanna help me out.

So, like I said, as a former military man who understands chain of command, I'm hoping I can count on you.



Can I ask you something?

Do I have narrow eyes?


What answer do you wanna hear?


You were just in there!

I tried to bring people over to the other bar.

[Overlapping arguing]

Hey, guys.


I would like to announce that I, Randy McHolland, am running for Union president, and I would appreciate your support.

Attaboy, Mouch.

That's the best news I heard all day.


Hear, hear!


Truck 81, Ambulance 61, single car accident, 87 South Illinois.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

Affirmative, central. CFD's on scene.

DUI. Passenger's in pretty bad shape.

Head trauma, losing blood.

We gotta move fast.

Where's the driver?

[Sobbing] They don't have a father anymore...

Please let me tell someone, please, God.



Oh, God. What happened?

Oh, God, the kids.

The kids are at the babysitter.

I'll take care of...

Can you get them, please?

I got it. I got it!

Thank you. [Crying, muttering]

[Siren blaring]
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