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01x23 - The Shadow w*r!

Posted: 03/03/24 22:16
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane Here in Duckburg Race cars, lasers, airplanes It's a duck

-blur We might solve a mystery Or rewrite history Ducktales, whoo

-ooh Every day they're out there making Ducktales Whoo

-ooh Tales of derring

-do Bad and good

-luck tales Whoo

-ooh D


-danger lurks behind you There's a stranger out to find you What to do? Just grab on to some Ducktales Whoo

-ooh Every day they're out there Making Ducktales Whoo

-ooh Tales of daring bad and good Not phony tales or cottontails

- No, Ducktales!

- Whoo



Got it.

Got it, got it.

No! Louie, pull your weight! Um, I'm stabilizing.

Grunts lift.

Leaders stabilize.



Ahh, life on a boat, huh? The lively rocking of the waves! Sleeping next to a dangerous boiler! And what's that? A longshoreman cursing?! Fun! Anything's better than the mansion with that selfish old miser.

Aw, that's not fair.

Scrooge isn't that old and selfish.

Okay, but in the most lovable way! Home sweet home.

Huh? Umm I got snacks! Uhh heh.

Hmm? Ah Mmm! Wait, where's Dewey?! Nope.

Right here.

- Not stealing the boat.

- Oh! Yep.

Back to the good ol' days.





Woo! Bbbb blah.


Big day, Magica.

Real big day.

The eclipse is at hand, my plan is flawless.




Go! Oh, that's right.

I forgot you were here.

I won't let you do this! Yeah, uh


Oh, except at the moment of the eclipse, my powers will finally unleash, and I'll be an invincible juggernaut of dark magic! So, you know [GASPING]


Now that you've gained the trust of Scrooge's brats, I can use your body to get inside the house.

Then I'll weaken Scrooge with this, snatch the Number One Dime at the height of the eclipse, unleash my full power, and use it to destroy everything Scrooge has ever loved! Ha ha ha! Unh! [TIRES SCREECHING]


- Howdy, Mr.

McDee! Don't worry, I'm not here to check on you on account of everyone moving out because the boys blame you for launching their mom to space and orphaning them.

I'm here to take you out for ice cream! Mmm, sounds good, right? Family crisis! I mean, ice cream! [SCROOGE]

Go away.

Out?! Moved?! Ice cream?! Without those kids to let me in, how am I supposed to get my evil, evil vengeance?! [PANTING]


I will defeat Scrooge McDuck.

I am the dark shadow lying in wait! I am the stuff of nightmares lurking in the hidden recesses of your mind!

- I am Aaaah!



All right.

Just have to convince Scrooge that I'm a typical little girl.



Gee whiz, mister.

It's me, that insufferable whelp, Lena.

The little urchins invited me over to Uh what do children like? Play marbles? [SCROOGE]

The children are gone.

Leave me alone.



Aw, shucks.

Webby said this would happen.

What did she say? That you wouldn't be able to handle the kids leaving and have an old man meltdown.

I thought better of you.

Guess I was wrong.



At last.

A vanquishing for the ages, a final clash between the Sorceress of the Shadows and the world's greatest adventurer, Scrooge Mc [SCRATCHING]

Wait, what? [BUOY CLANGING]

Hey, guys, I think you misplaced this box.

We're throwing that away.

- Yah!


What?! The Druid's Cup? This Mount Neverrest T

-shirt? The Golden Khopesh of Toth Ra that you conned Launchpad out of?! Those artifacts are special! It's just old junk.

Yah! [SIGHS]


Ah! Sploosh.

- Seriously?

- You're still holding it.

Oh, fine! [GROANS]

- Ah!

- Aaah! No no no no no no no no no! I can't believe it's really over.

I mean, they're falling apart and they're family.

Are we next? Don't worry.

I've crashed literally hundreds of Mr.

McDee's vehicles, and he always gets over it.


- The boys will, too.

I don't know.

This feels different.

They blame Scrooge for their mom's disappearance.

It'll blow over.

They'll be a happy family living in the mansion before you know it.

Boys! Good news! Where have you always wanted to go? Into the water to go get my Khopesh? What? No.

Cape Suzette! We're moving there tomorrow!

- A new town?!

- Cape Suzette, here we come! [BOTH]

They're moving tomorrow?!



We have no time! The only family I've ever known gone forever! Ohhh! What do we do?! This is bad! Real bad! Will Dewey and I still be friends?! Who will I call for advice?! Do they have phones in Cape Suzette?! Okay, okay, one of us needs to stay calm here.

So you? All we need is a simple plan to remind Scrooge and the boys

- how much they need each other.

- Huh? [BOTH]

An amazingly fun and elaborate farewell dinner party scheme.

Yes! Step one, we throw the boys a farewell party to convince them they don't want to move.

Step two, reveal surprise guest Scrooge And remind them how much they all miss each other.

Step three There is no step three, because we just nailed it in two steps! [BOTH]

Whoo! [SLAP]



- Whooo!

- Whoo


-hoo! [LENA'S VOICE]

Ugh! How long has your housekeeping staff been gone? Three days.

So how are my so

-called kin? Miserable, no doubt, living on that disgusting boat.

I'm obviously doing much better than they are.


- Ah! Pesky possum!

- Keeps eating my anchovies!




Scrooge! That sad sack of feathers is not Scrooge.



The Scrooge McDuck I know is a shrewd, conquering hero of legend.



Unless this is all a trick.

Yes, that's it! Of course! He senses something.

He's trying to convince me he's a pathetic loser, hoping I'll make a mistake! Ha ha! You can't fool me, Scroogie! I am the one who fools! One sip.

Lights out.

Grab the dime.

Then I enact my vengeance! [CACKLING]

Thanks for the pep talk, Lena.


It says here that Cape Suzette has a pretty neat park.

They just got a second swing.

And the Cape Suzette saltine cr*cker factory gives public tours.

And they let you sample the crackers at least.


I mean, this place used to sound exciting, right? Ho ho! Meet the new Dewey, the dashing, debonair yachtsman of Cape Suzette! Ah! Fancy boat shoes! Pain worth it for the fancy boat shoes.

Eee! Yah! [GRUNTS]


"Dear Hubert, Dewford, and Lew [MUTTERS]

you are cordially invited to your own dining room for a dinner full of heartwarming memories and surprises, question mark.

Will you attend, 'yay' or nay"? [BOTH]

They're coming! Whoo! Ooh! Now we just have to get Scrooge to show up.

But how? We're gonna have to be subtle.

Hello, Mr.

McDee! Come to a party on Donald's houseboat for, um Oh, uh Mm

-mm, uh, hmm? Um, a game of charades?

- Free food!


I'll be there.

- You will?!



But I'll only eat the finest lobster, caviar, canapés.

And make sure no one starts eating until I get there, as I consider it the height of rudeness.

Bless me bagpipes! Good day! [MAGICA'S VOICE]

Ha! Dinner officially ruined! Hm! Now, back to destroying Scrooge.


Where's that blasted nutmeg tea? Ooh.



Don't worry! I'll get it! [HUMMING]

Waack! Huh? What? Huh? Hey, what's the big idea?! Didn't the boys tell you, we're making you a heartwarming farewell dinner! Oh, fine.

Ha ha ha ha ha!




One man's nephews' former bedroom is another man's pantry, I always say.


Ugh! Ow.

He is very committed to this "looking pathetic" trap.


Have some tea.

It'll settle you.



Sweet, playful marbles.

Three to a bag.

Red, green, and that rascal blue marble, always rolling whichever way it wants.

And ungrateful, the lot of them, at every turn! After all I did for them, and they just throw it in my face! Yeah, there's nothing worse than marbles.


Tea? I'm talking about family.

Ugh, tell me about it.

They disobey you, run you ragged, don't follow through on elaborate revenge plots! They spend your money, take over your home, cause trouble, worm their way into your head with fond memories that you cannae get out, no matter how hard you try! Cheers to ridding fond memories! And then they leave without so much as a thank you! Forget family! Who needs 'em? I'll drink to that! Aah! [MAGICA'S VOICE]

Of all the idiotic [LENA'S VOICE]

I mean, I'll go make you another.

Come on, guys, you're gonna be late for the greatest dinner of all time! A culinary journey through Duckburg! Every bite reminding you how much you love this town you're leaving behind for some dumb reason.

Mmm, the "family

-tini!" Old family recipe.

Tastes like the loving embrace of family.


Ahh! Are these melted popsicles in cups? The stirrer has a riddle on it.

Yeah, you won't get fancy stuff like this in Cape Suzette.


That's probably for the best.

I heard there was a farewell party.

I brought ambrosia salad.


Uh! Granny's a master spy! She'll expose our plan! How'd she know about the party?! I dunno.

I specifically wrote on her invitation, "don't come!" And where is Scrooge? He was supposed to be here half an hour ago! Okay, okay, okay, just need to stall till he arrives.


A toast! The dictionary defines "family" as "a group of people bound together by commitment and unwavering loyalty.

" So let's each say one nice thing about a particular relative of ours.


Boys? Uch, fine.

I'll go with Uncle Donald, because well, he's devoted to his family.

Unlike others.

Yeah, and he's thoughtful.

- Don't forget passionate.

- Aww! I like his sailor getup! Ugh! Okay, we all love Donald.

But how about a relative that is not in this room, who is over 80, and is very, very rich? Why are you guys acting so weird? Uh, we're not! Emergency bounce house! [RUMBLING]


Webby, Launchpad.

A word? This is a parent trap, isn't it? You're trying to manufacture sentiment to force Scrooge and the boys to come together against their wills.

I want in.


Really?! If this family won't come together, we'll have to do it for them.

I assume you invited Scrooge.

Yeah, but he's running late.


I'll get the boys and Donald emotionally primed while we wait.

I'm a former agent and a grandmother.

I know how to weaponize guilt.


Here, tea.

This time in a convenient no

-spill cup.

Finally, without those kids dragging me off on rip

-roaring, unforgettable adventures, I can just sit here in peace, stare vacantly at my money, and sulk like an arrant recluse.

On an unrelated note, how's that tea? Spilt.

Like my life.


Oh, my word, it's not a trap.

He's actually become this pathetic! How dare you make me pity you! This is not how I pictured k*lling you in my head for the last 15 years! Go on.

Scram now.

Let me wallow in peace.


Toughen up, man!

- [SLAP]

You conquered Plain Awful, you found the Last Crown of the Mongols, you even defeated some very powerful dark forces! You don't need family! You're Scrooge McDuck! Act like it! I am Scrooge McDuck.

I was adventuring before them.

No one helped me then, and I don't need help now! Yes! They were all in your way.

Mooching, freeloading.

Trying to weaken you with compassion and caring.

I'm going back to basics.

Doggedly driven, bare, barmy Scrooge flying solo! I don't need Duckburg or the mansion or the Bin! I can start from scratch! I dinnae need these pince

-nez spectacles, this handmade silk

-weave top hat, these satin spatterdashes! Yes, yes, yes! I don't need anything! Not even your Number One Dime! Well, that's crazy.

Of course I need my dime.

What about starting from scratch? Just give me the dime, and I'll throw it away for you.

Why would a young lass be so interested in getting her hands on my ol' Number One Dime?

- Maybe you should be going.

- Rraaah! Lena! What the? Have you gone daft?! [GROWLING]

Look, I'm not gonna fight a child!


- Aaaah! Okay, fine! [GRUNTS]


Huh? Ah! Eh? [GROANING]


It cannae be.




Feed my power, Dark Eclipse, free my form from the abyss.

Dormant magic now unchain, the Shadow Queen be whole again! Ha ha! Yes! The magic! The body! I'm back! Hello, Scroogie.

I've missed you.

Magica DeSpell, you blackhearted wretch of the foulest lineage! Impossible! How?! Why don't you ask your housekeeper's granddaughter's new best friend? You have a confusing family structure, you know that? [LENA]

You got your stupid body back, now leave us alone! Yes, scat, you rapacious ogress! [GASPS]

Awww, but I just got here.






Apple shortbread pie with a scoop of sea salt ice cream.

A common farewell dessert in certain parts.


Some real food.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

This was Scrooge's favorite dessert.

Oh, I don't want to remind you of that horrid man who lost your mother all those years ago, even if it was an accident that tore him up for ten years, propelling him into a desperate search attempt that left him broken and nearly bankrupt.

Wait, bankrupt? Really? But I understand, you're upset because you lost one family member, which was terrible and painful, so you decided you should go ahead and lose another.


Makes perfect rational sense.

Yeah, nailed it, Mrs.


Yes, distance yourself even further from his life and forsake family altogether.

That will definitely fix it.

No! It'll do the opposite of that! Perhaps it's worth considering that the reason Scrooge closed himself off was because the loss of Della was the hardest thing he'd ever faced, harder than any adventure.

It's not that he didn't care, it's that he cared about family more than anything in the world.

And perhaps he still does.

But I'm just the housekeeper.

What do I know? A lot! This lady knows a lot! [LOW VIBRATION]



You, wee tenebrious traitor! We welcomed you into our home, only to have you unleash this repugnant beast

-monger! She's my aunt! She made me do it! Mmm! Family! Good for nothing! Left me completely vulnerable to this! [SCOFFS]


Magica only got in here 'cause you threw your family out.

My family's good for nothing.

Your family is amazing.

You fight and get into trouble, but it doesn't matter, because you, I don't know, love each other or something.

Dude, I wish I had your family.

You're right, lass.

Help me get my family back, and you'll have a place in it.

We're all stronger together.

Ready? I'll see what I can do.

Come on, you Mephistophelian Medusa, let's Oh! Sorry, I was just watching you rally for a triumphant comeback.

So sad.

So futile.

Now where was I?

- Oh, yes.




No! Not again! Don't send me back! Noooo! Bless me bagpipes.

Curse you, DeSpell! No, no, Scrooge.

Curse you.



Aaah! Mm, not the most inspiring final words.

Now let's toast to a fine farewell meal, topped with a dash of perspective.

So, this whole thing was to guilt us into going back to the mansion? Well, it's not gonna work.

Sorry, but it's too late.

We're going to Cape Suzette with our real family, and that's that, right, Uncle Donald? No.


B's right.

Uncle Scrooge needs us, and we need him.

Our family has been apart too long.


It's time for us to come together.

Come here, boys.

Wait, wait, wait.

But but the Spear.

And Mom.

And and Family? Trapped.


Let's go back to the mansion! [expl*si*n]


Aw, phooey.


Ha ha ha ha ha! [SCREAMING]



- Aah! Come to me, my shadow puppets! Aah! Oh! Ooh! Hey! $20! Ah! The perfect vantage point to view the lunar eclipse.

Just me, the night sky, and a swirling shadow vortex.

A swirling shadow vortex?! Aah! Blathering Blatherskite!


- Whoa! Whoa! [GRUNTS]

Where are you going?! You're my shadow, you hear? Curse you, me! [ALL SCREAMING]

So still going to Cape Suzette, right? Cool, yeah, I'll start the boat.

Take it in, Scroogie! [ALL GASPING]


Magica DeSpell!


- Wait, who? Magica DeSpell.

A vile sorceress with a mysterious, ancient grudge against Clan McDuck.

She was Scrooge's bitterest rival, but no one's seen her since they fought on Mount Vesuvius 15 years ago.

All right, all! Cool heads! We must help Scrooge before anything else [ALL SCREAMING]

Take my brothers first, please! Eee!

- Oh.

- It's just Manny! That's it! No more underwater labs! It's volcanoes or abandoned castles from now on! Dr.

Gearloose?! What happened?! Our own shadows came to life and wrecked the lab.

Buh my Shadow Control Ray is still in the test phase, so this one is not on me.

Everybody listen up! [SPEAKING GIBBERISH]

- [ALL]



Did anyone get any of that? It's mostly context clues.

We get, like, every third word.

Nope, completely unintelligible.

I'll show you unintelligible! Ah! I don't have time for this.

The Barksian Modulator! Able to translate neural impulses into sonic transmissions.

Buh? [SIGHS]

It's a voice box.

- Oh, okay.

- Yeah, good idea.

- What took you so long?

- Barksian Modulator.



Hands offa me [VOICE CLEARING UP]

you mad scientist! Whoa.

He sounds so normal.


Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

Wow, never been able to say that before.

Ahem! As I was saying, Uncle Scrooge is in trouble, and it's up to us to help him.

Adventure is in our blood.

We face down perilous foes and endless danger every day, but we always prevail.

Because these Ducks don't back down! Thank you, Donald.

Now, we need to Stage a coordinated attack! Gyro, you and your team will charge the bridge to distract Magica's shadow forces.



Launchpad, head up the air attack to draw her attention.

Do you think you can crash into the Bin? [LAUGHTER]

All right, all right, all right.

And, Beakley, while the others distract Magica, you and I will sneak around back in my newly fixed

-up houseboat.

That is actually very close to what I was going to say.

And we Will stay here and out of danger.

- Oh, come on!

- But This isn't an adventure.

This is Magica DeSpell.

Under no circumstances are you kids to come to the Bin.

Do you understand?

- Yes, Uncle Donald.

- Yes, Donald.


So we're totally sneaking into the Money Bin, right? But how are we gonna take on an entire shadow army? The Ducks don't back down! Now if only we knew someone with experience breaking into places.

You mean like a noble teen ne'er


-well who can break into anything, including your heart? Yeah, that'd be great.


- Lena!

- It's Lena! Lena, right! I was gonna say Lena.


All right.

Just like when I led that uprising in Eagleslavia.

I'll take the wheel, you [CLEAR VOICE]



My house, my rules.

Aye, aye sir? Get ready for the storm.

I am the storm.

Seriously, have you been saying things like that this whole time? Ah, best seat in the house.

Now, the revenge monologue I've been plotting for 15 years.

"To my most hated nemesis" That's you.

"As you know, you banished me to a nether

-realm within your Dime, where I've been biding my time, devising your delicious downfall.

In conclusion" Wait.

These are out of order.

Hold on.

Hold on! Don't roll your eye at me! I've been trapped for 15 years! I'm entitled to a full minute of gloating! I will make you watch as I destroy everything you've ever loved, starting with your precious little town! Ooh, that's good.

Got a pen?

- [HUEY]



Yo, Lena! Where are you?! Oh, what if my best friend was taken by the shadows?! Webby, don't lose faith.

Remember, Ducks don't back down? Tonight we seek revenge on those who destroyed our lab.

And whoever defeats the most shadows will earn the most elusive prize of all my respect.

Oh, and the loser is fired.

Good luck! [CLOMPING]



Pilot to co


We are ready for launch.

Could be dangerous.

Suggested flight path? Let's get dangerous.


Is this where Lena lives? Buh! Explains why she's always sleeping over at our house.

Lena? Sorry to barge in unannounced! [HUEY]

Maybe she's hiding? A journal! You can't read her journal! Although if she were taken, she might have left a note.

A poem! Best friend, rebel, poet.

Is there anything Lena can't do? Ahem.

"To end the line of Clan McDuck, she sought a token of their luck.

Lo, with the eclipse in its prime, she'd trap old Scrooge within his dime"? "But Scrooge reversed her vengeance planned, and in his Dime, the witch did land.

Yet as he struck the final blow, she cast a spy from her shadow.

I walk the earth and wield her power to bring about McDuck's last hour.

" Lena is Magica's spy?! Lena is a shadow?! She betrayed us all to free Magica.

She was never my friend.

You might not have her, but you still have us.

We're family, and Ducks don't

- Save it.


Uh, guys, check this out! Magica used the power of the eclipse to escape Scrooge's Dime! Only to trap him there instead! We have to get to that Dime and save Scrooge ourselves! And I know just how to Dewey it.

Is this your favorite treasure? Oh, too bad.

Now it's ice cream! Want a lick?

- Whoops!


How does it feel, Scroogie? Oh! Looks like your family's coming to play.

Say goodbye, McDuck.

Ha ha ha ha! Fore! Homerun! Tennis thing! Sports! [CACKLING MANIACALLY]

Look what I found! What?! We like Scrooge again! Whatever, get your own Khopesh.

Elevator's busted.

How are we gonna get to the Bin entrance on the top floor? [ALL PANTING]

Uhhhh! Sorry to crash the party! Sorry to crash the party! Crash.


Par Hey! Not cool! Aah! You'll never take me alive! Wait, no.

Please take me alive! At last! One of Scrooge's beloved nephew Wait, who are you? I'm Scrooge's number one scientist.

Blink once if this guy is a good friend, twice if he's just a work acquaintance.

- Aw

- Bah! Ohh! [PANTING]





We've gotta get to the Bin! You go! I'll be fine! Haven't had a proper fight in a while anyway.

Look after my boat! If Donald can keep this bucket afloat, how hard could it be? [GRUNTING]

Hey! What's the big idea?! [GRUNTING]

Aw, phooey.


So close.




Umm, guys, when did our shadows come back?




-aah! Cut the lights so we won't cast shadows! [HUEY]

Now we can't see!



I can.


Everyone hold hands and form a chain behind Webby! [LOUIE]



- Ew, Huey! Your hands are clammy! [DEWEY]

Come on, guys! Ducks don't back down.


I've literally never heard that family motto before today! Ugh.

We're never going to find Scrooge's office!

- I found Scrooge's office!


Okay, maybe we should have listened to

- Aah!

- Uncle Donald?! [CLEAR VOICE]

Get away from my kids.



Ha ha ha ha ha! [PANTING]

Rrrr! We can explain! Please.

I told you not to come, so of course you showed up.

And just when I need you.

Classic reverse psychology.

Feel like I should've seen that coming.


Go save your uncle.

I'll keep these palookas at bay.

Ducks don't back down.

See? I told you it's a thing! It's cooler when he does it.

Come and get it, ya no good Raah! [BOYS SCREAMING]


Unh! Ooh! Look.


Looking for this? Come and get it.


Give us back our uncle! Oh, he's trapped forever inside the thing he loves most.



Split up!

- Then what?! Do what we do best: make trouble! [CLEAR VOICE]

Take that! And that! And Hey! Ow! Wait! Oh! Hey! [SQUAWKING]


Hey! Who's [SQUAWKING]

next? Aaah! [CLOMPING]

Blathering Blatherskite! [LASER BLAST]

Illumination, gentlemen! If we increase Li'l Bulb's wattage output and optimize the laser's spatial coherence Yes! Manny! We ride! [SHOUTS IN SPANISH]



He fixed the boat once, he can do it again, right? Ugh! Yah! Waah! Crash.



Oh, come on! I'm the best at crashing! [GASPS]

Wait! Take the wheel! Let's get dangerous! Launchpad climbs out on the plane Gonna start a fight Wish I could think of a word That would rhyme with fight All right!

- Hey, couple of questions for you.

- Aah! Gah! If you were caught in the dime, how come we never saw you in it? Oh! Also, Scrooge isn't exactly magical, so how did he manage to trap you in it? Aah!

- Follow up.

- Aah! How does the lunar eclipse factor into all this? Well, you see, I channel my power It's just magic, okay?! Hey! Ah! Ho ho! Oh, no! You broke the Mirror of Tyche! The what now? Ancient artifact? Terrible curse if you break it? I've never heard of it, and I am versed in all magicks Gaelic, Demogorgan, Sumerian Sumerian? You were in that dime a long time.


Well, good luck with the curse! What kind of curse? Grave misfortune! Increased gullibility! A swift kick in the ribs!

- A what?

- Aagh! Aah! My ribs!


- Rrrr! Ooh.

Someone's mad.

Uh! Yah! I just got a family! I thought I had a best friend in Lena! Yah! But you took that all away! Unh!


- Aah! Yah! [GASPS]

You are not.




- Aah!


Ha! Ohh! [GRUNTS]

Lena couldn't be your friend, because she was never real! I don't believe you.


Aah! You had sleepovers with a shadow.

You gave it a friendship bracelet! Honestly, it's embarrassing how pathetic you were.

Here, let me put you out of your misery! [GROANING]


Huh? [GASPS]

Get away from my best friend, Aunt Magica!

- Lena?!

- Aunt?! You're even worse than her! You aren't my family! You are nothing! Aaah! Nooo!

- Rraaaah!



Come on, you [GRUNTING]

- Got it!

- Hey! Waah! So, listen, Uncle Scrooge, I guess I get why you didn't tell us about our mom.

And maybe we should've realized that when we lost our mom, you lost her, too.

But Gah! Okay, not the time for a heart


-heart! Aah! Whoa

-ho! Huh!


- That's mine! [GASPS]

- Yah!

- Ohhh! [GROANING]

Huh? Yaah! Thanks, lad! Way to dispel yer own spell, DeSpell.

Yaah! Raah! Yah! You know, I ought to thank you.

For showing you how weak and pathetic you truly are? You're welcome.

If you hadn't att*cked me, my family may well have left forever.

By trying to destroy me, you sort of saved my family.

That's not what happened! [GASPS]

Aah! Huh? Huh? I got it! Oh! Hey! [GASPING]




- My powers! They're gone!


You ruin everything! Aaah! Sorry to crash the party!


- Huh! Huh.

Never crashed a me before.



Curse you, McDuck! You haven't seen the last of me! [MAGICA COUGHING]




Good show! [CLEAR VOICE]

Oh, boy! Whoo

-hoo! We did it! We sure did.

Now about your boat Ha ha! Yeah! Lena's gone.

But she sacrificed herself to save you.


I guess she really was my best friend.

She'll always be with you.




The third one.

Curse me kilts, have I missed you.



Family truly is the greatest [ZAPPING]


- Eww!


Anyone up for a midnight swim? [CHEERING AND LAUGHING]



Bleh! Don't drink this water! And so Duckburg is saved, thanks to Scrooge McDuck and his family.

