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01x18 - Sky Pirates...In the Sky!

Posted: 03/03/24 22:13
by bunniefuu
Decorative vase, probably $3,000.

Small sack of gold coins, what's that worth, Webs, about five thou? It's historical value is immeasurable.

Fought over for decades, Duckachuquack stole the Buh



You know that is not what I mean, and I am offended that you would try and taint this treasure hunt with learning.

- You guys.

- Careful.

Good thing you didn't get any on the treasure.

Like that priceless Andean ceremonial blanket? Where'd I get this flatteringly colorful headpiece, you ask? The place? Pato Pisco.

The time? Ugh.

If this lessens the resale value, I am going to be so mad.


We are beyond lost and is this compass a sticker? [LAUGHS]

Stickers are for kids.

Grownups call them decals.

Then how do you navigate? Instincts.

A keen eye, quick thinking.



And a cool head.

A cool head? Needs a cool hat.


Not unlike this bold and daring chapeau.

And the story behind it is equally bold and daring.

Do you mind doing whatever it is you're doing later? I'm trying to get us home safe and this radar is an ant farm? Yearly polishing of the money in the bin is a necessary expenditure.

I may be filthy rich, but I'm not unsanitary.

Now there's a man who knows a good hat.

It's not just a head covering, it's a statement, am I right? I'm not putting shiny new treasure in a dirty old bin.

Where did I find my new trademark hat? The place? Pato Pisco.

The time? Not the time, Dewey.

The place? Pato Pisco.

The time? This afternoon.

There I was, face


-face with Mount Peligroso.

Hey, feet off the merchandise.

I began to climb




I'm gonna have to call you back.


Go and take that seat and stay put before something else goes wrong.





This is your fearsome Pirate Captain Don Karnage, welcoming you to our friendly skies.

Prepare to be boarded.

Life is like a hurricane, here in Duck Burg Race cars, lasers, airplanes, it's a duck blur Might solve a mystery, or rewrite history

- Duck Tales

- Woo


-hoo Everyday they're out there making

- Duck Tales

- Woo


-hoo Tales of daring

-do bad and good

- Good luck tales

- Woo


-hoo D


-Danger lurks behind you There's a stranger out to find you What to do Just grab on to some

- Duck Tales

- Woo


-hoo Everyday they're out there making,

- Duck Tales

- Woo


-hoo Tales of daring bad and good Not pony tails or cotton tails

- Duck Tales

- Woo


-hoo Stand your ground.

We will not give in to these rapacious raiders.




-yo Yo


-yo Yo


-yo Yo


-yo Yo


-yo Yo


-yo Yo


-yo Yo

-ho, Yo

-ho, Yo

-ho Avast ye lads who be fainthearted We rule these skies uncharted Cruel and vicious hearties we Who sail upon the skies and not the sea Tis I who lead this fearsome crew With dagger, swagger, derring

-do Handsome and fearsome and suave He's the famous pirate captain Don Karnage Don Karnage, ha

-ha Hoist the flag and weigh the anchor Circle the ship and pull to flank 'er Hi

-Ho He lives to plunder It's true I live to plunder High up in the sky amidst a sea of storm and thunder Now back to me, the main event A pernicious, vicious, rakish gent A frustratingly charming blaggart He'll steal all of your treasure and your heart And now we dance, ha He's Don Karnage That's me Wait, what? He's Don Karnage Still me Ahahaha

- Pilfer the loot to fill our coffers

- Hey.

Been a pleasure to take it off yah.

We put on a show, then steal your dough Then into the clouds away we go To the clouds away I go Yo


- What the blazes was that?

- Bravo.







- My treasure.

- My plane.

My hat.

I canna believe you were distracted by a bunch of hammy hoofing.

I can't believe you weren't.

Tu ru ru tu tu tu Oh, that's gonna be in there all day.


Just get the plane out of this blasted tree and follow them, now.




Fine, I'll get my hat from those bloodthirsty pirates myself.

How do you like that? I bet you don't.

We're not going anywhere.

Launchpad, you start in on Tu ruru tutu tu tutu Huey, you and Launchpad start in on those plane repairs.

- Yes.

- Yo

-ho, Mr.


The two of you can inventory our supplies.

Who knows how long we'll be stuck in this jungle.

And Dewey.

Dewey? Dewey, you be lookout while I search for any treasure those kleptomaniacal corsairs may have missed.

Maybe I'll get k*lled by pirates.

Bet they'll pay attention to that story.

Wait, why am I rooting for that? Ugh, a two three, kick

-turn, turn turn agh.

I can't mess up my big entrance.


Oh no, I messed up my big entrance.




This was a bad ideaaaaaa.






Was everyone satisfied with that performance? Yarr Even though your flybys were out of sync, the harmonies were all off, and someone was late.

Yarrr? Wrong, you made me look like an amateur out there.

But we got the treasure, Cap'n.

And isn't that what really matters? You're right.

You can't all be so rhythmically gifted as Don Karnage.

May I give you some pointers on your pirouette? [SCREAMS]

Anyone else want some pointers? Ughhhh.





- Well, well, what have we here?

- A stowaway.


Yes, obviously.

I meant it as rhetorical menacing.

We have a special punishment for stowaways.

Peg Leg Meg, how are those sky sharks coming? Not great, Cap'n.



Does Don Karnage have to do everything himself? You two, watch him while I concoct an appropriately dramatic demise.



I'm no threat, you guys.

I was just getting my hat and

- Wait.

This be your hat?

- [GULP]

Yerp? Would ye look at this, Peg Leg Meg? This hat will not be flyin' off yer head as we sail the skies.



Tell me where you got it.

Um, the place: Pato Pisco.

- The time

- Go on.

I was climbing Mt.

Peligroso, the wind whipping at my face, rocks crashing down around me.

Good news.

If we limit our rations, we can go nine whole days before we go mad with hunger.

I should tell Uncle Scrooge the pirates left this behind.


You saved it.

It belongs to you now.


Yeah, you're right, me.

I can't believe the Sapphire of Souls is gone.

- The what now?

- Big blue gem? Priceless beyond all imagining? Reflects your innermost thoughts and desires? Yeah, but Scrooge probably won't miss one measly piece of treasure, right? He's been searching for that gem for decades.

I would not want to be those pirates when Scrooge finds them.

So Scrooge can't know that I have you.

But if I can sneak you back with the other treasure and find you for him, he'll let me keep you.

I don't know, that sounds a little farfetched.

Don't you go soft on me evil Louie, do you hear me? It'll all be fine.

- What was that?

- Nothing crazy.


When I ran across a rainbow

-colored alpaca who told me she had been waiting decades for the chosen one.

And guess what?



- I was the chosen one.

Then she knit me this hat out of her wool.

Shiver me timbers, what a tale.

See, it's not just some dumb hat when you've heard the whole story.

And it's mostly all true.

Wish we could be the chosen ones.

But here we are, stuck in the chorus.

Aw, hey come on.

I thought your dance number was great.

Ugh, thanks.

But we're really just there to back up the Cap'n while he provides the distraction.

How will anyone see my beautiful arabesque sitting in a plane?

- Yeah.

- Ooh.

I love it.

You know what? Flip that into a jazzy fouette and you'll be center stage for sure.

You think? Oh nah, the captain'll never go for it.

Why does that jerk Don Karnage get all the attention and not us? I mean, you guys.

Well because he's the Cap'n? Well, what if he wasn't? Aah, aah.


You dare mutiny against The Don Karnage.

You are nothing without me.


You bit players haven't seen the last of Don Karnaaaaaaage.


Kick out Don Karnage, will they? I must retake my ship and get my revenge against that child who dared steal the crew of the Rapacious Rouge of the Rainclouds.


OK Launchpad, try it again.





But they will never help the devilishly handsome pirate who stole their treasure.

I must call upon every skill in my repertoire.

I must become someone else.


Those pirates were thorough.

Not even a coin left in the seat cushions.


Oh thank goodness you have found me.


Where'd you come from? Way to be a lookout, Dewey.

I am Dr.

Tom Kar naaaage? [BOING]

An attractive and charming plant scientist.

You mean a botanist? You dare correct, the fierce Captain of the Plant Scienceing Committee? That dashing scoundrel, Don Karnage, no relation, stole my vital plant research.

You must take me to his ship and get back what is mine.

For the good of plantology.


Excuse us just a moment.

We all know that's Don Karnage, right? He seems to know a lot about plants.

You know he might be able to help us find that pirate ship faster.

Yes, I will lead you to the ship so I can k*ll lect that flower? Oh look, leaves.


Just get on the plane, and don't steal anything this time.







Great job, everyone.

Listen, this has been great, but I should take my hat and go.

Everyone will wanna hear about where I've been.

Or you could have this bigger hat

- Captain Dewey.

- Wait, what now? You've taught us to be our own pirates and stand out.

Now it's our turn to stand out behind you.

So, Cap'n.

Who will be the first to witness the talents of the Dread Pirate Dewey? The Iron Vulture usually anchors up there.

One would assume.

Set the course Launchpad.

I think they're coming to us.






-yo Yo


-yo Yo

-ho, yo ho, yo ho Prepare thee lads to be surprised The same old shanty now reprised Cruel and vicious hearties we Who occasionally like to get jazzy Tu ru tu tu tu tu It's so catchy.

Who would dare steal my big showstopper? Tis I who lead this fearsome crewy With dagger and swagger and daring Dewey? Yes, look at me, the main attraction With stories full of daring action Perhaps you finally won't ignore us So bend your ear and hear some from the chorus Ahoy to you I'm Stinky Boot Me pride and joy be plunderin' loot Me mateys call me Ugly Mug But I prefer to go by Jitter Bug [DEWEY]

Alright, that's enough guys.

I'm Peg Leg Meg the ship's First Mate My high kicks truly are first rate



- Thar she blows I'm Hard Tack Hattie [DEWEY]

Maybe just let me take the lead here.

My dancing skills they just might drive you batty Bonjour we're the twins with a rhythmical knack One

-Eyed Linda and Two

-Toed Jack I'm just an intern for the summer [DEWEY]


But it feels like this song has gone on forever [DEWEY]

OK, just wrap it up.

Heave ho below it's time to go We dearly hope that you liked our show And because your hearts we already stole We'll open our ship and swallow you whooooooole We'll open up our ship and swallow you whole

- Yo


- Yo

-ho Ahhhh was I late on the yo ho? Should we start it from the top? Ugh, OK.


Eeeeeehhh? How ya like my hat now? I didn't even know he was gone.

- Did you?

- I thought he was on lookout.


Yeah, he was definitely there when we went back to the plane, right? [WEBBY]

Yeah, I think so.

You didn't even notice I was gone? That's it, I'm staying here.

You ran away, joined a pirate crew, and you're mad at us? Let them go and give them back their tainted treasure.

If they can't remember me, I don't want to remember them.

Give the treasure back? Probably won't be all the treasure.

Not all of it, a jewel or something, you know, could have been lost forever during that dance number.

Don't you want to ransom them? Or make them walk the plank? Or, you know, something piratey? Really, Peg Leg Meg? First you cut me off during the big number, then you give me notes? He sounds a lot like Don Karnage.

But with less treasure.

We may be singing and dancing pirates.

But we still be pirates.


It's into the skies with ye all.


Great, now everyone pays attention to me.


It's into Davey Jones' Upper Cabinet with ye.

Come on, mateys.

Remember how we all hated Don Karnage? Good times, right? We actually hate you more than


- Me? Who be you? Some sort of plant scientist? It is I.

The Master of Disguise in De Skies, Don Karnage, ha




The pirates of Don Karnage deserve better than this two

-bit bilge rat.

Awww, Captain.

I only push you because I believe you can do better.

And those that can't, I k*ll.

You may be talentless backup, but you are the talentless backup of Don Karnage.

Bring it in, guys.

Bring it in.


Come to push us off the plank yourself, Captain Dewey? Uh, so, listen, things got a little out of hand.

Sure, I wanted attention, but I don't know If we'd have listened to your story earlier, you wouldn't have fallen in with this lot.

Though you should really communicate your needs more clear

- I mean, we're sorry.

- No, I'm sorry.

With so many people, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle.



Excuse me, my ship.

Only I get the heartfelt moments of realization.

On guard.









Cue my dramatic duel spotlight.

A duel.



Huh? Ha

-ha, you salty skydog.


I'm Dewey, I fear not the likes of youwey.


I have a colorful personality, not unlike my hat.

Watch how I Dewey it.

- Dewdewdewy it.

- Stop that, come back here and die.

I'm sweet and sensitive and full of secrets.

And uh, something about Mt.

Peligroso? Ah, they really do pay attention.


Wait a minute.


The follow light.


Ah, we






Everybody in.

I'll hold them off.


Get them.

How are you gonna distract an entire crew of bloodthirsty pirates? [PITCH PIPE MUSIC]

Avast ye lads who be fainthearted We rule these skies uncharted What are you doing? They're getting away.

Cruel and vicious hearties we Who sail upon the skies and not the sea Bon voyage, Don Karnage.



No one escapes the villainous me.

Stop dancing.

Man the cannons.

Who's steering the ship? [SCREAMING]

This is why only I get the solos.

Curse you, Dewey Duck.

I found this with the treasure.


My hat.

It certainly is unique.

How'd you come by it? Everyone listen up.

I am a hero.

At great risk to my personal safety, I have rescued Scrooge's most valuable piece of treasure.

The Sapphire of Souls.

Never heard of it.

It's a priceless gem that reflects your darkest desires? This is priced at $29.


What the I didn't even steal a real treasure? Ha

-ha, got ya.

I bought that at the airport.


Tell me not to make treasure about learning.

Everything's about learning.



Go ahead, lad.

I'm listening.

What do you know about alpacas? 'Cause I ran across a rainbow colored alpaca who told me she had been waiting decades for the chosen one.

And guess what? I was the chosen one.