01x08 - All the Way

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "One Day at a Time". Aired: December 16, 1975 – May 28, 1984.*
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Ann frequently struggles with maintaining her role as mother while affording her daughters the freedom she never had as a young woman.
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01x08 - All the Way

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ This is it ♪

♪ This is it ♪

♪ This is life,
the one you get ♪

♪ So go and have a ball ♪

♪ This is it ♪

♪ This is it ♪

♪ Straight ahead
and rest assured ♪

♪ You can

♪ So while you're
here, enjoy the view ♪

♪ Keep on doin' what you do ♪

♪ Hold on tight, we'll
muddle through ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ So up on your
feet, up on your feet ♪

♪ Somewhere theres
music playing ♪

♪ Don't you worry none ♪

♪ We'll just take
it like it comes ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

Julie, have you seen my...

What's wrong with you?

Beat it, stupid.

Well, at least you sound normal.

What do you want?

Can I borrow your
cashmere sweater?

Take it.

Your new cashmere sweater?

Take it and get out.

I don't want it.

That was a test
question, and you failed.

You're obviously sick.

I'm not sick, barbara,
just leave me alone.

Ok, sure.

Barbie, wait.

I'm sorry, I've got to talk
to somebody. Even you.

I've got a problem.

The biggest problem I've
ever had in my whole life.

You're pregnant?

No. I'm not pregnant.

Then how come you're
practicing with the baby?

Barbara, will you
stop trying to be funny.

I'm not pregnant... Yet.

Yet? Oh, julie.

Barbara, I'm gonna tell
you something very heavy,

So if you breathe
a word of this...

Cross my heart and hope
to die. You don't have to hope.

You will die.

What is it?

Chuck wants to go all the way.

To bed?

Of course to bed. What do you
think he means, all the way to toledo?

Are you gonna do it?

Tonight, maybe,
i... I don't know.

His parents are going
out of town, and, uh...

I don't know if I'm ready.

Well, if you don't
want to, don't do it.

But chuck wants to.

Then it's simple.

If you love the guy, you do it.

That's your advice?

No, but that's what
all the guys say.

Do you love him?

Are you kidding?

When I walk down the hall with
him, all the other girls drop dead.

He's all-city quarterback,
he's got a silver sting ray,

Do I love him?

I don't know.

Maybe something's wrong with me.

It would be like turning
down robert redford.

But do you love him?

Yeah. Maybe.

What am I gonna do?

Why don't you ask mom?

Mom? What does
she know about sex?

Well, she must know somethin',
or we wouldn't be here.

Listen, julie... No,
nobody can help me.

Just go away and leave me alone.

And if you tell
mom, I'll k*ll you!

Or k*ll myself, I
don't know which.

What are you doin', mom?

I'm circling the jobs

For which it would
appear I am qualified.

I don't see any circles.


Mom, when did
you first make out?

Uh, honey, I'm not applying
for a job in a massage parlor.

It's not fair.

I mean, nobody cares if
a guy goes all the way.

Barbara, what are
you talking about?

Nothing. I...

How old were you when
you first slept with a boy?

3 And a half.

It was my cousin, peter.

And I hope that's
what you meant.

Barbara, what have you done?

I haven't done anything.

Ok, uh, tell me what
you haven't done.

It's not me. It's
this friend of mine.

Her boyfriend wants
her to go all the way

And she doesn't
know if she wants to.

Well, she doesn't
know if she loves him.

And she doesn't
know if she's ready.

But the minute somebody tries to
help her, she gets all hysterical.

She's a real flake.


Yes, mom.

Come on out here.

I never said it was julie.

You didn't have to. That description
was like a set of fingerprints.

You called me, mama?


Darling, would you like to tell me
what's going on between you and chuck?

You're going to die! You've
got no business telling her!

I only did it
because I love you.

And you were so scared,
I was only trying to help.

You call that help?

Julie, barbara, now stop it.

If it isn't sex, it's v*olence.


Calmly, will you tell me what's
going on between you and chuck?

No, not in front of the mouth.

She'll make a deal
for the movie rights.

Oh, why did you tell her?

Julie, I didn't mean to.

You are not my sister anymore.

I am, too, I am, too, your
sister, please don't say that.

Oh, barbara, please go study.

Sit down.

Mom, you wouldn't understand.

Try me.

Believe it or not, ripley,
I was 16 myself once.

And i, uh, I talked to
my mother about it.

Grandma talked about sex?

Just one sentence:

"Stay pure until the honeymoon,
then pretend you like it."

Did you sleep with dad
before you married him?

I'm not sure.


Well, that's about as
definite as you can get

In the front seat
of a volkswagen.

Then you did do it.

Oh, honey, your father
and I were engaged.

And we were a lot more sure of where
we were going than you and chuck are.

Were you scared?


So am i. I don't
know if I'm ready.

Then, say no. It's
still in the language.

Mom, I love chuck.

More than any
boy I've ever known.

And, um, well, I want to
please him in any way I can.

And guess which way he chose.

Ma, he says he loves
me, too, and, uh,

He wants this real
special thing with me.

Wouldn't a friendship ring do?

Mother, I'm almost 17 years old.

In samoa, girls start at 12.

I know. It's part of
operation head start.

Ma, don't be flip.

I'm sorry, honey,

But can't you wait?
What's the hurry?

Well, chuck's parents are
going out of town tonight

And no one's going to
be there and he wants to...

I know what he wants to do.

But I don't want him to.

A-a-are you
commanding me not to?

Not to do what every other
girl in school has already done?

Who told you that?



I've got one foot in my
generation and one in yours.

One foot is saying, "stay
exactly the way you are,

Graduate from college and... And
meet a nice doctor when you're 22."

That must be grandma's foot.

Wrong. Grandma would say, "you're
going to be locked in your room,

And chuck will be arrested."

And you know something, a lot of
mothers today would agree with that.

Then why don't you just tell me
not to do it if you don't want me to?

I've got a 3rd foot.

And the 3rd foot won't let me,

Not without throwing a
guilt trip on both of us.

Oh, honey, if i...

If I knew it would be
wonderful for you,

If I felt you were
really in love,

If I knew you
were ready for it...

Mom, I don't want to lose chuck.

Oh, julie, I swear, your self-esteem
quotient's in the basement.

Well, he's got a problem, too.

He told me if I don't help him,
we'll lose the game saturday.


Hi, sorry I'm late.

Hi, david.


I got a hell of a sex problem.

Oh, and I stopped for gas.

All right, what's the problem.

Chuck wants julie
to go to bed with him.


Well, it's nice to know
he's an old-fashioned boy.

She's, uh, thinking
about doing it tonight.


Then I guess you don't want
to go to the auto show, huh?

David, she caught me off guard.

I've been preparing for
this moment for 16 years.

I've rehearsed the conversation
in my head a million times.

I... I knew exactly
what I should say

And... And now I haven't had the time
to say half the things I wanted to.

Well, what did you say?


Ah, schneider.

Now, y-you can't get mad. I
rang before I used the pass key.

What do you want?

For me, nothing. But
for you, the world.

I came to get your measurements

For your new curtain rod.

Yeah, well, uh,
would you go do it?

We're discussing a
personal problem.

Oh, maybe I can help.

I've solved most of the
personal problems in this building.

You are most of the
personal problems.

Schneider, would you stay out of
this one. It's between me and julie.

Oh, that one.

Her eager beaver boyfriend
is finally getting to her.

You know about it?

Well, only by
accident. You know, i, uh,

I heard her fending him off in
the vestibule the past 2 weeks.

She is some good fender.

I've been fended by the best.

We had a romanian dancer once...

Uh, schneider, would you
just go, uh, measure the window,

It's the one in my bedroom.

Your wish is my
command, comtesse.

Hey, sex symbol, how you
doin' with the quarterback?

I hope you're not lettin'
him score any touchdowns.

You know?

Schneider, will you keep
your nose out of this?

This is julie's problem.

Ma, you told both of 'em?

Terrific. The whole world knows.


How could you? You're supposed
to be a mother, not a press agent.

Oh, ma, I came to you
for help, real help.

And all you want to
do is make fun of me.

That's not true.

It was my secret, and
you told everybody.

Well, as long as everyone knows,

I might as well
go ahead and do it.

David, what's it like?

What? Sex.

Oh, that, uh...

Well, if memory serves...

It's a very tender
and real experience.

Well, thanks a lot.

They go further than
that in reader's digest.

I mean, what's everybody
so uptight about it for?

It's been around
for a long time.

Y-you might think they'd
have perfected it by now.

Well, we almost had it
right there for a while,

Then they invented the waterbed.

Now you have to
fight the undertow.

You're a real help.

If you would only tell...

Look, look, look, barbara, I'm not
sure that I'm cleared with headquarters

To talk to you
about this, you know.

Ah, baby, if he cares for
you as much as you say,

Maybe he just doesn't
know how you feel.

Doesn't know? Ma, he's
been trying for 3 weeks

And I must have said
no a thousand times.

I don't want to turn him off,

And I don't want to turn him on.


Have a cookie.


Yeah, get fat and maybe
he'll leave you alone.

You get out of here.

Barbara, go study.



Honey, don't you see?

Chuck may not really know
how much you're hurting.

Yeah, but how do I tell
him that without losing him?

How do I say no?

Well, the secret is
to get his attention.

I got a judo chop once. The
message was loud and clear.

I'm not helping.

Honey, uh, I could talk to him.

Would you?

If you want me to.

Yeah! I mean, no.
You'd ruin everything.

I'd ruin everything.

Well, what I mean is, you don't
see him as the foxiest guy in school.

You see him as a stud.

Uh, listen, I don't mean
to intrude here, but, uh,

Maybe I could talk
to him, stud to stud.

David, what do
you know about it?

Well, you know, I'm, uh...

It hasn't been that many years
since I was in chuck's situation.

Ignore that.

Look, between boys and girls,

There's this kind of game
that everybody plays, right?

He says, "please",
you say, "no".

He says, "please, please".
You say, "no, no, no".

Right? Ok.

Well, I don't think that chuck realizes
that you're not playing that game.

And that the more he plays
it, the more he hurts you.

See, because if chuck
understands that,

I'm sure he won't keep doing it.

That makes sense.

I'll tell him that.
Yeah, I'll tell him that.

I can't tell him that.

Every time I try and tell him
anything, he just grabs at me.

Well, if you like,
I could tell him,

I'm sure he won't grab at me.

Would you do that?

Oh, I'd... I'd love you
for it, I'd love you for it.

Oh, I feel so much better.

Oh, but one thing.

If you louse up
this relationship,

And as you can see, it's a
very beautiful relationship,

I'll k*ll you, I'll k*ll you!

Oh, my god, I'm a wreck.

Ah, david, you think
you can handle this?


Believe me, ann,

I completely understand
chuck's situation.

Pardon me, madam, is
your husband at home?

Well, feast your
eyes, mrs. Romano.

I got you a first class,
top of the line traverse rod,

With the new, solid
plastic nubbins.

I will be fascinated tomorrow.
Would you go hang it now?

Consider it done.

By the by, I've given some
thought to your problem with julie,

And I think I can solve
the whole thing for you.


You tell me when
that kid's gettin' here,

I'll meet him in the foyer,

Give him a mop
handle in the kidneys

And that will postpone
the problem for a month.

Schneider, the situation
is under control,

I'm goin' to talk to chuck.

You are going to talk

To a 17-year-old
jock with the hots.

That's like trying to put out
a forest fire by spitting on it.

Ok, david,

You know, I'm glad
you're here tonight.

I think it would embarrass
julie if mummy talked to chuck.

Are you trying to tell me that it's
nice to have a man around the house?


Hi, chuck.

Hi, mrs. Romano, mr. Kane.

David. David.

Uh, chuck, julie's
not ready yet.

Uh, she'll be out in a minute.

That's cool.

Yeah, we can, uh,
rap, right, chuck?

Right, sure, sure. What
do you want to rap about?

Well, I'll tell you inside.

Where are we going?

The bathroom.


Uh, why?

Well, uh, julie
and... And barbara

Are in their bedrooms,
schneider's in your bedroom,

So, uh, if anybody
has to, uh, just knock.

Uh, have a seat.

Oh, no, no, you take it.

No, hey, that's ok,
I'm used to standing.

I stand in court all day long.

No, no, it's not fair.
Here, you take it.

Ok, thanks.

Uh, look, chuck,


Life is, uh, short and, uh,

Feelings are all we
really... We really have.

Uh, you know, uh, and the
most important feeling of all,

Uh, is love.

You could have said
that in the living room.

Yeah, you're right.
Uh, look, chuck,

As you know, I'm very
close to this family

And they share their
problems with me.

And frankly, julie's got
a big problem with you.

She told you?

Don't panic, don't panic.
I'm not going to hurt you.

I'm not worried about that. I'm...
I'm just surprised she told you.

Well, she did. So sit back down.

Uh, look, I'm not here to judge.

I just want to talk
to you about tonight.

She even told you about tonight?

Uh, chuck, I know where you're
comin' from, I've been there myself.

And there's one thing
I learnt along the way,

You must never rush a woman.


The simple truth is,
you're asking julie

To do something that she's
just not sure she's ready to do.

Aw, come on david,
you know girls.

They're programmed to say no.

Julie means no.

She's not just playing around.

You know, you're
causing her a lot of pain.

I am?

Yeah, you are.

I didn't know that.

How come julie
never told me that?

She did.

Yeah, I guess she did.


I really appreciate you
talking to me like this.

Now I really understand.

Chuck, look, I understand
that you understand.

I... I just want to make
sure that I understand

What it is you understand.


Oh, I understand.

David, what can I say?

I give you my word. I
would never ask julie

To do anything that
she doesn't want to do.

That includes tonight.

Tonight, listen, as far as I'm
concerned, tonight it's hands off.

Hands off.

I can't believe you've
only got 2 hands.

Julie, do you realize we've been
goin' together for 3 months?

Oh-oh, 3 months.

You act like that's a lifetime.

Well, it sure
feels like a lifetime.

Chuck, I'm just not ready.

Julie, do you realize that
at the rate you're going now,

You could still be a
virgin when you're a senior?

What's wrong with that?

I read an article once that said

20 Percent of all the freshmen
in college were still virgins.

You mean to stand there and tell me
you want to be in the bottom 20 percent?

How do you know it's
not the top 20 percent.

Oh, how do I know?
Just... Just ask anybody.


Only freaks and weirdos don't
make love when they feel the urge.

Oh, so that's what I am.

I'm a freak and a weirdo.

Well, let me tell you
something, chuck...

What's the use?

Hey, julie, i-i'm sorry.

Come on, don't...
Don't cry. All right.

If you love me, you'd
be willing to wait.

Julie, I really care about you.

Chuck, that's sweet.

I care about you so much.

This is love, julie.

And because it's love,

I don't want to do anything
you don't want to do.

You believe me, julie?

I believe you.

The late news from
your favorite news team.

Our sincere anchor
woman, patricia fischer...

At least julie didn't
make the late news.

Ann, stop worrying. I
told you, chuck promised.

And you believed him?




As if he were under oath.


Hi, everybody.

Hi, darling, how's everything?


Tonight I found out what
being a woman really means.

What's the matter?

I'm, uh, I'm just
letting it sink in.

But, mom.

You feel right about it?

I never felt better.
It was beautiful.

Chuck told me he loved
me like he never did before.

I gotta go home.

I just followed my
own instincts. I mean,

A woman has to learn to stand up

For what she really wants to do,

And I didn't want to do it.

And if chuck never calls
me again, then he loses.

She didn't do it.

Of course I didn't.

But you guys were no
help, I had to do it all myself.

I just said "cool
it, i... I am not ready."

Very sensible.

Oh, I agree.

Right, I mean, who
knows when I'll be ready?

Maybe not for 5 years.

Maybe tomorrow.

Barbara's next.

This program was recorded
on tape for a live audience.
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