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00x02 - sl*ve of the Cobra Master

Posted: 03/03/24 20:46
by bunniefuu
Yo! Joe!

He'll fight for freedom
wherever there's trouble

G.I. Joe is there

G.I. Joe
A real American hero

G.I. Joe is there

It's G.I. Joe against
Cobra and Destro

Fighting to save the day

He never gives up,
he's always there

Fighting for freedom
over land and air

G.I. Joe
A real American hero

G.I. Joe is there

G.I. Joe is the code
name for America's

daring, highly trained
special mission force.

Its purpose: to defend
human freedom against Cobra,

a ruthless t*rror1st organization
determined to rule the world.

He never gives up, he'll
stay till the fight's won

G.I. Joe will dare

G.I. Joe
A real American hero

G.I. Joe

Using the mass device, Destro and
Cobra Commander steal a powerful satellite,

kidnap Duke,

and terrorize the world.

Scarlet and the other
Joes learn that the only way

to stop Cobra is to build
their own mass device.

To fuel it, they must search
the globe for three precious

elements and get them
before Cobra does, or all is lost.

Duke battles for his life in
Cobra's arena of sport as we

begin our second episode,
"sl*ve of the Cobra Master.".

(cheerful music)


You're not very good at this.

Oh, really?


I'm going to end
it all just for that.

A hundred thousand
pieces of gold says you can't.

How do you plan to stop me?

By letting my unwilling
gladiator fight his own battles.


It's... It's turned off.

[Destro laughs]

To fight Cobra, we must
build another mass device.

But as you know, mass is fueled
by three very rare catalytic elements.

To defeat Cobra, we must
get our own supply of this fuel.

Cobra's going to be on
the horn with demands

in less than 24 hours,
Dr. Vandermeer.

Now, how long before
you can have a mass device

ready for us to use against him?

A few days, perhaps a week.

But without the three
elements, it will be valueless.

Well, then tell us where to find them,
Doc, and we'll bring them in pronto.

Very well, but it
will not be easy.

The first element we
need is a radioactive crystal

which can be found
buried near the Arctic Circle.

Not far from a glacial expanse
known as the "Sea of Ice."

That's enough!

Commander, a message.

Wait! This cannot be permitted!

Oh! The world has refused
to surrender to Cobra!

People are volunteering to stand

and fight against
us to the bitter end!

Worse! Our spies report

G.I. Joe has learned
about the three

catalytic elements
and is going after them.

The sport can wait! We

must have a strategy meeting!

I am Selena.

Slip this between your
headband and your forehead,

and you will be able to
interrupt the control waves.

It will cause you
agonizing pain,

but you will be free to run.

Why... Why are you doing this?

Shh! The guards approach.

When you flee, make for
the Great Cobra's mouth.

I shall meet you there.

What are you holding? I
saw him pass you something.

Search him!

Ah, nothing!

Save the water, sl*ve.

You won't be thirsty soon.

Or anything else but pulverized.


Keep laughing, jerk.

This is my ticket out of here.

[theme song inspired music]

Whoo whoo!

We got the coordinates
cold, pretty lady.

And I'm talking cold.
How do you read it?

Dr. Vandermeer was
right, Snow-job.

The crystal mine is ahead
of us at the edge of the forest.

No tracks in the snow.

I'd say we got
here before Cobra.

Then let's get those
crystals and get out.

I'm starting to identify
with frozen food.

They're over an hour
ahead of us, Major Blood.

By the time we reach the mine, our enemies
will have the crystals and be long gone.

I wouldn't bet
on it, Lieutenant.


Something in there
bothers Snake Eyes, Tripwire.

And I know better than to doubt
Snake Eye's sixth sense, Scarlet.

A little sweep and
scan couldn't hurt.

Stay back!

G.I Joe will return
after these messages.

Now back to G.I Joe.

All is in readiness,
Cobra Commander.

Only a sure force
will convince the world

we mean business. Begin!

Citizens of the planet,

evidently our first
demonstration of Cobra power

wasn't sufficient to
convince you of my purpose.

This time, there will
be no room for doubt.

Premier Ivan Volankov
of the Soviet Union,

I have you and your Red
Square Battalions in my view.

Comrade, I hereby call upon you

to order your entire military
command to lay down its arms.

You have ten seconds to comply.

Your time is up. Now
you and your nation will

pay for your arrogant
refusal to obey me.

The next demonstration
of my power

will not be so gentle.

Therefore, hear this and obey.

Leaders of all nations meet at
noon tomorrow on Tannu Island.

That is all.


I was rather good, wasn't I?

The mass device is not
a toy for your amusement.

These repeated
demonstrations of its power

have almost exhausted our
supply of catalytic elements.

The world doesn't
know that. Now come,

it's time to return
to our sport.

I must replenish the pods.

That can wait. First
I'll dispose of Duke.

Then we can get on with
our conquest of the world.


Reptilian puppetry.

I don't pick up any life form

There's some funny
blips on my scope.

But they could be
from radioactivity.

Then let's dig some crystals.

Robot defenders! I knew this
wasn't one of my better days.

The robots are programmed
to push us into the crystal vein!

The radioactivity will fry us.

The robots have to reprogram
to deal with our new position.

Uh-oh. That didn't take long.

Great work, Snake.
They can't tell who their friends are.

We got this one
shaking at its transistors.

We'll mop up while
you go get the crystals.

And hurry! We're
running low on time.

Let us end this fast.
There's work to do.

I'm enjoying the

Besides, I don't feel there's
anything that can't wait.

That shows what you are.

It was I who developed
the mass device.

I, who made you
aware of its potential.

You! Without my money
and organization, you'd

be out in the rain
watching your face rust.

Gold strip.

Selena said it would
interrupt control.

I must concentrate.


This bickering is senseless,
Cobra Commander.

We are allies.

Now, may we?

Of course.

Stop the prisoner!

Identification, please.

He must not leave alive!

[laser sh*ts]

Hold it right there, hero!

You are hurt.

I'll be fine, but I've
got to get out of here.

The Viper Glider.
It is the only way. Hurry!

I'll have you all
punished, If Duke escapes.

strike, Cobra! Strike!

I don't know how to
thank you, Selena.

There is no need.

What'll happen to you?

I know secret ways back
to the sl*ve pens.

No one will know I've been
involved in your escape. Now go!

Something to remember me by.

Until I come back to
free you and your people.

Any second now.


Until we meet again.


After him, you
dolts! Hurry! Hurry!


G.I. Joe will return
after these messages.

Now, back to G.I. Joe.

Ready when you are, Snake Eyes.

Take cover!


Oh, you made it.
- You did it!

Fresh snowy air. I never
thought I'd smell it again.

I... We've got company.

Cobra! Cobra!

They can't get in.
We can't get out.

The failsafe activator, Major.

An expl*sive charge was placed in
the mine for an occasion just like this.

[expl*sive device explodes]

A failsafe device. It's
unleashed a radioactive cloud.

We can stay here and
learn to glow in the dark.

Or we can go out there
and maybe get cut to pieces.

Snake Eyes! We'll try a
breakout when he joins us.

Come in, Snake Eyes.

Acknowledge, Snake
Eyes. Acknowledge.

He's lowering a radioactive
shield. Get out of there, Snake!

There was no time
for him to get out.

He knew that when he
brought it down to save us.

There's nothing
we can do for him.

And we can't get
at the crystals either.


Look at there!

A way out. It must have
opened automatically

when Snake Eyes
lowered the shield.

Come on!

We'll never forget
you. What you've

done, Snake Eyes.
We owe you our lives.

For now, we've got
to get out of this trap.

Let's move out before
Cobra comes in here after us.

Look out!

After him!

Ha ha ha, He's had it.

There'll be a
bonus for all of us.


He doesn't look good, Doc.
Is he going to make it?

His vital signs are
weak, Cover-girl.

But Duke's no ordinary man.

Full emergency team, ready.

As world leaders
rendezvous to await

the orders of the
Cobra Commander.

This is the scene at
Tanu Island in the Pacific.

The American delegate
to this reluctant conference

is Presidential
Appointee General Flagg.

General, what is the government's
position on this situation?

Simply this. We
will never surrender

to Cobra no matter
what their threats may be.

The position of my country is...

Hey, what happened?
- They're gone, man.

Screen's blank.
- Just like the Red Army.

Boastful fools!

Your rash statements
of bravery are pointless.

This is the fate of all
who reject my supremacy.


The fate of your leaders will be
yours if you continue to defy us.

Surrender to the new Cobra Order

or become our mindless slaves.

The choice is yours.

There's Duke. He's been hurt.



What? How did I get here?
- We were hoping you could tell us.

You were with Cobra.

And if you know how to
get to Cobra headquarters,

we could put an end
to this nightmare fast.

It's no use. I...

I can't remember anything.

Nothing except...

except a face.

A beautiful face.
- You gotta remember, man.

Somehow, someway, you must.

If you can't,
Cobra's won it all.

[Destro Laughing]

G.I. Joe will return
after these messages.

In our next episode,

Cobra robots blast their
way into the Crystal Mine,

freeing the dangerously
radioactive Snake Eyes,

while the G.I. Joe team
dives to the ocean floor

in search of the
precious elements needed

to stop Cobra's
reign of destruction.

And Duke and the Baroness
unexpectedly join forces

in a terrifying struggle
against the giant cube worms.

All in "The Worms of Death."

The next exciting episode of
"G.I. Joe, a Real American Hero."