01x07 - Cop Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hart to Hart". Aired: August 25, 1979 – May 22, 1984.*
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Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, respectively, a wealthy couple who lead a glamorous jetset lifestyle and regularly find themselves working as unpaid detectives in order to solve crimes in which they become embroiled.
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01x07 - Cop Out

Post by bunniefuu »

This is my boss Jonathan Hart.
A self-made millionaire.

He's quite a guy.

This is Mrs. H. She's gorgeous.

What a terrific lady!

By the way, my name is Max.

I take care of them, which ain't easy...

'cause their hobby is m*rder.

Good evening.

Good morning's more like it.

Would you like to get in out of the night air?

Wouldn't mind.

How much and where?

$20, and my place is right near here.

Let's go.

You gotta to be kidding.

Sorry, honey.

You do your job and I'll do mine.

Great. The end to a perfect evening.

What's this?

This is as far as we go.

Don't tell me you're looking for a freebie.

It's the farthest thing from my mind.

Over to the right.

No, Max, back to the left.

No, over back to the right.

Stay out of it, will you, Freeway?
To the left, Max.

Jonathan, would you just let me handle it?

Darling, it doesn't look any good that way.

Back over to the right.

There, that's perfect.

It is not perfect.
It's because you're looking at it from here.

Then this is the only place I'll stand
when I look at it.

Max, would you get that?

You know,
I'm not sure I even like the painting there.

The painting is in a perfect spot.
It's just a little bit off.

Hart residence.

Just a moment, please.

It's for you, Mrs. H. A lady.

Name is Sandy Maglind.

Who's Sandy Maglind, one of those girls
on the UNICEF committee?

Not exactly, no.

She was Miss X in that article I did
on prostitution, remember?

Hello, Sandy?

Hi, Jennifer. Look, I hate to bother you,
but I need to talk to you.

Right now?

Could you come over to my place?

Wait a second.

She wants to see us right away.

Well, what do you think?

Well, she was very helpful to me.

And you'd like to return the favour?

I know she wouldn't call
if it wasn't important.

I'm with you.

Sandy, you still live at the same apartment?

We'll be over in half an hour. Bye-bye.

A girl was m*rder*d last night.

Thank you.

Yes, we heard that on the news.

Well, the rest of us are pretty scared
it's gonna happen again.

-Would you like me to....
-Oh, please.

Did you notify the police?

That's why I called you.

I don't think I understand.

Well, they're not exactly gonna
break their backs trying to solve this case.

Thank you.

I thought maybe you could look into it.

Well, Sandy, I don't know what we can do.

We're not detectives.

Yeah, but I hear sometimes
you get involved with investigations.

If you could just go to the police
and talk to them...

they might listen to you with some...


Well, I'm not sure it would help.

But we'll give it a try.

Thank you.

Now look, Mr. Hart...

the last thing I need is some hooker
trying to tell me how to run my department.

Nobody's trying to do that, Lieutenant.

Or hitting on some big shot to come
down here and put the pressure on me.

-That's the farthest thing from my mind.
-Not so far, maybe.

I've heard about you and how you try
to help the police from time to time.

But we'll manage this investigation
without you.

If there is an investigation.

Now look, Mr. Hart, I've got three feet
of unsolved crimes on my desk.

I'll get to this one.

But remember, the woman was a hooker,
not a nun.

And in case you don't know...

prostitution's a very dangerous way
of making a living.

Is there someone I can talk to
about this girl?

Yeah, Ed Taggert.

He works vice.
He knows those girls pretty well.

Well, thanks for your courtesy.

No courtesy.

Better you should bother him, huh?

-Detective Taggert?

I'm Jonathan Hart.

Lt. Fredricks said I could come down here
and ask you a couple of questions...

about that girl who was k*lled
the other night in Hollywood.

Believe me, I'd like to get my hands
on the guy that k*lled her.

-Do you mind if I sit down?
-No, sit.

You knew her.

No, she was new on the street.

Lt. Fredricks said that you know
a lot of the girls, is that right?

Yeah, we spend a lot of time together.

I like to get to know them as people.

Hey, listen, what they do
may be considered illegal...

but it doesn't give anybody
the right to go around k*lling them.

-You know what I mean?
-Yeah, sure.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Well, it must make it very difficult for you
to arrest them, the way you feel.

Yeah, it sure does.

You know,
I'm interested in changing their way of life...

getting them off the street.

Sort of like an undercover social worker.

Yeah, kind of. But that's not for publication.

My boss hears about that
and I'll be back on a beat in a minute.

You got it. Not a word.

Thanks very much.

Hey, listen, if anything develops....

-Jonathan Hart, right?

-I'll let you know.
-Thank you.

Did you notice anything strange
on the street?

On our street, they're all strange.

-Even the vice cops.
-Especially the vice cops.

Come on, get serious.
Jennifer's trying to help us.

Who's that?

-Hello, ladies.
-Hi, Jack.

Hey, new girl in town.

She's terrific.

Hang up, Jack.

Man, do you ever have a wrong number.

Maybe it's just a temporary busy signal.

What do you say, baby?

You ready for a little action
with old Jackson this afternoon, huh?

Look, Jack,
you don't even play in her league.

The only league he plays in
is the Little League.

Sorry, Charlie, you're going bald tonight.

-Hello, Taggert.

Come on in.

So, what brings you by?

Taggert, you okay?

Yeah, fine.

What do you want?

Talk about the m*rder last night.

Are you investigating it?

I'm involved.

Well, do you have any idea who did it?

Yes, and so do you.

What do you mean?
I don't know anything about it.

You do now.

Oh, dear God, no.

What are you doing here?

We called Sandy's apartment.
One of your men answered.

I take it you're Mrs. Hart?

Lieutenant, Jonathan's told me
all about you.

Did he also tell you I don't like meddlers
coming out here to bother me?

Lieutenant, Sandy Maglind asked us to help.

I'm afraid we didn't do a very good job.

Then let me handle it, okay?

Then I can assume that you're gonna pursue
this case with a little more vigor?

Yes, Mr. Hart. That's a very fair assumption.

Could we have
a look around her apartment?

Why? Did you leave something up there?

Lieutenant, we're trying to help.

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.

Now look, you know I don't have to
let you go up there, right?

Would you like to have us try
to get in on our own?

Okay, Mr. Hart, you made your point.

Now look, would you both
just do me one small favour?

-Now please--
-Don't touch anything.

It's awfully neat for the scene of a m*rder.

That's what I was thinking.

As though the k*ller being here
was no surprise.

-You getting a cold?

You're sniffling.

Something I can't quite place.

Neat as a pin.

Teddy bear?

Lots of people have stuffed toys.

Jennifer, take a look at this.


-Notice anything unusual?

There's not a red one.

Well, Mr. Hart, did you find anything?

Nothing hits my untrained eye.

Well, you're not alone.

I've got eleven pair of trained eyes out there
who came up with zip.

Did anyone find a red wig?

Red wig.

No, no red wig.

Just out of curiosity, what was the colour
of the first victim's hair?

Red. Now wait a minute.

You're not coming up
with a series of redhead killings?

No, Lieutenant.
I was just wondering, that's all.

Well, why don't you both
wonder about something else, huh?

And stay out of this, okay?

Do you get the feeling
that we're not wanted around here?

We've been thrown out of better parties.

Crystal, Annie,
this is my husband, Jonathan.

-How do you do?
-Hello, Mr. Hart. It's nice to meet you.

I can see you've already heard.

We heard.

If it's any consolation...

the police are taking this
much more seriously.

I don't think it'll make
a whole lot of difference.

Well, that's why we came down here...

because maybe there's something
that you can tell us.

We got nothing to say.

Sandy wanted us to help.

And look where it got her.

Look, the fewer people we talk to,
the less chance there is of trouble.

What are you gonna do,
go back out on the street?


We'll just move our territory
to the Blackwell Hotel and leave it at that.

-Take care of yourselves.

How do you spell "dilemma"?

One "l," two "m's."

What can I do for you?

Oh, Max, we got a cold bottle of champagne
down there?

There's a case the White House sent you
that's been chilling since the last election.

One bottle, two glasses.

Coming up.


Oh, you've got that look again.

-What look?
-That look...

that's a cross between
Kojak and The Hardy Boys.

It's just that it's frustrating.
That's with an "f."

No leads, two women m*rder*d.

And the only people
that might have any information...

won't talk to us or the police.

What we need
is someone they'll respond to.

Someone who's flashy, but not vulgar.

Smart, but not obvious.

Charming, but not obnoxious.



Here I am, Mr. H.

Is this seat spoken for?

-Help yourself.
-Thank you.


scotch on the rocks.

How about you?

The same.

Lady after my own heart. How about you?

I'll buy my own, thanks.

Your choice, but it's tough to believe
anybody passing up free booze.

Here, keep the change.

Look, I was having a conversation
with the lady, if you don't mind.

-I don't mind. Do you mind?
-Not at all.

Be a nice change, to tell you the truth.

Listen, I spent $8 buying her drinks.

Here, you keep the change, too.

You looked like a lady in distress.

You'll never know.

What about you and I hying ourselves off
to yon neighbouring booth forsooth?

For sure.


Look, I think you're cute,
and I like your style...

but I'm a working girl,
if you know what I mean.

I didn't doubt it for a second.

Oh, well then, let's just cut the formalities
and talk some business.

That's why I'm here.

I have a room upstairs.

That isn't exactly the kind of business
I want to discuss.

What then?

A girl like you needs somebody
to protect her interests.

You're a pimp.

Well, I like to think of myself
as a personal manager.

Well, thanks, but no thanks.

-I've been reading about these murders.
-Let me alone, mister.

You just let me alone.



What is it?

I'm sorry I upset you.

Oh, it's not that. This car won't start.

That's no problem. I can drive you home.

I don't want to continue that discussion.

Okay, okay, I can take no for an answer.

You want a lift?

Come on, no strings attached.

All right.

Darling, don't do that at the table.

-You want some more coffee?
-Yeah, thanks.

-Morning, Max.
-Please, not so loud, Mrs. H.

Your Bloody Mary's over here.

Well, thank you.


No lectures this morning, please.

You know that you rolled in here
at 3:30 this morning?

-You guys were up?
-We were worried about you.

I can take care of myself.

What were you doing out
until 3:00 in the morning?


Right, talking.

She's a very nice lady.

While you were talking...

were you able to get any information?

Believe it or not, Mr. H,
all I got was information.

So what did you find out?

She said the street was real quiet
until last week...

when some retired pimp named
Jimmy Delaney got beat up real bad.



Well, did he know either of the victims?

No, but they were both independents.

But they knew about him
because Crystal said...

that he was sort of like a den father.

It shook up people down there.

Does Crystal know
where we might find him?

No, but she said that
he hustled pool on the side...

at a joint on Western Avenue
called The Hollywood Billiards.

-That's it?
-That's it.

You mean,
it took you until 3:30 in the morning...

to get that little bit of information, Max?

What do you want from me?
She's a very slow talker.

Who should we try first?

The guy in the back.
If he isn't a hustler, he should be.

-Good morning.
-That it is.

Good shot.


Do you mind
if we ask you a couple of questions?

Do I look like the Shell Answer Man?

There's a man by the name of Delaney.

-What about him?
-We'd like to talk to him.

He don't talk to anybody.

-It's kind of important.

One of his relatives die
and leave him a fortune?

No, but there might be
a few bucks in it for him.

You, too.

Not interested.

Don't you even wanna know how much?

I couldn't care less.

We could make it worth your while.

Lady, you don't understand.

There's not enough money in the world for
me to start telling strangers where Jimmy is.

He's not a stranger.

-You know him?

Yeah, I know him.
We used to hustle together.

I know my way around a pool table.

Sure, and I'm an astronaut.

You want proof?


What if I clear the table in one shot?

-Would that be proof enough?
-No way.

I tell you what.

If I clear the table with one shot,
then will you give me Delaney's address?

And if you miss?



You got it.

Just showing off.

Say, where did you learn how to do that?

Didn't I ever tell you?
I used to hustle with Minnesota Fats.

Didn't I ever tell you
I used to be the college billiards champion?

Really? Maybe we ought to
have a game sometime.

Oh, I'm game if you're game.

Hello, Crystal.

Taggert, what are you doing here?

I wanted to look in
and see how you're doing.

Oh, fine, ever since I moved from that street.

Oh, yeah, one of the ladies said
that you and Annie had moved up here.

I thought maybe we could have some lunch.

-Food is lousy here.
-I got my car.

We could go someplace
and grab a sandwich.

I'm not hungry.

Maybe talk about getting you a straight job?

No, we've been through that.

Let's go through it again.

Oh, look, do me a favour?
Save the missionary act.

I don't need salvation.

Don't be too sure.

Now, what's that supposed to mean?

There's no reason to believe that
the man who k*lled Colleen and Sandy...

is gonna stay in that area forever.

Think about it.

Mr. Delaney, we just want to ask you
what happened.

A house caved in on me, okay?

We think the person that did this to you is
responsible for the m*rder of three women.

Now we need your help.

Can you figure why this happened to you?

I wish I knew.

This is scary.

You see,
I worked this neighbourhood for 20 years.

And my girls were all clean,
and I retired five years ago...

without an enemy to my name.

-Did anything unusual happen last month?

You can't think of any reason of...

why or how?


It's a nice-looking lady.

-Is that your wife?
-Not exactly.

One of my girls. First one.

Twenty-one years ago.

The most special.

She passed away couple of weeks ago.

One of the girls called me
and told me about it.


did we have some good times together.

Mr. Delaney...

why do you think this happened to you?

I don't know.

I came home one night from the pool hall.

I'd lost $30, so it couldn't have been that.

I let myself in.

And all of a sudden, he was all over me.

I didn't have time to turn on the light.

First with his fists.

Then with a baseball bat.

Leastways, that's the way it felt.

And all the while he was doing it...

he kept saying:

"You did it."

Did what?

Lady, I wish I knew.

You really think
the k*ller was after redheads?

It sure fits the same time frame.

The woman in the picture died
two weeks ago.

One week later, Delaney was beaten up.
After that, the k*lling started.

-There's only one problem.
-What's that?

Well, three months ago, when I did
that story, Sandy's hair was blond.

I don't think she ever changed the colour.

Mr. Hart...

what do I have to do
to get you back to your business...

and out of my life?

We'd like to have you send
one of your policewomen out on the street.

With a red wig on.

Unless, of course, you have one
who is a natural redhead.

Now, wait a minute. Let me get this straight.

You want me to do this
because of some pimp...

who has a picture
of a woman with red hair, huh?

The man was beaten up over a month ago
for no apparent reason, Lieutenant.

And the first woman to be m*rder*d
was a redhead.

Yeah, but your friend, Sandy Maglind,
she didn't have red hair.

I know. But maybe she used to.

Women are known for changing
the colour of their hair, Lieutenant.

So I've heard, Mrs. Hart.

Well, what've you got to lose, Lieutenant?

If we're right, you've nailed yourself a k*ller.
Think about that.

And if you're wrong?
I've wasted the taxpayers' money.

Oh, I don't know.
It's rather a small investment...

for what could be a very large return.

Why don't you try it, Lieutenant?
Just give it a try.

If it doesn't work,
we'll be out of your life forever.

Gone. Goodbye. Out. Okay?

Well, you finally made it sound attractive.

Good. Then you'll let us know
what happens?

You can count on it, Mr. Hart. Count on it.

-Goodbye, Lieutenant.

Thanks, Lieutenant.

Well, how do you think we did?

We were, in fact, not a hit.

Lovely fellow, that Lt. Fredricks, huh?

Simply charming.
Do you think he's gonna follow through?

What, and spoil a perfect record?

Right. Check with Deutsch.

Now look, I know there's a red wig
somewhere in the building.


We'll have two teams out there
backing you up. Okay.

What's up, Lieutenant?

We're gonna put a plant
in your area this evening...

an Officer Sherman. You know her?

No, I don't believe I do.

Well, you go down to personnel,
you check out her photo.

Look, she'll be wearing a red wig.
So don't pull her in, okay?

Great. You got a line on the k*ller?

No, just a shot in the dark,
probably a waste of time.

Well, maybe you'll get lucky.

I doubt it.

I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Sure would like to see that guy
off the street.

-Good morning, Lieutenant.
-Good morning.

-Would you like a cup of coffee?
-No, thanks.

You know, I was in the neighbourhood...

and thought I'd stop by and bring you
up to date on what happened last night.

Well, what did happen last night?

Nothing. Big fat zero.

The street couldn't have been quieter.

-You sound almost glad.
-Well, I'm glad nobody got k*lled.

It would have been nice if things worked out
the way you thought they would...

and this could have been
all over and done with by now.

On the other hand,
I'm hoping you're a man of your word.

You mean that I'll stay out of your hair?

Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at.

A promise is a promise, Lieutenant.

Glad to hear it.

Mr. Hart, do you mind
if I ask you a personal question?

Go right ahead.

Why would a man with your kind of money
want to run around playing detective?

You gotta be out of your mind.


I know what you mean.

Bye, Mr. Hart.

-Guess what?

-It didn't work.
-Now what?

I don't know. They'll keep on investigating.
Maybe they'll get lucky.

-And if he doesn't?
-You're not gonna give up now, are you?

Well, I did promise the man.

You said you'd leave him alone.

You did not say you'd stop looking around.

Yeah, but darling, that's a very thin line.

Oh, I don't know.
I think it would stand up in a court of law.

-You think so?
-It's a cinch.

I think you're right. Let's go.


Darling, the body was about here, wasn't it?


-You don't smell anything anymore, do you?
-No, let's take a look in here.

No red wig.

Darling, we've been through the apartment
once already.

I know.

Terrific. And he's our only witness.

-And he isn't talking.
-Yeah, but if he could....


A strand of red hair.

This is where she kept it.

Yeah, but where is it now?

The k*ller must have taken it with him.

He sees her working in a red wig.

He follows her.

He finds her address. He kills her.
In the struggle, the wig falls off.

He realizes his mistake, but it's too late,
so he takes the red wig with him.

Look at that.

Oh, boy.

Well, I better find Crystal...

and tell her to keep her red head
off the street until the police get that guy.

Yeah, I suggest you keep that pretty redhead
of yours out of sight, too, okay?

Okay. Come on.

Now, look, you were out of it. Stay out.

But I can prove it.
They were all redheads, all three of them.

-Because of some teddy bear?
-Because that's where she kept it.

If you send one of your technicians
over there, I'm sure he'll verify it.

-I'll do that the first chance I get.
-What's the matter?

Don't you have one available?

Now look, Mr. Hart, I told you,
we have other crimes in this precinct.

Don't you think Taggert would know
whether she worked wearing a red wig?


Let me ask him.

Be my guest.

Hi, is Crystal around?

She got lucky.

Got herself a midday job.
Said she'll be gone most of the afternoon.

-Is she coming back at all?
-Probably. Around 7:00.

-I'd like to leave her a note, if I could.
-Help yourself.

Mobile Unit 724 to dispatch.
This is Taggert at Santa Monica and Wilcox.

I'm going on a lunch break.

It all ties in, Lieutenant. Love and hate.

He couldn't stand the fact
that his mother was a prost*tute.

But he couldn't do anything about it
until she died.

So now, he's k*lling her over and over.

Are you sure that's the same picture
you saw in Delaney's room?

Yeah, I'm positive. Where's Taggert?

Let's see. Mobile Unit 724.

Yeah, get me Taggert.
He's out in Mobile Unit 724. Right.

-He took his lunch break half hour ago.
-Yeah, where?

Where'd he go?

Santa Monica and Wilcox.

-Santa Monica and Wilcox?
-Yeah, thanks.

That's where Jennifer is right now.

Stop! Stop! Someone's trying to k*ll me!

Stop! Please!





I think he thought I was one of the girls.

You okay?

I guess I'm gonna have to change my walk.

Don't you dare.

Hey, thanks, Max.

Oh, Max, that was a great dinner.

Yeah, you really pulled out
all the stops on that.

Well, I figure after the last couple of days...

that tonight,
I better fix up something special.

Here's to you, Max.

I'll drink to that.

-Long may you wave. Cheers, Max.

Well, if that's all there is,
I'll be going. Goodnight.

-You going out?
-You're not going to the Blackwell Hotel?


Tonight, I'm going to curl up
with a good book.

-Snow White?

The Harvard Theory
of Emotionally Disturbed Race Horses...

and When to Bet on Them.



-May I ask you a question?

How's your dance card?



And all by the same fella.

What a lucky fella.

What a lucky girl.
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