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02x23 - The Richest Duck in the World!

Posted: 03/03/24 18:48
by bunniefuu
Mr. Zee, I present
to you Haveyouseenium!

A wondrous rare element
uncovered by my research team

in the mines
of Insubstantia.



I am, aren't I?
Do we have a deal?

I'll take the entire mine.

This deal will make you a very rich
man, Mr. McDuck.

No, Mr. Zee.

This deal officially makes me
the Richest Duck in the World!


Well, I'm glad
you're so happy for me.


I'm no longer
the Richest Person in the World!

The curse is over!

what's this about a curse?

The curse that follows
the Richest Person on Earth.

He cannot be bought,
he cannot be fought.

Though riches you've got,
your life will be fraught,

until you have earned
the one thing you have not.

Who is "he"?

The Bombie.

Good luck! No take backs!

♪ Who needs luck
when you're the richest duck? ♪

♪ And the richest duck is me! ♪



♪ Life is
like a hurricane ♪

♪ Here in Duckburg ♪

♪ Race cars, lasers,
airplanes ♪

♪ It's a duck-blur ♪

♪ We might solve
a mystery ♪

♪ Or rewrite history ♪

♪ Ducktales, whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there
making Ducktales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Tales of derring-do ♪

♪ Bad and good-luck tales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ D-d-danger lurks behind you ♪

♪ There's a stranger
out to find you ♪

♪ What to do? ♪

♪ Just grab on
to some Ducktales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there ♪

♪ Making Ducktales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Tales of daring
bad and good ♪

♪ Not phony tales
or cottontails ♪

- ♪ No, Ducktales! ♪
- ♪ Whoo-ooh! ♪

*DUCKTALES (2017)*
Season 02 Episode 23
Title: "The Richest Duck in the World"

Uncle Scrooge?
Hi! Thanks for coming.

Uh, to breakfast?

So, do you remember that bet
that you made with Glomgold

where the winner won
the loser's fortune

and, technically,
I won both your fortunes

so that I could
give it back to you?

It was yesterday.

You said I'd be
a bigger billionaire

than you are one day,

and, well,
today is a day and...

What are you trying
to say, lad?

I'm keeping
it all so I can be

the Richest Duck in the World!

You are going to be
the Richest Duck in the World?!

- Yes?
- Oh, sure!

It's just a complex
international conglomeration.

You love hard work!

Ha! Have fun.

I'll be here when you're ready
to give my fortune back.

That went
far better than expected.

Of course it did, Owlson.

I have worked hard
for three whole months!

I deserve this.

It's time to get down
to business!


The business
of being crazy rich!

Much better.
I'm the Richest Duck in the World!


Hey, Penny. It's Della. Again.

Thought you Moonlanders
would be here to visit by now.

I stocked up the fridge,

I got air mattresses
for everybody.

And I know I shouldn't have,

but I got you
something special.


Don't you want to
come spar with this?

Ooh! Hey!
These are the kids!

Huey, Dewey,
and I tried to get Louie,

but his assistant said that he was in
the middle of a "complex business deal"?

So this is Webby, the boys'
charmingly violent best friend.

She's like their you!

- Hyah!
- What is this?

Sending a message to my
friends back on the Moon.

This is beaming
out to the galaxy?!

Yup! They were supposed
to follow right after me,

but I haven't heard
from them.

So I've been sending them
transmissions like I sent you.

The ones I sent you
from the Moon?

Hundreds of hours
of heartfelt lessons

that gave me hope
and purpose?

We did not get those.


It's fine!
Everything's fine!


Ugh! Now I've got no camera

and no way to get
a message to the Moon.

If only we knew someone
with camera equipment

- or a TV set-up, or...
- Ohhhhh!

Oh, no.

What? What did I say?

no stopping it now.

- Ohhh!
- Stopping what now?

Live, from Earth,
it's the first ever intergalactic episode

of Dewey Dew-Nite. In Space!

Space space space...


You have a 9 o'clock call
with your investors

and a 9:15 with the Prime
Minister of Henmark, and...

Wow, that suit is bright.

the "gentleman's gem."

You gotta dress for success,
and I am very successful now.

In fact, send out a memo,

everyone in the building
should be wearing emeralds.

Right. You have
a check-in at 9:47,

- a loan-out at 9:49...
- Just hang on...

Just gotta get
comfortable here.

You're ringing the opening bell
at the NASQUACK.

If only there was something
I could put my feet up on,

some kind of furniture
for your feet!

What's happening?

The greatest reunion
in television history!

- Randy.
- Johnny.

You see, Randy thought
he was too handsome

to build ottomans
on their reality show.

And Johnny never got over
his brother's betrayal.

I swore I'd never work
with him again.

Not for all the money
in the world.

I'll give you
100 million dollars.


Let's get tufting!

Now let the rich life
of Louie Duck begin!

The Board wants to see you.

We need to discuss
the "Ottoman Incident."

It's great isn't it?
It was not cheap though.

And how exactly does this
ottoman benefit the company?

I wanted it,
and I'm very rich, so...

This is a business,
not a bank account!

That money has to come
from somewhere.

Then figure it out.
That is what I pay you to do, right?

Hmm. We are spending
a lot on magical defense

on a dark, mysterious island
in the Heron Sea.

Great! Cut that!

Now, let the rich life
of Louie Duck begin...

There's an emergency on your
island in the Heron Sea!

But... but...


But when I get back,
I am going to live it up!

Uhh! Louie
wants to do my job?

Then I'll be as lazy as him

until he's ready
to give my company back.

Perhaps a bit
of the old boob tube

will help keep my mind off...

Is that my office?!

Yup, nothing like
a good honest hard day's work.

Work, work, work.

You know
if I didn't have work,

I'd probably waste away
into obscurity.

Mm! Right.

I can't
just sit here relaxing!

Nothing worse
than doing nothin' all day

I'll get started
on a new fortune!

This is your captain,
Launchpad, speaking.

Approaching a mysterious,
mist-shrouded island.

Should be crashing
within the hour.

Thank you, Mannington.

This page bores me.

Maybe so we don't die,
we can use this time

to go over everything
we know about this island?

Mm! -

We know nothing
about this island.

It is so secret
that Scrooge had it removed

from maps
and satellite images.

If we're to survive...

Buh buh buh buh buh!

Owlson, quit worrying!

There's nothing on this island
that I can't handle.

I am the Richest Duck
in the World!

Whoo whoo whoo!


Hm. Not really the private rich
guy island I was hoping for.

Eh, put in
a white sand beach over there,

a private lagoon over here.
Maybe a water slide?

Or is that too tacky?
I'm not sure.

Why would Scrooge
invest so much money

in protecting
this creepy pile of pillars?

That's why!

He was hiding
a secret money bin!


So Dewey has his own show?

Mostly in his mind.

Now, fresh from being

lost in space for a decade,

put your flippers
or whatever Moon people have

together for Della Duck!

Mom. Can I call you "Mom"?

I am your mom.

Great. You were stuck
on the moon

for, like,
a really long time.

Any funny stories about that?

Oh, yeah!
In the cruel void of space,

it's easy to lose track of time.

So one morning,
I decided to have

a staring contest
in the mirror.

But I was so desperate
for human connection,

it lasted three weeks!

To this day,
I can't look in a mirror

because I'm afraid I'll see her.


This is not how I envisioned

first contact
with alien life.

Oh, don't worry,
if anything goes wrong,

I'll send in our animal guest!

Ow! No biting!

Man, I am an even better
bajillionaire than I thought!

I bet it's full of,
like, the best treasure!

It must really be something

if he had all these doohickeys
to keep people out!

Come on, let's get into...

My beautiful bin!
What has happened to you?!

When you cut
the magical defenses,

it must have allowed...

...something to break through.

But what?

Let's ask this guy.

- Excuse me, sir.
- Huh?

Are you
from around here, or...?

What was that?!

Whatever Mr. McDuck
had trapped in that bin!

Okay. No problem.

I'm the Richest Duck
in the World.

I got this.


Excuse me! You are on my
property right now, buddy.

You better leave
before I have you removed.

Aah! Aah!

Whoa! Oof!

Look, I'll give you
a million dollars to leave.

And a plane!

And a horse-thing!


Do something!
I am too rich to die!

I'll save you, Louie McDee!


Oh, no! Launchpad!

Oh, no! Me!

Oh! Nothing stops him!

Owlson, do something!

Oh, sure, like they cover
this in business school!

Oh, hey, guys!

- Whoo-hoo! I did it!
- You did it?

Yeah, I'm Launchpad's boss,
so I basically did it.

Nothing can stop
the Richest Duck in the...

Get to the bin,
get to the bin!

Ah, back to basics.

I'm Scrooge McDuck.

I'll earn that fortune
back in no time!

Can I offer you
a shoeshine, sir?

Glasgow shine?

Shoes so bright, you can
see your future in them!

Ugh! Oh!

How about now?

No matter.

Everyone needs a...

shoe shine?



And that is how long I think
I could hold my breath in space!

Thank you.

That's great, honey.

So, uh, can we send
my message to the Moon now?

Oh, my gosh.
Yeah, of course.

It's all you.

Hello, Penny.
If you're receiving this-

And Penny is...?

Oh, Penumbra?
She's my best friend.

A Moon-alien
and an Earth Duck?

How did you meet?

Well, funny story.

I ended a decades-long w*r

that was her whole reason
for existing.

That must have made her mad.

What? Nah.

I mean, sure everyone started
praising me instead of her and...

But she took me in!

She playfully tried
to k*ll me a few times.

Well, you can't spell "frenemy"
without enemy, right, folks?

No. She helped me
get back home.

Boy. Maybe she helped you
escape the Moon

to get rid of you? Right?

That would explain
why she hasn't come or called back.

Maybe we were never friends.


Send in the raccoon!

Go! Go! Go!

Go! Go! Go!

Why didn't we run
to the plane?!

Because I did
not think of that.

Uh, I know
you're all scared

and looking to me
for answers

because you respect
my wealth, but...

You've ignored all my advice,
stranded us on Monster Island,

cut important funding...

Cut funding!
That's it!

Team, I have a plan,

if you're willing
to follow me.

Whaddya say?
Do you trust the boss?


Ha ha ha!
Classic horse dummy fake-out!

Hello, Bradford?

Cut the funding to the McDuck
Satellite System immediately!

Yes, I know what I'm doing!

Drop them all
on my location!


Now! Now! Now!
Drop them all!

And Scrooge thought
I couldn't handle

being the Richest Duck
in the World!

Mr. McQuack, take us home!


Let the rich life
of Louie Duck begin!

Ha ha ha!

All right,
back to business.

What?! I just saved
our lives back there,

and it was very stressful!

I'll need you
in the office at 6 a.m.

to make up for the day
we just lost.

I don't have to listen
to you, Owlson!

I am the Richest Duck
in the...

Aaah! What do
you want from me?!

- Enough!
- Huh?

I was at the top
of my class at Mouseton!

Ran several
successful businesses!

But none of that prepared me
for you Duckburg billionaires!

Reckless thrill-seekers,

madmen with the minds
of children!

Actual children!

I tried to keep
you people humble.

But all you care about
is money and power!

Well, I'm done
trying to make you better!

I'm gonna become
a better billionaire myself!

I quit!

Consider this
my two weeks' notice!

Because I will stay on to train my
replacement like a professional!

Now, everyone,
hold onto something!


Launchpad, pull up!


Ha ha!

- Aaah!
- No, no, no, no!


Uh! Best hundred million
I've ever spent.


Oh, come on!

So there I was
at the front of the line,

but after waiting
a whole minute and a half,

I find out that Trader Sam's
has a dress code,

so now I have to find
some threads.


That'll be ten cents,
good sir.

Oh, uh, sorry.

Looks like the guy I stole this
suit from doesn't carry cash.

Okay, Gavin out!

Uh... Uh! Oh!

Oh! Ow! Unh!

Get back here!

Building a fortune is
a lot harder than I remember.

Help! Uncle Scrooge!



Agh! Him again?!




What is that thing?!

The Bombie.

That explains nothing!

The Bombie is a curse

upon whoever is
the Richest Duck in the World.

Aah! Feels like something you
should've told me this morning!

I didn't think
you'd shut down

his magical prison
on your first day!


- Aah!
- Aah!

Well, how do I stop it?!

You can't.

"He cannot be bought,
he cannot be fought.

Though riches you've got,
your life will be fraught,

until you have earned
the one thing you have not!"

But I'm the Richest Duck
in the World!

I have everything!

That's what I said!

I tried everything.
Nothing worked!

I barely managed to
contain him on Falcon Island.

Raah! Hmm?

If you couldn't beat the curse,
how am I supposed to do it?

Louie, just give
the money back!

Let me take
back the curse!

But then he'll
come after you!

I'll figure out
how to beat him.

I'm Scrooge McDuck...


Run, Louie!


- Whoa!
- Rraarr!

Gotta get up to Bradford!

Come on, come on, come on
come on, come on!


Ohh! Rude!


Whoa! Aah!

Yaah ha!


Please! Stop!
I... I can't do this!



I shouldn't even be
the Richest Duck in the World!


I'm not ready
to be a businessman.


Owlson was right.
That's the thing

the Richest Duck
in the World needs to earn.


Being able to admit
that you can't do something.

Sentimental hogwash.

He's obviously afraid
of facing Scrooge...

Fair point.

What now?


Been walkin' a long way.
Sorry about that.

This curse
affects us both, huh?

Good thinking, lad.

Uncle Scrooge,
you can have your fortune back.

I am not cut out to be
the Richest Duck in the World.

Of course not!
Not yet, anyway.

But, Louie,

you were a better billionaire
than I was today,

in every sense of the word.

So you're
not super mad at me?

Lad, if this is
the worst damage you did

as the Richest Duck
in the World,

then everything is fine.

Hey, Mom.
I'm sorry about...

...all that back there.

I'm sure Penumbra is
just caught up with Moon stuff.

Ah. Don't sweat it, kid.

Who needs Moon friends
when you've got your family?

This is Lieutenant Penumbra

for her friend Della Duck!

Ha! I knew she was my friend!
Take that, family!

All of your defense satellites
just went down for some reason.

Lunaris is bringing
an army to destroy Earth!

Della, he's coming
for your family!