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02x22 - GlomTales!

Posted: 03/03/24 18:47
by bunniefuu
OK. Being grounded forever
isn't so bad.

I got my phone. My phone
is also a TV, which is nice.

Hi, Louie.

You're super-grounded,

so I blocked
your phone's signal

and replaced all your videos
with this lecture on ethics.

Way ahead of you.
Thank you, Huey...

Nice try.
The dictionary defines

- "grounding" as...
- Aw, man!

Hurry up, kids!

Adventure calls
and I've got a bet to win.

Well, at least I can skip out

on another
insanely dangerous adven...

Wait. Hobo bindles?
Cans of beans?

A carefree attitude?!

They are not...

Uncle Scrooge,

your bet with Glomgold
is over in two days.

You clearly have
more money than he does.

Doesn't this seem,
I don't know... mean?

I didn't come this far
by not hunting for treasure.

So to guarantee my victory, we are
going after the Hobo King's Ruby Bindle.

We're going where there's Cherry
Pep springs and the con man sings?!

Where the gold geyser spews
cash just for youse!

Where all your laziest,
schemeiest dreams come true...

You're heading to
Big Rock Candy Mountain?!

Oh, I am going.

No, you are still grounded.

No! What?!

Uh... come on, kids,
let's finish packing.

Big Rock Candy Mountain is the laziest
quest of all time! It's my dream!

Your last dream made you
take treasure from the past

which almost destroyed time,
space and your family!

Now, to your room.

You can come out
when you learn

that no good ever came
from cockamamie schemes.





You're trespassin'.

Get him outta here.

I'm not here to rob you.

I'm here to recruit you.

The Beagle Boys ain't for sale.

I'm not looking for a henchman.
I'm looking for a family.

- What?
- Huh?

Because family

is the greatest scheme of all.

♪ Life is like
An evil scheme ♪

♪ Here on GlomTales ♪

♪ Sharks and bombs
And Scrooge's screams ♪

♪ It cannae Glom-fail ♪

♪ Cannae top my grand plan ♪

♪ To beat that Scotsman ♪

♪ GlomTales ♪

♪ Technically
I'm Scottish as well ♪

♪ GlomTales ♪

♪ Uh... Scrooge stinks
Scrooge stinks ♪

♪ Scrooge stinks
Scrooge stinks ♪

♪ GlomTales! ♪

♪ What's next? Oh, yeah ♪

♪ C-C-CG, it's so fancy ♪

♪ Once Scrooge sees this
There's no chance ♪

♪ He can compete with
The glory of GlomTales! ♪

♪ Bravest, strongest
And most modest ♪

♪ GlomTales! ♪

♪ OK, we ran out of budget ♪

♪ But kids six to ten
Will love it ♪

♪ GlomTales! ♪

*DUCKTALES (2017)*
Season 02 Episode 22
Title: "Glom Tales"

I finally figured out
why I keep losing to Scrooge.

You're a moron?
Your plans are terrible?

He's smarter and stronger
and craftier and...

It's his family!

He's got a whole team
who work harder and cheaper

because they, I don't know,
"love him"?

So I'm getting together
a team...

No, a family...

Capable of wiping out
Scrooge and his whole brood!

Why, together, we should be able to
take them down in two days, tops!

Right now I need nephews
and a Beakley.

Please, Ma,
let us keep him.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Burger's right.
We could use

a strong male figure
in our lives.

"Two days," huh?

This ain't about family,

this is about your stupid bet
with Scrooge, ain't it?

You dug your own grave, Glomgold,
it's time you lay in it.

No, please!
I cannae... I cannae...

Spit it out!

I cannae beat Scrooge McDuck,
all right?!

I'm gonna lose everything.

I've spent my whole life trying
to best him, but I cannae.

None of us can.
On our own.

But if we work together
to destroy him

and his family before
the bet is over,

it all goes to us.

Everything Scrooge owns,

The deed to Duckburg.

Which I could share
with my family.

Attention, boys!

We're gettin' Duckburg back
thanks to your new pa!

I, uh,
actually only need three.

Never mind.


Bye, family!

I'm very sad I'm missing
my dream vacation

and definitely not gonna
scheme my way

to Big Rock Candy Mountain
before you!

Yeah, right.

Scheme detected.

- Hey! What the...?
- Scheme detected.

Scheme detected.

Hi, sweetie!

I thought you might try to worm
your way out of being grounded,

so I had Gyro program
the DT-87 to babysit you.

And to stop you from scheming.

Hopefully it doesn't turn evil.
Love you!

Wow, DT,
new screen looks great.

Listen, I wanna know the rules here
so I can follow them.

What is considered a "scheme"?

Is it different from
a plan or a plot?

Where do you come down
on ruses?

We need clarification.

So I'll just pop over
to Big Rock Candy Mountain

to ask my mom for
a clear definition.

Yup, just so that we're
all on the same page, ya know.

Request denied.
Scheme detected.

- What?!
- Scheme detected.

Oh, come on!
That was a playful deception at best!

I don't know, G-gold.

What don't you know?

We team up to take down
Scrooge and his family.

The drawings are very clear.

Yeah, I don't really take down,

I build... my rep!

Check it. My own
online currency:


It is worth more than every
dollar in the world combined.

Tell us where it is!

It's in the cloud.

This is a waste of time.
Let's roll.

But we need him to fight Gyro's
technological doohickery.

Then manipulate him.
Works like a charm on my kids.

Beaks isn't a real threat

I'm sorry, what?

Oh, right! Fine. Uh, yes.

What kind of weak,
nonthreatening hack

would rely on technology
to defeat Scrooge?

Excuse you?

Technology is the jam! Oh!

I can wipe out your past,
your future,

your entire existence
with a swipe of my finger.

Because I am the future,

and, yes, bro-sephus
and bro-sephine,

I am Scrooge's downfall!

I am Mark Beaks!

Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew!

I am in.

Welcome to the family.


No need to check.


Definitely snoring.

Scheme detected.

Fine, you caught me.

Look, I feel terrible.

I deserve to stay here
in the dark

to think about my actions.

Classic Double Dummy Fake-Out.

And I am also a fake.

Why are we here?!

We need a pilot!

You could've
just hired one!

With that kind of small thinking,
we'll never beat Scrooge!

So you seek the assistance
of the charismatic corsair,

the resplendent privateer, the...

Uh, can we move this along?
We're kind of on a deadline.

Join us and we'll give you the
vengeance that you crave.

Everyone take five.


I will join!

But I, Don Karnage,

must be the one
to strike our foe down!

No way. I've got dibs
on destroying Scrooge.

It's my whole thing.

Scrooge? No, no, no, no.

I want Dewey Duck!

- Uh, which one's Dewey?
- The blue one.

The one who dared steal the
spotlight from Don Karn...

Sure. Fine. Whatever.

Can I also sing as well?


- But I can destroy Dewey Duck?
- Yes.

Now we're ready.

Set a course for McDuck Manor!

The moment of reckoning
is at hand for...

Wait. Who is that
under your thumb?

The whole world will be
under my thumb when I...


Ah! I forgot to get a Webby.

But we need a Webby.

We can't take on Scrooge

without a freakishly
strong wildcard.

Ooh, you know
what might be fun?

No. Absolutely not.

She is Scrooge's
greatest enemy.

How dare you?!

We don't need her.

As head of this family,
what I say goes!

Family vote.
All in favor?


Let's go get Magica De Spell.


In my wand lies the strength

to fracture the cosmos!

I will make the world tremble
at my slightest scowl!

Oh! I want
a doggy balloon!

Here's a snake.

Once I re-harness my powers,

I'll turn you all into snakes.

- What?
- Happy birthday.

Why do we want her?
She's lost most of her powers.

Perhaps it is a ruse.

Perhaps she's biding her time

before striking down
her unsuspecting victims!

- She's a queen.
- Oh, man, she's good.

Oh, maybe you'd rather
not destroy Scrooge

and lose all your
money to him instead?

Ugh. Fine.
I'll go talk to her.

Two, three, four!

♪ Happy happy birthday
Look how much you've grown ♪

♪ It's a happy happy birthday
'Cause now you're in the zone ♪

The Fun Zone!

This is me pretending to talk.

I hate Scrooge
more than you ever could.

Peas and carrots.
Peas and carrots.

Peas and carrots.

Sorry, guys, Magica said
she's not interested!

Not interested in what?


You're obviously
very busy here.

Just all of
Scrooge's enemies...

Lead by his greatest rival,
me... are teaming up to...

Take out his family and get our
grim vengeance on Clan McDuck!

And then we shall return here
and declare w*r

against the day manager
and all children with birthdays!

De Spell, what did we say

about declaring magical w*r
on children?

Not to.

I could not be more in.

Ah, blind, petty revenge...

That's what family's all about.

Speaking of family,
let's go end Scrooge's.

You guys, our family is awesome!

Help! DT-87!

Louie tricked me into
this closet and took my place!


Mi mi mi mi.

The Junior Woodchuck Guidebook

There it is.

DT-87! It's me, Huey!

Incoming call from Huey.

Hey, Louie, cool hat.

Thanks a lot, Huey.

You would love this place!

We're floating up a river

of fresh natural spring Pep!

What?! Really?! Describe the
flavor to me in intimate detail!

Describe nothing,
he hasn't earned it!

It's the Hobo King
on a gold silk reclining throne!

He's glorious!

Just turn the camera
slightly to the right!

Oh, it's not fair!

What is so wrong
with an innocent scheme?

Accessing footage.

Ethics is concerned
with how your actions

negatively affect
those around you.



your plans, your schemes,

they only lead to bad things
for your family.

If you want to be
a part of this family,

you've gotta stop.

This is the one thing
I'm good at.

Why can't you see?

All right, hot shot, you got everybody.
Now what do we do?

What our family does best.

Destroy his.

Scheme detected.
Scheme detected.

Scheme detected.

Scheme detect...

Must call Gizmoduck!
Must call the military!

Must call anybody!


We're sorry, the number
you're trying to reach

has been blocked 'cause
we're invading your house!

All right, see ya in a sec,
'K, thanks, bye!


Get out!

A demon butler! How quaint!

Would you like to take
my coat, shawl,

or ghost-banishing amulet? Ha!


Daddy's home.

Oh, no!
Magica De Spell!


We've come for McDuck
and family.

So, uh,
are the others here?

N-no. They're all gone.

Oh. I see.

Family meeting!


You didn't even check
if they were home?!

Don't start with me,

Dewey's not even here?!

But this one
means nothing to me!

Look, we're here.

Why don't we
annihilate the green one

as sort of a warm-up?

And then what?

What was your scheme
here, exactly?

- Just show up and fight?
- Of course not.

I'm sure Flintheart
had a perfectly good plan and...

My scheme was to bring us
all together, like a family!

And then our family
destroys his family!

How is that not a plan?

- Is this the plan?
- Of all the absurd...

A good scheme is like a family.

It can be big, complicated,

and people may not
always understand it.

But when the individual parts
come together,

they can achieve
the impossible.

And a family united
is the finest scheme of all.

Who cares?!

In half an hour,
McDuck's gonna win the bet

and become twice
as rich and powerful.

All those resources.

All those
magical artifacts.

None of us will be able
to destroy him.

He will become...

What do we do now, new Pa?

Uh, even if I lose my fortune,
we can still k*ll McDuck!

Well then, your fortune
goes to his family.

Then we'll destroy
his whole family!

I know how you can win the bet,

but I want in.

Mr. McDuck, I believe
congratulations are in order.

Why thank you, Owlson.

We're looking forward
to having you on the team.

Obviously I'm upset
that I'll be forced

to work with a successful,
competent businessman

who can make all
my business dreams come true!

Very sad day.
It's a very sad day.

Where is Flinty anyway?

I'm gonna head to the mansion
to give Louie

his hobo souvenir.
I'm worried about him.

The DT-87 hasn't reported a single
scheme in 24 hours. Everything's fine.

Not so fast, McDuck!

I knew
this day would come.

Magica's grand revenge.

I'm clearly standing in front!

Lo, our moment is at hand.

For years I schemed alone.

Now I've added a family's
strength to my grand vision.

Scrooge will bow
before Clan Glomgold!

And then cower
before Magica De Spell,

whose hatred is unbound
by time and space!

Your time is up, McDuck!

The mighty Beagleburg
will rise again!

For a new day is on the

and it belongs to those with
a superior intellect!

AKA me!

And I, the supreme ruler
of the skies, Don Karnage,

seeks not Scrooge, but his
nefarious nephew Dewey Duck!

- You'll rue the day!
- The universe shall be mine!

♪ I'm comin' for you
You duck in blue! ♪

Hey! We can't all make declarations
of hatred at the same time!

And the name of vengeance
shall be Glomgold! Hey!

Wait! Not yet!

It's not my fault
that I'm a better showman!

I surrender! Where's Gyro?

I'm supposed to be
fighting Gyro!

Outta my way. McDuck is mine!

I never promised that!

Fine. We'll split him.
But I get the top half.

No! That's the part
that screams!

Not so fast!

You "not so fast"!
I'm the fastest!

Hey! Everybody knock it off!


This is not the plan!


Lad, are you... helping them?

That's right, Scrooge.
You didn't win the bet. I did!

Wait, what?!

It was I, Flintheart Glomgold,

who convinced all the other
villains to band together!

And it was I, Louie Duck,
who convinced them

to hand their resources
over to Glomgold.

Combined, they actually have
more money than you.

I saved your lives, but...

Glomgold wins the bet.

B-less me bagpipes...

I did it. I won the bet
and your company!

With a scheme sorted out
by your own nephew!

Or should I say,
my new partner!

And now that I have your money

- and your money...
- Hey!

I don't need any of you!

I am the richest duck
in the world!

I am unstoppable!
I am Flintheart Glomgold!


Flintheart Glomgold won.

His name is on
all the paperwork.

Only your name's not really
Flintheart Glomgold. It's...

Duke Baloney.

"Flintheart Glomgold"
is a fake identity,

so all your money,
all your money,

and all your money
goes to your new partner

who is...

Hold on one sec,
just let me check right here.

Oh, right.


Always read the fine print.

Trademark Louie Duck.

But that was my scheme!

I got the family together!

I was gonna steal their money
from them after I won! I...

Can explain.

Let me get this straight.

You stole
all of our fortunes,

and then lost it all
to a child?!

I wish I never had a new Pa!

You scarred him for life!
That's my job!

How could you betray us

after such a dramatic speech
about family?

Face Punch App! Punch,
punch, punch, punch, punch!

Ow! Ah. It was in selfie mode.

You've made a powerful enemy!

I have enough hate in my heart
for two Scottish billionaires!

Should we do something?

Eh, it'll take care of itself.

Curse you, everyone!

Mom, I know I messed up before,

but... seeing all the angles
is what I'm good at.

OK, but you need to take care
to not hurt the ones you love.

And I'll be here to help you
see the angles you can't.

Now all you have to do

is turn the new company
over to Scrooge

and everything
will go back to normal.


