01x08 - Leaving The Station

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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01x08 - Leaving The Station

Post by bunniefuu »

sh**t are in the window!

Previously on Chicago Fire...

Leon? What the hell are you doing here, Leon?

You know this guy?

He's my brother.

I can't do it. I don't love him.

I mean, I can't have a child growing up like that.

I don't mean to butt into your business or anything, but it's Thanksgiving.

Why don't you go home and spend it with your husband?

Crystal meth!

Masks on!

Okay, listen up.

Everyone on "C" will have a baseline drug test today.

I may have taken something this morning.

Will it show up on the test?

Will these narcotics show up on a drug test?

You Severide? Fill her up.

Mom has just got to realize I'm not gonna run from something I want to do with my life just to make her feel better.

[Woman screams] We have a woman about to give birth on the highway.

It's coming!

One more big breath.


[Baby crying]

I want us to have a baby.

I don't know if I'm ever going to want kids.

Why the hell are you studying Japanese?

I read online that once you turn 50, your brain starts to atrophy unless you keep it in shape.

I think that train's already left the station, Mouch.

Say something in Japanese.

I just started.

Hey, uh, where's Herrmann?

Tony Robbins seminar?

I got 20 bucks says in two weeks, you won't be able to string along a sentence.

Easiest money I ever made.

Done. What's today?

Um, 29th.

Ah, damn it.

Everything all right?

Yeah. No, I just forgot something.

Hey, everybody.

We have the pleasure of hosting a couple of visiting firefighters again.

This is Gavin and Presley.

They will be observing over the next couple of shifts.

Lieutenant Casey, Lieutenant Severide, and... the rest of knuckleheads.

Hey, guys, thanks so much for allowing us to be here.

And let us know if there's anything we can do to help out.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Was that a Canadian "out" I heard?

Yes, sir. Toronto.

We both just finished our probationary period.

You know what?

Uh, welcome aboard, guys.

No offense, but someone else will have to give you the tour, 'cause it ain't gonna be me.

[Door closes] Ignore him.

[Alarm blaring]

Truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61... injury on the blue line, Logan Square station.

[Sirens wailing, horn blares]

Be aware, men, the third rail could still be hot.

You heard him, guys. Everyone keep your eyes forward.

Let's do this the right way.

Main, do we have a hold on the blue line power in Logan square?

Stand by. We're waiting for confirmation.

I think I hit someone.

Chief, we might have a victim on the tracks.

Conductor thinks he hit someone.

You and Mills walk back down toward the tunnel.

Mind that third rail.


All good.

C.T.A. confirms power has been shut down.

Cruz, we got the all-clear. Throw the chain.

Yo! Hey, I see somebody!

Three, two, one, go!

Main, we still have power on the southbound track.

Please help me.

His leg's stuck in the axle.

I need this rail turned off.

We're working on it, Casey.

My name's Matt.

[Gasps] Jacob.

What happened, Jacob?

My sister Kayla and me went into the subway through an access door, just to look around.

But it locked behind us.

We were... we were trying to get out through the tunnel.

I'll go.


Chief, there's another kid in the tunnel.

Mills is going inside.

I have two victims on the track.

I need that damn power off now.


Call out!

Supervisor has confirmed the power has been shut down.

Cruz, throw the chain again.

Three, two, one, go!

Power's off!

What's his name?


Hey, Jacob. My name is Kelly.

We're gonna get you out of there, all right?

Let's get that pressure dressing ready.

Here we go.

All right, right there. That's good.



This is gonna hurt, buddy.

Okay, buddy, hang on, hang on. [Groaning in pain]

Watch his head.

Right here.

Are you Jacob?

My sister...

We're looking for her now.

All right, pressure dressing's in place.

Let's go.

One, two, three.


You're gonna be okay, Jacob.


Yeah, we, uh... found the victim.

I need two body bags, more lights, latex gloves.

Two teams scour each side of the tracks.

Call out whatever body part you find.


You okay?

Department counselor.

Wasn't easy, what we saw today.

And there is no shame in reaching out to talk to somebody.


Take a seat, guys. Make yourselves at home.



Act right.

Copy that, Chief.

So how's that socialized medicine working out for you guys?


To get your tonsils out, I heard you got to wait in a line around the block for the same doctor who just finished a colonoscopy.

You're the only guy I know that could have a beef with Canada.

Let's just say I got a snoot full of how things really work up there.

Nothing against these two, but pull that curtain back a little bit.

You might be surprised at what you find.

Yeah, uh, again, you can ignore him. [Laughing]

Mouch, you are out of your damn mind.


[Shower water running]

[Buzzer sounds]

Shay, you got a guest on the apparatus floor.

I thought you were going home.

Well, Daniel's not back from Phoenix until later today, so... you want to have some lunch?

It's not a good time, Clarice.

I got to get back to...

Look, it's turkey and brie with cranberry, from Martinelli's.

I thought they closed.

They opened up again over in Forest Glen.



Here, here, here, feel this.

[Laughs] Whoa. What is that?

It's his elbow.

Wait... or, no, maybe it's his foot.

That is crazy, right?


Did you guys pick out names yet?

No, we are still in the middle of negotiations.

Daniel really wants to name him after his father.




Yeah, I know.

I remember when we used to pick out baby names.



Look, maybe I shouldn't have said that.

[Alarm sounding]

Ambulance 61, difficulty breathing.

I got to go.

Uh, thanks... thanks for lunch.


[Clears throat]

What? I can't eat a sandwich?

Hi, Gabby.

Hi, Clarice.

[Siren wailing]

[Tearfully] She had a seizure, then couldn't breathe.

Grace, can you hear me?

She's responsive. Has this ever happened before?

No. I mean, yes. She's had a seizure before.

Is she taking any anti-seizure medication?

No, the doctors never found anything.

But she has Celiac disease.

She's... she's been on a gluten-free diet for the last two months.

Diminished lungs.

Okay, let's get her to Chicago U.


Ma'am, we got to get Grace to the hospital.

Not Chicago U. My father died at that hospital.

Please don't take her there.

Okay, fine. Lakeshore. But we got to go now.

Hey. Easy, Grace. Easy.

I don't like the way it smells.

You don't like the way what smells, sweetheart?

Six year-old girl, respiratory distress, history of undiagnosed seizures.

Exam room two. We'll take her from here.

I'm right here.

Oh, my God. Please help her.

Something's up with that chick.

Works better if you turn on the heat.

[Breathing shakily]


Hour, hour and a half, tops.

Okay, I'll have Cruz cover truck until you're back.

Got it. And I'm sorry about this.

You know this isn't my style, but...

Handle your business.

Oh, uh... keep an eye on Mills for me.

Yeah, sure.

Hey, quick favor?


Shay and I feel a little weird about this call we just went on.

We need someone to pull some medical records for us.

So I was wondering if maybe Hallie could do us a solid.

Yeah, uh, the only thing is me and Hallie are taking a break, so...

Right. Got it.

Say no more.

And I'm sorry to hear that.


You're calling Kendra.


This is gonna cost me a dinner too.

I mean, guaranteed she asks me to dinner, and I really don't want to hear about her drama...

[Clears throat] Hey, Kendra.



Uh-huh. Okay.

All right, thank you so much.

And, hey, this conversation never took place.


Friday? [Clears throat]

Um, can I get back to you?


Uh, so Grace was taken to the E.R. twice in the last six weeks for seizures... no mention anywhere in her record of Celiac disease.

[Alarm sounding]

Truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61.

Heart attack victim, dearborn and ELM.

[Sirens wailing]

Frank's dead!

He must've had a heart attack or something.

One minute, he was fine. He was dropping branches to me.

And the next thing I know, he's just hanging there.

[Branch cracks]


You get that aerial up in that tree now.

I can get close, but there's a lot of branches.

I don't see a clean path.

Well, then we make one.

Vargas! On it.

Won't you need a Stokes basket?

That limb's not gonna give us enough time.

We rig a two-to-one pulley system.

We bring him down the fast way.

Got it.
[Chainsaw buzzing]

[Siren wailing]

Path is clear. Here we go.

When Severide drops his line, you take up the slack.

When he cuts the old line, it's on you.

[Groans softly]

Hey! He's alive!

Get him down here fast!


Hadley, move.

Get his back.



Grab it! Grab that rope!

Got it, Kelly.

Tie it off.



Load is yours.


You okay?

Yeah, fine. Just...

Let's get on the ground.

Easy, easy.

Watch his head.

There we go.

All right, he's breathing... shallow respiration.

Hey, he's carrying candy.

He could be a diabetic.


Let's check his blood sugar.

Okay, it's low... below 20.

I'll give him an amp of D50.

What happened?

Okay. Sir, you're gonna be okay.

Your blood sugar dropped.

Are you diabetic?



Hey, Matt.




Sweetheart, do you remember your Uncle Matt from Thanksgiving a couple years ago?

Hey, Violet.

You're so grown up.

15 years... it's crazy.

I still miss him.

[Exhales deeply]

Well, we'll, uh, let you have some time alone.

You don't have to go.

No, it's okay.

We were just leaving. We've been here a while.

I guess I'll see you in a couple weeks.

Yeah, I'll see you there.

We've all been there.

It usually happens first few months after being on the job.

Right now you have nothing to compare it to.

But you will.

The longer you work, the more good you do... you'll be able to take days like this, put them into context, and then move forward.

It's just that afterwards, I'm...

I'm looking at Mouch telling stories and Cruz playing video games.

I don't know how they do it.

Everybody has their own way in how they deal with things.

You will get on the other side of this, Peter.

You know what?

Take the rest of the shift off.

Go easy.

I'm serious, though. Talk to someone.

Counselor's available. So am I.

So is your Lieutenant.



[Chuckling] Oh, yeah, it stays with me.

For sure.

Thank you, dude.

My buddy Eddie over at 61, "sworn to secrecy."

Uh, the Canadians? Guess where they're from.




Herrmann put 'em up to it.

Oh, that sneaky son of a bitch.

He's the only one I confided to about me and Canada.

And this is what he does to me?

I don't know what Herrmann's end game is in this prank, but if you're asking me, I say we beat him to it.




Yes. All right.

Hey, Shay. You got a visitor again.

Ugh. Clarice again?

Her husband.

Nice to see you.

I'm looking for my wife and my unborn son.

Would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction?

Yeah. She's been staying with me a couple days.

So, in light of the fact that you have zero boundaries, I will tell you now very directly that if you think that I'm...

Daniel, you might want to bring it down a peg, because this is your problem.

Right, you... you have nothing to do with it.

She came to me as a friend needing a place to stay.

So I, as a friend, took her in.

I sympathize with what you're going through, and I wish I hadn't been brought into this, but if you keep coming at me like you're coming at me, I'm gonna tell you to kiss my ass in two seconds.


What can I do?

This is my family we're talking about.

I can't get it out of my head.

Just... I can't get it out of my head.

There was a time when your father couldn't either.

And his way of fixing it was to just shove it down.

And then that turned into shutting off a part of himself.

It's the part that makes us human.

Then what do I do?

Walk away.

You come back to the restaurant.

I don't want you to become a block of ice.

I mean, having seen that in your father, believe me, you don't want that for yourself.

It's not who you are.


Just... come home.

Anna. Hey. It's me.

Look, um, I need a refill... uh, somewhat urgently.

I know, I know, I know. I just... I... can you please just help me out?

I can't. I... I don't have the time.

I could... I could pay you for them, if that's easier.




Oh, she's pissed.

Hey, Kendra. Thanks for doing this.

I thought I was done.

Ah, well, you know...

Anything on Grace Wilkinson?

[Keys clacking]

Yeah, she accidentally swallowed some turpentine.

Her mom told us she had Celiac disease.

Uh, mom told us she was doing some painting and left the turpentine out by mistake.

We pumped the girl's stomach, then moved her upstairs for observation.

She didn't want to take her to Chicago U, remember?

Could be hospital jumping to hide abuse.

Abuse that she's causing for attention.

It fits.

That would explain the mom's behavior, the inconsistent symptoms that Grace is having, that smell that she was talking about...

Munchausen by proxy?

It's quite rare.

I don't really care what you call it.

That woman is poisoning her own kid.

I want this reported to D.C.F.S.

Right now. Will you back us up?

Dinner, Friday... on me.

I'll get the number.

Four years ago, my old partner and I reported this girl with cigarette burns all over her arms and legs to D.C.F.S., and the investigation was a mess of red tape from beginning to end.

They eventually sent the girl back to her father.

And that same week, she died of a brain bleed from a beating he gave her.

That ain't happening again.

Hey, Mrs. Mills.

Hello, Kelly.

Chief Boden's office is this way?


How's Peter doing?

He saw a girl cut to pieces today.

I believe you all did.

How are you doing?

[Door opens]

Ingrid, uh... it's been a long time.

Yes, it has.

Uh, please, have a seat.

No, I won't be long.

Peter's not like Henry.

No one expects him to be.

He does.

And Peter's got this whole idea of living up to his father's memory.

But that is not the life I want for him.

Peter's not coming back to 51.

If that's what he decides...

I'll abide by it. You have my word.

You're not hearing me.

Peter's time as a candidate... is done.

I'm asking you to respect my wishes.

Now, you owe me that at least.

I can tell you that this soup already smells like socks, Otis.

Oh, just wait till it hits your taste buds, man.

Listen, if we've done anything to offend you...

Oh, no, no, no. Eat up.

Enjoy your free American meal.

Is Peter coming back?

Of course.

He's just clearing his head.

Today was a tough one.

Here we go. Dinner's served.

What the hell is this?

Borscht, baby.

Mama's Sunday night go-to.


It's good, right?

We're ordering in.

[Footsteps approaching]



Nice job up there in that tree.

Thanks, Chief.

What up with your arm?

What's that?

I said, "what up with your arm?"

Tweaked it a couple days ago lifting weights.

Looked like more than a tweak.

Really, I'm fine.


I see it again, you're going in for an X-ray, for your own safety.

No. Yeah, absolutely.

D.C.F.S. looked at the Wilkinson girl's case... not gonna pursue.

Let's take a ride.

[Door opens]

[Door alarm beeps]

Listen, all I'm saying is, I told you after your suspension hearing that I'd pull up on the reins if you started to go sideways.

This is me pulling.

We're just having a friendly conversation.

Uh, Mrs. Wilkinson, sorry to bother you like this.


You've got some nerve... fabricating lies against me?

Lies? You want to talk about lies?

What was that today... a seizure related to Celiac disease or accidental ingestion of turpentine?

This is harassment, and I'm calling my lawyer.

You should call your doctor, because you need help.

You are poisoning your own daughter.

We're not gonna stand by...

You have no idea how miserable your life is about to get.

I've been on the phone for the last hour, getting my ass handed to me, and there wasn't a damn thing I could say in your defense, because what you did was dead wrong.

Chief, she's poisoning her daughter.

Did you talk to the D.C.F.S.?

Yeah, but...

But nothing!

You let them handle it.

What you don't do is go knocking on doors, start throwing out accusations.

Do you not get it, Gabriela?

It's not just her, Chief.

I will get to you in a second.

Answer my question.

Yeah, Chief. I get it.

Do you not like your partner?

I like her very much indeed, sir.

Well, she's a hothead.

What you do when you have a hothead for a partner is you talk them out of doing stupid-ass things that can get them into serious trouble.

Gabriela, this, um... crusade that you are on, it ends now.

You take one step further, there will not be a suspension hearing.

There will be a good-bye party.

You two, my office.

We need to talk about Mills.

[Exhales sharply]

Hey, Kelly.


Is your brother here?

Last we talked to him, he said he was gonna go for a drive, but I haven't heard from him for a while.

Yeah, he hasn't been picking up his phone.

I've never seen him like this.

Okay, well, if you talk to him, could you tell him that I stopped by?

I just wanted to check on him.

I will. Thank you.

You have to go home.

To what?

To a husband who's at least owed an explanation.

Okay, but I just... I didn't even realize how unhappy I was until you showed up at the baby shower.

You don't get to come back married and pregnant saying that you miss me.

You walked away.

You broke my heart.

And, hey, that's the way it goes, but this isn't good for me right now, Clarice.

I've been fooling myself these last few days.

I made a mistake.

[Knock at door]


Okay, if that's Daniel, I'm just... I'm not here.

I will leave. I will go home. I will.

But just not right now, please.


Hey, Corrine.

I texted you a couple times.

I know. I'm... and I'm sorry.

I've just been dealing with something.

Is everything okay?

Fine. Yeah, it's fine.

It's just... I think I left my earrings here.

Oh, I'll find them, and I'll get them back to you.

I'm sorry. Just... now is really not a good time.

What was that?


Okay, um...

I'm gonna go.


Look, I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories.

I don't have any.

I just can't go back.

This should've been ours.

[Door opens, closes]


See, this is where you belong, baby.

Just give me a little room, mom.

All right, everybody. Gather round.

We're gonna trade T-shirts and patches in a bit, but first, a little competition.

The first one of you to climb up to the top gets a C.F.D. jacket.

Sound good?

That jacket's mine.

Yeah, we'll see.

All right.

And... one... two... three!


Take that back to Cleveland, boys!


What the hell are you doing, Mouch?

They're not from Canada.

Herrmann put them up to it.

We're from Canada!

[Laughing] No, no, no.

Otis said...

Otis... Oot...

[Alarm sounds]

Ambulance 61, respiratory distress.

26 Orchard Street.

That's Grace's address.

Hit it.

[Siren wailing]

I didn't know what to do!


You okay?

In here! In here!

[Exhales sharply]

Doxipin, 150 milligrams.

Oh, man. [Zipper opens]

Uh, why don't you take Grace back into the living room?

Come on. Come on.

Shallow breaths, rapid pulse.

All right, let's get her to Lakeshore.

I'll start an I.V. in the rig and get an order to push bicarb.


She's gonna be okay, Grace.

You wanted to see me, Chief?

That time you put all that hot sauce in Hadley's burger, that was funny.

Oh, I can't take credit for that, Chief.

I got that from Dumb & Dumber.

And the other time you put the blowup doll in Herrmann's bunk, that was equally funny.

That was all me.

Today that was not funny.

I mean, breaking balls is one thing.

But those men... they did not pay their own way and drive ten hours to come here to be the butt of a joke.

When we have a guest in this house, you will treat them as such.

Do you understand me?

Yes, Chief.

So now you're gonna walk back out there like the man I know you to be.

You're gonna look 'em in the eye, shake their hand, and apologize, because when they go back home and their men ask them what the C.F.D. were like, they will be able to say we are stand-up.

[Door opens] Chief.

You need to get to Lakeshore.

That'll be all.

And she couldn't get into the United States, so I agreed to meet her in Toronto.

An immigration attorney there was going to facilitate her American citizenship.

I gave her the five grand for his fees... never saw either one of them again.

Well, yeah, but if she was Russian, why hate on Canada?

Two extra weeks I'm up there getting the runaround from various government agencies.

I end up at the Canadian anti-fraud centre.

Want to know what they said?

Buyer beware.

And didn't the weasel behind the counter get a little chuckle at my expense?

Mouch, on behalf of the commonwealth of Canada, we apologize.

I appreciate that.


Listen, I don't want to get in anyone's business here, but if I may...


Only because I was recently in Peter's situation.

Uh, I received a call that involved... an infant mortality.

And, uh, it really got to me.

Uh, but our Lieutenant at the time... he did something that really helped us out.

She's on a ventilator now, and dialysis to help clear the doxepin.

We just have to wait and see.

Are you Gabriela Dawson?

You're the one who accused Nina of poisoning our daughter?

Sir, your wife...

You did this.

You did this to her!


I notified the Union, just in case the cops want to talk to you.

You need to be ready.

Mills, it's Casey.

Listen, I know lots of people have been talking to you today, uh, but before you make a decision, I want to show you something.

I can swing by the restaurant after shift.

And, um, please, just trust me on this.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Woman speaking indistinctly over PA]

Don't worry.

We'll get through this.

[Door opens]

It's all right, sweetheart.

Tell her what you told me.

She made me drink it.


It's okay.

It's okay, sweetie.

You really outdid yourself this time, Otis.

I feel horrible.

Well, you should.

And what's worse, they were so classy about it.

So you were in love with that woman.


Lesson learned, though.

Lesson learned.

Oh, those dicks.

[Inhales deeply]

[Knock at door]

Is Shay here?

She's not.

I just want my earrings.

Um... come on in.

[Door closes]

You want a beer?


You know, I don't know why she's been so opposed to calling me back.

She's been going through some ex-girlfriend drama.

See, all she had to do was tell me.

I'm not looking to bring any drama to her life.

I'm just looking to have some fun.

No, I hear you. Keep it short and sweet.

That's my policy.



[Cell phone vibrates]

Hey, it's me. Hey.

Um, real quick, Corrine...

Um, do you have any claim to her?

Kelly, why?

Because if you do, then I'll walk her to the door.


Uh, knock yourself out.

You all right?

Have fun.


Lieutenant Casey.

Gary. Thanks for letting us stop by.


This is Peter Mills.

Hey. How you doing?

Hey. Hey, nice to meet you.

Come on in. Make yourselves comfortable.

Thank you.

Sophie, Lieutenant Casey is here!

Their last house burned down a couple years back.

We responded to the call.

How's she doing?

She gets her learner's permit next week.

Can you believe it?

Sophie's driving?

Well, not till next week, she's not.


Lieutenant Casey!

There she is.

Peter, this is Sophie.


Come on, I want to show you something.

What have you got?

What is this?

"Second place, girls sectional finals."

Congratulations. Thanks.


Don't be. I don't mind.

Lieutenant Casey pulled me out of that fire.


I'm alive.
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