01x04 - One Minute

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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01x04 - One Minute

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Chicago Fire...


She's going!

Hey, I need to talk to you.

You said you were gonna get your arm looked at.

A part of me doesn't wanna know.

There's a surgery which can take pressure off the nerve.

How long would I be off work?

Six months to a year.

How long you been dating this guy?

He's taken.

I got a scar on my back that reminds me about the price of playing beat the clock.

Field test this idiot.

Look, detective Voight... that was his son driving this car.

He's a dirty cop.

You filed a report that said my son was drunk that night.

He was.

I can take this to the next level real easy.

Believe me, you are gonna retract that statement.

What you're asking me to do...

I'm not asking!

Why didn't you call Alexa back? I liked her.

What does a lesbian bring on a second date?

A moving van.

You have major commitment issues.

Yeah, yeah.

Please put this out in front.

I'm gonna take this stuff to the kitchen.


I'm not carving this thing.

Some developing local news now...

Yo, do we have any spices around here besides salt and pepper?

What else do you need besides salt and pepper?



This is for the trick-or-treaters.

And heads up...

Halloween is chief Boden's favorite holiday.


Oh, I'm dead serious.

We can see where you're putting that.

Hey, nobody touches the candy. We ran out last year.

I graciously donate my in-laws' television, and I cannot get a piece of candy?

I keep coriander, cumin, and bay leaves in the back cupboard.

Um, I used up all the saffron last time I cooked.

[Alarm beep and buzzes]

Engine 51, truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61.

Warehouse fire, 6620 Oak Park.

[Sirens wailing]

[Horn honking]

This is the old Triskin warehouse.

Looks like the door's been pried open.

Could be squatters inside.

Smoke's already coming out pretty quick.

We don't have long on this one.

Engine 51, give me a 2 1/2 in the front door truck 81, open up the back and vent the skylights.

Kelly, give me that primary search.

You got it.

Raise the aerial and take out the skylights.

Herrmann and Mills, let's open up the back and get in there.

Let's go.

Smoke's bad. Get the doors down fast.




Going left.

Mind your step.

Call out.

Fire department! Anyone in here?

[Overlapping chatter]

That smoke's turning ugly.

Fire department! Anyone in here?

There's someone in the back!

Let's go!

Hey, guys, over here.

Fire department!

Anybody here?

Call out!

I got you. Come on.

Hang on to me. We're gonna get you out.


We got him.

Fire department!


All companies, evacuate the building.

Come on, Mills, let's go.

It's gonna flash.

Herrmann and Mills still inside?


Repeat, evacuate immediately.

Let's go. Come on, now, guys.

We gotta get out of there. Let's go.

Come on, men.

Come on, Mills.

There's a guy still inside. I saw him.

Chief, give me one more minute to go back in there.

No, it's over. No more minutes.

He could be alive.

Just give me one more minute. I know I can get to him.

I know.

You're not going anywhere. This building's about to flash.

Chief, I could...


[Dispatcher report in background]

All officers, take count of your firefighters.

Nobody goes back in.

All members out of the collapse zone.

Everybody, back up.

Back up.

[Overlapping shouts]

[Overlapping chatter]

Fire up the water cannons.

Come on, let's go.


We got it!

Hey, give her back the wand now.

Hey, hey. Here you go.


I thought you were gonna be a superhero.

I am. I'm superboy.

That's the whole costume?

That's pretty half-assed.


What, he can't put on a cape?

He doesn't have a...

All right.

I walked in on your dad again.

The man refuses to lock the door.

And you refuse to knock.

This came for you.

Aw, crap.

Were you there, daddy?

Yep, and we kicked that fire's butt.

Love you, okay?



You can't leave. I put a force-field around the door.

If you had a cape on, I might believe that.

Come on, I'm late.


Lukie, hey.

I told you, you don't have to worry about me so much.

What if you get hurt again?

I'll get better, just like last time.

And like you did, when your bike went over.

Us Herrmanns, we're tough bastards.


You said "bastards."

Don't tell mom.

[Sighs] Okay.

Come on. Come on, buddy.


I love you, buddy.

Kids: Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween.

Guess what?

After school, I'm gonna break out a bottomless bowl of treats.

Gonna come back and get 'em?

You'll bring 'em back?


Go on, then. Get out of here and come back.

Y'all look great.

Kids: Thank you!

Lieutenant, can I ask you something?

In general, when the chief says, everybody out of a building now, how much time do we really have?

A minute? 30 seconds? What?

Don't beat yourself up, Mills.

See, the thing is, I was closest to the victim.

I-I could see him, you know?

When chief says "now," he means now.

Not 30 seconds, not any seconds. Got it?

Yeah. Yeah, I figured.


[Locker door slams]


Morning, lieutenant.


You get hurt the other night?

Mind not turning the locker room into a chat room?


[Phone rings in background]

Just take the damn piece of candy already.

She won't notice.

I'm not climbing onto the counter.

Hey, did you guys hear that Casey's gonna testify against detective Voight's son?

Apparently, Dawson's brother says it's a risky move, and Voight's a dangerous son of a bitch.

I wouldn't put my ass on the line like that.

Uh, lieutenant, you need any help with the detective Voight situation, you let me know.

When I became a union rep, they sent me a bunch of brochures.

I'm good. Thanks.

Just need to testify at the arraignment, once it's set.

You see this crap?

Why is it crap?

I just mean that that's what happened, isn't it? So...

Where is the headline about how we busted our humps and saved three guys, huh?

Okay, everybody, listen up.

Today, our very own Jose Vargas transfers from truck to squad.

As of now, he's officially a member of rescue squad 3.



Big time Vargas.

Make sure to bow next time you walk by.

Best of luck.

Thanks, lieutenant.

Hey, lieutenant Casey, I just saw your car out front.

Something happened to it.

What the hell?

This is why I can't stand Halloween, man.

The punks, they go wild.

My gym bag got lifted.

Right in front of the station.

Call the cops. File a report.

Yeah, I should.

[Alarm beeping and buzzing]

Truck 81, squad 3.

House fire, 220 South Kilbourn.

[Siren wailing]

[Overlapping chatter]

Fire is out on arrival. Hold all incoming companies.

We'll do a little overhaul.

You okay, ma'am?

I'm fine.

I must have dropped a cigarette or something.

I was cleaning out the garage.

So stupid of me.

Well, good job putting it out.

We were here a few weeks ago.

Fire in your car, parked out front.

The car is old.

Two fires in two weeks?

Bad luck always comes in streaks.

I need to check inside, make sure the fire didn't get into the adjoining wall.

All right.

No heat. That's good.

Me and my late husband.

How long were you married?

45 years, till he passed.

Wow. What's the secret?

I never asked.

Just counted my blessings every day.

She say what happened?


[Laughter in distance]

What the hell happened?

It went out.


It just needed a new cord.

Nobody panic.

Go ahead. Try it.

[Remote clicks]

[Applause on tv]


Halloween horror marathon, channel 11.

We are back.

[Flipping through channels]

My brother died because he was homeless and poor.

If he had been a firefighter or a banker in a fancy apartment, they would have found a way to save him.

It was recorded on a cell phone.

Chief, give me one more minute to go back in there.

No, it's over. No more minutes.

He could be alive.

Just give me one more minute. I know I can get to him.

I know.

Not going anywhere. This building's about to flash.

Chief, I can get...


Even his own men wanted to go back in and save my brother's life, but the chief on the scene, Wallace Boden, said no.

So the investigation continues...

[turns TV off]


Hey, there's another request for an interview about the fire from some blogger.

The answer's the same. No comment.

Got it. And Peter Mills wanted to see you.

Send him in.


Hey, Mills, what's up?

Um, when I asked to go back in, I apologize if that was out of line.

Not another word.

That is exactly the attitude I want from all my men.

Forget the news report.

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

[Door closes]

You're welcome.

Hey, we got our first trick-or-treater.

Hey, guys. Happy Halloween.

Happy Halloween, lady.

Sweet shoes.

Thanks. Uh, are you a runner too?

Uh, I just did my first 10k a couple months ago.

Oh, wow, that's... that's my race too.

I've been training for the next one.

I'm trying to get in under 48 minutes.

That sounds like a good goal.

How'd you do?


Wow, that's great.

[Both laugh]

Casey's in his quarters, I think.

Awesome. Thank you.

I'll see you guys.




I think it was somewhere around there.

Everything okay?

Of course.

Why do you look worried?

I'm not worried.

Just surprised.

Well, I was thinking about our new plan to start fresh, and I realized...


That there is something that we talked about doing and never did.



Chief, this is Sondra Sherman.

I'm an attorney with the city's office.

How can we help you today?

I need to ask you some questions about the Triskin warehouse fire.


The city's been contacted by an attorney for Marc Thorne, the victim's brother.

There are some concerns about the way the fire was handled.

My sympathies go out to Mr. Thorne, but if I hadn't handled the fire the way that I did, not only would his brother be dead, but so would my men.


And how long was it after you called your men out that the structure exploded?

I don't know exactly.

About a minute.

And did one of your men tell you there was someone still inside?

Yes, he did, and he wanted to go back in and get him.

I said no. Seconds later, there was a flashover.

I wouldn't ask you these questions unless I had to, chief.

We don't think you did anything wrong, but an M.E.'s report will be released soon, and if it says his brother was alive up until the expl*si*n, Thorne will come after you, the department, and the city of Chicago.

The city completely supports you.

You shouldn't feel bad.

I don't.

If we're done here, I have some work to do.

[Laughs lightly]

[Door closes]

Wait here, guys.

Hey, Bobby. Thanks for coming.

Hi. How you doin'?


So, what's the deal here?

You tell me.

[Radio chatter]


Mrs. Grady, how are you, ma'am?

I'm fine.

We just had a few questions about those fires that you had.

They were accidents.

I don't know any more than I've already told you.

Okay, well, we just want to make sure that there are no more incidents.


Someone set fire to her car two weeks ago.

This morning, her garage burns, she says... she said they were just accidents.

But they weren't.

Why do you think somebody would come after her?

I mean, she lives alone.

She keeps to herself.

Pick a reason.

I have a suggestion.

If you do a sit-down with Marc Thorne, that could help minimize the damage.

A sit-down?


A "beer in the rose garden" kind of thing.

You, Thorne, attorneys for both sides.

Sitdown was his. Beer was mine.

Sometimes a simple conversation can avert a major lawsuit.

Maybe all he wants is an apology.

I doubt that.

Chief, I don't think you understand.

If we can't make this go away before the M.E.'s report comes back, your job and your livelihood are at risk.

I am not going to apologize. I did nothing wrong, neither one of my men.

Look, the city completely supports you.

You keep saying that, and in the same breath, you tell me my job's on the line.


I really do have work to do.

I'm gonna go do it.

I have a favor to ask you.

Can I borrow your house key?

I just want to set a little something up for Kelly in his room.

Champagne, candles.

I think my dad showing up at your apartment maybe pushed him away.

Yeah, I don't think it's your dad showing up so much that's the problem as much as him announcing that you're engaged.

I wasn't hiding that.

Where's your ring?

It's being resized right now.

So, can I have the key or not?

Not. At all.
[Alarm beeping and buzzing]

Ambulance 61. Hand laceration.

310 east Pearson.

[Background chatter]

[Radio chatter]

Oof! You got a nice bleed going there.


Yikes. What happened?

I was chopping, and suddenly there were screams, so I took my eyes off the onion.

Next thing I know, my hand's gushing blood.


A reaction to a two-tier baby carriage and matching car seat.

Wiggle your fingers for me.

Ah, it's not bad but, yeah, you're gonna need stitches.

The mom-to-be had a dizzy spell when she saw the blood.

Can one of you guys take a look at her?

Oh, yeah, sure.

You're not gonna believe this.


[Overlapping chatter]

Hey, Clare.

Oh, my God.

Um, honey, this is Leslie Shay, my old girlfriend.


There are two patients we'll take this one with the hand lac, so you can grab the other lady if you don't mind..

Actually, I just put Clarice in the back of our rig, so...

And I said we would take him, so...

It doesn't matter to me.

Here you go.

[Radio chatter]

All right, I'm just gonna check your vitals and then have a listen and make sure everything's okay with the baby.

And then the dizzy spell came on so suddenly.

I'm sure everything is fine, sweetie.

[Blood pressure cuff pumping]

Blood pressure's good.

All right, I'm just gonna lift your shirt off your belly and have a listen.

Heart rate's 140. It's perfect.


Thank you. Thank you, Les.

See? That baby's already got a flair for the dramatic.

The teen years are gonna be fun.


You know what I still have of yours?

Those old blues records that your mom gave you.

Oh, yeah. Forgot about those.

Yeah, I mean, you know, I can get 'em back to you at any time.

Why don't you, um, just give me a call and we can figure it out.


Who was that?

That's Mills' sister, Elise.

Wow. When is the next family picnic?

Hey, let me give you a hand with those.

I'm good, thanks.

You sure?

If this food ends up on the floor instead of the table, it could cause a riot.


You're Severide, right?


Peter called, said he was supposed to make lunch.

He got busy.

He didn't sound so great.

Is everything okay around here?

It's just another day on the job.

Your brother's a good kid.

Yeah. He is.

I gotta get back to the restaurant.

Thanks for the help.

Give me the ball, give me the ball.



My name is Marc Thorne.

I'm here to talk to chief Wallace Boden.

Is he here?

I'm very sorry for your loss, Mr. Thorne.

Chief Boden!

You knew my brother was in that warehouse.

Did you?

The guy was homeless, keeping warm in a warehouse.

You're his brother.

Where have you been? Herrmann, come on.

No, sorry, I'm not gonna be quiet.

'Cause a few weeks ago, I almost bought the farm, trying to save a stranger.

It's what we do, every day.

It's what we tried to do for your brother.

Chief Boden made the call he had to make.

Just be glad you never have to do that.

What is this?

We heard you represented, Herrmann.

So, I'm gonna throw out a name.

Clarice Carthage.

Oh ho ho...


Wait, who?

The bitchy ex-girlfriend.

She wasn't a bitch, per se.

She was a little full of herself.

Well, she's got a new status update.

She is now Clarice Schwartz, married to a dude, and seven months pregnant.

Oh! Did I not call that?

Did I not say she had one foot in, one foot out?

You did not say that.

Well, not to you, maybe, but did I not call that?

He called that.


Look, he's got candy.

He's got a bunch of candy.

Oh, look at you. That costume is terrifying.

You're about to scare the neighbors to death.

Want some treats?

Give me that. Whomp.

I saw your picture online. I read about what happened.

Keep your chin up. You did the right thing.

Appreciate that.

Halloween is about the kids.

Thank you for coming.

Come on, guys, let's go.

Next. Get some more candy?

Should we get some more?

Let's go.

[Alarm beeping and buzzing]

Truck 81, ambulance 61.

Vargas wants back on truck already, huh?

Yeah, yeah.

[Siren wailing]

[Honks horn]

[Music thumps, crowd noise]

Coming through. Excuse me.

Everybody, make way. Coming through.

Anybody seen an injured person?

[Music thumping]

Is that our guy?

Okay, never mind.

Halloween sucks.

Looking for an injured person.

Thank God. He's over here.

Okay, got a location on the victim.

"Witches' brew."

Copy that. Right behind you.

Watch out, guys.

Hold his head steady.

Guys, come on.

I got it.

Hold his head.


Did he take any dr*gs?

No, just a couple beers.

Then all of a sudden his eyes were rolling back in his head and he... he dropped and just started jerking around.

Does he have a history of seizures?

I don't think so. This is only our second date.

All right, ready. Turn him over.

Hey, let me help out, fellas.

Stay back, sir.

Yeah, how about giving me a c-4 tube and a Lidocaine drip?

Let 'em do their job.

All right, come on. Move it out.

Don't tell 'em you're homeless.

They won't help ya.

Hey! Hey!

Go, go.

You got your head screwed on straight?

These people, mouthing off at us.

You rise above it.

It won't happen again.

Let's get the hell out of here.

Chief, I wanted to let you know the M.E.'s report came in.

Jonathan Thorne died from injuries sustained during the expl*si*n.

The department is putting together a committee now.

This doesn't change anything.

[Locks door]

Lieutenant Casey, there's someone out front for you.

Detective Voight.

Got some good news for you, Casey.

Yeah? What's that?

Well, I heard about what happened to your car.

I don't normally handle this kind of thing, but to be honest, I felt like I owed you an apology after my behavior the other day.

I was out of line.

So I put my guys on it, and we caught the little scumbag.

And how'd you know it was him?

Come here.

This yours?

There you go, he had it on him.

And make sure nothing's missing, will you?


This isn't mine.

Well, the kid must have stashed it in there.

You know, there's a simple, honest solution to all our problems.

One that keeps my son out of jail and lets you and I get on with our lives.

All you gotta do is change that report.

I'm not gonna do that.

[Groans] Last year we went through four of these.

This year, we barely finished one.

[Groans] Not the best day.

What is it?


Detective Voight showed up here, tried to bribe me with a wad of cash.


Wha... we've gotta call my brother and tell him.

I'm just gonna testify and let the courts handle it.


Well, what does Hallie say?

I didn't tell her.

Why not?

I don't know.

I didn't want to worry her, I guess.

You should tell her.


Yeah, I probably should.

I'll see you later.

Yeah, later.

[Slurring] I mean, you should have seen Clarice's apartment.

It was like a museum.

All this fancy breakable crap everywhere.

The place she and I used to live, there was peeling paint, dripping faucets.

You wanted to hang out there all day long, you know?

Will you pass me a lime?


They had a floor-to-ceiling wine rack.

I mean, she used to hate wine.

She drank beer. I loved that about her.

I guess she drinks wine now.

[Liquor pouring]

How long did you two...

Three years.


Yeah, I mean, it wasn't, like, you know...

A casual thing.

It was... uh, we were serious.

Or at least I thought we were.

Turns out I may have overestimated her lesbianism.

[Knock on door]

[Jazzy music playing]



No offense... I'm not taking advice from you right now.


This is a new low.

Wanna help with this?


I was engaged once too.

[Door closes]

Just wanted to pass along some positive news.

The Thorne situation has been resolved.

Resolved how?

Marc Thorne has dropped all plans to sue the city.

You gave him a payout.

There's a settlement in the works, yes.

You yourself said we did nothing wrong.

Well, you should be happy about this.

Thorne was willing to settle quickly and for a reasonable amount.

There's no further risk of impact on you, and you continue to have the city's full support.

Appreciate that.

Take care, chief.


How many?


[Alarm blaring]


House fire, 220 South Kilbourn.

Engine 51...

220 South kilbourn.

Damn it.

Truck and engine are near the scene.

They'll meet you there.

[Background chatter]

What happened?

Molotov cocktail through the front window.

Fire's under control.

The woman who lives here, Mrs. Grady?

With Dawson.

Just breathe in, nice and easy.

We're gonna get that smoke out of your lungs, okay?

Is she okay?

Yeah, smoke inhalation.

Oxygen will clear her up.

Hey. Can you give me a second?


We could have lost you.

I won't go to the police, okay? I promise you that.

But you gotta talk to me, okay?

[Rap music thumping]

[Baby crying]

[Lock clicks]

Who the hell are you?

Hey. What you doin'?

Shut up. Sit down.

Mrs. Grady.

On Kilbourn.

We don't even know who that is.

She's the one who called the cops about the drug dealers on her block.

She's also my aunt.

Listen to me.

I hear about one more ember going anywhere near Mrs. Grady or her property again, I'll come back here, break your kneecaps, and drag you down to the police station.

You don't have dr*gs on you. I'll plant them on you.

You can't do that.

The hell I can't.

It's a firefighter's word against a couple bangers.

Who they gonna believe?

Extra, extra.

Firefighters are off the front page.

Back in the black smoke we go until another tragedy.

Another day, another story.

I wonder how much that Thorne is getting from the city.

Why work for a living when you can sue someone instead?

Morning, chief.

Our assistant Nicki has quit.

According to her father, she has broken off her engagement left for Europe for a while, so will y'all just let me know if you hear of anybody available for the position?

Leslie Elizabeth Shay.


It's... it's not a big deal.

No, it is.

And I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna pretend like I don't remember peeling you off the floor after that woman broke your heart.

She is married now.

Taken. Unattainable.

I know.

I just wanted my records back.

I'll buy you a new set, I promise.

You wanted to see me, chief?

Yeah, Mills, come on in.

[Door closes]

I know you've been struggling ever since the warehouse fire.

I was close enough to see him.

If I'd had one minute, I might have...

Let me tell you about one minute.

I've been there.

Most of us have.

In my case, I was sure.

Surer than you are right now, even.

That if I'd had that one minute, I'd have been able to go in there, rescue those people.

My best buddy and I, we were running back in.

The fire was trapped in the ceiling.

Couldn't see it, so we didn't know.

We didn't have one minute.

We lost the victims.

I lost my friend.

I got a scar on my back that reminds me every single day about the price of playing "beat the clock."

And it's my job to make sure that you never get any kind of reminder.

You understand me?

Yes, sir.

You got it in you.

You will make one hell of a firefighter.

Just like your dad was.

Go on.

[Door closes]

[Radio host chatter]

We'll be opening up the phone lines shortly to take your calls to talk about the bears game on Sunday...

[Continues indistinctly]

Hey, Karen.


How are you doing?


So where should we go? Restaurant? Bar? Strip club?

Yeah, okay.

Hey, you all right?


I just always thought she was the one.


Strip club it is.




Oh, hey, Hallie.

You all right?

Hold on.


[Tires squealing]


What is going on?

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