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01x01 - The Key to the Castle

Posted: 03/01/24 12:27
by bunniefuu
- ANNOUNCER: Reads words on screen.

[NARRATOR]: In Toronto's w*r
on crime, the worst offenders

are pursued by the
detectives of the specialized

criminal investigations unit.
These are their stories.


Gold Rush. 1930s. You know who got rich?

- The guys who found gold?
- Sure.

But it was also the guys who
sold them the picks and shovels.

I'm doing both, Arlene.

Big talk, Daniel.

You got a minute? I need a word.

Later. We're about to dock.



First off, I want to
thank my partner, Nick,

my assistant, Ravi, and
my beautiful wife, Sophie,

for putting this afternoon together.

You know, Sophie walked into
my life eight months ago,

and I am here to tell all of you

that Lennon and McCartney
were absolutely right.

All you need is love.

- Okay, fine, love

and a few million dollars, am I right?

- And on that note,

I want to thank all
of you. My VIP clients.

I know it's a turbulent
time in the market,

but I am here to assure you

that not only is your
money safe with me,

it's growing exponentially.

So keep the faith. Let's raise a glass.

Cheers. To success. And to BigaPlex.


Come on. You want out now?
Right before you get rich?

Depends, Nick. How
rich am I going to get?

How rich do you want, Arlene?
Want a champagne fountain?

Private island in Muskoka?
Little four-seater Cessna

- to get you there in style?
- That's just well off.

I came to you and your
partner for real money.

Come on, Nick. The market is tanking,

everyone's running, and my
clients are extremely concerned.

I haven't seen a statement in months,

and I can't get a straight
answer out of Daniel.

Ravi. You're Daniel's assistant,
you know him better than anyone.

- How are you feeling?
- I... I have complete

- faith in Daniel.
- See?

Ravi is feeling perfectly fine.

Daniel is on it. All
right? The man is a genius.

And he's got nerves of steel,
so I suggest you find yours.

- Dude,

I called you six times this week.

Fair. I should have called you back.

What am I doing in crypto, man?

It's probably not even real money!

Hell yeah, it's real.

And it's getting realer every day.

I'm making some bold moves, my friend.

What's that supposed to mean?

Just that when it comes to making money?

Better to ask for forgiveness
than for permission.

I know it's just a drop
in the bucket, Johnny.

But it's one hell of a bucket.

I just need a little more time.



Hey, Sophie. Where the hell is Daniel?

There is only so much
charm one man can exude.


Hey. You okay?

It's fine. I just need a minute.

Good, cause you gotta get
back out there, my man,

do your thing.

Did you forget to take your meds?

Okay, let's get you sorted.

Sophie. What is happening?

Get back to your party
and give us a minute.

Could you cover for me?

I just need to lie down for a bit.

Get everybody back on the boat. [SIGHS]

I'll be fine as soon as we get home.

Good as new.



I love you.

I know. I love you too.














Detective Graff, Detective Bateman,

the wife is standing by to talk to you.

Wife was the last person to see him?

She says she left him here around 8 PM,

went back to round up the
other guests to sail home.

Hiding from his own party?
That's my kind of guy.

She says he was feeling sick.


Wife gave him a couple
of pills, he took 'em,

said he wanted to lie down for a bit.

She didn't notice he was
gone till they docked.

- Any sign of a body?
- Still looking.

They're focused on the
west side, I don't know why.

Sunnyside, Marie Curtis Beach.

It's obvious. It's Lake Ontario.

The currents move counterclockwise,

- it's the Coriolis Effect.
- Right. Obvious.

Hey. Forensics is on standby,
but we didn't do a deep dive.

Holness's orders,

we were waiting for
the Better Suit Squad.

Well, we're here.


The hull got pretty beat up.

Must have been bashed around
in the storm last night.

There was a storm last night?

Yeah, I watched it come in, 4 AM.

Classic popcorn convection.

Yeah, single cell, didn't
last. Heavy winds, though.

Well, it's all a bit of a not-there.

Apart from the cell phone.

There's no signs of a
struggle, no scratch marks

on the railing, no
scuff marks on the deck.

The guy wasn't dragged,
nor was he fighting back.

So maybe he jumped.

Would you jump from here?

Sure. You?

Hell no, but I'm a terrible swimmer.

Daniel's been around
boats his whole life.

He'll turn up.

Mrs. Siddiqui, we live in hope.

In the meantime, can you tell us

if Daniel had anything else
to eat or drink last night

- besides the pills?
- No.

He never eats when he's nervous.

He had a bunch of champagne, though.

- He loves it, drinks it like water.

And yes, okay, that's probably
why his ulcer was bugging him.

It's a day planner.

It's pretty analog for a tech guy.

Yeah, he's old-school about
his private information.

"If it's not on a computer,
it can't be hacked."

That's fair enough.
Graff here still uses

a Filofax from 2010.

What about the boat? Do you own it?

No. But Daniel does. Why?

Well, private yacht, champagne on tap,

I guess business is booming.

Okay, if you've got
questions about BigaPlex,

you're going to have to talk to Nick.

Daniel's partner.

Guys, I really can't, not right now.

Our clients are freaking out,
I guess they've heard about...

Take two.

Graff and Bateman, we're with the TPD.

And you're BigaPlex. A crypto currency

- investment fund, correct?
- Yes.

How long have you been in business?

About a year ago, we
have about 180 clients.

And how much money's in the company?

Uh, about 250, 300 million?

The lobby directory says

you guys have the entire floor.

But I'm only seeing a few desks.

Um, our analysts and
consultants work, but...

- Sir, you can't go back there.
- Ravi,

try calling Sophie again. And
I need Daniel's laptop. Now.

We have Daniel's laptop at the station.


We're going through it now.

Perhaps you could save us the trouble.

I can assure you, there's no trouble.

I'm very grateful you're here.

You're welcome to look
through anything you want.

he's fighting the Naimans,
right? Totally outnumbered.

So he orders his soldiers
to light five campfires each.

The enemy's fooled.
They think they're facing

and army five times
bigger than it actually is.

So they hightail it.

And it's all just theatre.

He doesn't think you
have other employees.

He thinks you're trying to
look bigger than you are.

- Uh-huh.
- Well, he's right.

No one's going to trust three
guys and a couple of desks.

We gotta look like we're expanding.

So you're a grower, not a show-er.

Either way, you're
dealing with major players

and 300 million dollars?

So, help me, like...
where's the money kept?

That's an excellent question.

According to our banker,
the BigaPlex account

is... currently empty.


There should be a key code
for Daniel's private account.

He likes to play it a
little fast and loose,

but he's not a thief.

What do you mean by fast and loose?

Well, he'll occasionally
invest clients' money

into riskier funds. To
increase profits, obviously.

Carpe opportunitatem,
that's what he calls it.

Seize the opportunity.

Are you saying he's doing
it without their knowledge?

Oh, please, they've
all signed agreements.

No, please, let me guess,
they're 80 pages long

and nobody reads them.

Hey, when did you meet Daniel?

A couple of years ago.
I was hosting a party,

we got to talking. Super smart guy,

- I liked the way he thought.
- 12-45.

no an address. Maybe
this is the key code

to Daniel's private account?

- No, that's way too short.

[RAVI]: I've got Arlene Cox on line two.

She sounds upset.

Excuse me.


Cicada Air.

They run chartered flights
out of the island airport.

I'm starting to think
that Daniel Siddiqui

jumped off that boat and
swam to a private plane,

with 300 million dollars
of his clients' money.

I agree with Bateman. Dollars to donuts,

Daniel Siddiqui got on a private jet,

flew to Mexico and is having
plastic surgery as we speak.

And, oh, is his wife
ever going to be pissed.

Unless, of course, she's
joining up with him later,

when the smoke clears.

Okay, but why pull that
kind of stunt at a party?

Right? We've got 50 potential witnesses,

any which one of them
could have seen him

go over the side. No, no, no.

If you're going to fake your own death,

you do it on a business
trip to Thailand,

or you go out on a sunrise paddleboard

- and never come back.
- Graff.

If you're still thinking
m*rder, then find me a body.

Island Control just said no
private planes left last night.

They were two Thursday, but
none last night or this morning.

Inspector Holness, they
still searching the west side?

Yeah, something about the currents.

Well, it's the Coriolis
Effect. Obviously.

The flash storm at 4 AM, no,
it came in from the south.

It's possible the gyre
could've shifted clockwise

for an hour or so, then switched back.

Yeah, let's go east. Search the Bluffs,

Cherry Beach, Woodbine.

I take it you want me to call it in.

I do.


There's no way they're
knots or nautical miles?

No, it's the wrong format.

I take it you were never a Boy Scout.

I'm not a big joiner of organized cheer.

Maybe it's military time.

What was Daniel doing
yesterday before the party?



At 12:45? Apparently not much.

Screw it. Let's follow the money.


Where's my money, Nick?

I just need a little
more time. All right?

Without Daniel, I'm at a bit of a loss.

I don't care about Daniel.

I care about the 20 million dollars

of Volkov money that
I put into your fund.

And I will find it.

All right? He must
have just moved it into

a private account, I
just need to find the key.

If you don't have the key, talk to Ravi.

He knows everything. Or the wife.

- She sure as hell has it.
- I wouldn't know!

All right?

She's not answering my calls.

Well then, call harder.

I'm serious.

If I don't get my money back,
with sufficient interest?

I will burn you to the ground.

Daniel's been siphoning
all the client money

into his own private vault.

Let me guess, we need
a key to access it.

Yep. 64 letters and
numbers, randomly generated,

virtually impossible to memorize.

It's typically stored on a
USB or an external hard drive.

Unless you're Daniel.
Judging by his day planner,

I bet he wrote it down somewhere.

It's harder to hack, right?

And if he died with the key?

Money's gone forever.

Hundreds of clients, wiped out.

- Savings gone, lives ruined.

Man, this jackass better be drinking
a Mai Tai in Panama right now.

'Cause if he's not already dead,

somebody's definitely going to k*ll him.


Okay. We'll be right there.


I got a call to search the beach.

At first I thought it
was just, I don't know,

floating garbage.

I'm sorry, that sounded really rude.

Well, I don't see any Mai Tais.


All I see is a dead body

and 300 million dollars
floating in the wind.

Daniel Siddiqui had enough
pentobarbital in his body

to k*ll a horse.

So he was poisoned?

Technically, he drowned. I mean,

he would have died
anyway, but he was alive

when he went into the water.

We can tell from his
lungs, bulky, saturated,

he aspirated water into his lungs

in an effort to breathe.

We call it "wet drowning."

A little redundant, no?

Either way, he was drugged first.

Guy also had one of
the worst gastric ulcers

I've ever laid eyes on,

it's amazing he wasn't
leaking through his shirt.

Might be why he was hurting that night.

Pento's usually painless,
but with an ulcer like that?

Not a good combination.

Could the pentobarbital
have been in his ulcer meds?

No, the meds were clean.

Someone must've put it
in one of his many glasses

of champagne, guy slurped it right down.

No head trauma?
Injuries from a struggle?

No, but he did have two rib fractures.

From what, banging
around in Lake Ontario?

I heard there was a hell of a storm.

No, these were probably four weeks old.

Already healing. Might be nothing.

A not-there, as you'd call it.

Come on, Da Silva. A
not-there's never nothing.

Daniel Siddiqui was poisoned

either on the boat or at the party.

Somewhere last night, he
drank a glass of champagne

laced with pentobarbital,
felt like garbage,

and went over the side of his boat.

Did he fall off? Was he pushed?

- We don't know yet.
- Well, we need to figure

it out because turns
out, I know at least

six people with money in BigaPlex.

Including my half-brother, Junior.

Dumb-ass put his entire
life savings into that fund.

Daniel Siddiqui siphoned

out of his company. Wasn't
returning phone calls,

wasn't answering questions.

The money's gone, so he
either lost it or he stole it.

And someone figured
it out. They got hot,

they got angry, they wanted revenge.

No. Whoever did this
isn't coming in hot.

Pentobarbital? It's pretty
much the cleanest way to die.

Doctors use it for assisted death.

It's painless, bloodless,
it's premeditated.

It's the opposite of hot. It's cool.

Pento is also very hard to get.

Whoever did this was
planning it well in advance.

Then allow me to state the obvious.

The wife. Sophie Siddiqui.

She had access, she had
means, she had motive.

Daniel's house alone is
probably worth eight million.

The woman's a knockout,
she used to be an actress,

she's had four last names already,

there's no way she went after
this nerd without a plan.



Come on...

911, what's your emergency?

Yes, I think...

Ma'am, are you there?

Ma'am? What's your emergency, ma'am?

Yes, I'm sorry. Everything's fine.

Must have been my kid.
Teenagers, you know?

Look, I don't know Sophie very well.

Okay, she's been in the
picture maybe eight months.

- How did Daniel meet her?
- You know, the normal way.

Bumble, Hinge, one of those.


Was Sophie involved in
the business in any way?

Giving directives, cashing checks?

Did she have her own money
invested in the company?

Ma, don't, don't, don't.

- Please, please!
- Do not tell me how to feel,

Ravi! I am sorry about your boss,

I really am, but I'm more sorry for you!

And me!

Mrs. Singh. How much money do
you have invested in BigaPlex?

Everything I had. Everything!

[SNIFFLING] I love my son.

But I don't know what
he does, or what he did!

Ma, please, stop talking, all right?

I was trying to do right by us.

- Mom!

Trying to do right by, what,
getting revenge on your boss?

I mean, look, if my boss lost
my family's entire savings,

- I'd be pretty upset.
- No!

Daniel was a genius with this stuff.

He wouldn't screw me over.

We just had to be patient.

What about that day on the boat?

You saw nothing. Nothing of interest.

I mean, a few clients
were stressed out, but...

Daniel was playing it
cool. As long as Sophie

was pouring the champagne,
he was just gonna ride it out.

I'm telling you. Everyone loved Daniel,

no one would have hurt him.

And yet, he was m*rder*d.

Ma'am, the pathologist tells us

that Daniel had two broken ribs.

Injury happened about a month ago.

Do you remember anything about that?

Yeah, um, we were up north in Muskoka,

he took the day to go cycling.
He hit gravel, he fell.

And were you with him at the time?

No. When he got home,

I tried to take him to the hospital,

but he said he was fine, said, um...

they'd heal on their own.

Thank you, that's very helpful.

Would you mind if I take
a look around for a bit?

It's a beautiful house, by the way.


That's a Jean-Pierre Lafrance, right?

Yeah. I think so, why?

Well, if it is a Lafrance,
the gallery would have

installed it themselves. But it's...

it's upside-down.

May I?

[GRAFF SIGHS] I imagine you're, uh...

You're gonna stay on here, right?

I understand you're the sole
beneficiary of Daniel's estate.

Sole beneficiary of what, exactly?

Daniel owes millions of
dollars to his clients.

Everything he has...

We have...

will be sold to pay them off.

This house, the cottage,
the boat, both cars.

Probably that stupid painting.

And that's fine, that's
how it should be, but...

that's all we have, so...

I take it you don't receive support

from your first husband anymore?

Excuse me?

You are on your fourth last name.

Is that a question?

Yes, I suppose it is.

I started out as Sophie Evans.

Dad's last name, he was an assh*le.

So I took my mom's maiden name,

but I was trying to be an actor

and there were four
Sophie Greens already.

Then I got married to my first husband,

became Sophie Schitzman,

not a name I'd wish for anyone.

Then I met Daniel.

And Sophie Siddiqui seemed good.

It seemed really, really good to me.


What happened with your first husband?

I cheated on him.

I was working bottle
service for private parties.

The promoter was exciting,
my husband was a jerk...

Have you never made a mistake,

have you never just lost your mind?


Sophie Evans-Green-Schitzman-Siddiqui

- is definitely hiding something.
- Agreed.

That house had been tossed.

Or she'd torn it apart
looking for something.

And that Sharps container you found,

all those needles
inside? Most efficient way

to get pentobarbital out
of a vial and into a drink.

Okay. But it's also a way
to get fertility hormones

out of a vial and into your system.

Not everybody's as lucky
as me, getting pregnant

- on the second date.
- Well, that's true.

- See how well that turned out?
- Are you joking?

I don't know, the dad was a bust,

but you got a great kid out of it.

Yeah, okay. Uh, so,
nursery in progress...

Prenatal vitamins in the kitchen...

Let's say Sophie Siddiqui is pregnant.

And if she's not, she sure wants to be.

Mark, where we at with Daniel's phone?

I'm in, I'm just moving
some stuff around.



- All right.
- No Caller ID.

I can triangulate the
number, I just need a minute.

- Hello?
- [MAN]: Yeah, hey, Tyler here,

from Filmores.

Your card's been declined.

We're not gonna hold
your room any longer.

Guy called a couple of
days ago, Daniel Siddiqui,

booked a specific room for today.

Said he needed it by noon, latest.

But when I ran his credit
card through this morning,

it came up declined. And
now it's almost five o'clock,

and no one's shown up yet.

It happens. When people die.

Did he say anything else?

Why he wanted this specific room,

or was he meeting anyone?

I didn't ask.

But he did tell me to
give the key to a Maria

- when she showed up.
- Maria who?

Didn't give a last name.

Excuse me?

I'm guessing you had Mr. Siddiqui

booked into Room 1309.

Now, Daniel could have bought
out a whole floor at the Ritz.

What's he doing in a dump like this?

No offense, Tyler.

None taken.

He was meeting a woman
in the middle of the day,

he probably didn't
want to be recognized.

If Sophie knew about this,
it certainly gives her motive.

Sure does.

Wow. Daniel Siddiqui.

Not much of a newlywed.

And I guess I thought that...

Ugh, I don't know what I thought.

That's so sweet. You thought
Daniel and Sophie were in love.

Don't say it.

I'm going to say it.

Cops don't get to be romantics.

And you of all people should know that.

Ravi, I'm not talking to any clients

until I've spoken with my lawyer.


[RAVI]: Sophie, you still there?

Can I help you?

- That's next door,

- to your left.
- Oh. Sorry.

[RAVI]: Sophie, everything okay?

- Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine.

No, just tell the lawyer
I'll be there in 20.


[RAVI]: Sophie? Sophie!


Traumatic brain injury,
fractured collarbone.

She's still pretty drugged up.

And we were right. Sophie
is eight weeks pregnant.

- How's the baby?
- Oh, that'll depend

on what happens to Sophie.

Okay. Any leads on the car?

We're checking tire
tracks and paint chips.

All we know for now is
that it was a blue car

and it's going to be damaged.
[GRAFF]: It's all so messy.

It was a hit-and-run.
You want it to be neat?

Just saying. This whole
attack on the widow,

it's nothing like Daniel's m*rder.

The pentobarbital was
bloodless, clean, neat.

This is... is reckless, angry. Stupid.

Maybe our k*ller's plan
is starting to unravel.

He's... He's losing the
thread, he's getting messy.

Or maybe we have two different K*llers.

Okay, but Sophie's not dead.

Well, maybe the driver
didn't intend to k*ll Sophie.

Maybe he wanted something from her,

or wanted to scare her, intimidate her.

All these maybes, and why
do you keep saying "he"?

This could be your
mystery lady, Motel Maria,

The Other Woman trying
to knock off the wife,

get closer to Daniel's money.

Hang on, Bateman.

Who else goes for intimidation?

Organized crime.

Wouldn't be the first time
they sent a violent message.

Like two cracked ribs.

Da Silva dated Daniel's rib injury

to the week of June 14th.

Now, he was up at his cottage
in Muskoka the entire time.

Except his agenda says that
he came back to the city

to have lunch with his
most valuable client,

Arlene Cox.

Ms. Cox, how much did you
have invested in BigaPlex?

Hmm. Not big on foreplay, huh?



That was one of my Taiwanese clients.

He has 200 thousand
invested in BigaPlex.

It's money, yeah.

Probably about your
salary's worth. Maybe more.

But... I'm sorry, it's
not exactly big money.

Agreed. You're not going to some guy's

Tilley hat boat party for 200 thousand.

Oh. Zoloto Drakona.

I think this particular
bottle came with a flask

made from a vintage radiator.


The rich. Am I right?


Oh... The rumours are true.

It's actually b*llet-proof.

You know... [CLEARS THROAT]

Last I heard,

each one of these was worth
over a million dollars.

- Your point?
- My point is you've got

way more skin in this game.

My point is that you're not just working

for some nice Taiwanese millionaire,

no, you're playing in big leagues.

You've gotta be working
for the Russians.

And probably the Volkovs.

'Cause they're the only
ones rich and stupid enough

to hand those things
out as party favours.

Then you know what I'm dealing with.

Do you know how bad
this is for me right now?

That money has to be
somewhere, and Nick has no idea,

- so it has to be with the wife.
- So you run her over

- with your car?
- What?

No, no, she wouldn't do that.

If she wanted something
out of Daniel's wife,

she'd booked a lunch meeting
and show up with an enforcer.

And you'd... you'd probably
have broken two of her ribs.

I did have a lunch meeting
set with Daniel last month.

And Volkov sent along one of his guys.

But I was uncomfortable, so I left.

But I did hear that there
was some... unpleasantness.

But I'm telling you,
as intense as Volkov is,

he's all strategy.

So you're saying that these thugs

aren't going to get rid
of their golden goose,

or his wife,

unless they know where their money's at.

I'm saying, you need to
look at the smaller fish.

The ones who can't
afford to be strategic.

Yeah, sure. I was pissed.

I gave Daniel half my salary to invest,

and the man wasn't returning my calls.

So, the day he died,
did you thr*aten him?

I laid hands on him. I was angry.

Then he gave me 50 thousand in cash,

said it was just a drop in the bucket.

Mr. James, did you get a sense

that Daniel Siddiqui was doing something

illegal with your money?

Not illegal. Maybe a little risky.

Hey, I barely understood
the man in the first place,

and then he starts Latin.

Like, Latin, literally?

I-I don't know, man, maybe Italian.

I'm not a linguist, it was...

Carpe something.
Option. Uh, seize the...

Carpe Opportunitatem.

Seize the opportunity.

Daniel's words to live by.

Or die by.

These just came in from
Chapelton University.

All four years Daniel
was a student there.

Now, not sure what we're looking for,

but there are a lot of bad hairdos.

Founding principles, life mottos.

They often form when we're young.

Carpe diem, semper fi, in vino veritas.

The young people love the Latin,

it makes them feel smart.

Right. So it's not Daniel's
get rich quick scheme,

it's "Carpe Opportunitatem."

Exactly. Better branding, right?

You know who else loves Latin?


Okay, so Daniel adopted the
motto from his fraternity.

What else are we looking for?

Wow. Pizza-Palooza Brew Bash.

That is joining at its... worst.

And that is Daniel and Nick.

They've been pals since university.

- Mmm...
- Only, he wasn't

Nick Millwood back then.

He was Mikolaj Milanowski.

Okay, so why would Mikolaj

lie to us about how
and when he met Daniel?

Nick Millwood. New name,
but a very old rap sheet.

We have as*ault. Fraud.
Fraud. Fraud again.

Looks like Mikolaj Milanowski
was a career con man

starting all the way back in university.

We just got an email from
Guelph Regional Police.

Turns out Nick's arrest in 2004

involved an identity theft ring
he was running out of his dorm.

He served 45 days, had to leave school.

That's the same year that he and Daniel

were photographed all
buddy-buddy at that frat party.

Exactly. Daniel had to
have known Nick was crooked.

Of course he did. That's why we're here.

So, Nick moves on, changes his name,

scrubs his history clean. But he knows,

we all know, that it's
never really clean.

So, he approaches his old pal Daniel

with his BigaPlex scheme.

Together, they agree
on a revised history

of how they met.

Daniel becomes the squeaky-clean face

of BigaPlex, with no
known ties to a con man.

Now, the question is,

was Daniel Nick's partner, or his mark?

So, Forrester, the wife woke up.

Any news on the car
used in the hit-and-run?

We found it abandoned, no prints,

the VIN indicates it was stolen.

Okay, so what are we thinking?

Daniel's partner. Nick Millwood.

Formerly known as Mikolaj Milanowski,

a known fraudster
with a criminal record.

Even with a name change,
he's going to have a hard time

becoming the trusted face
of an investment fund.

So he teams up with his university buddy

Daniel Siddiqui, and together,
they dress up an old-fashioned

Ponzi scheme in
new-age crypto clothing.

Yeah, they tell their
clients they're investing

in cryptocurrency.
Meanwhile, Daniel siphons

money off into a private account.

They're planning to divvy it up and run.

Yeah, but Nick gets
greedy. Why settle for half?

So, he wipes out Daniel,

keeps the 300 million for himself.

Okay, but that's where it falls apart.

As far as I can tell, Nick Millwood

is still running around town in a flap,

not a quarter billion richer.

If he had the money, he'd
have taken off by now.

Well no, not necessarily.
He could be waiting

for everything to die down.

The longer you wait,
the more eyes are on it,

including yours.

If you're going to
pull this kind of scam,

you're going to do it fast.

Come on, Frankie.

I'm a crown attorney. You
know that's not enough.

Being a fraudster
doesn't make you a k*ller.

Look, I'm into it in theory.

You're just a little thin on motive.

You bring me proof that
Nick offed this guy,

or even some indication that he's got

we can start talking.

[NURSE]: She's just had her meds,

she'll be in and out for a bit.

[NICK]: Oh, that's fine,
I just want to say hello.




What are you doing here?

So, do we have a name yet?


Please, leave me alone.

Please, just leave me alone.

Oh, wow.

I am surprised you're still wearing it.

It must be worth 50K.

You could have added it to the pile.

Nick, I told you.

I have no idea where the money is.

Those acting classes really paid off.

I mean, before,

you couldn't get work
as an extra. But now?

You played us both beautifully.

You must be very proud of yourself.

[NURSE]: Ma'am?



Who the hell is Maria,

and why is Daniel meeting her
at a dime-bag hotel on the sly?

I mean, even a one-night stand
deserves better than that joint.

I'm looking into Nick's finances.

His landlady in 2017
was a Mariana Perrera.

Owned a duplex in Little Italy.

He worked in 2021 for the
notorious Martina Lucky

as a party promoter. Maybe
it's Martina, not Maria?

Okay, uh...

he is power of attorney
for his 89-year-old

uncle Marek, currently in
residence at Revera Living.

No. Yeah, no...


Wait. 2021, Martina Lucky.

Didn't you say Sophie
Siddiqui worked bottle service

for fancy parties?

Cheated on her first husband

with one of the promoters?

Well, Ms. Lucky just confirmed it.

Nick Millwood worked
for her as a promoter

for four months in 2021, exact same time

Sophie was working bottle service.

- Ah.
- She was married,

but they were hot-and-heavy
the entire time.

- Hmm.
- And who said romance is dead?


Daniel knew about me and Nick.

I told him about two months into it

when I realized that I was actually

falling in love with him.

Nick's whole plan, it
started to feel so... dirty.

I couldn't live with
that lie between us.

How did Daniel take it?

He was hurt. Really hurt.

But, I don't know, he, um...

We got through it. Stronger, even.

From that point forward, we
told each other everything.


When did Nick find out

you and Daniel were
having a baby together?

I don't know.

Maybe yesterday when
he broke into the house?

I stopped answering his calls.

I thought maybe he'd
realized that this whole thing

was so insane, I mean...

My god.

Everyone was making money,
Daniel and I were good.

But who is Maria?

And why was your husband
supposed to be meeting her

at a seedy hotel the day after he died?

Daniel had called her anonymously.

He was going to tell her everything.

He wanted to pay his clients back

and try to make a deal.

Inspector Maria Bruno.

She's head of Fraud.

- [RAVI]: What are you doing?
- Ravi, how 'bout you do me a favour?

You go downstairs, you put your head
in front of a streetcar, alright?

- Nick, you need to take a beat!
- Do I? 'Cause I'm not sure taking a beat

- is going to help me right now.
- I know what

you're looking for, okay?

We're looking for it too.

- Detective. How can I help you?

The Dead Man's Switch.
The key to the castle.

Uh, I'm not sure what you mean.

We know that crypto companies
often store their money

in bitcoin. A private virtual vault.

We also know that if the
owner dies or goes missing,

then the partner, or
staff, or next-of-kin

usually receives a code
to access that money.

Now, I'm surprised Daniel
didn't give you that code.

Before he died. That must've hurt.

He gave it to me, all right?

It's right here. It just doesn't work.

Wow. That's gotta be frustrating.

- Frustrating?

Yeah, it's frustrating!

You know, Daniel wasn't stupid.

He wouldn't have just let that
money vanish into thin air.

Maybe I can help you find it.

Two minds are better than one, right?


The key code has to be here somewhere.

It's all so sad.

Did you know Sophie's
eight weeks pregnant?

All right, looks like
Daniel was excited about it.

"Dearest Sophie,

our future starts with Dylan.

Yours, Daniel."

Good name, Dylan.


Homage to a few great poets.

I wonder how that made
you feel. Jealous, maybe.

Betrayed. Certainly angry enough

to run her over in a stolen car.

Although, I suppose that's what you get

when you throw your own
girlfriend into the mix.

Still. Pretty bold, though.

Even for a career con man.

You know what, it's been a rough week,

I don't need this right now.

You're not even curious?

I mean, he's about to
give you his theory,

thought you might want to stick around.

Knowledge is power, right?


Yeah, sure, why not?

Let's hear your story.

I'm assuming you stole the pentobarbital

from your 89-year-old uncle?

His medical file suggests
he has chronic insomnia.

- Poor thing.
- Excuse me?

You know what, you're right.
I'm getting ahead of myself.

It's rude. Let's take
it back. [CLEARS THROAT]

- It was a dark and stormy night.
- Okay, I'm done.

Wait, fine, fine, fine.

You met Daniel at university.

Frat brothers, Carpe opportunitatem.

You were a 19-old con man,
and Daniel was a tech wizard.

So, cut to last year when
you have a brand new idea,

but you need a partner
without a criminal record

to make it work. Classic Ponzi scheme,

shrouded in crypto mumbo-jumbo.

You and Daniel are going
to collect a fortune,

siphon it all into a private account,

and take off when the time
is right. Are you with me?

Oh, yeah. I've always enjoyed fiction.

Yeah, well, here's the
thing about stories.

They always need a few twists.

Twist one,

you were always gonna get rid of Daniel.

Screw Daniel, you're
going to take it all.

So, that's why you get your girlfriend

to meet Daniel on Hinge,
she's going to keep you

in the loop. She's your inside man,

or woman, in this case.

When the time comes to run,
she's gonna run with you.

But here's the thing you didn't know,

and couldn't have planned on.

Daniel and Sophie fall in love.

Together, they share everything.

Including the truth of
how and why they met.

Yet, in spite of this
inauspicious beginning,

they decide to make
it work, stay together,

and have a baby.

Take a look around, they succeeded.

What a beautiful life.

Too bad he's not around to enjoy it.

Funny you say that, because Daniel

was planning to enjoy it.

Once he met Sophie?

Daniel wasn't gonna
take the money and run.

No, he was going to stay
put and build a family.

In fact, he was supposed to be meeting

the Head of Fraud this week.

He was going to cut a
deal and turn you in.

It must hurt.

You thought Daniel was your mark.

But it turns out you were his.


It's very creative. I mean, an absurdly

skewed version of the facts,
with absolutely no proof.

But, yeah, I'd read your first novel.

Wait, wait, wait. You don't
want to hear the final twist?

The k*ll switch. The key to the castle.

Well, Daniel just gave it to us.

Daniel's dead.

Well... Come on. Is he?

He's fooled you before.

Give me your phone,

I'll type it into the BigaPlex wallet.


That's wild.

I mean, what if Daniel is still alive?

Protected hospital room,

recovering from that night on the boat.

Waiting to be reunited with Sophie.

Cooperating with the police.

No. He's dead, it was on the news,

it was in all the newspapers.

Well, wouldn't be the first time

the press cooperated with the police.


Those guys will do
anything for an exclusive.

The money's all there.

Plus about, what, 400 thousand?

My God, your clients are
going to get their money back.

And then some. And Sophie and the baby

are going to be fine.

Graff, we should call
Daniel, let him know

- that Nick's up to speed.
- No, no, no, no.


He went over the side of the boat. I...

I watched him. He's not...

He's not alive.

Tell me he's not alive,
you son of a bitch!



Nick, I'll tell you anything
if it gets me to the truth.


He's not alive. Tell me he's not alive!

He's not alive!

The key code.

How did you know where to find it?


How did you know where it starts?

It could start there,
or there, or there...

Daniel loved Sophie. Right?

He was smart, and she's just as smart.

He knew if anything happened
to him, she'd figure it out.

"Dearest Sophie. Our
future starts with Dylan."





It's amazing, hey?

In life, Daniel was a con man.

In death, he's practically Robin Hood.

Well, don't quote me on this,

but I hear it's the only
thing stronger than hate.

Or greed, for that matter.

What's that?
