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25x06 - Carousel

Posted: 03/01/24 09:10
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually-based offenses are
considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the
dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

Hola, guys.



Well, that didn't take long.

I feel almost human again.

Amazing what
a shower can do...

and a pretty dress.

For my first night
in New York.

Thank you for directions
to H&M.

Anything else?
I'm here all night.

That girl over there.

- The one sniffing her shirts?
- Mm-hmm.

Remind me her name again.

Leah from Singapore.

She's checking out tomorrow,
and we're looking

for a place for drinks.

What kind of vibes?

TikTok famous?
Casual? Sports?

- Fun.
- Hi-Jacks on 43rd.

I'll show you.

Give me your number,
I'll send you the addie.

[LAUGHS] Nice try.

AirDrop it is.


Thank you.

Singapore chick
found a clean shirt.

You know what that means,
don't you?

They're going out.

Only problem is
our quarry's friend is hotter.

It is what it is.

Dude, have you really never
been with an Asian girl?

A travesty.

Sexual invisibility often is.

And they're off.

Happy hunting.

May the best man win.

My man,
where'd you send them?

- Send who?
- The lassies.

Las hermosas.
Les salopes.

You'll have to forgive
my friend,

he only speaks
in foreign clichés.

Oh, tonight we're making
new clichés.

Hijacks on 43rd.

Where the hell is Dustin?

I texted him.

Dust Bin.

Stop calling me that.

You look like crap.

I think I have
food poisoning.

- Again?
- From what?

It must have been
the everything bagel.

Suck it up,
you nothing bagel.

We're going out.

I don't know, man.
I might puke.

Well, do you smell that
in the air tonight?

Like Malbec and orchids.

- Argentina, Singapore.
- Yeah.

I'll catch up.

Suit yourself, Dust Bin.

The guy needs
a gastroenterologist.

I call dibs on
the Singaporean.

So where exactly are you
two gossamer creatures from?

Mara del Plata.

But you,
you're from Singapore, right?

How do you know?

Um, what do you call this?

You know, I've actually
been to Singapore twice.

He's never been to Singapore,
except as a sex tourist.

You're one of those
white guys

- that fetishizes Asian women.
- Exactly.

You'll have to forgive
my boorish friend.

Watch yourself,
or I'm gonna tell our friend

that you're hung
like a light switch.

m*rder*d by Words.

So how do you two
know each other?

We just met at the hostel.

Maybe we should go
someplace else.

- No, no, no.
- Let's dance.

That's a great idea,
but first, two more doubles.

I have to pee.

I'll escort you.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- Oh, oopsy daisy.

I'm fine. I'm fine.

That's it.

Hey, Laura,
where are you going?

It's Maura.

Carpe noctem!

♪ I'm gonna come back
for more ♪

♪ Got my name in the lights ♪

♪ All over the nights ♪

- Hey, you OK?
- OK, OK, OK.

All right, you ready?

All right, there's a step down,
so be careful.

Just watch your foot.

OK, watch your head.

- Off you go.
- Where to?

West Village
International Hostel.

You getting in or not?



I want another drink.

You heard the lady.


She better not puke in my cab.




Wake up, Singapore.

We should get to the bus.

What about our rucksacks?

Dust Bin can get them.

Hey, buddy.
Uh, we'll walk from here.

♪ ♪

Make sure she gets back
to the hostel, OK?

♪ ♪

Dude, come on.

- Let's go.
- We have lived a life,

in a night, and I bid you adieu.


♪ ♪

Well, you're all here early.

IAD queen made muffins.

Money bags is already
on his second.

You should get one
before they're gone, Captain.

I see you found my stash
of hazelnut.

all I need is a wicker couch

and a breezeway
for this to be a perfect day.

You hear from Clay?

Brass in the Hoover Building
rubber stamped the move.

They actually couldn't wait
to get rid of me.

I'm officially embedded.

Are you a Fed, or a splinter?

- A bit of both.
- Well,

then you're gonna get along great

with my other investigators.

Guys, uh, Agent Sykes.

Pick a desk.

And, um, make yourself at home.

What's the matter,
no coaster?

Hey, Rudy, what's up?

OK, thanks. I'm on my way.

The same nurse
from Mercy called.

They have a vic. Who's with me?

- I am.
- On it.

Me too.

There better be a muffin left
when I get back.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Rudy, this is Agent Sykes
and Captain Curry.

- Nice to meet you.
- What are we looking at?

Vic's name is Leah Tan.

And, um, do you know which

part of town she was assaulted?

She doesn't have a clue.
She was out late drinking.

Leah agree to a r*pe kit?

We sent her blood work
and swabs to the lab.

Is that the friend
who brought Leah in?

Maura Ramos from Argentina.

Wouldn't call them friends,

just staying at the same hostel.

Thank you.

So divide and conquer.

You and I take Leah.

- Yeah.
- I'll take Miss Argentina.

- Maura?
- Mm-hmm?

I'm, uh, Field Agent Sykes.

- I'm with the FBI.
- FBI?

Did I... Did I do
something wrong?

You can relax, you're
not in any kind of trouble.

Can you, um...

uh, tell me what happened?

I found her unconscious,

in the
women's shower of our hostel

with the water running.

Well, usually
when someone does that,

it's to get rid of DNA.

You didn't manage to preserve
anything did you?

Her underwear.

They were still in her bunk.

You might not know her
very well,

but you just helped her
more than you know.

I feel so guilty.

Why is that?

- We went out last night.
- Uh-huh.

Met some guys.

And, I left her alone,

with them.

OK. Did you get their names?

What did they look like?

One was white,
the other Asian.

We met at a bar in Midtown.

Me and Leah,
we both just wanted

to have an American experience.

Like with boys?

A hookup or something.

Um, if you wanted to hook up
with these guys,

why did you leave her alone
with them?

- Because I felt invisible.
- Mm-hmm.

It was like they were
obsessed with her.


Can you tell us about
the boys that you were with?

One seemed rich...

White, handsome.

And his friend?

The Korean guy.

He was witty.

In what way?

Played a game with his friend,

called m*rder*d by Words.

Can I go home?

- I already missed my flight.
- Yeah.

I-I understand, and, um,

- we can't tell you what to do...
- I just want to go home.

It would be very, very
helpful for you to stay here,

so we can find
the person who did this.

What's the last thing
you remember?

Waking up in the shower.

If my parents knew
I'm no longer a virgin...

Well, first of all, you don't need
to share anything with them.

And, Leah,
you're an adult now,

so we are not obligated to either,

- OK?
- [SOBS]

What happened to me?

♪ ♪

We're gonna try and find out.

Do you recognize this girl?

Yeah, sure. Leah Tan.

Look, whatever happened to the girl,

I didn't have anything to do with it.

Are you aware of how
defensive you sound right now?

Did you see Leah come back
after her night out?

She came back
with an older guy,

Moroccan maybe.

So we're looking
for a swarthy guy

from half the known world.

Had her slung over
his shoulder.

Did he say anything to you?

Just plopped her down
and ran back out to his cab.

His cab?

One of those
that preys on tourists

that don't know any better.

Gypsy cab.

You're not allowed
to say that anymore.

Where was this cab parked?

Right out front.

We saw some cameras
on the way in.

We're gonna need
to look at those.

She was sick.

I helped her.

Where'd you pick her up?

Outside some dive bar,
in Midtown.

What's it called?

Uh, Hi-Jinx, Hi-Jacks?

Was she alone?

She was with two guys.


They were from out of town.

How could you tell?

Because they took a gypsy cab.

Most New Yorkers know better.

Why did you carry
her over your shoulder?

I told you, she was sick.


These guys,
did they try anything with her?

They were fighting over her, arguing.

One wanted to leave.

He asked me to pull over
and just started walking.

He just got out
in the middle of the street?


His friend wanted to stay,
but she passed out.

Why didn't you call the cops?

The cops?

In my country, the police
are worse than the criminals.

And from what I hear,
yours are not that different.

Do you have any kind of
recording device in your cab

that can back up your story?


Anything at all
that backs up your story?


Uh, the bus.

The guy said they had to
get back to the bus.

Bus to where?

♪ ♪

So this gypsy cab driver
took Leah to the hostel?

Guys got out
a few minutes into the drive.

- To take the bus.
- Headed west.

All right, so Port Authority?

That's what we thought,
but the next bus from there

didn't leave till 6:00.

That's a long time to wait
for two guys in such a hurry.

Well, maybe he took one
of those budget buses.

OK, I'm on traffic cams now.

Any chance this driver
is using these kids

as some kind of smokescreen?

I think this guy
was telling the truth.

- He even offered a DNA sample.
- But that's the problem.

The lab said that there
is no DNA from Leah's kit.

Leah, everything all right?

Did you guys get
corroborating witnesses

- from the bar?
- Bartender placed

these two mouth-breathers
outside with Leah.

OK, I'll get back to you.

Renee, is everything OK?

I hate to put more pressure on,

but, Leah just booked a flight
back to Singapore.

Foreign vics on American soil
hardly ever stick around

long enough
to see a case through.

So this puts you two
on a deadline

to track down our perps.

OK, I'm finding four
budget bus stops in that area.

But according
to the time stamp,

your driver carried Leah
into the hostel at 3:30.

Not exactly rush hour.

Scrub forward 15 minutes.

♪ ♪

OK, this is the budget bus
on 31st and 8th.

- All right.
- Boarding the bus.

Hold on, stop.

Those are the guys.

Get their names from the bus manifest.

Looks like they're
heading to Cambridge.

Yeah, which means that you and Bruno

are heading to Cambridge as well.


This young woman in New York
filed a complaint

against Hayden and Frederick?

It's actually
a bit more than that.

r*pe One.


They're good students.

This program,
it attracts kids in the 1%

of the 1% in intelligence,

minds that will one day
reshape the world.

Well, those same minds
might have reshaped

this young woman's world
the other night.

And not for the better.


Hayden Foote?
Frederick Hwang?

I'm Detective Velasco.
This is Detective Bruno

from Manhattan Special Victims Unit.


Yeah, we drove five hours
to speak with you.

About what?


The girl from Singapore
claims she was r*ped?

We have signs of physical
trauma to support it.

I didn't do anything.

But you were with her
that night.

Me and Fred both were.

But you were the only one
that took her to the bathroom.

Big deal.

We made out and
fooled around a little.


Yeah, I was definitely
trying to get with her.

Is that why you bought her
so many drinks?

I'm a scholarship baby.

Trust me, bro, I'm not buying
anyone a lot of drinks.

When's the last time
you saw her, bro?

Me and Hayden
put her in a cab.

We were already late to our bus.

The one from Manhattan

all the way back here, to Cambridge?

That's right.

That's a long way to go
to get laid, isn't it?

Oh, so the fooling around
you two did in the bathroom

- was consensual?
- 1,000%.

And she would say
the same thing?

I'd assume so.

We were dancing afterwards.

We were having fun.


Except for Maura.

What's that about?

How long did that bus take to
get you down there that night?

Five hours.

Why go all the way to Manhattan?

♪ ♪

How many women
do you see here?

♪ ♪

So, Leah, I know that

you're anxious to get home, but,

we would be so grateful,

if you would help us ID
the man that hurt you

so that he can never
do it again to anyone else.

Most Anglo guys
look very similar to me.

Scroll through again
if you need to.

We're gonna need a definitive
verbal indication, Leah.


Yes, it's him.

So that...

That's the man, that led
you into the bathroom?

Yes, at the bar.


He didn't lead me.

I led him.

Why didn't you tell us
this earlier?

My father is a church deacon
in Jurong East.

His congregation looks to my family

as a moral example.

♪ ♪

My father,
he expects me to stay a virgin,

for my future husband.

OK, so you and the man
in that photo

had consensual sex?

We didn't have sex.

I did another thing to him,

something I wanted to try,

Could never do back home.


People talk.

♪ ♪

But I wanted to...

Know what it feels like to kiss a boy...

Down there.

♪ ♪

But I didn't finish.

I stopped.

And he let you stop, Leah?

Tell us if you
recognize anyone else.

♪ ♪

Him, the funny one.

He was at the bar,
and at the hostel earlier.

The hostel?

I saw them in the common room,

while I was looking
for clean clothes.

Fact one,

Leah and Maura were looking
for a night out on the town.

Fact two,
by her own admission,

Leah had consensual oral sex
with Hayden Foote.

And yet her r*pe kit said

she was forcibly penetrated

which happened
sometime after they left.

Explain that.

Not yet.

All right, I just told Carisi
that we got a positive ID

on both suspects.

He didn't happen to have some
evidence we don't know about,

- did he?
- Uh, no, he didn't,

and I, purposely avoided telling him,

that we're back at square one.

OK, if Internal Affairs
taught me anything,

it's to look at all crime first
through a lens of opportunity.

Well, hold on, hold on.
These are not, like,

you know, dirty cops
standing next to a bag of coke.

This is Frederick and Hayden.

Their SAT scores alone put them
in the top 1% of the world.

- So?
- So they're complicated.


So what are you suggesting?

A bit of behavioral analysis.

All right.
So, play it through for me.

There's just something
about this foursome

that defies, you know,

normal economics of attraction.

Leah is sweet,

but Maura is a bombshell.

And by her own admission,

she was actively trying
to engage with the guys.

Right, but Maura kept
stressing how these boys

were obsessing over Leah.

Any other foursome
might have just paired up

and called it a night, right?

So why the doubling down
on Leah?

Some guys like to,
I don't know, hunt in packs.

She's a woman,
not a wounded gazelle.

Look at this behavior.

This is not run-of-the mill
mate-guarding behavior.

That is called collusion.
That is predatory.

Where you see collusion,
I see competition.

Either way,
they're working as a team.

I want you to call every
hostel on the east coast

and find out how many times
those guys visited one

to search for prey.

And listen, it wouldn't hurt
to call Clay and have him

run your behavioral analysis
through ViCAP.



nice colluding with you.

♪ ♪

Got it, Captain.


What's the word?

Leah and Maura ID'ed our guys.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

One of them can put them at
the hostel earlier that night.

But not after it.

Right, we placed them on the bus.

I still don't understand
why these guys got to travel

five hours by bus to get laid.

I mean, look around.

People like novelty,
especially with sex.

That and a little bit
of sexual strategy theory.

Men have a strong basic
desire for short-term mating.

Smash and dash.

A disgusting phrase,
but a phrase nonetheless.

These hostels are full of women

who don't stick around for too long.

Maybe even looking to have
a fling with an American guy.

It's not a bad strategy.

Yo, check it out.

Who's the poindexter
with our boy?


♪ ♪



Mind if we come in?

Sorry to interrupt.

We're detectives Velasco
and Bruno

from Special Victims Unit.



Don't worry,
this won't take long.

Frederick Hwang...

is that one of your roommates?

Let's talk in my room, please.

♪ ♪


Listen, if something happened,

I didn't even go
out with those guys.

Who says something happened?

You're NYPD.
A logical conclusion.

Is that your girlfriend
out there?


You pulled us away
from her kind of quick.

Is there something you
don't want her to hear?

♪ ♪

Yo, Bruno!

♪ ♪

What do you think this is?

All the places they visited?

We ran their backgrounds.

Passports said
they didn't travel much.

Red, green, and yellow pins.

I think we're looking
at some kind of game.

♪ ♪

What game are
you referring to?

Well, does this
clear things up?

- No.
- No?

We checked your credit cards, dumbass.

Your friends', too.


Now, looks like you've been
doing a lot of traveling...

But not with your passport.

- Only hostels.
- Interesting.

m*rder*d by Words.

It's not illegal
to have sex with women.

Do I need a lawyer?

that's your prerogative.

I mean, word gets out,

that you're a person
of interest in an active

r*pe investigation?

How long before your
school's in the news?

What happens to your future?

A person of interest?

it's what we call somebody

who looks good for a crime.

But I didn't r*pe anybody.

Well, here's the thing,
there's the law

and then there's ethics.

I wonder what color
you are, Frederick.

Dust Bin told you about
the rules of the game?

Yeah, it's very clever.

I used to play a lot of games,
too, when I was a kid.

My favorite,
was cops and robbers.

What do you want to know?

Tell me about the night
Leah Tan was r*ped.

You're not gonna question
my girlfriend, are you?

We tried, but,
she doesn't speak English.

So, we could get her
a Japanese translator.

It'll ruin it.

Ruin what, Dust Bin?

It's not funny, bro.

Hey, ruin what?

My relationship.

You got something special?

- We're each other's first.

From what she says anyway.

Don't listen to him.
He's divorced.

She's beautiful, man.

Did you learn Japanese just for her?

That's very impressive.

You must be very smart.

We'll see how smart.

- Am I in trouble?
- No.

If you were, you'd be in the
interrogation room,

- like your friends.
- Why is he being so mean then?

Must be tough being the yellow pin.

Piss color.

We talked to your friends.

They said they looked
for brown ones.

- Couldn't find them.
- All right, you know what man,

- can you get out?
- I'm just having a little fun.

A game.

- You want to know about it?
- Yeah.

Only if he leaves.

Why don't you start
from the beginning?

A year ago, we decided
the girls on our campus

were a lost cause.


- You both went to college?
- Yeah.

I hear it was different back then,

- between men and women.
- Different how?

The sexual politics.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

- It's scary.
- You afraid of women?


What they could do to me.

One wrong turn, one bad night.

So you just decided
to prey on them.

The girls are from everywhere,

but they seemed into us
'cause we're American.

Who came up with the game?

- H-Hayden.
- And how's it work?

You get a point for each girl
from a different country,

and no repeats.

Oh, so the map's just to keep track.

- Yeah.
- Mm.

It must have gotten very competitive.

W-why would you say that?


Because of the r*pe...

Of Leah Tan.


No, no, you...
you don't understand.

Forcing someone
is against the rules.

It's not allowed.

♪ ♪

I mean, if you ask me,
it doesn't look fair.

I'm not good at the game.

I thought he was leaving.

Nowhere else to eat.

Do you think maybe...
maybe your friends cheat?

Maybe they add some extra pins?

Maybe you're just a loser.

I met Suki, didn't I?

What about Hayden,
and Frederick?

They seem pretty into the game.

They probably do cheat.

I've seen them.

Getting girls drunk,

treating them like sluts.

If someone did that to Suki
or my mom...

Hayden's a brilliant guy.

I hate to admit it, but it's true.

National Merit Scholar,

developed his own kind
of photodetector at 17.

He was in the "New York Times"
for it.

But you're at the same
school, too, Frederick.

You're brilliant too.

Hayden has natural talent.

Me, I just work hard.

he was born with things.

He's handsome.
He's confident.


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Got it.


What was that?

- Oh, it's, uh...
- No, what was that?

- Something your friend said.
- What was that?

I do think that you
should take me back

to your competition with Hayden.

Frederick was
right behind you.

And he was nipping
at your heels.

- Almost as many green pins as...
- As red ones.

Kid's got a good sense of humor.

Dimples too.

Must make him pretty
popular with the ladies.

Maybe you couldn't bear
the thought of him

beating you at something.

Especially Frederick,
who refused to learn his place.

Frederick and I
are best friends.

And I told you already,

Leah passed out,
so we took her home.

- End of story.
- Then answer me this...

♪ ♪

why are there two pins
in Singapore?

♪ ♪

You think Frederick took
a bus back down and r*ped her?

Well, that all depends
on how badly he wanted to win.

♪ ♪

- Your little ruse work?
- No.

I think these guys
might be telling the truth.

Disgusting as it is.

- What happened with your guy?
- I cut him loose.

- He lawyered up.
- Yep, same.

Hayden too.

You know, I've seen my share
of college cases, but...

First case of sex tourism?

Without even
leaving the city.

The thing I don't get,

for a couple of competitive guys

willing to roll on each other,

they sure seem to trust

- each other's scorekeeping.
- Right.

Like, what prevents them
from sticking a pin

in every country
when no one's looking?


Maybe there is a scorekeeper.

Hey, Clay.
Any luck on ViCAP?

Wait, which...
Which consulate?

OK, tell her we're coming.

Just got a hit on a similar as*ault,

a young Bulgarian woman,

here on her gap year

reported it to her consulate.

Tell me that she's
still in the country.

Uh, no, but Uncle Sam
is flying her in.

Thank you for getting back to us

so quickly, Madam Consulate.

I owe Clay a few favors.

He said you had a victim.

Nikol Rakovsky.

Came in two months ago,
reported a sexual as*ault.

- A man she met at a hostel.
- OK.

And she didn't notify NYPD, why?

You can ask her yourself.

Nikol, these are the women
I told you about,

NYPD Special Victims.

I'm Captain Benson.

This is Agent Sykes.

Have you arrested
the guy who r*ped me?

Not yet,
but we will,

with your help.

I love to travel.

No routines, no permanence.

Sounds like
an interesting life.

Then I came to New York,

and it's so alive.

The city pulses with romance,
like a Gershwin song.

When, um, when was this?

New Year's Eve.

I came in for the
party in Times Square,

and I stayed in a hostel.

And did you, um,

meet anyone staying there?

There were these guys,

So what can you tell us
about these guys?

Do you know their names, or?

I'm bad with names.

There were three.

One left early with food poisoning,

one was cute,

the other one tried very hard.

Did you, um...

Did you go
anywhere with them together?

They invited me to a bar in the area.

We had fun.

I liked them.

They were a little
forward and obvious.

What do you mean obvious?

At first, I felt flattered,

but, then it got ugly.

Like, I was a prize.

And did you leave together?

That's when it got bad.

We were, in their room.

They were waiting each other out.

And one of them fell asleep.

Which one?

The Asian boy.

The other one, he...

Followed me back to my room

with a bottle of champagne,

to toast the new year.

He kissed me.

I said no.

But he didn't stop.


Pulled down his pants.

He lifted up my skirt.

And, that's when he forced himself.

We are so sorry that
that happened.

Um, Nikol, I'd like
to show you some photos,

and, you let me know
if any of them

is the one who assaulted you.

♪ ♪


He's the one who crawled
into my life and r*ped me.

Well, thank you.

Everything you've told us
has been very helpful

for our investigation.

There's one more thing.

About a week later,

I got a strange phone call

from 23andMe,

saying they had found
genetic indicators

for cystic fibrosis.

OK, why...

Why is that strange?

Because I never
submitted a sample.

Were you able to trace
the call Nikol received?

- Number blocked.
- Guys.

Is there any way

that the Cambridge
Institute of Technology

is involved in this?

They do have
a genetics department.

how does genetic material

factor into these boys' game?

These are data-driven guys.

And this may be their only way

to prove their little conquests.

In addition to r*pe,

these guys are collecting
DNA samples without consent.

Check CIT's
genetics laboratory

and see if there's any crossover

with the robotics department.

On it.

Here you go.

And there's our scorekeeper.

It's a research lab.

We practice a lot.

Processing DNA isn't illegal.

Oh, so these girls gave consent?

Look, we know you have a conscience.

You called this woman,

to warn her about a genetic marker

for cystic fibrosis.

None of this was my idea.

Why don't you tell us how you
got involved with these guys?

Did they come to you?

I was aware of their robotics work.

Everyone is.

Right, but when did you
first meet them in person?

Second semester,
freshman year.

And that's when they told me
about the game.

And they use you,
to verify the points, correct?

After the deed,
they swab themselves.

Then I run
the cytogenetic analysis.

So what's in it for you?

I mean, the fact that I can tell

where people were born from their DNA,

travel the world
without leaving campus,

it's fascinating.

OK, but what's the prize?

- The prize?
- For winning.

Winning is the prize.

What was the last sample
they gave you?


♪ ♪

Here it is.

From Singapore.

♪ ♪

Who gave that to you?

♪ ♪

Dustin Renfrow!

You're under arrest,
for the r*pe of Leah Tan.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you

- in a court of law.

No matter what language it's in.

♪ ♪

Dustin r*ped her?

You sound surprised.

Wouldn't you be?
He's one of my closest friends.

Last chance to help yourself.

You didn't see anything
that night?

No, no.
No, no, I swear.

Dustin didn't confide in you?

Why would he?

He would have had to
admit he broke the rules.

Game's over, Frederick.

Not to mention your academic career.

Are they gonna
kick me out of school?

That's beyond our purview.

My client had no idea
what happened to that girl.

He did nothing illegal.

We're not charging him.

♪ ♪

Look, I was young once too,

and I played my share
of stupid games.

But the question for you,

is what kind of man
do you want to grow up to be?

You might want to start
spending less time with machines,

and more with people.


You have a Bulgarian girl's
word against my client's.

- So what?
- We have a lab tech

willing to testify in open court

that they were handed
his victim's DNA.

Doesn't prove lack of consent.

I don't even remember her.

A drunken hookup,

on one of the biggest
nights in the city?

You ought to be embarrassed.

One thing juries hate,

is having their time
wasted with pillow fluff.

But one thing that juries love

is when a victim remembers

every excruciating
detail of their as*ault.

And is willing to testify.

Nikol Rakovsky.

Whatever she's saying, it's a lie.

Oh, so you do remember her.

- Bulgaria.
- Just another pin in his map.

We have a statement,
her genetic material.

And your best friend Frederick...

Just flipped on you.

That little bitch.

Hayden, stop talking.

I'm gonna need a minute
with my client.

Take as many as you need,

because where he's going,

he's gonna have a surplus of them.

So I was r*ped,

because of a competition?

These boys,

they preyed on women,

from different countries.

For a sick game.

Which one was it?

Uh, his name, uh,

was Dustin Renfrow.

We believe that he snuck
into your bunk at the hostel

after the cab driver
dropped you off.

We tracked down another
victim of this group.

And here's the good news, Leah.

The other victim remembers everything,

and is willing to testify.

And Dustin and his lawyer
are with our ADA now.

They're gonna take a plea,

and he's going to do serious time.

I feel like I'm going to be sick.

We're so sorry.

You know, we...

We have resources
that we can offer you.

We can help, with counseling.

♪ ♪



I just want to go home.

Can I?

♪ ♪

Of course.

♪ ♪

Um, whatever you need.

We can help, with your travel.

Whatever you need.

♪ ♪

I want the student body,

and public at large,

to know that this institution
in no way condones

the actions and behaviors

of these three students

who have been expelled

pending the conclusion
of the police investigation.

I'm glad I don't have sons.



Figure of speech.

But it's never easy, right?
Boys or girls.

Children can...

Break our hearts.

I've seen it firsthand.

You always knew you wanted kids?

Actually, it was, uh...

Something that just...

Fell into my lap.

What about you?
I'm guessing you're,

like a five-year year planner.

Transferring to SVU was one of the

first impulse decisions
I made in my life.

[CHUCKLES] What about you?

Uh, me?
I'm, like a...

you know, a tumbleweed.

The whole reason I wanted
to embed here, actually.

What about you, Benson?

You expect to be at SVU all this time?



I mean, come on, you must've
had some kind of plan.

Actually, with this job,

I think it had a plan for me.


♪ ♪