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03x06 - Joel 2:31

Posted: 10/24/14 12:32
by bunniefuu
[sirens wailing]

[cellphone vibrating]




Jackson: Aroooo!

What... is that?


Oh. [sighs]

What time is it?

The sun's set. Bad moon's rising.

Zach needs all hands on deck in the E.R.

Well, I'm on a double shift.

Yeah, so am I. Come on. Up, up, up.

Let's go.

[sighs] Damn.

Alex, let's go!

Okay. Okay, okay, okay.

I'm up. I'm up.

[sighing] I'm up.

Yes, I understand, sir, but it shouldn't be too much longer, so you'll just have to wait here, okay?

It's just a scrape, anyway.

It is a madhouse in here. A madhouse!

Woman: Code yellow.

It's a full moon. Makes everyone crazy.

It's not just a full moon.

Code yellow in effect.

It's a blood moon.

Is that worse?

A red lunar eclipse... a sign of the apocalypse.

So, that's a "yes," then.

You picked a heck of a night to take extra call.

I guess I forgot to check my farmers' almanac.

Someone just threw their gangrenous toe at me.

I think that means he likes you.


What do we have?

I've got an 18-year-old male, fence-related injury.

Ooh, dibs.


"Fell off a fence."

I thought you said "fencing injury."

No takebacks.


What's with the harbingers of doom?

Woman: Code yellow.

Repeat... code yellow in effect.

Code yellow.

Sorry. Just gonna get by you here.

Which way is the morgue?


I'm dead. I belong there.

Uh, I don't really have time for this right now.

Can you tell me where it is?

Yeah. It's in the basement.

Just, um, picture yourself there.

You're gonna... you'll figure it out.

Going down?

Don't answer that.

It's a busy night.

Charlie, you know I hate small talk.

Life's too short.

We slept together.

I-I don't... I don't know how to do this right now, Dawn.


It's complicated.

Well, it's... complicated for me, too.


What was that?


[alarm ringing]

[liquid splattering]

[radio chatter]

Excuse me. Excuse me.

You find my code yellow?

She found us.

Patient managed to pry open the doors and then jump down the elevator shaft.

Vida's catatonic.

She wouldn't even get out of bed.

Dawn: Well, she did, and now we're all on the hook for it.

Wait a second.

I know her.

I-I was talking to her in the hallway earlier.

That's impossible.

She hasn't spoken a word since she was admitted.

Uh, Vida, is it? Try not to move.

Can you tell me where it hurts?

My body's not working.

Um, we're gonna get you a CT and then check out these injuries.

All right, guys. Let's go.

She speaks to you.

You must have a gift.

Roberto, I'm Dr. Reid.

What happened to you?

I was climbing a fence, and I slipped, landed on my heel.

Let's get you an X-ray.

It looks like you have a lover's fracture.

[winces] Ooh.

In my foot?

It's called that because it's caused by landing on your heel from a height, like Don Juan trying to escape his lover's husband.

You're the first person to call me a Don Juan.

Although I was chasing someone.

What happened?


Um, my girlfriend... wife, actually.

We got married tonight.

Wow. Congratulations.


Uh, guess I'm her "something blue."

She climbed a fence after jumping out of our taxi.

While it was moving?

Don't cold feet usually come before the wedding?

I'll page someone from orthopedics for your foot, and I'll be back in a couple of minutes to check on your wife, Don Juan.

Hey, Maggie.


You see that bride out there?


She jumped out of a moving vehicle.

You're telling me this because...?

I need you to make sure she goes through triage.

Where are you going?

To find Joel.

He's in the morgue harvesting bones, and there's no cell reception.

Why don't you send a nurse?

'Cause I need the air.

Right, because when I think of fresh air, I think of the morgue.

I could use the walk.



Good evening.


You should not sneak up on somebody in the morgue.

You are jumpier than usual.

Well, I'm running on less than three hours of sleep.

The E.R. beckons you.

And you came here personally to fetch me.

That's very sweet of you.

Well, according to Zach, the end is nigh.

According to the milk I just purchased, we have at least 10 days, so...


What would you do if it was the end?

I would... spend time with friends and family.

[fake snores]

[scoffs] Okay. Okay, fine.

Um, eat cheese and rob a bank.

That's better.

What about you?

What would you do if this was your last night on Earth?



You do realize there have been studies debunking the full moon's effect on emergency rooms, right?

And yet, the E.R. is chock-full of crazy.

Okay, tell me something.

When has the emergency room been chock-full of sanity?

Zach really got to you with this whole apocalyptic nonsense, didn't he?

Apocalypse? No.

But weird things do happen during full moons.

Weird things happen to you anyway, Alex Reid.

What about the earthquake?


What do you think it was? Plate tectonics.

[sighs] Maybe a sign.

What kind of sign?

Red, octagonal...


We did not cause an earthquake.

No, that's not what I said.

You are so superstitious.

No, I'm not.

You 100% are.

I mean, you hide it pretty well, and most people don't notice it, but you definitely are.

Example... you always put on your left surgical glove first.

I'm taking it as a sign, Joel.

Oh, it's definitely a sign of something.

Your Don Juan's over there.


I didn't know there was a prophet named Joel.

He's a minor prophet.

Any damage from the earthquake?

What earthquake?

[indistinct conversations]

I think we got to move this overflow to the auditorium, all right?

Hi, dad.

Jacob, are you hurt?

Are you okay?


What... what are you doing here?

I'll ask an easier question.

How did you get here?

I skated.

You what?

I couldn't sleep. I was bored.

So you just skateboarded halfway across the city in the dark to my hospital?

It's actually pretty light out with the full moon.

Are you out of your mind?

Dad, relax.

Hey, you're supposed to be at your mother's.

She's probably called the cops.

I don't even know what to say to you right now.

You could have been run over or worse.

Jesus, dad.

Don't you swear at me, Jacob Miller.

Dad, really.

Jesus. Look.

I'm looking for the emergency room.

Okay. Somebody will be with you shortly.

I saw the water, and I wanted to go skinny-dipping.

It doesn't get any more romantic than a night like this, does it?

I'm gonna draw some blood, Elisa.

Stop that.

It's okay. No one likes needles.

Just take a deep breath, okay?

[exhales deeply]

Here we go.

So, how did you and Roberto meet?

Our seminary school hosts a theology on the rocks night.

According to your chart, you're too young to drink.

We just go for the theology.

He bought me a safe sex on the beach.

And I know what you're thinking.

If you're too young to drink, then you're too young to be married, but we're just drunk in love, us and Beyoncé.

Are you okay, Elisa?

I told you. I'm fine.

Really fine.

Not fine. Divine.

I'm a missus.

Look at my veil.

Have you taken any dr*gs tonight?

Of course not. I don't even drink.


Let's get her a tox screen and keep her overnight.

Dr. Goran should be done with Roberto soon.

I'll book the honeymoon suite.

Rian: All right.

And... there.

Looks good.

Sir, her-her CT scan looks normal.

Um, why do we need an X-ray?

Because atlanto-occipital dissociation can be missed even on a CT.


I'm gonna do a provocative traction test.

Sir, you're gonna pull her head?

Couldn't that k*ll her?

Only if I pull too hard.

All right, Dr. Larouche, what do we see?

Her skull's completely separated from her spine.

Internal decapitation.

Why isn't she dead?

Well, if I move her head the wrong way, she will be.

And she's catatonic, not deaf.

How does an in-patient end up down a hospital elevator shaft?

I know it's a busy night, but you think somebody would have seen her.

Yeah. You'd think.

Toni: [New Zealand accent]

Hey, Joel.

Am I still picking you up from the airport?

Well, yeah.

Unless you're having second thoughts about the whole thing.

Now, don't you forget to pack your thongs.

Yes, ma'am.


I'll see you soon.

See you soon.

Kiss, kiss.

Kiss, kiss.


Looks sunny wherever she is.

Yes, it is summer in Auckland right now.

You're going to New Zealand?

I am going to a wedding, yes.


Is, uh, "yes, ma'am" your date?

You know, what is your problem?

You're not gonna get any calling her "ma'am."

Just a tip.

Kiss, kiss!

Kiss, kiss.


Doing all right?

You sure?


[knock on door]

Roberto, how's the foot?

Dr. Goran said it was fine.

He used more syllables than that.

Well, it's good to hear.

Elisa, I have your lab results.

Do you want to hear them together?

Of course. We're married.


Your tox screen is clean.

What did I tell you?

But there's something else.

You're pregnant.

Oh, my god.

No, no, we've only been married for an hour.

Elisa: No, no, no.

It's impossible. I can't be pregnant.

Why don't you take a minute?

I'll have a nurse from obstetrics come speak with you, okay?

No, no, you don't understand.

I-I can't be pregnant. I'm a virgin.

Shotgun wedding, huh?

She says she's a virgin, but blood tests don't lie.

People do.

She's going to be a minister.

She doesn't exactly seem like the cheating type.

Did you know Joel was going to New Zealand?

No. He hasn't mentioned it.

You should see his date.

[New Zealand accent]

"Don't forget to pack your thong."

He has a date?

[normal voice] And a thong, apparently.

Unless "thong" means "sandal."

You know, when I went down to the morgue, Joel and I...


We were interrupted by the earthquake.

What earthquake?

Why hasn't anyone else felt it?

Anyway, I'm taking it as a sign.

It's not a sign.

It is.


That is a sign.


Hi. Excuse me.

Sorry, um, I couldn't help but notice.

Joel 2: 31... what does that mean?

"The sun will be turned into darkness"

"and the moon into blood"

"before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes."

Joel's the apocalypse.


Vida, it's important you don't flex your neck.

All that's holding your head on right now are skin, muscle, and some ligaments.

We're gonna put you under now.

Can you count backwards from 100?

You're going to bury me.

[monitor beeping]

Uh, no, because you're not dead.

You hear that beeping sound?

That's... that's your heartbeat.

It's not me.

Vida, you can't go into a surgery thinking like that.

You have to want to live.

I'm sorry I ignored you earlier.

You didn't want to be seen talking to a dead person.


I've never had sex. I promise.

Just try to relax.

Is there another way I could be pregnant, like from a swimming pool?

If you had sex in one, totally.

Uh, or how, uh... how frogs, you know, um... l-l-like in "Jurassic Park."

Asexual reproduction?


Well... parthenogenesis hasn't been proven in humans.

Maybe I'm the first... or the second.

Can we talk for a sec?

Right now?



We can't do the ultrasound.

Why not?

She's not lying.

She's a virgin. Her hymen's intact.

Dr. Reid? Dr. Reid.

Elisa? Elisa.

Elisa, look at me. What's wrong?

There's a monster in me.

Okay, okay, I'm here. I'm with you, okay?




Custom deck?

Seven-layer canadian maple.

Good flex.

And forged titanium trucks, of course.

Of course.

Can you give us a moment, please?

You got a real red aura going right now, friend.

"Anger is an acid that can do more harm"

"to the vessel in which it is stored"

"than to anything on which it is poured."

Is that from the bible?

It's Mark Twain.

And mind your business, guy. I'm talking to my son, okay?

I'm around when you need me... Dr. Miller.

Thank you, but I don't need you, so you just sit here and wait for your stitches, okay?

Thank you. You come with me.

Your mother is flipping out right now.

What else is new?

She thought you were home in bed.

She didn't even believe you were here.

She had to go up and check your room.

She doesn't care. She has Hank.

I thought you liked him.

Well, she is very upset with you, and she just needs to calm down before she talks to you, so you're going to stay here with me on the busiest night in recent memory.


Not awesome.

You're gonna stay off your skateboard and out of trouble.

You understand me?

[sighs] Mm.

I beg your pardon?

Yes, father.


Hey, guy, can I touch your beard?

It's not mine, little man. It's everybody's.

No, it's not. And don't touch that.

Is there any chance that you were bitten by a wild animal?

I'm a werewolf.


Roberto: W-what are you saying?

Y-you think she has rabies?

Mania, hallucinations, increased saliva production... they're all signs of rabies.

It is rare, but it does happen.

Uh, well, she loves the outdoors.

She volunteers at this place up in Collingwood.

Campfire ministries.

There's hiking, rock climbing, caving.

Nothing bit me.

With a bat, the bite could go undetected.

Test her saliva and hair follicles, and let's tap her.

What if I bite you?

We are gonna do what's called a lumbar puncture.

Uh, w-we are? I thought... shouldn't we...

Page Joel?

Page Joel.

She was frothing at the mouth?


Right, and the vaccine's only effective if it's given before the symptoms develop.

Let's hope I'm wrong, then.

Yeah, you better be.

If it's this advanced and it is rabies...

I know.

It's a death sentence.

Joel: Hi, Elisa. [sighs]

So, this should only take a minute.

So, talk to me, guys.

Where's the rest of the wedding party?

We eloped.

You're a smart woman.

Alex: I don't know. Weddings can be fun.


What is it?

It's okay, it's okay.

You know what? Why don't... why don't you sit over here?

Have a seat.

Roberto? Is he okay?

He'll be fine.

Okay, it's important you don't move, Elisa, please.



No! I don't want it!

It's not safe.

Look at me. Look at me.

Please stop! [cries]

You need to remain completely still, or we could paralyze you, okay?

Do you understand?


You need to try to slow down your breathing.

Alex: I'm right here.


Good job.

You're doing a great job. We're almost done.

We got you.



Great job.

[monitors beeping]

Okay, occipitocervical rods are secured to the skull plate.

How are my croutons coming, Rian?

Bone grafts are almost ready.

I found the morgue, but I wasn't there.

Nope, you're right here.

Bone graft will go right here.


That's not me.

You know, when I'm gluing your head back on, try not to distract me.

Is he always like this?

So I've heard.


Talking to the patient helps me stay focused.

I was right.

They can't see me, 'cause I'm dead.

Are you married, Dr. Reid?


Well, it's all I've ever wanted.

And now this?

What does it mean?

Just give me a second.
Hey, what's up?

L.P. results back from the lab. Biochemistry's fine.

You know exactly what I'm gonna say.

I don't think it's psychiatric, Joel.

She's the prime age range for a psychotic break. You know it.

She doesn't have a family history of mental illness, and her white blood cell count is elevated.

Yeah, but only slightly, and that could be the trauma from the lumbar puncture itself.

I still have to rule out meningitis, encephalitis, infectious diseases, an autoimmune reaction.

She needs to be admitted to psych, Alex.

I think it's physiological.

[mumbles incoherently]



What's going on?!

She's having a seizure.

Grand mal.

Let's get a crash cart just in case.

She'll need 100 milligrams of phenytoin, no more than 50 a minute.

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble, so we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and mountains crumble into the sea.

[Elisa grunting]

Another doctor?

Yes. We're trying to figure out what's wrong with your wife.

Hmm. She had a tonic-clonic seizure.

Okay. What does that mean?

If her brain continues to seize, it will eventually wear out and start shutting down.

The seizure proves that whatever it is, the cause isn't psychiatric.

We should really test her spinal fluid again.

Are you thinking meningitis?

I'm a neurosurgeon.

I'm always thinking meningitis.

This is a nightmare.

You know, maybe we're not meant to be together.

It's a sign.


It's a mystery.

And you have a team of doctors working to solve it.

That's what we do.

I-I can barely recognize her.

And I know this isn't her.

She's not a monster.

No. She's not a monster.



Dr. Reid? What is it?

I just need to go check on something.

I'll be right back.


What are you doing, guy?

I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be.

You're supposed to be in your own bed.

Excuse me.

Nurse: Excuse me, doctor. This is the situation...

You know, I had some real problems with my dad, too.

Real busy guy. Kind of distant, like you.

I... am not distant.

Must be hard to rezone your life after a divorce.

Used to be you had a family. Now you just have kids.

I see my kids every chance I get.

I talk to their teachers. I...

Why am I even talking to you about this?

It's kind of funny when you think about it.

Jacob left the house in the middle of the night, except he wasn't running away.

He was running towards.


All right, smart guy.

What should I do?

You mean what would I do?

There's only one commandment, man.

Yeah, stay in bed.



Don't move, or I'm gonna have you restrained.

You're not listening, man.


Well, your surgery went well, Vida.

You should be, uh, up and walking in a couple of days.

You're not hungry?

My stomach won't digest.

My heart isn't beating.

My head has fallen off.

You really think you're dead, don't you?

Well, um...

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.

If you are dead, I'm the only person you can talk to.

The dead don't talk.

Oh, they do to me... ever since I was in a coma.

Maybe you haven't woken up.

Well, that would explain a lot.

But, uh, I am awake, and I can hear you.

Hey, tell me about the rock.

You have a-a stone you like to hold, right?

How do you know about that?

Mm... like I said.

You know, when I was 6, I saw my parents die.

And afterwards... I didn't say anything for a year.

How did they die?

It was a car accident.

We were skipping stones at the beach... Val and I.

She wanted to stay.

But I was bored, so we left early.

Car was hit.

I died instantly.

It was a year ago, on our birthday.

You're a twin?

I used to be.

Working late?

I'm a night owl.

Kale chip?


I, um...

I came to talk about Vida.

She say something else to you?

Uh, well, she's convinced she's dead.

She's lost her sister, so I think it's a coping mechanism.

Once you go into death, it becomes less frightening.

So I would imagine.

Dr. Murphy warned me you were pretty weird for a bone guy.

Just give me a diagnosis.

Cotard's syndrome.

Who's what?

Walking corpse syndrome.

It's a delusional disorder associated with severe depression, where the patient believes their body has died.

Is there a treatment for it?


Next step would be electroconvulsive therapy.


Hey, we were just gonna come find you.

Her cerebrospinal fluid is positive for anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.

It's exactly what you said it would be.

Her brain is a fireball.

The question is, what's causing it.

I think I know.

Elisa's CT... see that on her coccyx?

Are those bone fragments?

They're teeth.

It's rare. I like it.

The signs were there.

We just weren't reading them correctly.

Elisa was right all along.

There is a monster inside of her.


[siren wailing]

[monitor beeping steadily]

N-never seen a case quite like this.

It's growing off her coccyx.

I-it's really quite fascinating.

Teratoma comes from the greek word "teras," meaning "monster."

Teratomas are these bizarre tumors.

Which contain fully mature cells from all parts of her body, including her brain, which is why she hasn't been acting herself.

They can also trigger a positive pregnancy test.

Is she gonna be okay?


We're going in now to remove the teratoma.

I'm sorry. This is where we leave you.

Take care of her.

Got you some... stuff.

I'm not hungry.

Okay, well, you can keep them for later.

Tell me something.

As a dad, how am I doing, scale of 1 to 10?

I'm not answering that.

So, not a 10, then.

For what it's worth, I'd have given me about a 7.

I guess.

Not like I don't feel guilty about those three points, though.

Guy says you have the 21st-century disease... trying to do too many things at once.

Well... here's hoping that guy and his high-powered perception will be released from my care very soon.

[inhales deeply]

You want to talk to me and tell me why you came down here tonight?

I want to come live with you.

You know that I love you, and I want you around always.


Maybe I'll talk to your mother.

She'll say no.

She won't be wrong.

You need your own bedroom.

You can't be eating meals that come from a vending machine.

But I like it at your place.

It's like camping.

You can't camp every night, kiddo.

You do! You camp here.

[monitor beeping, machine hissing]

Alex: So far, so good. Bowel is cleared out of the way.

Joel: I can see where that attachment's coming from.

Are you gonna make the flight?

Maggie told me.

Yes, my father is getting married.

I didn't know he got divorced.

Well, fifth time's a charm, right?

Oh, can feel where it's stuck.

Heard you have a hot date.

Can you help me position this deaver?

Yes, I definitely can.

That was my soon-to-be stepmother.

It's just fascinating.

They keep getting younger.

You know, it's one thing if she's in her 20s. [grunts]

Why does she have to be Australian?


It's not funny.

It's a little funny.

Go get the thing. Yeah.



You should come with me, sneak into my luggage.

That's why I do yoga... save money on flights.

How we doing?

We've lost 500 cc of blood so far.

We're keeping up with it.


Okay, take that. We ready, guys?


Let's lift this out together very gently, all right?

Don't want spillage in case of another earthquake.


Look at that.

That is just...



So, do you understand what's gonna happen, Vida?

You're gonna shock my brain and bring me back to life.

In so many words, yeah.

Like a monster on a slab.



It's not like that.


I promise.

You'll be asleep.

You can't hurt me.

Meet me in the morgue.


You know where it is.

I'll be there.

[inhales deeply] Okay.

We're ready.

[device beeping]

[machinery whirs]

Hey. You're here.

I was, uh, starting to worry you wouldn't... weren't gonna show.

What's happening to me?

It's the ECT, and, uh, we don't have much time.

It was your sister who died, not you.

You are alive.

What happened wasn't your fault.

She's my other half.

It wasn't your fault.

I can't live without my other half.

I know.

I know the feeling.


Hey, what's-what's... what's the most alive you've ever felt?

I don't remember.


[exhales sharply] My brain won't work.

Uh, what about, um, with your sister, with, uh, Val?


Riding a roller coaster, screaming our heads off.

Okay. Let's do it.

Ride a roller coaster?

No, no, no. Scream your head off.

Bad choice of words.

Just... scream, loud as you can.

Just [inhales deeply] let it out.


You're an insane person.

Well, it takes one to know one.

Come on! Scream!


No, I said scream from here!

Come on! Don't just show me your tonsils!

Let it out like you're on a roller coaster!


If I start, I might never stop.


[monitor beeping steadily]

90 seconds.

She should have stopped seizing by now.

Prep 2 milligrams of midazolam.

If it gets to two minutes, we have to intervene.

[breathing heavily]



Something's happening.

Something good?

I'm alive.




Do we have any guesses what the toy inside will be?

I read a case study of a teratoma patient with a perfectly formed foot in their brain.

The question is, who gets to keep it?

Well, I promised Zach I would try and get him a tooth, so...

Okay, if we see different types of cells, it means the teratoma's likely benign.

So, what looks like a bad sign...

Is actually a good sign.


Ready for the moment of truth?



Is there something wrong with your hand?

Is it still bothering you?

♪ don't ask a question ♪

Joel: You good?

Alex: Yeah.

♪ don't seek my trust ♪

Thank you.

♪ you don't look pretty when you smile ♪
♪ so don't smile at all ♪

[all groan]

Ooh... Wow.

[all continue groaning] Yes.

Rian: Ooh, that is just...

Alex: Wow.

Maggie: That's disgusting.

Joel: Yeah.


Yeah, that's definitely the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, and I've seen the inside of your refrigerator.

Hey, cut me some slack. That was in med school.


And lookit. It's a brunette.


Hey, is that a...?


An eye.


It's an eye.


Once in a blood moon.

[monitor beeping]

How are you feeling?


But like myself again.

The last couple days have been kind of a blur.

Maybe for the best.

So, you don't remember getting married?

That was the monster tumor, too?

Can't believe you haven't already called the divorce lawyer.

Have you?


But you scared me.

I would have been scared of me, too.

Oh, no, no. That's not what I mean.

Looks like the world's not gonna end after all.

I prefer not to think of the apocalypse as a doomsday, but instead as a renewal.

I like that.



Thought I'd check in with you, see if you're feeling any better.

[chuckles weakly] I'm not gonna complain.

I, um... brought you something.

Thought you might want to have a listen.

Joel: Hey.

Light packer, practical and confident... seasoned traveler.

What... you shrinking my luggage?

You should see what I can do with baggage.

Hey, I got a question for you.

What's your take on all this blood-moon madness?

Are you looking to do something crazy?


I have a friend, and every time we get close, it just feels like something gets in the way.

Today, she's blaming the moon...

Okay, maybe a small earthquake.




I think she likes you.


All right.

Extra chocolate. Those look good.

Ready? Cheers, buddy.

♪ you may say that I'm ali-i-i-i-ve ♪
♪ I'm just breathing ♪


♪ and you may say ♪
♪ that I'll, I'll be fi-i-i-i-ne ♪
♪ but I'm dead when I'm leaving ♪
♪ because fine doesn't mean ♪
♪ all the finer things ♪
♪ fine doesn't mean living at all ♪
♪ whether I eat or I sleep ♪
♪ if you're there walking with me ♪


♪ watch your world fall apart ♪

I'm sorry for acting weird earlier.

Charlie, with you, who can tell anymore?


About the other night...


♪ and I try to let it go ♪
♪ put this rhythm on hold ♪

I get that you're going through a rough patch.

♪ but your face finds me ♪

Whatever is going on with you and Alex, I... don't need to know.

But as far as you and I are concerned, I'm not really interested in being your rock bottom.

♪ and these letters on my hand ♪

You're right. Things could be a lot-lot better.

♪ they might fade when I get old ♪
♪ they work to remind me ♪

But I'm not in a coma anymore.

Yeah, I thought you proved that the other night.

I'm alive.

♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ yeah ♪

Charlie, I want to have a baby.

[knock on door]




I'm Joel, and it's 2: 31.


Actually, it's about 6: 00.

Did I wake you up?

After seeing that teratoma, I may never sleep again.

Uh, yeah. That... that kind of makes two of us.

I thought you were supposed to be leaving on a jet plane.


I was actually on my way to the airport when I... heard them talking about the earthquake... on the radio.

Anyways, I just came back here to tell you... we're not crazy.

There was an earthquake.


Aren't you glad we're standing in a doorway?


Did they say what the magnitude was?

They said 5.1.

[breathes deeply]

We can do better than that.

♪ are you alone where you are? ♪
♪ are you hurt right now? ♪
♪ are you trying to control ♪
♪ what you feel ♪

[door closes]

♪ but you don't know how? ♪
♪ I'm the shadow in your only way ♪
♪ and your photo of the pretty face ♪
♪ no one knows ♪
♪ what a thing you made of me ♪
♪ what you take from me ♪
♪ don't need any time ♪
♪ to think it through ♪
♪ when I know it doesn't feel ♪
♪ human when it's with you, oh ♪
♪ doesn't feel human ♪
♪ when it's with you ♪
♪ doesn't feel human ♪
♪ when it's with you ♪