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03x05 - Breaking Away

Posted: 10/17/14 04:23
by bunniefuu
♪ I knew ♪
♪ when I met you ♪
♪ I knew ♪
♪ when I met you ♪
♪ I'm changing colors left and right ♪
♪ I'm sweating in the coldest night ♪

[knock on door]

Hey, roomie, you decent yet?

I guess.

You like it black, right?




Mmm. You don't like it.

No, it's-it's perfect.

Yeah, I woke up this morning so excited.

This place is so sweet. You are so sweet.

Thank you.

You're the one that did me the favor.

Like I said, I really don't think I should be alone right now, so...


Uh, okay.

♪ when I met you ♪


What's that?

Uh, it's, uh, Vallenwe'en...

Dawn's guinea pig. [chuckles]

Dawn's rodents moved in, too?

I promised her I'd take care of it while she's at the cardiovascular conference.

You know how she worries.

What exactly is our house policy on pets?

Zero tolerance.

Unless it's a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

A what exactly?

[siren wails]

Melanda: Hey, Charlie, how's it going?

Uh [sighs] good.


You should take lessons to learn how to lie, seriously.

I'm not a chick, Mel, so just say what you're gonna say, say it quick.

You proposed to Alex.


She's been through a lot.

Just give her some time. She'll come around.

What if she's gone for good?

Not gone. On your 6: 00.


Behind you.



Good morning.

Good morning. How are the new roommates doing?


I have to go bathe Vallenwe'en before Dawn gets back.

Check you later, roomie.

If you must know, a little too perky for the morning.

And I hate being called roomie.

Uh, I, um, actually dug up some of my old keys.

Thank you, and I found a box of your...


Déjà vu?

It's just... I'm over-caffeinated.

Maggie brews a wicked cup.

Uh, you managed to find a box of...?

Yeah, some old photos and things you forgot.

I thought maybe I'd bring them for you.

There's no rush.


Well, I should, uh, get to the E.R.

Why don't I meet you in the, uh...



Yeah, you should have come in as soon as you were bit, not wait a day.

I know. I-I thought I had it covered.


It bit me in my own backyard.

What exactly is it that bit you?

M-massasauga rattler, I think.

Oh! [snake hisses]


Pretty nervy of you to wrangle that, huh?

Yeah, I guess so. I've dealt with snakes before.

I camped up and down the Appalachian Trail.

You know, there's some mothers out there you don't want to mess with.


Well, I don't want to mess with any of those mothers.

Are you sure that cat cage is locked tight?

Oh, yeah. No worries.

Okay, this may sting a bit, okay?

Zach: Oh!

My, Zach, what a great, big snake you have.

He was bit.

Whoa! I can see that.

Yeah, I tried to dig the venom out myself.

Yeah, I see that, too.

Why don't you leave that to the professional butchers next time, okay?


Well, the swelling's relatively small, looks contained.

I'm just gonna mark this and see how you respond to the anti-venom, all right?

It's not my first hit of anti-venom.

I, uh... I got one last summer stateside for a cottonmouth bite.


[sighs] You think you maybe want to up the dosage?


I need another vial of anti-venom.

And run an I.V., antibiotics, and some steroids, too.


Massasauga rattler?

Yeah. You... you know about snakes?

I got an amazonian boa that's the ruler of my house.

Okay, well, let's just call animal control and get them to come down here and take it away, the sooner, the better, okay?

Why? Are you scared?


Here you go.

Hey, hey. Jackson, don't...

[snake rattles]

They're probably just gonna k*ll it, right?

Works for me.

Alex: Are you feeling any dizziness from the car crash, Will?

What is that?

Well, I need to see if there's bleeding in your belly.

And the good news is...

[beeps] there isn't.

So, were you driving the car when it crashed?

Yes. I have a learner's license.


Do you know where you are when everything is coming your way?


The wrong lane.


Is my mom going to be okay?

I'll go check for you as soon as we're done, okay?


Did you hurt your hand?

No. I'm fine.

And so are you.

See you in a few minutes.

[siren wails]

Hey, guys. What do we have?

We've got a 54-year-old female injured in a car accident, blunt trauma to the abdominal region and also to the spine.

Katie: My son?

Why don't you let us worry about that, ma'am?

But your arms... can you feel those, ma'am?

Where? Where's Will?


Potential organ injuries, yes.

[alarm beeping] Okay.

She's tanking.

Could somebody get me a crash cart, please?

And I need a pail of uncross-matched blood right away, please!

What can I do?

Take over compressions. Just be careful of that spine.

Well, do you want her to walk, or do you want her to live?

Well, preferably both.

Mom! Mom, wait!

It's okay, buddy.

Charlie, can you help him, please?

Charlie: Yep. Got it, got it.


Yes, I'm ready.



You're hurting my mom!

No, they're not hurting her.

Alex: We've got a rhythm.

Okay, let's get her to the O.R.

Mom! Stop!

She's gonna be okay. Just... just calm down.


I'm right beside you.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. What's your name?

Can you tell me your name?

Get out of my way!

I'm right here, Will.

♪ everybody happy ♪
♪ nobody sad ♪
♪ well, I should say, hey, hey ♪

I said, let me see my mom!

Hey, hey, will. Will, is it? Hey.

♪ everybody happy ♪
♪ nobody sad ♪
♪ well, I should say, hey, hey ♪

How do you know that?

Do you know my mom?

Uh, yeah.

Uh, kind of.

You can talk to her?




Tell her I'm sorry!

Alex: Studying for the surgical boards is no joke, Maggie. if we fail them, we've wasted about 10 years of our life.

Maggie: I know, I know.

But when Lana asked me, I couldn't say no.

She has this pathetic, dying-puppy-dog look.

Okay, great. So lazy Lana's part of our study group.

Are you gonna carry her?

I swear it won't happen again, okay?

I will k*ll all pity...

Ladies, can we just focus for a second of our lives, please?


The priority is to stop the abdominal bleeding, and we need to be ready to crack the chest if it looks torrential.

The patient has had a spinal trauma, so let's be careful not to aggravate that cord.

You got that, Lin?

Got it.

Hey, what kind of snacks do you want to serve at our first meeting?


First meeting?

First meeting. Tonight. Our place. Study group.

Thought we talked about it, roomie.


Roomie is not a happy roomie.

A gloomy roomie.


Am I dead?


Am I?


Then what am I?

I-I don't know. I really wish I did.

I can't die. My son needs me.

What do you think will happen to him without me?

Do you see a line out there of people happy to look after an adult with Downs?

They're doing the best they can.

No, not good enough.

I told you, I can't die. It's nonnegotiable.

Do you always talk to strangers this way or...?

No, just you.

And when it comes to protecting my son.

And trust me, I will.

Oh, don't worry. I know what I'm doing.

They usually eat mice, voles, even other snakes.

I'm kind of scared.

Hey, I won't let it bite you.

What is gonna happen to my mom?

She's in very good hands, bro... the best.

Can I see her?

Uh, no.

No, not, uh, not quite yet.

Can we get rid of that thing?

I'm on shift.

Get the new guy to deal with it.

Dr. Larouche!

[snake rattles]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no, no.

Let's grab a seat, Will.

Will: No, I need to stay right here.

He's afraid. Hug him.

I said hug him.

That is from your mom.

Thanks, mom.

From now on, just do what I tell you.

Did you tell her I was sorry for the car crash?

Oh, god, Will.

Tell him the accident was my fault.

I was so nervous, I made him nervous, too.

Are you listening to me, doctor?

Zach: We got trouble!

[alarm beeping]


Charlie: This just started?

Zach: Yeah, along with a spike in body temperature.

So the anti-venom isn't working?

You ever seen anything like this before?

From that snake? No way.


Blood clots are spreading all over his body.

Why the hell isn't the anti-venom working?

Sure that's the snake that bit him?

Why would he lie about it?

I don't know. Crazy if he did.

It could be allergic reaction.

Let's run some more blood tests and push more steroids.

Yeah, I'm on it.

He's going into shock.

Here. See if you can track down his family.


Alex: Abdomen's full of blood. How does the chest wall look?

Joel: Ribs don't appear to have punctured the lung.

A little help here, Joel?

You got it.

Okay, am I giving you enough space there, Dr. Reid?

Yeah. Just enough. Thank you.

Clamp, please.

Okay. All right.

I am clamping everything here. I'm doing a pringle maneuver.

Maggie: Can't see much. How's the liver look?


Is that the technical term?

Sponges. Keep them coming, please.

Her liver's been pulped. I don't think it's viable.

Both the right and left lobes have been severely damaged.

Okay, let's pack it, and then let's get her into imaging and see how badly damaged that spinal cord is.


How do you want to tell her son?

What do you mean?


He's got Down syndrome, Joel.

Somebody has to try to explain all of this to him.

Okay, so we explain it to him.

You remember, I have a cousin with Down's.

He'll be fine. We'll just do it together, okay?

Thank you.

Hey, Lin, um, I hear you have a study group going for the boards.

Mm-hmm. Yep, and it's all full.

Oh, come on. You gonna let lazy Lana in?

You know she's just gonna coast.

Is that what my nickname means?


I always thought it was because of my eye.

It's just this weird hereditary thing.

Uh, you're gonna have to ask Alex.

She's study group boss, not me.

The old surgical board study group, huh?

[chuckles] You hold hands and pray?

"Jesus, please let me be a surgeon."

Don't knock the power of prayer. You passed.

You, uh, bring a cat in here in that cage, hot shot?

Sort of just holding it for... for a patient.

Well, the door's open. Good luck finding kitty.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Maggie, it's gone.

What's gone?

I didn't see a cat in there.

I did see a big snake, though.

[P.A. system beeps]

So, she said she couldn't feel her arms, but the CT's normal.

Need an MRI, see if that spinal cord is damaged.

Oh, she'll be lucky to make it that far.

I could only salvage about 15% of her liver, and that's failing.

Emergency transplant?

Yeah, I put her on priority 4 status, but that transplant's got to come through today or...

Good news...

All around.


Yeah, well, now we've got to tell her son that mom's on death's door.

Hey, what's going on?

What are you afraid of here?

Honestly, seems like just about everything right now.

Even the easy things are hard.

It's going to get better.

Well, I'll have to trust your word.

You should. My word is excellent.

Jackson left it in the cage. He must have left it unlocked.

You're telling me the snake that causes eyes to bleed is loose in my hospital?

Alert security, call a hospital-wide code, and, you two, find the damn thing now.

Uh... but why me?

I had nothing to do with this.

I don't care. I hate snakes. They're evil.

Okay, what code do we call?

Brown. Code brown.

Isn't that hazardous spills?

Close enough. Just do it!

Thanks a lot.

[oxygen hissing, monitor beeping]


Sorry to intrude.


Hey. Hello, Will.

How's, uh... how's his mom doing?

Um, Will, I have to get to the E.R.

My mom needs you.

I know. I'll be back as soon as I can.

He talks to my mom for me.

Yeah, actually, we wanted to have a conversation with you about your mother, too, Will, sort of to explain what's gonna happen next.

Will she die?

Well, we hope not, but you have to understand, she's very sick right now.

Do you understand that, Will?

We were in a parking lot where it was safe to drive.

What happened?

[voice breaking] I hit the gas, not the brake.

The truck hit her side.

Your mom needs a liver transplant, Will.

We put her on the list today, and we're waiting for one to come through.

From where?

Accident victims, people that sign donor cards.

Someone has to die so my mom gets better?

Well, we also do living transplants, where, um, a donor can give part of their own healthy liver, but that's not likely in your mom's case.


'Cause it would have to be today.

You know, as a family member, you're very likely to be a match, Will.

You're saying I could save my mom?

If the tests prove that you're the right candidate, it could work.

Let me do it!

Just hold on a minute, okay?

We don't have a minute.

This is great, Will.

We'll run tests.


You should have discussed this with me.

You're giving him false hope.

No, we are the only hope that he has.

Listen to me, Alex.

She'll die before you find another donor.

Stop him.

I can't let Will be my organ donor.

It's too dangerous.

I don't know what you're talking about.

[scoffs] They want him to risk his life for me.

I can't do this right now.

What... what kind of a doctor are you?

Oh, right, the normal, arrogant kind.

Help him, damn it.

Protect him. You can't let him do this!

Get this... patient's an illegal smuggler.

He brings in exotic species, sells them in the underground market.

That's why he lied about the snake that bit him.

Yeah. He could go to jail for this.

Long time, too. He's protecting his ass.

Well, he's gonna lose a lot more than that unless we get lucky.

Check this. I think this one did the deed.

South african twig snake.

Symptoms match, especially the bleeding out.

There's no anti-venom available.

Is Dr. Bell back from her conference yet?

Haven't heard.

Page her or another cardiac surgeon.

We're gonna need to get him to the ICU and activate the massive transfusion protocol.

Hail Mary it is.


Did you find the next of kin on his phone?

Yeah, just an ex-wife. Called her.

Well, call her again.

She's gonna want to be here.

A Down syndrome living organ donor.

Did I hear that last part correctly?

Joel: He's an adult, and his mother is our patient.

Will's a match, and we have the transplant team ready to go.

Are you really that naive?

I mean, it's charming, but really?

Dawn, no. Please.

No, you know what?

Educate me, please, but do make it quick, because our patient's on a clock.

Okay. Well, first you need to get the donor into a capacity exam to see if he's even competent to make the decision.

Then a tribunal has to rule, acting as the Down syndrome's legal guardian.

Is that fast enough for you?

Look at Will's test results.

His blood's a match... "O."

Ultrasound, echocardiogram, even the volumetric CT.

He is a match. We can save her life.

I'm gonna get the ball rolling with the tribunal, and I'll explain the process to Will.

Page a shrink. Get a psych exam set up.

Thank you.

You gonna thank me if the kid dies?

[P.A. system beeps]

[indistinct P.A. announcement]

Dr. Lin, Dr. Larouche.

What are you doing?

Us? Nothing. Why?

Just hanging out.


Maggie, I was just in my office, and Vallenwe'en is not in her cage.

Uh, yeah, I left her in her carrier in the call room.

You know she doesn't like the call room.

She likes her home.

Please bring her back to my office.

And put a sweater on her. It's chilly.

[P.A. system beeps]

Attention, E.R. staff, code brown in effect.

Code brown. What's that? Hazardous spills?

What is the doctor gonna ask me?

Well, why you want to help your mom, if you understand the risks involved in a transplant surgery, probably questions about your living situation.

That's a lot of questions.

Just be yourself. You'll be fine.

Dr. Day.


Alex Reid. This is Will McCall.

Come on in, William.

I've just been reading your file.


Um, I prefer to do this alone, but thanks for bringing him by, Alex.


God, I miss Gavin.

[beep] Code brown in effect.

What are you gonna do with forceps?

Deliver the little baby snakes?

How were you gonna pick it up?

am not going to pick it up.

We are gonna find it... [cellphone vibrates] and then call security or Jackson.

Okay, we is history, 'cause I got to go to the O.R.

No, no, no, no. You can't do this to me. Don't make me do this alone.


You're so never getting into our study group!

He's bleeding out because of a toxic snake bite, going septic, and no anti-venom's gonna work.

He needs a full exchange transfusion.

I should've stayed another day at my conference, but I was falling asleep to Reilly's paper on adrenal denervation of idiopathic hypertension.

Oh, that sounds like fun.


You paged me, Dr. Bell?

Yes. You're gonna be our blood bank runner.

Two units, type "A" to start. Go.

Hey, Dr. Harris, um, there's this surgical board study group.

Um, I'd appreciate any advice that you'd have so Dr. Reid would let me in.

Does this look like a good time?

I-I apologize, sir.

I'm really... I'm really, really desperate right now.

Okay, um, Dr. Reid doesn't fall for flash, so show her you got the goods, okay?


Now run!

Thank you.

Most of the risks in a living transplant are on the donor's part.

It's a long, hazardous road back to health even if you don't have Downs.

Are there any risks specific to people with Down syndrome?

Anesthetic can be problematic.

Look, I'm sorry. I talked to Will for an hour.

I don't believe he's competent to give his consent for this surgery.

What are you talking about? He volunteered to do it.

Actually, Dr. Goran, Will told me that the plan came from you.

Uh, is this true?

I suggested the possibility, yes.

Well, you shouldn't have.

He's got the mental and emotional capacity of a child.

Yeah, but he's not a child, though, is he? He's a grown man.

Yeah, well, wishes don't make it true, do they, doctor?

Look, I was skeptical at first, too, but if it had been any other member of her family, I would have jumped at it.

Will loves his mom.

He wants to save her. Why not let him?

Because he's incapable of understanding the potential consequences of his choice.

He doesn't understand that he could die.

He understands that she will.

Listen, I actually grew up with someone who had Downs.

How do you know what he's capable of?

Well, I worked in the prison system for a little while, and I learned to accept people for who they are, not who I want them to be.

Alex: I think he's up for it.

I do.

Why isn't Will here to speak for himself?

It's an able question.

[alarms beeping]

Okay, more FFP and platelets.

Keep it coming. No seventh inning stretch for you.

Need cryo?



He's bleeding from everywhere.

Charlie: He's in shock.

Baumann: BP's dropping.

Scratch that. Plummeting.

His body can't handle all the fluids.

Okay, BP's 80 over 50.

We're not catching up. He's just running out of blood.

Okay, push everything. Give him bicarb.

More colloid. [device chirps]

It's not working.

Yeah, we see that.

Come on.

[alarm beeping]

[beeping stops, flatline]

Don't let this happen to my son.

I'm asking, did the doctors explore all of the alternatives with you?

We did.

Excuse me, doctor.

If he's competent to make the decision, then why isn't anyone letting William talk for himself?
I'm sorry. [knock on door]

Um, sorry to interrupt. I, um...

[door closes]

Aren't you the guy who pulled the plug on me?

Noah Stein.

Glad to see you're still with us, Dr. Harris.

My mom sent you to help me.

Yeah. [chuckles] Hey.

Will and I built a bit of a bond.

To that end, I'd like to, uh, to speak to his decision and... and how it affects both him and his mother.

I have no objection.

Thank you.

Um, now, we all know that this is a difficult situation.

Two lives are at stake here, so how do we decide?

Will: No, Charlie.

It's my turn to talk.

Thank you.

Look, I know my mom won't be with me forever.

But I'm trying to be more independent.

I have a driving learning's license.

I do taekwondo.

I work at a daycare center three times a week!

Why can't I help my mom?

It's a dangerous and difficult and complicated procedure, William. We have to make sure that you understand what you're getting into.

I know I could die, and that does scare me [voice breaking] but I'm more scared of losing her.

This is my decision!

Do you wish to make your statement now, Dr. Harris?

Uh, no.

No, I... I think Will's got this one covered.

All right, then.

Make the right decision this time.

I always try to, doctor.

[door opens, closes]

You are... an articulate young man, William.

I believe you understand what's required of you.

I'm going to rule that you are able to give consent to be a living organ donor.

And I wish you the very best today.

You'll note my objection?


Are you all right, Will?

It's okay to be afraid.

Yeah. Of course.

Mrs. Merrifield, we're very sorry for your loss.

We did everything that we could to try to save your husband.

My ex-husband.

Colin and I didn't see each other much, but yeah, we still had a connection.

I guess there always is when you were married.

It's pathetic. Ironic.

Whatever the right word is.

We broke up over his obsession with the damn snakes.

He just couldn't let it go.

[chuckling] And now the damn things have k*lled him.


Well, um, police services would like to speak to you about collecting your ex-husband's exotics.

Uh, again, our sincere condolences.


Well, obsession is the word.

If he'd just come in 12 hours earlier, we could have saved his life.

Takes one to know one.



Did you really ask her to marry you again, Charlie?


Hey, Will.

Your mom's procedure is going very well.

We're removing her damaged liver right now.

You ready to do your part?

I think so.

All right.

What's wrong, Will?

Usually my mom goes to my doctor's appointments with me.

Well, she is right next door waiting for you.

Baumann: Time to dream, young man.

Count to 10 with me?





Three. Four.

Ready when you are, Dr. Reid.


How's he doing?

[sighs] He's terrified.

He's a trouper.

I just wonder what his mom would say if she knew this was happening to her son.

Well, let's hope we find out.

What's happening with that hand?


Nothing. It's... it's nothing.

Look at me.



[exhales deeply]

You're gonna kick ass.

[monitor beeping slowly]

Looks like someone still wants to watch over you.



[tool clatters]


Instrument failure?

Get me another one.

So, you got stabbed, and now you're back at work.

How's that going?

All good.

When you're the anvil, hold thee still.

When you're the hammer, strike thee full.

I don't know what that means.

Well, is it hammer time?

Dr. Rocca, I still don't know what that means.


Saw you out there with Dr. Goran.


Your heart just got fixed.

Be careful with it.

How do his right side bile ducts look to you?

Long enough. Good caliber. Well perfused.

Katie: His surgeon looks scared.

I can see it in her face.

Charlie: Well, you're wrong. She's a rock.

The other doctor looks mean.

What... what is your problem with doctors, anyway?

'Cause as far as I can tell, there are three of them down there trying very hard to save your life, and your son's, too.

My problem?


The obstetrician who told me I should just let Will die.

The pediatrician who swore he'd never be able to walk.

The cardiologist who asked me when he needed heart surgery why I wanted to bother with it.

No one believes in Will except me.

Well, believe in him now.

So, we're good here.

Lift it out gently.

Pack it in slush. This is precious cargo.


I am here, B-team, ready to score the touchdown for you.

Where's my liver?

Perfect timing, Reycraft.

Thank you.

SATs are good. All vitals are stable.

B-team rules.

"Silver is the best, better than all the rest."

There's a little quote of my own.



Maggie, can you help Dr. Rocca close?

I'd like to assist Reycraft in Katie's transplant.

No problem, roomie.


And, uh, can you stop calling me that?

What? Roomie? You don't like it?

Not so much.


We're good, right?

Never better.

It went well.


They'll transplant the liver, stabilize you, and then Dr. Goran will operate on your spine.

My spine?

Oh, God, no.

If I can't move...

I don't want to be a burden to my son.

Well, you didn't think he could do this. who knows what he can handle, right?

I do believe in him.

I do.

I know he wants... Wants it...

Wants to be more independent.

I'm trying, but...


It's just so hard to let go.


Letting go isn't easy, but...

Sometimes it's the only way.

This is weird.


I'm not seeing the ligamentous injury I expected from Katie's MRI.

What are you gonna do?


Hey, um, hey, I hear you have a-a surgical board study group, and I would... I would love to be a part of it.

I know I can more than pull my own weight.

Not now, Rian.

Okay, check this out, okay?

I-I have three years of detailed notes on general surgery, and I have three years of previous exams.

I have absolutely everything we need to pass these boards.

Like I said, now is not the time.

I also have this really wicked karaoke machine.


Karaoke's not my thing, but come on by.

So I'm in?


You had me at detailed notes.


[sing-song voice] Vallenwe'en?

[normal voice] How's my sweetie, hey?

Did you have a good nap?


Hey, have you seen Dr. Lin?

Yeah, uh, surgery O.R. 3.

Code brown in effect.

Hey, what is with this code brown?

I mean, what the hell spilled?

Uh, nothing.

An animal's loose in the hospital.

Vallenwe'en. How did they know that?

Actually, it's another animal that's loose.

104 degrees.

That is one crazy fever.

I hallucinated.

Yeah? Well, I'm not surprised.

I mean, there's nothing to worry about, though.

That's perfectly normal.

It seemed so real, these sucking sounds all from under the bed.

Am I going crazy?



There's nothing to worry about.

It's totally normal.

Can you check, please?


[snake hissing]

It's all good.

[rattling continues]


Reycraft: Nice work, Reid.

Mom's got a pretty good shot the transplant will take.

Ah, the mighty orthopod has come to see how we've messed with his patient's spine.

We've been as gentle as lowly surgeons could be, Dr. Goran.

Wake her up.

What? Why?

I'm playing a hunch. It's the only way I can do this.


Wake her up, please.


If you love something, set it free.

If it comes back, it's yours.

[scoffs] My god. That's so maudlin.

You think it could be true?

I don't know. I'd like to.

But sometimes a boomerang is just a stick, isn't it?

What's happening?

I-I feel strange.

My... my hands are tingling.

They're burning.

Am I dying?


You've been in a car accident, Katie.

I need to know whether or not you can feel a burning sensation in your hands, like, um, your leg fell asleep and you felt an awful cramp in it.

Can you feel anything like that in your hands?

Okay, that's actually a good sign.

It means that you have central cord syndrome.


Basically, Katie, what that means is, you have a big bruise near your spine, but none of the nerves were severed, so we don't actually have to operate.

Just need to wait and see how you respond.

With rehab, you should be able to walk again.

Where's Will?

Will's fine, Katie.

He's just resting.

He just saved your life.

You paged me? You found Vallenwe'en?

Yeah, I think so.

What do you mean, you think so?

She's not exactly visible.

Well, where is she?

Uh, she's...

That's her sweater. What happened?

We got this snake...

It's the food chain, doc.

What's wrong?

She's dead.

Oh, hey.

It's okay.


It's not your fault. Want to tell me what happened?

Vallenwe'en has been...

Eaten by a snake.

You serious?

The pig thing?

That's [laughs] uh...

Yes, the pig thing.


I loved her.

I really, really loved her.

Okay, I'm-I'm sorry, but...

Go to hell.

Is this for real?

What's the big deal?

Get another one!

She loved her.

I love you, mom.


Welcome back, Katie.

Who are you?

Uh, I'm Dr. Harris, but, um, don't let the "doctor" part put you off.

Dr. Harris talked to you for me when you were sleeping.

[knock on door]

Hello. How are you both feeling?




Well, Katie, I have some good news for you.

The transplant went well, and your enzymes are spot-on, but there will be a lot of follow-up and therapy for both of you, okay?

I'll take care of her.

I'm sure you will, mate.

Um, you still need a ride home, Alex?

Okay, well, good night.

We'll see both of you in the morning.

Thank you, doctor.

You're welcome.

Good night, Charlie.

Good night.

Night-night, Zach. Let's try again tomorrow, eh?

Is that a snake in your pocket, or are you just happy to say good night to me?

They're just gonna k*ll it, man.

All right.

I won't tell Dawn that you saved her m*rder*r.


Goodbye, Vallenwe'en.

Alas, I never really knew you.

♪ I have been wrestling ♪
♪ with the thought of it all ♪
♪ since you left me ♪
♪ out in the cold last fall ♪

You okay, Dawn?

Leave me alone, Charlie.


♪ I wake up lonely ♪

When you gonna stop pushing people away?

I mean it.

♪ people they call me ♪


♪ just to make sure I'm okay ♪


♪ but I think I'm healing ♪

I've been with you through way worse than this.

♪ damn this feeling ♪


And when you say you want to be alone...

♪ I have been reeling since last season ♪

It's because you're sad, and really it's the last thing that you want.

♪ it's the one thing I had left ♪
♪ from everything I'd kept ♪
♪ I'm going to miss how bad ♪
♪ this has felt ♪


I lost a patient today, and I didn't feel a thing.

Yeah. Because you're a pro.

♪ women adored me ♪

That's the training.

♪ for the sad look in my eyes ♪

I lost my guinea pig, and I'm a complete wreck.

♪ and now they ignore me ♪
♪ for getting on with my life ♪

Am I such an awful, awful person?

No, you're not.

Well, I must be.

♪ 'cause I think I'm healing, ♪
♪ damn this feeling ♪

Because I'm all alone.

♪ I have been reeling ♪ [sighs]

♪ since last season ♪
♪ it's the one thing I had left ♪

I'm here.

♪ from everything I'd kept ♪


♪ I'm going to miss how bad this has felt ♪


Yeah. You are.

I'm sorry.

♪ how bad this has felt ♪

Thank you.



♪ everybody happy ♪
♪ nobody sad ♪
♪ well, I should say, hey, hey ♪
♪ everybody happy ♪
♪ nobody sad ♪
♪ well, I should say, hey, hey ♪
♪ I have no memories to lose ♪

Thanks for the lift home. You didn't have to see me in.

I am a gentleman, miss Reid.




Since when?

Since I learned a few too many things the hard way...

Miss Reid.


[music thumping, indistinct singing in distance]

Is that Reycraft singing?

[rapping] ♪ tropic to tropic, ♪ Topic to topic ♪
♪ yo, are you ready for the drop? ♪

Man: ♪ Yeah ♪
♪ then drop it ♪
♪ drop the needle ♪
♪ drop it ♪
♪ drop the needle ♪
♪ drop it ♪
♪ drop the needle ♪
♪ drop it ♪
♪ drop the needle ♪
♪ drop it ♪
♪ drop the needle ♪

Reycraft, you go, girl.

I'm just getting warmed up.

Lin here invited me to your little shindig.

Guess I'm feeling a little nostalgic for my lost youth.

[music turns off]

So, this is our surgical board study group?

Well, just the, uh... the first night, boss.

Uh, uh, figured we needed a little bit of, um, uh... team building.

Yep. Team building.

Team building.

Okay, uh, so who's up next?

Oh, yeah.

Uh, moi.

Man: Okay!

"Sweep up the ashes in the morning," if you please.

I love that song. My dad used to like it.

Give it a spin.

No! No, no.

You know what? You guys are warmed up. I just, you know...

Come on!

Live a little!

Spin, spin, spin!

Man: Yeah!



Dr. Goran, you up for it?

Uh, no.

Come on.


Joel, for old time's sake.

I can't sing alone. [intro plays]

I'll sing... I'll sing the first one, okay?

Get up, up, up, up.

♪ we know it's wrong ♪
♪ [chuckles] to let this fire ♪
♪ burn between us ♪

Lana: [claps]

Ow! I'll be backup.

♪ we've got to stop ♪

Both: ♪ this wild desire in you and in me ♪

Dr. G!

♪ So we'll let the flame burn once again ♪
♪ until the thrill is gone ♪


♪ And we'll sweep out the ashes in the morning ♪
♪ we're two people caught up ♪
♪ in the flame that has to die down soon ♪

Oh, Charlie, Charlie.

Are you sure?

Don't ask.