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12x06 - Port in the Storm

Posted: 02/29/24 16:21
by bunniefuu
Kylie is determined
to make her own way.

I wish you would have
taken me up on my offer

and come to 51.

We don't know anything about this guy.

So what do you wanna know about me?

This house is different, huh?

If you stick around,
you'll get used to it.

You might even learn to appreciate it.

That was a one-time hookup.

A very fun one-time hookup.

But I can't risk getting involved
with another first responder

who could end up getting
k*lled right in front of me.

I finally get
to marry Matt Casey.

This is the aquarium
you've been talking about?

Yeah, it's magical.

I'm getting married in a fish store.

Is there even a way to make
a fish store look pretty?

What's that mean? It looks great.

All the lights,
the different colored rocks.

We will make this right, I promise.

This will be the best
fish store wedding in history.

It's tomorrow.

I mean, when I thought it was at Shedd,

décor and everything would
have been a part of the deal,

but a fish store is B-Y-O-everything.

I don't like the way
you keep saying fish store.

We'll figure this out, Brett.

As your maid of honor,
I take my responsibilities

- very seriously.
- Okay. Okay.

Oh, my God, Matt's gonna
be here any minute.

How am I gonna tell him
about all of this?

All the kids in my neighborhood

went there to look around
when I was growing up.

It's more than just a fish store.

Well, whatever it is,
I'm gonna call every florist

and every décor shop in Chicago.

We are gonna get this place into...


Amazing shape.

It's gonna be great.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- Hey, Lieutenant.
- Hi.

Um, I thought Severide was

supposed to be here this morning,

but I haven't seen him.

Yeah, I know.


I... I just got a text from him
saying that his flight

got delayed and he was
asking if you would cover

for him until he gets back.

Yeah, of course.

- Thank you, Cruz.
- You got it.

♪ ♪

Didn't have to come in here, Kylie.

It's your day off. I forbid it.

You can't. I have free will.

And this is tragic.

As soon as I heard you
still didn't have an assistant,

I knew something had to be done.

I'm gonna hire someone.

- Soon, I promise.
- Uh-huh.

Just come check on me in an hour.

Make sure I haven't drowned
in this stuff.

Okay, will do.

Thank you, Kylie.

- You should not have to do this.
- It's no problem, Chief.

My little sis from 46.

What kind of trouble you getting into?

What's up, Gibson?

Chief still hasn't hired an assistant,

so stuff has been piling up.

Well, you're a firefighter,
not an admin assistant.

I know. I know.

But I heard that equipment
updates and incident reports

were, like, months behind,

so I figured I'd get it all on track.

You just can't stay away
from 51, can you?

♪ ♪

I do miss it.

Is everything okay on Truck 46?

Oh, yeah. It's great.

I mean, not as great as
when you were there, obviously.



Are you happy at 51?



Yeah, it's the best.

But I'm glad I'm on Truck 46.

Starting out on my own two feet
was the right thing.

♪ ♪

Well, I can't just sit here
and watch you

att*ck this thing solo.

Tell me how I can help.

Maybe you could break
the news in a fun way.

Throw a pun in there like,

"Tanks for being such a great guy.

Guess where our wedding will be?"


Yeah, I don't think that'll help.

Or "Let's t*nk it easy

and have the wedding at a fish store."

Oh, let's face it, there is no good way

to tell Matt about this disaster.





- Great to see you, Casey.
- Hey.

Hey, Captain.

Great to be here.

So, is there a disaster
I need to know about?

Tanks for being a great guy.

It's not a disaster per se.

It's just you're not
getting married at an aquarium.

It's more an aquarium supply store.


I'm so sorry.

For some reason, I trusted Tony and...

Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey.

I don't know why you'd
trust Tony with a wedding,

but I don't care
where we get married, Sylvie.

As long as it's you and me there,

we're all good.

- Oh.
- Mouch?

Help me! My boy can't breathe!

What happened?

He was in the living room
playing with his cars,

and all of a sudden he started
making these choking sounds.

- I'll get the jump bag.
- Manny.

Let's get this towel placed under you.


Manny, look at me.

We got you, Manny, okay?


Look at me, buddy.

- You all right?
- They live down the street.

Manny comes by to see
the fire trucks all the time.

I don't see anything in his airway.

I hit him on the back.

I gave him the Heimlich,
everything, and nothing's working.

He just keeps getting worse.

Yeah, there's something
in his right nostril.

It must be what's causing
the fluid buildup in his throat.

Okay, Anita, I'm gonna need you to blow

into Manny's mouth, but make sure

you cover his mouth completely.
Are you ready?

- Yes.
- Okay.




Nicely done, Mouch.

Oh, thank God.

That move is called the mother's kiss.

Oh, thank you, Mouch.

Oh, sweetheart.

I thought I lost you.

How are you feeling, Manny?

My nose hurts.

Then don't put things up there.

That was a battery.

If that had gone down his throat,
it could have k*lled him.

Welcome back to Chicago.

♪ ♪

Yes, I will take all of them.

I need to fill up an entire store.

Yeah, I can definitely be there by 4:00.

This is fantastic.
Thank you so, so much.

Yes, I will see you soon.

Ah, Violet.

Paramedic Jude Robinson will
be coming by tomorrow morning

to discuss who will be replacing Brett.

Okay, great. I am prepared.
I did a bunch of recon,

and I put together a list to present.

I hope none of those are PICs.

Your official promotion
has come through.

You will be paramedic in charge.

So whoever your partner is,
they'll be working under you.

Thank you, Chief.

You did the work. Congratulations.


♪ ♪


Good morning, Chief.

Cruz told me about
Severide's delayed flight.

Any update?

Uh, no, not yet.


Okay, then.

Keep me posted.


♪ ♪

Needless to say, I will still
be wearing my wedding dress.

You will still be wearing your tux,

even if it doesn't match the location.

The bride gets what the bride wants.

He's already got
this marriage thing down pat.

So, Cruz, where's my best man?

Severide's flight home got delayed.

He's on another A*F case.

I thought he stopped doing those.


Oh, hey, Gibson.

Meet our former captain, Matt Casey.

You're legendary around here,
Captain Casey.

Glad to meet you.

How's this group of thugs treating you?

Uh, so far, no complaints.

You can tell me the truth
when they're not around.

All right, well, you have to set aside

- some time for me then, Captain.

Good kid.

Always great to have
new talent at the firehouse.

Agree. Us old talents need it.

I don't know.

You seem better than ever, Mouch.

Oh, Mouch has basically been wearing

a cape ever since he came back
from injured reserve.

- It's true.
- Well, what can I say?

I want my last year or two
at the CFD to be my best.


Thank you.

No problem.

Paperwork is a k*ller.

Oh, actually, it's
order forms I just printed out.

They're flowers for the wedding.

Just got a billion of them
to fill up that space.

- A billion? Wow.
- Yeah.

I called every florist in the city,

and this one had an event cancel,

so as long as I can get there
in the next half hour,

I get them all.

I just have to hope we don't
get a call in the meantime.

- Sweet.
- Yeah.

Hopefully they still
look good by tomorrow.

I'm sure they will.


I know we talked about
putting this thing between us

on the back burner.

You talked about that. Not me.

Right. okay.

Um, and at first I thought
going to the wedding together

seemed like too big a deal,
considering how casual we are.

But now that the wedding
is kind of small

and kind of at, um, a fish store,

maybe going together
would be fine and...

and fun and no big deal?

Sounds good to me.

Okay. Cool.

Mikami, just the person I'm looking for.

Chief, I... I thought you were
coming by tomorrow morning.

My schedule's changed,

so I'm here now to talk
about the new medic.

Well, the thing is, I have a run

that I have to go on by 4:00.

I'm not asking you, Violet.

I'm telling you, this is when I'm free.

Right. Of course.

We can talk in the briefing room.


So at the top of the list is Vasquez,

who got rave reviews from her PIC.

Oh, have you heard different?

Mikami, I'm not here
to get your suggestions.


Chief Boden, who has always
been partial to 51,

in my professional opinion,
may want you to have a say,

but that's not how I operate.

I'll be picking your new partner.

I've been talking with all the PICs

under my command to let them know

I'll have a much stronger hand
on the tiller

than my predecessors.

♪ ♪


Where are you?

Hi, Stella.

There was some kind
of problem on the freeway

and I didn't get there on time.

I don't...

like, why are you
just telling me this now?

Well, at the gate, they told me

there was another flight
to Chicago

at a different terminal,
so I ran.

I didn't call
because I wasn't sure

I was going to make it.


So I make it just in time,

and there's no service
on the flight.

Kelly, where are you?

I didn't wanna call from Midway

because I knew I was
only 20 minutes away,

and I wanted to look you in the eyes.


♪ ♪


I didn't know what was happening.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, you should have
had the pilot radio me.

I thought about it, believe me.


♪ ♪

I'm just glad you came home.

That was the plan.

I wasn't sure.

I was.

I love you, Stella Kidd.

I love you so much.

♪ ♪

You do fast work.

You know your stuff.

Now you know some of it too.

Well, nobody's gonna find out
about that or else

I'll be the next one
suckered into doing it.

- I wasn't suckered, I offered.

But thank you for your help.

Ah, this one is actually
a completed certification,

so we don't have to do
anything but file it.

You know, if you wanna transfer to 51,

you should just tell Chief.


No, I'm good on 46.

Besides, there's no room here.

You should still tell him.

Just in case.

In case what?

You never know. That's all I'm saying.

Very cool of you to help Chief out.

I'll see you at the wedding?

- Yeah, I'll be there.
- All right.


♪ ♪

Will you marry me?

Can I get a couple days
to think about it?


Actually, you have 26 hours.

You ready for this?

Moving to Portland?

Leaving 51?

Us and the kids in one house?

No escape?

It's a little late to ask me now.

Like you said,
there are 26 hours to back out.

- Not gonna happen.
- Good.

Because it would be
pretty brutal to leave a guy

at the altar in a fish store.

I said that I was sorry about that.

And Violet says she's got this.
She's gonna make it beautiful.

♪ ♪

No flowers, no décor.
It's all going to hell.

This is Chief Robinson's fault,
showing up with no notice

out of the blue. What is she up to?

I'm telling you, it's a power move.
She's trying to intimidate me.

Oh, God knows who
my new partner is gonna be.

I'm picturing Voldemort.

Where am I gonna find
that amount of flowers

at this point in the day?

None of the florists
stay open late enough

or have the amount that I need in stock.

We could try going to one
of the big box stores.

They've got those...
those garden sections

with the potted plants.

And they usually have dry flowers too.

You're literally making me sad.

- I'm just trying to help.
- We need a miracle.

Okay, start Googling florists
outside of Chicago.

I will drive to Indiana if I have to.


So you still got your hand
in some arson cases?

Yeah, I love it.

But I was gonna give it up for Stella.

She thinks arson is like a drug for me.

I get lost in it
and start turning into Benny.

You do.

I did before.

When I really thought
I might lose Stella,

it was no contest.

The case was a bitch, but...

I never lost sight of the end goal...

coming home.

♪ ♪

I remember sitting for these cigar chats

back when we were two single guys

with nothing and nobody to lose.


Simpler times, that's for sure.

Pretty damn lucky now.

I know it.

We've been through it, you and me.

Hell and back together
more than a few times.

I'd be a lesser firefighter
if it wasn't for that.

You told me once the house needed me,

and whether I...

whether I knew it or not,
I needed the house.

Been thinking about that
a lot the last few months.

You admitting I was right?


I just said I thought about it,
that's all.


It's funny how we pull out cigars

and suddenly it feels like
you never left.

In a lot of ways, I didn't.

Feels permanent somehow
when you leave this time.

Sylvie and I will always
come back to 51.


Ambulance 61, Squad 3,
Truck 81, Engine 51.

Fire at McCormick Place.

Have fun, Lieutenant.

Always, Captain.

This could be your last call at 51.

And the last call
where you're not the PIC.

So I'll be sure
to boss you around a lot.

That's so sweet.



♪ ♪


All right, fire department.

Make way.

There's a fire on the second floor

where the International Watch Show is.

It started in the storage room.



♪ ♪

Watch out.


Well, it's rolling somewhere.

Fire department.
We need everyone out of here.

I can't carry all my stuff.
It's too much.

Get what you can and clear out.

Truck 81, primary search.

You got it. Hey, you, you...

you need to get out of here, all right?

Just point us in the right direction.

Just stay downstairs with our medics.

The next hallway, you'll see it.

There's a security guard that
got trapped in the storage room.

The lock is broken.

It's a storage room
for overnight valuables.

It's double sealed
with steel-lined walls.

Okay. Leapfrog search.

We gotta clear this floor quick.

- I'm going with Squad.
- Copy.

- Sir, up and out. Let's go.
- All right, ladies, let's go.

- But my things!
- Don't have time.

- Come on.
- Move.

Fire department!

Call out!

Help me!

I'm burning up,
and I can't get out the door.

♪ ♪

What the hell they got in there?

Hey, Ritter.

Take Mike and tie into
the standpipe system.

On it.

Hey, you okay?


- Cruz!
- Yeah.

Set my Halligan.



Hey, Brett.

Ask our manager if there's another way

- into this storage unit.
- Copy.


He says there's
a security window,

but it's fortified
and can only be released

from the inside.

Thing is like a bank vault.

Capp, Tony, bring in the K12

and the Arcair torch now.

Hey, what if we go in
through the ceiling vent?

Then you can jump in
with an extinguisher,

- open the door from the inside.
- All right, let's try it.

Herrmann, stay here
and put it out when we open it.

All right, the line will be charged.

We'll be ready to go.

Primary search complete,

and negative
on the main display area.

Manager says there's a
conference room on the delta side.

We're headed there next.

Copy that.

Figured I'd tune in.

Feel like I'm part of the action.

That'd be the smoke-eater talking.

Can't stay away.

I need one man
outside the storage area

to help gain access
to the ventilation system.

Copy that. On my way, Lieutenant.

Sounds like a good one.

♪ ♪

This one work?

That'll do it.
Cruz, get ready to follow me.

Yep, right behind you.

And we'll pass up
the extinguisher and Halligan.

Line coming in. Watch your back.


♪ ♪

Got him?

Yeah, I'm good.

He's at 92%. I'll give him 15 liters.

I'll be back. Looks like someone
on the second level is confused.

- Copy.
- Hey, the exit is here!


Hey, Cruz.

Vent into the storage room

Copy that!

Fire department, call out!

We're coming in
through the ceiling vent!

All right,
Severide's working on the vent.

- Ready for the extinguisher.
- All right.

♪ ♪

Carver! Extinguisher!


All right, Cruz, that's it.

Pass up the extinguisher.

Coming in.

♪ ♪


Wait up.


You're hurt. Let's go downstairs.

No. I can't leave here.

You're not gonna get in trouble

for leaving during a fire.
Here, come with me.

No, I just...

can you just please
help me stop the bleeding?

Okay, let me see.


How did this happen?

I just... I slipped. I fell down.

There's a chunk of glass
stuck in the laceration.

Gonna need to pull that out
without damaging the...

♪ ♪

Almost there!

Got it!

Ambulance 61, I'm treating
a security guard over by...

What the hell do you think you're doing?

I need... I need backup.

You're badly injured.

They're gonna come looking for me

if I'm not back in a few seconds.

All I need is for you
to stop the bleeding

so I can get out of here.

Fix it, and I won't k*ll you.

♪ ♪

Brett, you got cut off.

What's your location?


Ignore it.



Brett, can you hear me?

♪ ♪

Brett, what's your location?

Something's wrong.

Does anyone
have a location on Brett?

Brett, where are you?

- Let's go together.
- Thanks, Chief.

Brett, can you hear me?

What the hell is taking you so long?

You're messing with me.

I have to be careful
when I pull this glass out.

- Just try and stay still.
- I can't stay still.

I've gotta get out of here
before the cops show up.



Now put a bandage on it so I can go.

Look, gauze won't do it.

I have to tie off the artery
to stop the bleeding first,

or you won't make it 10 feet.

♪ ♪


Just hurry the hell up.

You got five minutes,
and then you're useless to me.

♪ ♪


Hold back on the line, guys.

It looks light.

♪ ♪

Cruz. The window.

They got out?

Why wouldn't he alert anyone
when he made it out safe?

Kelly. Look.

What the hell?

♪ ♪

These are m*llitary grade smoke grenades.

That's a flashbang grenade.

So that's what caused the expl*si*n?

This was intentional.

Emergency, this whole thing was a setup.

Get the police in here now.

- Come on.
- Copy.

Dispatching police
to your location.

♪ ♪

Hey, you can't run off on your own.

- No, I need to find Brett.
- Violet, listen to me.

We don't know what's going on.
It's not safe.

I'm not just gonna sit around
when I know something happened.

I know she came up here.

Please, she is my partner.

- Okay, we'll go together.
- Okay.

- Any news?
- No, but we're searching.

- We gotta find her, Chief.
- We will.

I'll go with Violet
to the east side of the floor.

Casey, toward the rear of this place.

Yep, let's go.


What are you doing?

Time's up, let's go.

I have to irrigate the wound

and look and see if it closed up.

One more minute.

It could save your life.

♪ ♪



Matt, he's got a g*n!

Hey! [YELLS]

I'm a guard! Let me go!

- Do not move.
- We got him.


How'd you get away from him?

I was... I...

I wasn't gonna miss my own wedding.

♪ ♪

Sounds like there were
three of them altogether.

They dressed as security guards
and infiltrated the watch show.

One set the fire in the
storage room as a distraction,

and the other two did a smash-and-grab

where the most valuable watches
were displayed.

These guys had a stock
of serious munitions.

Your paramedic is lucky
she got out of there.


Sylvie Brett is one in a million.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

I can't thank you guys enough.

Ah, just doing our jobs.

Uh, we do have one question.

Did we see a sign
for the Chicago Bridal Expo?

Yeah, that was over here
on the main floor.

It's a shame we had to shut it down

since no smoke actually
made it in there.


That's really too bad.

But, um...

We got a favor to ask you.


Wow, look at all those fish, Otis.

Gets me every time.

Great name, Otis.


You did nice work on the place.

Didn't need it,
but yeah, it looks pretty good.

Hey, Tony. Let me get started.

You got it, Chief. Hit it, Nicky.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the wedding

of Matthew Casey and Sylvie Brett.



♪ ♪

I can't believe we actually
finally get to do this.

I never had a doubt.


We are gathered here today
to celebrate the union

of Casey and Sylvie Brett,
two members of Firehouse 51

who represent the very best
of the Chicago Fire Department.

At the request of Matt and Sylvie,

as part of this ceremony,
we will light a candle

for the 578 Chicago firefighters

who lost their lives
in the line of duty.

Violet, do the honors.

You know, in many ways,
the lighting of that candle

symbolizes who these two people are.

They have hearts as big as the sun.

You two are goodness,
kindness, yes, bravery.

But on behalf of 51,
I've also got to say

that you are not the most savvy

on a certain subject.

Let's be honest, everyone in 51 knew

you two should have got
married before you did.


Probably true.

I'm sure now, though, Chief.

You can be sure it is.

You will always be a part
of the DNA of Firehouse 51.

No matter how far you go,

It is my honor
to officiate this wedding,

and to pass it off
to you now for your vows.

Sylvie Brett,

getting here to this place was...

the toughest battle of my life.

It was worth every moment
because we're here now.

You are my port in the storm.

The most generous,
caring person I've ever known,

and sometimes the most stubborn.

So not true.

You would say that.

We were apart too long.

But now I promise
that you will never be alone

and I will always be by your side.

And that this, the two of us together,

is a fire that will never go out.


I had to get a fire metaphor
in there somewhere.

I appreciate it.


I guess it's my turn. Okay.

Here's why I wanted to get
married in the aquarium.

Years ago, you and I took Amelia

to go and see the fishes there,
do you remember?

I remember.

What you probably don't know is...

that is when I realized

that you are the only man for me.

And the way you were with her,

I knew you were born to be a father.

And when you decided to be
a father to the Darden boys,

it only made me love you more,

even though I was trying
so hard to let you go.

And I couldn't.

It's like you said, we were meant to be.

And we were meant to be a family.

We were.

And I have one more thing I wanna say.

All I wanted was for this wedding

to be simple and intimate and perfect,

and it's all of those things.

Thank you, Tony, for knowing
just how to make it right.

I told you this place was magical.


You guys have the rings?

♪ ♪

And on that note,

Matthew Casey, Sylvie Brett,

I now pronounce you

husband and wife and a family.


♪ Goodness gracious,
great balls of fire ♪

♪ I laughed at love 'cause
I thought it was funny ♪

♪ You came along
and moved me, honey ♪

♪ I've changed my mind ♪

♪ This love is fine ♪

♪ Goodness gracious,
great balls of fire ♪

♪ Kiss me, baby ♪

♪ Mmm ♪

♪ Feels good ♪

♪ Hold me, baby ♪

♪ Well, I'm off to love you
like a lover should ♪

♪ Oh, you're fine ♪

♪ So kind ♪

♪ Go to tell this world
that your mine, mine, mine ♪

I'm glad you let them have
the reception here, Herrmann.

There was no room in
that fish store for dancing.

Also, it would have been weird
to have sushi appetizers there.

Ah, yeah. That's a real good point.

♪ It's so hard to understand ♪

♪ That no matter what I plan ♪

♪ Well, there she is ♪


♪ Yes, there she is ♪

Sam, I need to tell you something.


That freak-out I had
when I thought Brett

was in trouble...

You don't need to explain anything.

You were upset, and I don't blame you.

No, I...

I was more than upset.

I lost it.

And that's why I keep
pulling away from you.

It's why I can't do this.

Seeing someone
I really care about in danger

right in front of me...

I won't survive it again.

You get that, right?

I do.


you really care about me, huh?

♪ ♪

Then it's a good thing nothing
bad is gonna happen to me.

Especially on the dance floor.

That was a beautiful wedding.

Just like ours was.

It feels like a million
years ago, doesn't it?

Mm. No.

Not to me.

I will always come home to you, Stella.

I believe that, finally.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

- I wanna dance. Take this.
- Oh. Oh. Oh, okay.

- Got her?
- Yep.

Okay, thanks. [LAUGHTER]


And you have to explain it
to Doreen again

because I've told her 100 times,

but you know how she can get.

I will take care of all
the paramedics and patients

- just like I promised.
- Thanks, Mouch.

I heard the mandatory retirement age

at the CFD just went up to 65.

True fact.

Well, after what I've seen
and heard from you

while I was here, I just wanna say,

it's not too late to retire with
some brass on your collar, Mouch.


Your chariot awaits, Caseys.

FYI, tape was not my idea.

- I...
- He sounds drunk.

- Julia!
- I'll be back.


I will never in my life have
a partner I love this much.


♪ ♪

I sure am gonna miss you, sister.

Congrats, Matt.

It's good to see you back here again.

I'll be back soon.

I hope so.


♪ ♪




♪ ♪


♪ ♪