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03x43 - The Cone-versation

Posted: 02/29/24 15:48
by bunniefuu


Noah: Uh, can you uh, put me down now?


Oh, this doesn't feel safe! - Oh, shush.

One more piece of tape,

and this "Most Responsible Teacher" banner

will be up. - (Whimpers) Okay.

Just one more.

- Whoa! Whoaaa-oh! Both: Aaah! Oof!

- (Winces) Ow! My arm!

- Chef, you better take him to the hospital.

- I can't take Noah to a real doctor,

I'd have to report that to the school board.

Hmm, what to do, what to do...

- You brought me to a vet?! - Nah!

This doctor just really likes cats and dogs.

- Ohh! Look at him waiting. Cookie?

Now, let's check that elbow.

Paw? Hmm, not broken,

but there is a tiny boo-boo.

Now, we don't want him licking it,

so I'll have to cone him.

- What?! Even without a cone, I can't lick my elbow!

It's impossible! - Oh-ho-ho!

He's a chatty little fella, isn't he?

Cookie! (Thuds)

- (Crunches)

- (Crunches)

- (Crunches) Mm!

- Agh! Why are you eating so loud?!

- It's not us, Noah, it's your cone.

It's pretty much just acting

as a parabolic sound amplifier.

- What do you mean?

- Sound travels through air like invisible waves.

When they reach the delicate skin of the eardrums,

the vibration causes-- aah!

- Hey! No one comes to school to learn!

But Noah, since you can now hear things better than ever,

here's an early birthday present!

♪ Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Tiiiii... ♪

(Echoing vibrations) ♪ tii-tii-tii-tii! ♪

- Aaah!


- You're just lucky I didn't get to hit my high note!

(Camera clicks)

Hashtag Dog Boy. Hashtag Sad.

Upload. - Ohh!

- Guys, guys, I wanna play too, but uh,

first can someone please get this cone off me?


- Children, no matter how much he whines,

do not remove that cone!

I can't afford another vet-- uh, vit--

uh, visit to the doctor.

- Noah, take a three-pointer!

- Ow!


- You owe me a new ball. - (Sighs)

(Kids snore)

- (Snores loudly)

- (Sighs) I need some peace and quiet.

(Loud jack hammering)

(Screeches shrilly) - (Groans)

- I can't believe we're going to the Funny Bow Tie Museum!

- Yeah! And we'll get to try on all sorts

of hysterical historical bow ties!

- Sorry, Noah, you're staying here.

You can't try on bow ties with a cone.

And all your whining and complaining

would echo right up into my face.

(Thunder booms)

- Hmm... maybe wait inside,

because it looks like rain.

and that'd be bad news for you.

- Ohhh!

These last few days really stink.

I'm left out of everything because of this cone!

Peyton: Uh, is this pirate treasure map

of our great-great-grandfather Booty Bottom Bart even real?

- Pirate treasure?

- Ahoy, matey, the map be real, an' so be the treasure!

- Sis, I agreed to these silly costumes,

but can we please not do pirate voices?

- I want to honour-rr the family history

with a certified buccaneer adventure!


- (Sighs) I regret saying I'd help you.

Okay, if the map is real,

then the treasure must be buried somewhere

under this school's playground.

- A treasure under the daycare?

Uh, yes!

And I can't be left out,

because I am the only one who knows about it!

And they said they'll start digging

once everyone's gone home,

so if we find the treasure before the end of the day,

those pirates will never know, and then we'll be rich!

- A real treasure?

Count me in. Buh-bye, plastic tiara!


- Fine, it can be a three-way split.

- Hunting for pirate treasure is dangerous work.

You'll want help from someone with mad fighting skills,

like this! Hai-yaah!


(Thuds) Oof!

- We should bring him along, 'cause that was hilarious!

- The quickest way under the playground

is through this sandbox.

- This will take...


- Nuh-uh, treasure is waiting. We gotta move.

- What are you doing with that spice powder?

- (Inhales deeply, blows) - Oh! Oh no! Aah!

The spice is tickling my nose!

- It's a little something called "blast mining."

We might want to stand over there.

- Aah-aah-aah... aaaaaachoo!

- There's a ladder! It must lead to the treasure!

- (Coughs) What happened?

Did I fart?

- Careful, pirates were known to set boobytraps

to guard their treasure. - Wait, wait, wait, wait.

What kinda traps are we talking about here?

(Click, rumbling)

- (Gasps) Look out! (Arrows whoosh)

All: Aaah!

(Darts ping) - Noah!

Your cone saved us from poison darts!

- That was really-- aaah! (Darts ping)

- I think that's it.

- Wow, this cone is actually kinda--

- Tick-tock, treasure clock! Let's keep moving!

- Everyone keep quiet!

I think this sign means there's a risk of a cave-in.

(Phone chimes) - One million followers?

Yesss! (Echoes) Yes! Yes! Yes!

(Rocks rumble) - It's a cave-in!

We're going to be crushed like grapes!

- My followers will be so sad.


(Rumbling, big crash)

- Hurry, that door is the only way out!

Owen: It's locked!

- Step aside, let a ninja handle this.

Keeee-aii! Ow!

- That didn't work. - Ooh! I have an idea!

(Lock tumblers click)

This cone gives me super hearing.

(Lock tumblers click)

All: Yeah! Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Yes! Come on!

(Rocks rumble and crash)

- Whoa! That cone is the best!

- Yes, yes, it is.

- Thanks, Noah.

- Score another one for Cone-Boy!

Prudence: The map says the treasure be this here way!


- Can you please drop the pirate voice?!

It's getting under me skin.

Ohhh! Great, now I'm doing it.

- It's the pirates!

But they said they were gonna wait until nighttime!

- They must have known we were going after the treasure!

But how?

- Ooh! Someone just liked my last post!

- Have you been posting about our treasure hunt?!

- Uh, yeah! Obviously.

Lewshawna Vision is about to blow up!

- Why, Leshawna, why?!

Now we have to get to the treasure

before we get caught by those pirates!

- Huh, I got a comment from the pirates.

"We 'arrr' right behind you."

- Hi, kids.

Thanks for taking care of all those traps.

it made our trip way easier.

- You're welcome! They seem nice.

- Arrr! But now we'll be gettin' rid o' ye,

because ya know too much about the loot!

- Doesn't that sound harsh.

How about we just let them go back to school?

- Noooo!

- Sorry, kids, we're doin' this pirate style!

Kids: Aaaaaah! - Arrr!

- Is that a real sword?!

- We gotta get away from those pirates!

- Wait! - Sorry, Harold,

this one's full, grab the next one.

- Okay, I'll be right behind you!

Oh, crud. - Shotgun. Called it!

- Not so fast! Hah! Hoo!

Yaaaah! Ugh!

- This kid is funny.

- You kids'll soon be snoozin' at the bottom

of Davy Jones' Locker!

- Thank you! A nap would be nice.

This has all been very stressful.

- You kids should just give up,

the treasure's in a locked safe,

and only we have the combination!

(Paper rustles) Darn it!

- We don't need the combination.

This cone gives my friend super hearing,

so he can pick any lock with ease!

All: Owen!

- Well, then, we don't need the combination either,

we just need your friend!

- I said too much.

- Oh no! We're in trouble!

(Kids scream)

(Loud crash)

- We found the ship! The treasure must be here!

- Check it out, Leshawnawanabees,

we're about to open the treasure chest!

Hashtag Cone-Kid-rules, hashtag soon-to-be-rich.

- Almost there... (Crying in the distance)

wait, do you guys hear crying?

- Playtime is over, ya scabby sea biscuits!

If you don't hand over that cone,

I'll fire your lily-livered friend!

- Prudence, he's a kid!

You can't fire him from a cannon!

- Goin' against your captain? That's mutiny!

And the price is walkin' the plank!

- (Splashes) I'm gonna tell Mom about this!

- Ya got ten seconds,

then I fire your lily-livered friend!

- This is tough. I love my cone.

It made me the MVP of this adventure.

I have never felt so cool.

- Noah, you have to save Harold!

- Does he, though? I posted a poll,

and % of Leshawnawannabees say ditch the geek,

and take the gold.

- (Whimpering)

- (Sighs) We did this as a team,

and I know what it feels like to be left out.

Owen, un-cone me.

(Cone pops) Oww!

- Yo-ho-ho! You gave up the treasure for this scalawag?

What a mistake! I can hear everything!

This cone makes everything so loud!

Har har!

- It does make everything loud.

So, Leshawna, what is the highest note you can sing?

- That's easy, this one!

♪ Miiiiiii! ♪ (Rumbling)

- Aaaah! Too loud!

Make it stop! (Splashes)

(Rumbling, splintering)

- The cave is collapsing!

- Runnnnn!

- No! No, no, no!

(Loud crash)

- A pirate treasure adventure?

What were you thinking?!

Do you know how much that vet bill was?

- Shh! Not so loud.

♪ La la la la la ♪


