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03x37 - Virtual Reality Bites

Posted: 02/29/24 15:43
by bunniefuu


(Harold grunting)

(Flexing grunts)

Oh yeah.

What are YOU lookin' at?!

- (Chatters)

(Grunts while miming flexing) (Laughs)

- That's right. You BETTER ROLL away.

You probably already noticed,

but I was secretly training all weekend

With a hardcore workout video I found in my mom's closet.

(Panting) - Four more. Three more.

- Come on, Harold, feel the burn! (Pants)

I'm finally gonna prove who the big dog in class really is.

Make way for the new and improved, Harold.

Now bigger and bet--(Gasps)

All: (Cheering, laughing) YAY!

- Don't worry, guys. I got yoked for exactly this reason.


(Effort grunts)


All: (Laughing)

- (Nervous laugh) That-that-that wasn't a fart.

That uh, it was a bum grunt.

(Annoyed grunt) - Thanks a lot, Harold!

I was wrestling this car for the title belt

and you ruined it!

- But-But-You needed help!

I was saving you with my huge new g*ns!

- Don't worry, pal,

if there's ever a real emergency,

we'll be sure to call you

and your huuuge muscles.

All: (Laughing)

- What's so wrong with wanting to show off

my newfound physical prowess?

Maybe they just don't get it cuz...

cuz my muscles are wiry and sneaky

instead of all puffy and showy.

Wish my outside looked like how I feel on the inside...



(Deep voice, clears throat) 'Sup, guys?

- Uhhhmmm, what...?

- Why are your clothes stuffed full of toilet paper?

- Toi-toilet paper? Ha!

This is % Harold, dude. Prime, grade A--

- Chef! There's no TP in the potty,

so I had to use the bidet!

- There's no bidet in that bathroo--


- Oh, never mind! I found some!

- Hey! No! Owen! STOP!

(OOF!) Waiiiiit!

All: (Laughing)

(Weeping, sniffles) - Some-someday I'll show 'em.

Someday I'll show everybody!

Harold is strong! Harold is powerful!

(Flush) Harold is... Guh.

(Pipes groan, rumbling)


- I was only trying to flush my muscles!

- Flush your WHAT?!!

(Water blasts)



(Water rushes)


(Landing thud) All: (Cheer)


- Celebrate! - It's a miracle!

- We'll never have to go to school again!

(Keys clack, computer chimes)

- Welcome to online learning, kids.

All: (Annoyed groans)

- I'm sorry, guys.

But maybe internet school won't be so bad. Right Chef?


- (Sighs) Chef? Chef!

Y-Y-You muted yourself.

You need to click the microphone and talk.

- ...won't listen just cause we're in computer school

there'll be trouble! Wait. Was I muted?

All: (Annoyed exhales) Yessssss.

- I like being in a compu... pu-pu-pupu-pu-pu.

Did I freeze?

Sorry, I'm sitting outside a gas station right now.

(Truck honks)

(Computer beeps off)

- Oh yeah. Online learning is great.

- This is all Harold's fault. - Harold is the worst.

- Wayda go, Harold. - Is it time for recess yet?

- A rat just stole my juice box-x-x-xx!

- All right, settle down now.

The good news is the school board chose us

to beta test a new virtual reality school system.

So everyone grab your controllers

and put on your VR Helmets now.

(Computers chime)

(Energy hums)

- Whoa! (Laugh) This is incredible!

It's just like real life!

Are you kids seeing this?!?

- Big whoop-dee-poop. (Raspberry)

VR is so twenty-twenty.

- Well, I think it's awesome.

This will be just like regular school.

- You mean Harold will try to pretend

he's a virtual reality muscleman in here too?

- (Chuckle) Probably.

All: (Laughing) - (Sad sigh)

- Okay, you move your controller

back and forth to move. See?

(Video game sounds)

- It's pretty much a video game, Chef,

you don't need to explain it to us.

- How do I control the-- (Smash) OOOH!

I can't slow down my-- (Smash) Oooee)

- Ease up on your thumbsticks, Cody.

EEEE! AHHHHH! ERRR! Rat: (Angry chatter)

(Buzzing) OOO! ERRR! AHHH!

- (Sighs) Aaaanyway--


- (Beep)

Chef: I can tell you're not in class; put your helmet back on.

- Aww man!

(Computer chimes) - (Burps)

- Okay. It's snack time,

so I have to type in the command for snacks.

(Computer chimes)


(Chewing sounds)

They're virtually delicious!

Hey! Can I make snacks appear whenever I want in here?

- No. Only I control the VR world.

- Oh really?

I wonder how hard it'll be to hack in and take control.

(Computer chimes)

All I need to do is guess Chef's password.

Hmmm. (Keys clack)

Sad. And. Lonely. (Buzzes)

Pass-word. (Keys clack)

Oh, oh. Of course.

Pass-word with one 's'.

(Computer chimes) Hoo-hoo-hoo! I'm in.

(Keys clack)

(Computer chimes)

Ha! It worked!

Now let's see what else I can do.

- Oh cat, you are soooo cute!

HEY! What's goin' on?

(Cat screeches) AAAH! OW!

OW! OUCH! Bad Kitty! Ahh!

- I guess virtual life ain't so bad.


(Computer chimes)

(Water burbles)

Then again... (Screaming)

- (Laughing)

- All right slide, get ready for a new speed record.

(Computer chimes)



(GASP!) How did I-? Where am I?

(Fog horn blares)

- YES! Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!

- Look what your online learning did to us!

Beth, Izzy: YEAH!

- Okay. Maybe the program's wonky,

let me see if I can fix it.

(Computer chimes)

Oh, this is bad.

Somebody hacked in and took over the VR classroom!

- But who would do all these mean things to us...

possibly for the purpose of revenge?

Harold: Who indeed?

Izzy: Harold?! Beth: But why?!

- Is it because we laughed at your toilet paper muscles

and when you pooped your pants trying to lift a toy car?

- It was just a bum grunt!

- Well, that is not how I've been telling the story.

(Laughs) - WHATEVER!

In this world, I am strong

and it is YOU who are WEAK!

Welcome to your nightmare!

- Harold! Don't you flex your pecks at me!

I'm gonna take off my helmet and call tech support.

You're in big trouble, young man!

(Effort grunts)

My helmet's stuck! - Yes.

I took the liberty of activating the child locks

on ALL your VR helmets.

So escaping will be... quite impossible.

(Evil laugh)

Now, let's all head outside for...

the greatest show on earth!

(Computer chimes)

- I can't move. - (Struggling grunts)

- What's the big idea?

- I didn't want you to miss any of my show

so I planted you in place.


(Rock music) ♪ Oh yeah! ♪

(Effort grunts)

♪ Oh yeah! ♪

- Oh man, is this our life now?

- I'm afraid so.

Harold has full control of our Virtual Reality.

(Effort grunts)

- That's it!

Harold can only control us in the VR world,

if he's in control in the REAL world.

- But how can we even get to him?

- Izzy only lives just a few blocks away from Harold.

She could get to his house!

- You ready to be a hero, Izzy?

- Uh, I guess?

I'll just close my eyes inside my helmet

so I don't get confused by the VR world. (:

(Smash) Oof! (Door opens)

Okay, not so hard.

I already feel like all my other senses are heightened! (:

Oof! Oops. 'Scuse me, Madam. (:

(Rock music)

(Tires screech, engine roars)

- Huh! I think I'm a better driver (ding)

when I can't see! Hahaha!

(Hard thud, cat screeches)

(Tires screech, hard crash) - Huh? What was that?!

(Effort grunts) - HEEELLP! HEELLLP!


- Izzy! Oh no! Are you okay?

- Do I look okay?

Serious question: I can't see.

But I think I'm stuck under a car!

Get. It. Off!

- But I'm not strong enough to lift a car in real life.

- Yes, you are, Harold!

You've always been strong enough.

- R-R-Really? - Ya!

Because real strength comes from inside!

And you already proved you can do it in your mind!

You just gotta believe!

- O-O-Okay, here it goes!

(Effort grunts)

I'm doing it!

I'm doing iiiiiiit!


THAT was not a bum grunt.

(Car crashes, crunches) - AAAK! Oof.

- Harold? Harold? - Harold: (Pained groans)

- Welcome to online learning again, kids.

As you all know, our VR component

has been permanently canceled thanks to you-know-who...

All: Booooooo.

- And speaking of Harold,

he told me he'd like to apologize for taking over

our VR World like some kind of unhinged maniac.


(Computer chimes) - Yeah, I just wanna say sorry

and thank you guys for teaching me

about the true meaning of strength.

That real strength-eng-eng-eng eng-eng-eng-eng.

- That's our Harold! All: (Laughing)



