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03x31 - Bearly Edible

Posted: 02/29/24 15:34
by bunniefuu



- Oof! (Bones crack)

...IIIMMMEEE! - Hold on! Hold on, Owen!

The delivery of this week's snacks hasn't shown up yet,

but I'll try to put something together.

- Perhaps a snack incorporating the four major food groups.

Like a whole grain tuna sandwich with kale

and a slice of low fat cheese.

- EWW! - YUCK! - KALE?!


- Or... ice cream sandwiches!


- Let's see what I can find.

Well, that's no good.

Well, you know what they say:

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

(Wings flutter)


(All scream)

Jude: (Giggles)

Easy, moth dudes, that tickles. (Giggles)

Well, at least the moths got a snack.

- Jude, go put on your back up clothes.

(Doorbell rings) Oh, there's the snack delivery.

Owen: I GOT IT!!!!!

(Breathing heavily, hard thud)

I got the snaaaaaaaacks! (Giggles)

- Lookout for those marbles!

All: (Gasp) Whoaaaa! - LOOK OUT!

- Whoaaaaa! Oof!

(Wood chipper whirs)

All: NOOOOOO!!!!

- BWAHHHH.... - There, there. There, there.

- (Crying) - There.

- What do we do about the snacks?

- One of you will have to go to the store.

- Um, you're the responsible adult.

Sorry: adult. Shouldn't you go?

- Nuh-uh! Anytime I leave you kids alone for minutes

the school blows up. I'm staying here.

Now, who should I send?

- Me! - Pick Meeee! - Dude! Dude! Dude!

- These are letters of recommendation

from prominent world leaders.

I think you'll find I'm the most qualified.

- Chef! Can I go buy the snack?


Sorry. Sorry.


- Sorry, Owen, but Courtney was right when she said


- Please. I destroyed the snacks

and want to make things right.

I won't let you down, I promise.

I mean you did say

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

- Hm. That did come outta my mouth.

Here, buy a box of cookies and hurry back.

- I'm on it!

Mmmm. So MANY yummy choices!

How can I pick just one?

(Gasps) I know!

Yummy, Crunchy, Munchy, Mo.

All these cookies once were dough.

In the oven they did go.

And this is the one that I PICK!

(Angels music sting) Mmmm.

Choco-chunk Delights. YES!

- And there's your change, dear.

- Mmm, these look delicious.

- (Poof) Eat 'em, Owen! Eat the cookies!

- Whaaa-??

(Poof) - You made a promise, Owen.

(Mocking) - "You mada pawmiss Owin."

BAHHHH! You hungry or not, kid?

- I am hungry...

but I made a promise.

- Fine. But you're gonna get two cookies

for your snack, right?

So surely you can eat those now.

- I suppose that would be okay.

(Munching, gulping sounds)

- No Owen, noooo...

OH MY GLAZE! What've you done?!

- Yeahhhh! (Laughs) That was great!

- EEEEEEE! I ate the class snack!

WhaddoIdo?! WhaddoIdo?!

- Easy, kid, easy.

Just go back to the store and see whatcha can get

with the change the lady gave you.

- Okay! You're very nice for a devil.

- (Evil laugh)

Yeah, I'm actually a nice guy once you get--Ahhh!

(Munching, gulping sounds)

(Glass shatters, crash)

- I'm back, guys!

- That drum is... full of cookies?!

- Whaaaaa? - Duuuuuude! - No way!?

- Way to go, Owen! That'll last 'til summer!

Which means I can pocket the rest

of next year's snack money!

(All chanting) OWEN! OWEN! OWEN!

(Struggling) Owweeeennn...

(Light thud, bones crack)

- Phew! Oh that could've gone badly.

But everyone's happy so I don't need to tell 'em

about the first box.

- Dig in!

Cookie tiiiiiiiiiime!

(Giggles) Ooops...

(Cookies crunch)

(Spitting, coughing, gagging)

- Is there something wrong with the cookies?

- I can't get the taste outta my mouth!

- These taste like dead feet!

- Dead feet that stepped on a cat poo sandwich!

- No one has ever made a cat poo sandwich,

but yes, that's what these taste like.

- But they're cookies. Cookies can't be bad.

They're cookies!

Uh oh... I think my body is rejecting it!

Who would've thought a cent oil drum full of cookies

could be bad?!

- Is that an expl*sive symbol?

- Says here these cookies were made in a country

called BARF-vomita?

- Barfvomita is actually a tax haven.

It's also the world's largest exporter of mold and-WAHHHH--

- I translated the ingredients;

the last line says MAY CONTAIN TIRES!

- Now, now. MAY contain tires

doesn't mean DOES contain tires.

- You're just saying that 'cause you wanna keep

all the snack money.

- That is absolutely true!

So get used to 'em cause these cookies are this years snack.

- Way to go, Owen! - (Sad groan)

I went from hero to zero so fast.


- Hey, it's not so bad.

We thought you'd come back with nothing!

But you didn't.

- Yeah, heh, I did bring something.

- Yep. They just taste like crud.

Maybe they forgot to add all the delicious ingredients.

- Wait... what if we add something yummy to them now?

- Worth a try!

Okay. Let's try these cookies

that have been dipped in honey first.

(Munching, gagging and spitting)

- Hmm. Honey is not powerful enough.

- Try the ones we dipped in chocolate icing!

(Munch, gagging and spitting)

- What kind of evil can taste this bad

with CHOCOLATE ICING on it?!

- These cookies are the worst!

(Stomachs gurgle)

- Wait! We haven't tried he Dijon mustard!

- (Sighs)

(Spring creaks)

- Don't beat yourself up,

you just picked some bad biscuits, bro.

- (Whimpers)

I just wish everyone thought they were yummy.

- Duuude, we can make that happen!

(Tapping bongo drum)

- Forget what you thought you knew about the cookie.

You llloove the cookie.

What's that smell?

Chocolate and sweet cream?

Bring the cookie to your face hole.

Bite the deliciousness...

(Chewing, gagging and weeping)

(Crying) - All I can taste is tires!

- Gah! It smells like wet dog!

- (Growls) Whatchou got against dogs!

- Beth? When did you get so hair--EEEEE!

- These are seriously bad cookies.

- (Groans)

- It's okay, Owen,

it's not like you bought delicious cookies,

ate them all, then went back to the store

and bought a barrel full of cheap grossness.

- (Crying)

I wish I could just magically make things better!

- (Gasps) Owen! YES!

Magic is always the answer!

Meet me at the lunch table in minutes!

It is I, Harold the magical wizard!

Whaaat? How did he do that?


- This potion I created might even reverse

Beth's cookie induced mutation!

(Liquid sloshes)

(Crunch, poof) All: (Gasp)

- What? What is it?


- Are you mad?! This potion is too strong!

It's not safe!


(Energy hums, poof!)

- You're horrible at shopping for snacks!

Bears: (Roar)


- We've got a big problem!

- Who let a dog into the daycare?!

- That's Beth. - Hi Chef.

- Oh, hello Beth. I have no questions about this.

- HEY! Owen's disgusting bear cookies are alive

and coming to get us!

- (Scoffs) Nice try,

but I'm not buying new snacks.

I already spent the money on roller skates.

(Loud crash) (Bear roars)


- Hurry, we'll escape out the window!

(Bear roars)

- I can't believe the cookies we couldn't eat

are going to eat us!

- I should've known these cookies were bad!

They only cost cents.

All: WHAT?!

- I bought a yummy box of cookies but ate them all myself!


- It's okay, bro, I totally would've done the same.

- Me too. - Really?

- Of course. We all would have!

No one smart leaves a child alone with a box of cookies.

- Ohhhhhhh... so this is MY fault now?!

(Bears roar)

- No, it's MY FAULT!

And if eating the good cookies is what started this mess,

the only way out of it is by eating the bad cookies.


- I'm goin' in.

Arggggghhh! - (Growing)




(Stomach rumbles, Owen groans)

And that's the way the bear cookies (GAG) crumble.

- Thanks for saving us, Owen.

- And Chef, thanks for these ice cream sandwiches.

They're so gooood.

- Ugh. They better be...

I had to sell one of my roller skates to buy'em.

Well, at least the school didn't blow up.

That's what I was really worried about!

(Stomach rumbles) - Uh oh.

This doesn't feel like a burp OR a fart.

(Rumbling, expl*si*n)

(Owen groans) ♪ Ta ta ta ♪


