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02x01 - 2B Or Not 2B

Posted: 10/05/14 22:27
by bunniefuu
[Men speaking quietly in foreign language.]

[Foreign men discussing game, woman coughing.]

[Sound of dice on board, man shouts angrily.]

[Sound of coin spinning on floor.]

[Sound of blow to man's face.]

[Sounds of hard kicking and punching.]

[Man collapsing, handrail breaking.]

Caterina Boldieu?

[Screaming man toppling.]

Who are you?

Room service.

How many men with you?


Seriously, how many?

You came here alone?

You're welcome, by the way.

I don't even know who you are.

[Leaping man screaming.]

A transporter.

[Sound of kick to man's head.]

A transporter...


What's a transporter?

Run now, talk later, okay ?

[SUV starting and accelerating rapidly.]

♪ [Music intensifies.]

[Sound of SUVs racing away.]

Thank you for saving my life.

Not yet, I haven't.

Your roommates miss you.

♪ [Music comes up, sound of SUVs speeding.]

Do you have a plan?

Absolutely I have a plan.

You don't... do you?

Of course I do.

I'm making it up now.

♪ [Music accelerates.]

Sit tight.

[Sound of screeching SUV tires.]

[Sound of a*t*matic weapons firing wildly.]

[Madly screeching tires.]

♪ [Music racing, motors racing.]

[Tires skidding.]

[Men screaming in panic.]

[Massive crashing sounds of SUV on mountainside.]

[Music intensifies.]

What are you doing?

What's it look like?

Tell him to run.

Tell him.

He says, "Run. You're about to die."

Tell him that this bridge can tolerate a static load of two tons, or 24 kilograms per meter square.

I don't think he's interested.

Just do it.

His vehicle weighs roughly 3,000 kilos, exerting a static pressure of 75 kilos per meter square.

Which gives him about 32 seconds before a catastrophic failure.

[Sounds of cracking bridge.]

[Sound of collapsing bridge, men plumetting and screaming.]

Now you can thank me.

[SUV starting and speeding off.]

[Sounds of video game.]

Put the game away, Luca.

I'm almost done.

Your food is here, put it away!

Let him play.

You are teaching him bad manners.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up.]

I have to use the men's room.


♪ [Mysterious music sounding closer.]

[Two sets of footsteps, back door squeaking.]

I have to go to the toilet, too.

You saw where Papa went?

[g*n firing.]

[Sound coming from behind garbage bin.]

[Slow footsteps sounding on cobblestones.]

[Sound of garbage bin being jerked away.]

[Sound of footsteps receding.]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

[Sound of old motor purring along.]

♪ [Symphonic music comes up.]

[Sound of high heels on stones.]

[Door chime ringing.]

You must be Caterina.


Ja, Dieter.


She's a beauty.


Yes, right.

Last year they were made.

Only 1,000 left in the world.

You know your cars.

That's what he pays me for! Come in!

Ah, I see you've met.

What a lovely house you have!

It's a rental... until my old one gets repaired.


What's wrong with it?


Blew up.

Last time I saw Cat, she was being held for ransom by t*rrorists.

Your last name, Boldieu, there's a French finance minister.

That's my father.

He hired Frank to come and get me.

I used to be an intel officer of the DGSE.

She's three times decorated for stopping terror att*cks on French soil.

Very impressive.

Now that Carl has left, Cat's going to be working with us, assessing risk, gathering intelligence.

Great idea.

I thought so.

You have an offer for me?

Came in last night.

Bernardo Marrone was a criminal court judge in Rome.

He was hearing a case against Roberto Rocco, a Sicilian crime boss.

There's been threats, but Bernardo refused protection.

This was all over the news, first Mafia hit on a judge in 20 years.

His son witnessed the crime.

Luca Marrone.

He's been in hiding with his mother, Laura.

And there's been an arrest: Deszu Magyar, a contract k*ller.

The boy's word is the only evidence against him.

And I'm supposed to drive him to the court?

He's in a secret location and needs to testify on Monday morning.

Why not call the cops?

Or jump on a plane?

Too many corrupt elements in the police.

And if he got on a flight, it would alert border patrol.

Where is this secret location?

His uncle's summer home.

Oh, I've seen that place.

Outside Munich.

The family owns one of the biggest shipping companies in Italy.

Munich to Rome, 10-hour drive, 12 at most.

Your assessment?

I think you should pass.

What for?

You'd be a sitting duck for any corrupt cop looking at you.

If they check CCTV.

And they won't know my plate number, or where I'm coming from.

You hired me to assess risk.

To assess it, not extinguish it.

My assessment: the risk is too high.

I don't think so.


The whole world knows that boy needs to be in Rome on Monday.

Your point?

The bad guys will know you're coming.

And I will know they're waiting.

Leave hard copies of the map, so I'll pick up the boy in the morning.

Don't be discouraged.

I didn't take this job to be ignored.

He needs you here, more than he knows.

[Guards shouting inside prison.]

[Sound of prison door unbolting.]

[Prison door shutting and bolting from outside.]



Any news?

A transporter has been hired to take the boy to Rome.

I will not spend the rest of my life rotting in this sh*thole.

That will not happen.

Who's going to stop it?


Your life is in my hands.

I will not fail you.

[Loud kissing sound.]

Martino Marrone.

My wife, Sofia.

Thank you for coming, Mr. Martin.

You can imagine how worried we have been.

He's not here out of the goodness of his heart.

He's a professional, paid to do a job.

Isn't that right, Mr. Martin?

I'll tell Laura you are here.

That's my nephew over there.

Lost in his games, as usual.

When my brother became a judge, my wife and I were left running the family business.

Now he's dead.

Suddenly I'm taking care of his family, too.

Like you said, Mr. Marrone, I'm just here to do a job.

It's just you taking us?

That's right.

Is it safe?

I mean shouldn't we have armed guards or something?

A low profile is best.

We don't want to attract attention.

My son is everything to me.

I need you to promise he'll be safe.

I can't make promises.

But he'll be safe, I'll stake my life on it.

Could you talk to him?

I know he's too proud to say it but...

He is as scared as I am.

Are you the transporter?


They said you'll make sure nobody hurts me.

That's right.

You know, my father was k*lled too.

When I was a couple of years younger than you.

Did they find who did it?


Never did.

But facing the man that k*lled your dad, that takes balls.

You just said a bad word.

Did I?

You don't say "balls" to a kid.


I don't know much about kids.

But I think your dad would be proud of you.

You're trying to manipulate me so I'll want to come with you.

How am I doing?

Not too good.

That's your car, right?

What did you tell him?

I told him he could drive my car.

Good morning, gentlemen.

How can I help?

Which one is fastest?

Well, they all are fast.

I mean, these things zoom!

But fastest will be...

This one!

We will take three.



Can you pull out keys for the test drive, please?


Thank you.

No need for a test drive.

I will take these.

Where are the other two?

Right outside.

You have a security camera here?

Wish we had.

Never lie to a man with a g*n.

[sh*ts firing loudly.]

[Sound of woman's body crashing into shelves.]

[Sound of showroom window exploding.]

[Motors racing, car wheels screeching.]

Can we go faster?

This is fast enough.

We don't want to attract attention.

How long have you been driving?

Since I was about your age.

Since you were twelve?

That's what some boys did where I grew up.

They stole cars and drove them fast.

You stole cars?

I don't think this conversation is appropriate, do you?

[Car motor accelerating.]

So much for not attracting attention.

[g*n firing rapidly Laura screams.]

Isn't this thing bulletproof?

Armour-piercing rounds.

First driving lesson, Luca...

Account for variables.

[Tires screaming, motors racing.]

Second lesson...

Anticipate consequences.

[People screaming, tires screaching.]


Stay focused.

[Cars honking.]

[Tires squealing, motor accelerating.]

I am taking you to the hospital.

[Ambulance sirens sounding.]

What have they done?


Go with your mom, okay?

I'll be right up.


Are you talking to the car?

Of course not.

Tungsten carbide.

One shot would take your head off.

How long to fix it?

30 minutes.

Make it 20.

You're still in Germany, Frank.

I noticed.

No Italian cop told them where you were.

So how did they find you?

An implant in the boy's neck.

Are you serious?

No, I'm not serious.

I have no idea, but I'll find out.

Cat was right, you know.

About the risk.

Are you okay?

A little scary, wasn't it, getting shot at?

Kind of cool, too.

His name is Aleksander Magyar.


Brother of Deszu.

We think he shot 2 people dead in a car dealership this morning.

So now both brothers are working for the Mafia?

How did this madman find my nephew?

I hoped you might know.

The attack happened only minutes after Frank left your estate.

They followed your transporter here.

Frank doesn't make mistakes like that.

Of course you'd say that.

I suppose he doesn't give refunds either.

He will get your nephew to Rome, Mr. Marrone.


I'm not letting Luca testify.


I want justice for my brother, but not at the cost of that boy's life.
♪ [Mysterious music comes up.]

Frank Martin.

My brother thought of hiring you for a job once.

You want the job, Frank?

No... thank you.

I already have one.

You should not have taken it, Frank.

He's just a boy.

I have nothing against you, Frank.

Leave now.

You can live.

I never quit a job.

Too bad then.

[Sounds of struggle.]

[Sound of mirror shattering.]

[Sounds of swift blows.]

♪ [Throbbing music comes up.]

[Both men groaning.]

[Man screams in pain.]

Come with me!



[Sound blow, man groaning.]

[Sound of electrical surge.]

[Sound of kick blow, twirling crutch.]

[Sound of slamming door, jammed crutch.]


Frank, we've got trouble.

Tell me about it. I've got to get them out of here.

They're watching your car.

Who said anything about my car?

[Hurried footsteps.]

Your chariot awaits.

See you tonight.

[Ambulance wheels squealing.]

[Sound of forced door.]

[Sound of door and crutch giving way.]

[Siren on ambulance sounding repeatedly.]

Martino, hi.


He said you have to take us back to Munich.


He's decided it's too dangerous, Luca.

He doesn't want you to testify.

But I said I would.

Well, it's not your decision, honey.

It's not his either, he's not my father.

Well, I'm your mother!

Why don't you act like it?

[Street sounds.]


What do you want to do?

Martino said to take us back to Munich.

I'm asking what you want to do, Mrs. Marrone.

♪ [Music crescendos, then gets peaceful.]

We are going to Rome.

They are going anyway.

She won't listen to me.

You must understand.

Martino and Bernardo had a falling out over that woman.



I didn't know French women swore in Italian?

This one does.

My mother's Italian.

Can Laura hear you?

No, why?

Look, I just found out something that wasn't in the news.

Her marriage was over.

Says who?


She said Bernardo wanted a divorce.

And it seems there was some infidelity.

You think she had him k*lled?

She couldn't know Luca would witness it.

They shot at her today too.

Magyar needs to save his brother.

Doesn't matter who hired him.

That still doesn't explain how they found us today, twice.

I want to thank you for what you said back there.

What did I say?

You asked what I wanted.

And I realized no one asked me that in a long time.

Bernardo made all the decisions?


Like deciding to divorce you?

Is that what you heard?

It could be considered a motive for m*rder, Mrs. Marrone.

The Mafia ordered my husband's death.

The Mafia didn't tell those men where to find us today.

Then who did?

It had to be someone close to your family, or in it.

You think I'd do this to my own son?

Do you know the hell he's been through these past weeks?

Did you love your husband?

Bernardo found me in a village in Croatia.

He saved me from a life of poverty.

I wasn't in love with him, no.

And he knew that, but he was the father of my son and I was faithful to him.

I would never hurt him.


[Sounds of prisoners' catcalls and whistling.]

Well, well...

Who might you be?

Caterina Boldieu.

I work for the transporter.

Better start looking for another job then.

Frank Martin's a dead man.

Your brother must love you very much, in his own sick way.

He tried to k*ll the boy twice today.

Is that what you came here to tell me?

I came here to give you one last chance, to save your brother's life.

To save my brothers life, huh?

Tell me the name of the person who hired you.

The papers say it was the Mafia.

What do you say?

I say nothing.

I'm innocent.

This is your last chance.

If your brother tries to stop Frank again, he's gonna die.

You're a fine piece of ass, Caterina.

So I'm sad to say this.

No one threatens my brother.

No one.

Get her out of here.

So, it's this badge for the door, okay?

[Sound of digital lock opening.]

[Sound of Catarina's footsteps.]

[Cell closing.]

[Digital sound, but not unlocking.]


♪ [Mysterious music creeps in.]

Can I help you?


We'll just help ourselves.

[Sound of thudding body blows, kicks.]

[Sound of Catarina receiving kick.]

♪ [Music comes up, throbbing.]

[Man screaming in pain.]

[Sound of powerful blow with coffee table.]

[Man crying out in pain.]

So sorry, Miss, I don't understand what happened.

Are you okay?

Just get me out of here!

Where are we going?

A friend of mine has a place we can spend the night.

Martino booked us a hotel in Orvieto...

Better you don't tell Martino.

You suspect him, don't you?

I hate to say it but... the thought crossed my mind.

Does he have a motive?

Martino and Sofia run the family business but, when their father died last year, he left it to Bernardo.

Ah, Frank.

What a surprise.

This is my old friend, Marcel Tarconi.

No, he means I'm old, not that we are old friends.

We need a place to spend the night.

You should have told me you were coming, I have nothing to feed you.

Better find something.

Dieter's coming with the car.

What's with the ambulance?

I'll explain.

Over a glass of my Sagrantino?

Same swill you made last year?

Even worse this year, I'm afraid.

I recognize the boy.

You're taking him to court?

We've had some... interruptions.

You have cameras here?

I keep an eye out.

It's strange the Mafia would k*ll a judge.

I don't think they did.

Then who?

You know what I always say, Frank?

Cherchez la femme.

[Dieter laughing and groaning.]

Ah, the brakes?


You've got to be kidding, this game is impossible!

It's not like driving a real car.

Tell me about it.


Can I drive your car?

Not now.

You're not gonna let me, are you?

Anybody hungry?

I thought he would never ask.


Let the boy drive.

You know he's twelve?

So, how did you and Frank meet?

We were neighbours in the South of France.

I noticed he kept interesting company.

Marcel is a police inspector.

Frank, I suspect, is not always on the right side of the law.

But you're friends?

He's a perfectionist.

That's a quality a Frenchman can appreciate.

But even a perfectionist can't control every variable.

Not at the speeds you drive.

I didn't say I control variables.

I said I account for them.

But one day you are bound to make a mistake.

It could cost you your life.

It could.

So why do it?

It pays well.

Oh, Frank, someone's here.

It's okay. She's a friend.

Caterina Boldieu, Marcel Tarconi.



We need to talk.


You've got to call this off.

What are you talking about?

We don't know who's compromising you, and Magyar wants you dead.

I don't quit a job.

Is that one of your rules?

I've learned to stop making rules, but I finish what I start.

Not you too!

You can account for variables, Frank, but like Laura said, you can't control them.

Taking risks is my job.

Dying isn't.

No one's dying, what's got into you?

Laura could ask for a postponement.

So we put the boy through this all over again?

He's testifying tomorrow.

And no one's gonna stop him.

How about some more wine?

[Sound of speeding sport car.]

[Cell phone ringing.]

Tell me they're dead.


No, we've lost them.

And she hasn't told you where they are?

I need you to stay in your cell tomorrow.


What are you going to do?

I'm going to k*ll the boy.

I'm going to k*ll them all.

What about breakfast?

I'm not hungry.

Mind if I join you?

When you were talking last night, did you really think you could die?

I could.

Aren't you...?

Aren't you afraid?

Of course I am.

Then why do you do it?

Courage doesn't mean you're not afraid to do the right thing.

Courage means you're afraid and you do it anyway.

Nobody's gonna hurt you, Luca.

I'm gonna make sure of it.

Any sign of Magyar?

Not yet.

The day's still young.

What is it?

My stomach!

I need a doctor! A doctor!

How are they?

Where are you now?

Just driving into the city.

No problems?

No, nothing.

No sign of Magyar's men at the courthouse either.

That's odd.

Good to see you.

Dieter, Frank's here.

You can relax.

Okay, signing off.

Stay with them, just in case.

Dieter, what's up?


He just left a van here.


The parking garage.

I need a location.




♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

[Quick footsteps.]


My car's in the loading dock.

I need you to bring it down to 2B.

What is it?


Just get down here fast.

[Dieter making gurgling sounds.]

♪ [Soulful music comes up.]

♪ [Music changes to throbbing rhythm.]

[Sounds of grappling and heavy blows.]

[Frank groans from kick.]


[Sound of metal blade piercing hood.]

[Frank crying out, as metal sign clanging.]

[Both men straining, sighing in pain.]

[Sound of Magyar hitting car.]

[Sound of mortal blow from knife.]

[Sound of Magyar collapsing, Frank spitting.]

Frank? What is it?

There's a b*mb. In the van.

We need to evacuate the building.

No time, we have 3 minutes.

I'll go get Dieter.

You can't.

Oh no...

♪ [Music comes up, tires squealing.]

[Honking cars, screeching tires.]

[Pedestrians screaming.]

Frank, if that explodes anywhere in Rome...


I get it.

Not to nag, but you have 20 seconds...

Plenty of time.

[Pedestrians screaming.]

[Sound of minivan breaking through barrier.]

[Massive splash of water.]

[Frank's car squealing to stop.]

[Sounds of crowd, ticking b*mb.]

[Muffled sound of underwater expl*si*n.]

[People in street screaming.]

[Sound of prison cell door opening.]

My brother?

The boy named you.

[Sound of prison cell door closing.]

Come with me.

Aleksander Magyar is dead.

Your number was found on his phone.

I did not mean to hurt Luca.


I had to tell him where you were.

They would have k*lled me too.

I don't understand.

I'm sorry.

It wasn't you who had the affair.

It was Bernardo. with Sofia...

His brother's wife.

He was going back to his whore, and he insisted on telling Martino about us.

I would've lost everything.


Now you've lost everything.

And so have I.

♪ [Church bells toll slowly.]

He knew the risks, Frank.


He knew the risks.

But I still got him k*lled.

You didn't k*ll him.

Magyar did.

You told me not to take the job and I didn't listen.

If I had, he'd still be alive.

And that boy and a whole lot of other people would be dead.

Dieter didn't die in vain.

We came to pay our respects.

You can do me a favour, you know.

Could I?

It would've made Dieter very happy.

♪ [Music crescendos.]

First lesson in driving?

Account for variables.

Second lesson?

Anticipate consequences.


Third lesson?

Stay focused.