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03x27 - Trousering Inferno

Posted: 02/29/24 15:31
by bunniefuu


Harold: (Frantic effort grunts)

- What's going on?

- Duncan buried my pants in the sandbox, okay?!

- Pffft! (Laughing, then snorts)

- Take a picture, it lasts longer.

(Camera clicks) Wait! No!

I was being sarcastic!

Huh, what's this?

That looks like Izzy,

but it's got someone else's name on it.

I wonder-- (Wind gusts)

Oh gosh, that's cold on my bum!

- Okay, Cody, keep still.

I've never missed.

'Cause I've never done this before.

Harold: Who's Laurencia Hoppernook?

- WHAT?!

(Thonk!) - Yeahhhhhh.

I'm gonna pretend this didn't happen.

- See? She looks exactly--AAH!

- That was my name. In my old life.

I was Laurencia...

a happy, carefree little girl,

until I met a super villain named Pants-on-Fire!

He was standing outside the National Pants Museum,

and I overheard his evil plan.

- Stealing the Queen's Royal Slacks

will get me all the money I need

to build my laser destruction jeans!

- And then he noticed me. (Ice cream splats)

- Oh. Hello little girl. What's your name?

- I screamed and ran away. AAAH!

I'll never tell you my name is Laurencia Hoppernook!

Probably shouldn'a screamed my name. But I did!

Then I told the cops, he went to jail for life,

but swore he'd escape and get revenge.

And so "Laurencia" was forced to take on a new identity

that would keep her safe

if that fiendish villain ever broke out of prison.

- Evil talking pants?

Yeah, I'm not buying any of that.

- But it's true! And I can prove it.

Pants-on-Fire is in that maximum security prison

right next door!

- Whoa, has that always been there?

- Yep. The prison and the daycare used to share a yard

'til the prisoners complained the kids were too mean.

- So you go to school right next to the prison

that holds a super villain you're hiding from?

- Wasn't my choice!

School regulations are very strict.

- No way this is real.

If this "Pants-on-Fire" is a super villain,

what's his evil power? Huhhh?

- Oh ho-ho-ho-ho he's real alright.


As a kid, he lied soooo much

that he actually caught fire.

It happened so often he learned to control the flames

and use them... for EVIL!

- Izzy! What if Pants-on-Fire discovers you're Laurencia

and that you're right next door?

- No problem! There's a team of super heroes right here

to keep me safe.


♪ The Bad Guy Busters ♪

♪ Yeah, we brought them back ♪

♪ Cause they were so much fun ♪

♪ Surely you remember them from season one ♪

♪ Yeah, the Bad Guy Busters ♪

- And that's why Laurencia, or "Izzy",

needs your help, Bad Guy Busters!

All: (Groaaaaan)

- No, wait, I found this

while I was looking for my pants in the sandbox.

It's for real.

- You lost your pants in the sandbox?

- Also for real. Check it owwwt.

- (Gasp) - HA!

- It doesn't matter if they believe in Pants-On-Fire

or not; he shows up,

The Bad Guy Busters will come to my rescue.

It's who they are.

Of course, you could just visit the prison

and see if he's real. Byeeee.

- We're going to visit the prison next door.

- Hmm. You know what?

I'm gonna pretend that didn't happen either.

- Oh yeah, Pants-On-Fire is a real super-villain, alright.

Yup, totally not made up at all.

- So Izzy was telling the truth.

- I don't know. Izzy's pretty sneaky.

I've got questions.

- Uh, Mister Pants-on-Fire,

uh, you have some guests.

There he is.

Don't forget to visit the gift shop on your way out.

- Hey Fire-Pants, you ever heard of a girl

named Laurencia Hoppernook? - No.

- Whoa.

His pants lit up just like Izzy said

they'd do when he lies.

- No one tell him that Laurencia

changed her name to Izzy.

- And for sure don't mention that she goes to school

right next door.


- So Laurencia is right next door?

- Promise you won't hurt Izzy!


MWAH-HAHAHAHA! (Fire whooshes)

- The fire means he's lying, right?

(Glass shatters)

(Flames crackle)

- Dude, tell us what happened!

Chef: (whimpers and sobs)

- There was a pair of flaming pants.

(Cough) He took Izzy!

Said he was going to the old pants factory!

- Whoa. That's all the information we need

to move our story forward.

- I tried to pretend it wasn't happening,

but i-it happened anyway. (Sobbing)

- Ah jeepers, I feel like we're partially to blame,

you know, telling Pants-On-Fire everything

we shouldn't have told him!

- What are we gonna do? - Isn't it obvious?

To make things right, you need to become...

♪ The Bad Guy Busters ♪

♪ Yeah we told him about Izzy ♪

♪ Then he escaped in a flame ♪

♪ It could even be said that we're to blame ♪

♪ Yeah, the Bad Guy Busters ♪

- This is the old Pants Factory

Chef said Pants-On-Fire was heading to.

- We should stop standing like this and start saving Izzy.

(Metal chomps)

- I'm not loving this.

- You know, Laurencia,

I spent a lot of time here with my Nana

when I was just a little pair of shorts.

Each time I lied and burned off the bottom of my pants,

she'd bring me here and they would fix me right up.

But I haven't seen my Nana in years

because YOU got me sent to prison!

- And we're here to take you back!

- And you arrrrre....?

♪ The Bad Guy Busters! ♪ All: Ugh!

♪ We came here to rescue, rescue our friend ♪

♪ And now you'rrrr... ♪

Are-are we not singing the song again here? I thought we--

- Apples are a vegetable!

(Flames whoosh) - Ooh, he's lying!

(Blasts a fireball) - Ha!

Dude Boy's cool breeze will take care of--AHH!

- Don't worry, Dude Boy!

Marshmallow Man will save the day.

(Rapid spiting)

- Vinyl is the superior audio format!

(Marshmallows sizzle)

- (Gasps) Oh no, he roasted my-mmm...

Oh, these are perfect.

You guys got it from here, right?

- Then I guess it's up to Bee Girl.

The lies stop here, Pants-on-Fire!

(Blasts a fireball) (Sizzling)

- Cruuud. Shoulda brought two plungers.

- Time for a BIG lie.

I don't stand a chance against The Bad Guy Busters!

(Blasts a fireball)


(Blasts fireballs)

- We can't go back in there without knowing his weakness.

Ideas? - Water?

- Active Listening? - His weakness is my GENIUS.

My hero name is the SINISTER EXTINGUISHER.

By adding baking soda and--

(Whooshing) AAAAH!

- So we've got nothing?

- The only thing we know is he's a pair of fire pants,

roasts a mean marshmallow and loves his Nana.

- (Gasps) That's his weakness!

We need to find his Nana!

♪ Bad Guy Busters ♪ Bingo caller: B!

- So, will you come with us?

- You seem like nice kids trying to do the right thing.

So yes, I'll come with you.

All: Phew.

Bingo caller: O.

- Just let me finish my bingo game and then we can go.

- Okay, Bad Guy Busters, it's time to...

wait patiently!

♪ The Bad Guy Busters ♪

♪ Yeah, Izzy's in danger ♪

♪ They really should go ♪

♪ But they're waiting for Nana to scream ♪


♪ The Bad Guy Busters ♪

- I'm really not okay with this.

Bad Guy Busters, where are youuuuu?!

- We're... right here!

- Ha Ha Ha! Back for more?

I'm so scaaaared. (Flames whoosh)

- You might not surrender to us

but I think you will surrender to...

(Whispers) Hey, where'd Nana go?

- I don't know, Beth, she's her own woman!

- Jean Corduroy Pants-on-Fire!

- AAAH! Nana?

- Don't you "Nana" me.

Have you been fibbing again with your lies?

- No! (Flames whoosh)

- Tsk tsk. I know when you're lying Jean.

- His flaming pants are a bit of a give away.

- Hehe, uh, Guys? GUYS!!!!

- Shouldn't you be in jail right now?

Paying your debt to society? - Yes Nana.

- Well then.... come on.

(Flames fizzle out)

(Metal chomping)

- We did it! - We're heroes, dudes!

- I'll miss those roasted marshmallows.


Izzy: Ha! All: Ahhh!

- Gotcha! I knew I could bring the Bad Guy Busters

together again. You guys were great!

- What? - None of that was real?

- Oh, it was real! I was named Laurencia

and we were in so much danger!

Pants-on-Fire could have melted us like crayons in a toaster.

- I'm super confused.

- I planted the ID knowing that Harold

can't resist a secret back story.

I knew he'd find the truth and convince you,

then you'd blow my cover before rising

to the occasion and saving me.

My heroes!

(Loud crash) - WAAAAAAAH... OOOF!

I'm alive? I'm alive!

(Gasps) And you saved Izzy?!

WOW. What a crazy adventure this was.

- Can it, Harold!

Izzy planted the ID in the sandbox for you to find it.

- You fell for it.

- Way to believe in stuff, Harold!

- Well, well, well...

I guess you were the bad guy all along.

- I-I don't understand! How am I the--

- And so ends another thrilling adventure with...

♪ The Bad Guy Busters ♪


