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03x22 - Teacher, Soldier, Chef, Spy

Posted: 02/29/24 15:27
by bunniefuu


- (Fighting sounds) Huu! Haa! Take that!

Huu! Haa! And that!

Huu! Rrrrrrrraahhh!

- Chef, we talked and, honestly?

This lemonade you made is... sub-par.


(Clank, splash) - Seriously?!

- Hoo! Haa! Yahyahyah! - Well, this is weird.

- BOOM! You broke into the wrong daycare, intruder!

Wooo! New high score.

Oh. Hi kids. You... saw all that?

- Yep. - Uh-huh. - You betcha.

- Okay, I wasn't going to tell anyone,

but... I made a VR GAME!

- Chef, remember what you told us about people who lie?

- Yes, yes, you turn into cabbage but I'm serious!

In this game you get to be a hyper competent super spy

who works at a daycare.

- Wait, you created an action fantasy game...

where you still work here?

Hehehehehehe. - I'll give it a try.

- No, you will not!

But here, I'll set up a demo for you on the TV.

I painstakingly rendered the entire daycare,

including all you kids! See, there's Owen.

(Angry hiss)

Yeah. Protecting his cheese, just like real life!

- Wow! This game is super super-super boring.

- So you were fighting Owen for his cheese?

- No! The game randomly generates an intruder,

and I have to take them down to protect the kids!

- So, you hide in here

and play a game about keeping us safe

while ignoring your real job...

which is keeping us safe?

- (Sighs) Look, my life has not gone the way I hoped.

This VR headset is the single joy

in my sad, dark, unfulfilling life.

Cartoon adventure world!

Sad real life. Escapist fantasy!

Trapped with you kids.

Living in sweet, sweet denial!

Facing my own insignificance.

- Yikes. - Total gut punch.

- Am I feeling empathy for Chef? Gross.

- So let me be clear.

If you hurt these VR goggles, AT ALL,

the punishment will be so severe it'll make

every other punishment feel like cake and ice cream.

- (Excited gasp) YYYYYUM!!

- It's a bad thing.

- Now I'm going to the bathroom.

While I'm gone... NO TOUCHING!

- I declare myself the official protector of the goggles.

Step back. - WHAT?

You've busted more stuff than anyone.

I should be in charge.


- If you wanna protect the goggles from chaos

you gotta BE the chaos!

That's me, baaaaaaaybeeeee!

(All groan)

(Fighting sounds) Let it go, ow!

- I'll protect you, goggles!

(All gasp)

(Goggles fizzle)

- Aw man, the one time I didn't wanna destroy something!

- I saw this coming.

- Then why'd you jump for the helmet?!

- I didn't want to be the only one not breaking it!

- We gotta fix it or we're in big trouble.

Izzy, be a lookout.


- (Humming)

Huh? Why're you still in here?

I wanna play my game. Scram, I've got...

fake kids to save.

(Button clanks) (Scared wincing)

- This is it... - We're so toast.

- Wow. Must've been a system upgrade.

The graphics just got WAY better!

- Uhh actually-- - SHH!

He thinks he's in the game.

- Sweet! Now to find Cody.

He knows the location of my mission envelope.


- If Chef thinks his game is working--

- We might get away with this!

- Nooooo... surely he's going to figure it out.



- Birds fly East at night.

- I think birds sleep at night.

Are you talking about bats?

- Oh no, is the upgrade glitching?

Cody, tell me where the secret mission note is!

- Sometimes my mom puts secret notes in my sandwich,

but I always forget to check and just eat it.

(whispers) Which means I gotta check laaaater.

- In the sandwiches. GOT IT!


- What? - HEY!

- My secret mission envelope is in one these sandwiches!


- We'll probably be expelled any second,

but this is wild to watch. (Owen giggles nervously)

- (Gasp) He's going for Owen's sandwich!

- Get away from my baaaaaaaby!

- Gimme! Your! Sandwich! OWEN! - Ah! AAH! AAAH! AAAAH!

(Engine rumbles) - No one steals MY lunch.

- I'll get that mission envelope

no matter what it taaaaakes!

- What if he hurts Owen?! - (Laughs)

So I'm the only one that finds that funny?


Fine, let's make sure nothing hilarious happens to Owen.

- Go. I'll find something that looks like

a secret mission envelope.

- Ha! (effort grunt) Your sandwich might contain

what I need to save the world!

That's a lot of praise for bologna and spray cheese!

- Gotcha!

OWEN! Get back here!

- It's okay, baby, he can't get us in here.

HUH?! (Screams) - (Efforts grunts)

- Quick! Sandwich! Hide in my mouth!

(Owen screams)

- Found a flyer for some new bakery;

maybe Chef'll think it's his secret mission info

and he won't eat Owen!

- He was never going to eat Owen.

- I only pay attention to about % of what's going on,

so sometimes I get things wrong, Derek!


Owen: AAAAH!

- Haha. I shook my secret mission loose.

(reads) "You can't beat what I'm bringing to your table.

You're gonna be served."

Can't beat what I'm bringing, huh?

Then I'd better gear up! (Giggling)

- Gear up? Ohhh noooo.

- Why's that so bad?

- In video games, gear is hidden inside other objects

and you gotta smash stuff to find it.

- What kinda bonehead builds something around something

he knows he'll need later?!

- Geeearinnggggg UUUUUUP!!!

(Big smash)

Nothing? Hm. better check the lost and found.

Always something in there!


These boots are so sparkly, they must be special!

These must be invincibility boots,

cause I can't feel my feet anymore.

I gotta find more gear!

(Effort grunts)

C'mon car, I know you're hiding some sweet gear.

(Parts clank)

- Do you think we should tell him?

- No... definitely not.

- A power belt? SCORE!

Oh! There's usually a weapons cache

on top of the telephone pole!

Man, if this was real life

I'd be TERRIFIED of these heights haha.

- Would this trampoline even save him if he falls?

- If not I guess our problem's solved pretty cleanly.

- Oooh, a tactical defense nest!

Huh, that logo looks familiar.

(Engine roars)

(GASP) It's the same!

Incoming bad guy.

Good thing I found invincibility boots;

I can just jump down. - Hold on tight!

- Hey guys, what ar-- (Bones crunch)

- Perfect landing!

Now back inside to protect the daycare. Woohoo!

- (Dazed) Were those... my cowboy boots?

- Chef is locked in to this fantasy.

- Which means we're in the clear.

- And nobody got hurt! - Hhhheeelp meee...

- Harold, shh! Don't interrupt.

- (Gasps) Hey, that's the bakery logo

from the flyer I gave Chef.

(Tires screech)

- Unbelievable.

- Where? I can't see! Hang on.

- (Weak groan) giddoffameee...

- That is the same logo! Ehhhhhhnnnnn...

- Wait a second, it's called FINAL BOSS BAKING?!

- Chef's for sure gonna attack whoever gets out of that truck!

- We have to tell him the truth!

- No. NO! NO! NO! - Aahhkk.

- We just need to get rid of the baker!

If you agree with my plan... jump up and down.

- Pleeease don--

- Agree! Agree! Agree! - Erk. Bammp. Cahn.

- I have an idea!

C'mon, before this goes all bad news banana pants.

- Sumwun...calla bone dog'ter...

- Hi. Our teacher saw your flyer

and he HAAAAAATED it. - Really?

- He said that he NEVER wants to see you

and that he'd NEVER eat anything you baked

with your filthy hands.

- No way I'm lettin' your teacher

get away with sayin' that! - Oh crud.

- This is badbadbadbadbad.

- You gotta problem with me?!! - (Scared whimper)

- (Giggle) The intruder's finally here!

Time for an exciting battle to distract me

from the downward spiral my life has become!

Bring it on, intruder!

Power boots ACTIVATE! - (Attack yell)

(Video game music) (Cupcakes whoosh)

- Shield boy, ENGAGE!

(Chomping sounds)

- Uh oh, I'm reaching my tummy limit!

- Then you're useless to me!

- So! Many! Cupcakes! AAAAAH!

I'm... losing? It can't be.

I'm wearing invincibility boots.

- Then try my prize winning FRUIT CAKE!

- Fruit cake? - Ooo doggy. - Double Crud.

(Effort grunt)


- (Waking groan) - He's waking up!

Are you okay, Chef?

- Wha? Wha? What happened?

- You screamed "FRUITCAKE" then there was a crash.

You must have knocked into something playing your game.

- Yer game is TOO dangerous.

How about we put it away forever?

- M-Maybe you're right, I got--wait a second,

what happened to my feet?



Why am I sneezing icing?!

(GASP) It was all real!? Grrrr!

Hear us out. Yes, we shattered your goggles

after you told us not to touch 'em, then we lied to you,

let you risk your life multiple times,

watched as you destroyed your own car

and got you banned for life from an amazing new bakery...

- (Angry groan)

- Is there a BUT coming?

- I really thought I'd come up with one while I was talking,

but I got nuthin'.

- WOAH! Look at that stress vein.

- (Angry roar) Kids: AAAAAAAAAAH!

- Ow! Get back here! Ow! - (Kids screaming)

♪ La la la la la! ♪


