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03x19 - Chews Wisely

Posted: 02/29/24 15:24
by bunniefuu


Chef: Hey, kids.

I know snack time isn't for a few hours buuuut...

the first one to the toy car gets a pudding cup!



- Make a hole!

Queen and her driver comin' through!

- Ugh! (Bones crack) (Pained groan)

- (Owen panting) - Ahhh!


(Ball thumps) OOF! (Pained groan)

- Sorry, not sorry, sucker!

- Pfft. Desperate.

- And Chef never said what kind of pudding.

So it's probably tapioca.

(Car rumbles, expl*si*n)

All: (Gasp, woozy groans)

- What happened?

- (Gasps) Our car blew up!

- HA! Not so funny when it's your car, is it?

Huh? Huh? Didn't think so!

- You did this on purpose?

- YUP. This life lesson was brought to you by ME.


- Where's the other half of the car?

(Whistling through air)

- No. No-no.

(Loud smash) Nooooo!


- I can't believe our car is gone.

- How will we get from the slide to the swings?

- Maybe we could put all our money together

and buy a new car.

- Good idea, Harold. Everyone empty your pockets.

Courtney: Okay. What kind of car can we get for seven cents,

an elastic band, some dumb flyer and two marbles?

- It'll have to be a domestic, maybe a two door,

base model kind of thing.

- NONE! This will not buy us a car!

- Well, that's crud.

- UGH. If only one of us could win first place

at the Convenient Game Show.

- What Convenient Game Show?

- The one happening today.

The person who blows the biggest gum bubble wins a...


This x with fuchsia pleather seats,

gears, awesome juice box holders,

clown horn, (honk)

and classic pink bubble gum smell

could be yours if...

you blow the biggest bubble!

(Bubble pops)

- Wooo! Yeah!

Let's do it. Get some!

- The weird kid ain't wrong.

Says here first place is a car.

Come on, let's get goin'!

- Hold on, we're not gonna win anything without practice.

- But for practice we'd need gum and we don't have any!

- (Slurping)

You know me. I like breakin' rules.

I'll get that gum for ya.

Follow me... if ya dare.

Chef: (Snoring)


- (Quietly) Does Chef sleep with his eyes open?

- Duh, he's wears a photocopy of his face

to pretend he's awake. He does it all the time.

- He does?

(Cannon blasts) - AHH!


- (Laughing)

- Stop smiling and do something!

This explains so much.

- Oh yeah, we all use that trick.

- You do?

...which is why I believe stronger open trade policies

enable economic growth for all.

Thank you.

(All snoring)

(Gasps) So no one listened to my presen--

- And we never will. Let's go.

- Learn and watch, people.

(Gum shatters) - OW!

I think it sliced my cheek!

- Like I said, it's been in his desk forever.

(Hard clank)

- Use the enzymes in your saliva

to make it more malleable.

(Sighs) CHEW IT!

(Chewing smacks)


- I'm good at blowing bubbles. Look!

(Struggling groan, farts)

- I'm better than good! I'm a bubble artiste!

(Deep inhale, blows raspberry)

- Bubble blowing isn't art, it's science.

Appropriate air pressure over an even

but strong gum base.

- I don't like you.

(Bubble pops, splats)

- Hey guys! Check my bubble!

- Wow! - Cool! - Nice!

- EW! That's a snot bubble!

- Well, I didn't get any gum!

(Big, wet splat) - Ew! EW! EW! Ew! EW! EW!

- So far Leshawna and Courtney are our best shot

at winning the car!

- Nuh-uh. Check THIS out!

(Deep inhale)

(Blows raspberry, spits)

- EW! EW! EW! EW! Ahh!

- Nobody's winnin' nuthin'

with these petrified pieces of pink rubber!

It's like Granny always says:

when blaming your failure on something else,

always point to it with hate.

If we wanna win that car, we need fresh gum.

And lots of it! - She's right.

- Hmm. It would improve our chances.

- Please tell me you're not thinking of going

to the Gum Volcano.

(Music sting) ♪ Tam da da! ♪

- It's too dangerous!

- But it's full of chewy gum.

We need some if we wanna win that car.

- Let's vote for who goes.

(All in unison) Cody!

- Yay! I won!


(Gum bubbling)

(Rope snaps)

- Way to go Cody! That's me!

Whoops. Almost forgot the wishing candle

Duncan gave me to throw into the volcano.

I wonder what he wished for?


- Wishes really do come true.

- It's erupting! - Oh no!

- Ahhhh!!!

- Relax, the gum lava is moving very slowly.

We have plenty of time--

GAH!! - (Kids scream) Chef! Help!

- I'm up! I'm up!


Everyone, stay clear of the gum lava

or you're goners!

- The floor is lava!

I repeat, the floor is lava!

- (Struggling grunts)

Gwen help! GWENNN!

(Chewing sound) - Mmm. So fresh.


- This'll help us blow some serious

car blowing bubbles for sure.

- (weakly) Hellllp meee...

- Be careful everybody!

Anyone who gets stuck in the lava

will miss the bubble blowing contest!

- Ya hear that, Mister Bananas?

Anyone who gets stuck misses the contest.

(Sighs) Be a real shame if someone were

to accidentally fall in on purpose.

And by shame I mean... awesome.


(Evil laughter)


(Growls) I'll never make that jump.

- Wow Sugar, you're good at getting around

without touching the floor.

- I oughta be. The pigs on the farm ain't toilet trained.

Those are puddles you do NOT wanna step in.

- Uh oh. I'm going down...

- Quick Owen, jump to me!

- Are you sure? I dunno if I can make--

- I believe in you, Owen! You can do it.

- Okay! YES! Here I come!

Waaaah! (Splats) - OOF!

- Oh well. You tried. HAHA!

One down... who's next?

- Wuh-whoaaaaaa!

- If either one of us wins the car, we share it. Deal?

- Deal. - (Growls)

- Sugar! Give me a hand!

- How about a foot?!

Gahhh! (Splats)

- (Laughs)

- Remember meeeeeeee!

Huh. Not as deep as I thought.

(Thuds) Ugh!

- You're a bad person!

- Bad. Good. At least I'm not covered in gum.

(Jumping efforts) Yee!


- You'll never win, Sugar!

You're a terrible bubble blower!

- Wrong. All I gotta do is take out the competition

so I'm the only one there.

Ready or not, HERE I COME!

Chef: Stop! Enough! (Paddling grunts)

What's all this bubble blowing nonsense about?

- Sugar's pushing everyone into the gum

just so she can win the car at The Convenient Game Show.

All: Yeah!!

- Sugar, is this true?

- I have no idea what they're talking about, Chef!

Or should I say-- (Raspberry spit)

- Huh?! (Gum splats)


- Okay. That was a really good move.

- Yyyyyup.

That car is mine!

- When I say blow, blow the biggest bubble you can.


- BLOWWWWWW! (Blowing)

- Ahhhhhhh! Nooooooo!!


Both: YES!!

- (Gasps) Oh no! We'll never make it

to the Convenient Game Show in time.

- Never say never.

Unless of course it's the appropriate word,

which is defined as "at no time, past, present or futu-

- You choose now to start being a teacher?! REALLY?

- Can you get us to the show or not!?

- A leaf blower?

(Engine revs)

- Let's go for a ride.

- Chef, you're a genius!

It feels SO WEIRD saying that.

(Windows shatter, building groans and cracks)


(Gum snaps) Courtney and Leshawna: YAYYYY!


- Meh, nice try. Meh.

Too small. Meh.

Is that grape? I hate grape.

Hoooo doggie,

now those are some BUBBLES!

And the winner is...

(Gasps) whoever that weirdo is!

Cody: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! - Congratulations.

You won a new car!

Here is your fist place ribbon.

- OOF! (Balloon pops and splats)

(in unison) CODY?!

- What a great day.

I bet this was what Duncan wished for.

- (Contents sigh) Still worth it.

♪ La la la la la ♪


