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03x13 - WaterHose-Five

Posted: 02/29/24 15:15
by bunniefuu


Lightning: Can you fix it, Chef?

(Sizzles, sparks splutter)

- Please say yes. Please!

- This air conditioner's pretty old,

but since it's the hottest day of the year,

it's time for me to show off my great handyman skills!

- How is hitting it with a hammer going to fix it?

- Trust me, there's nothing you can't fix

by hitting it with a hammer.

(Clangs, expl*si*n booms) Ohhhh! Ohh!

- (Laughs) Oh man!

It's too hot to laugh.

- Yeah, I'm sweating so bad I made a puddle.

Whoa! Whoaaaaaa! Aah! Oh!

- No problem, I'll be right back with Cool Down Plan B!

Wait here, and don't think about the blistering,

unrelenting, fire-like heat!

Maybe play with your toys.

- I'll try playing with some dollies.

(Ominous music)

I'm sure this won't cause a lifetime of nightmares.

- Aah! The fire truck is on fire!

Who will they call to put it out?

Who?! (Sweat splashes)

Oh! Owen, I guess. Chef: Okay, kids!

Crowd around this fan,

while I go stir up some lemonade.

- Hey! - No pushing!

- Pleeease let me through! (Air horn blares)

- Order! Order!

We'll never survive this heat wave

unless we have rules!

I devised a system where we each get to stand

in front of the fan for . minutes,

hence the pie chart.

- I don't see any real pie! - It doesn't make sense to me.

- And since I came up with the plan...

I go first, and get a double turn!

- Your plan's shakier than a hog in stilettos!

How about the prettiest person goes first?

- How about the smartest?!

(Creaks, crashes)

- Aaaah! No! Don't you quit on me!

I'm not getting a breeze.

There's no breeze!

You k*lled him, and his sweet, sweet, three-speed

oscillating air circulation!

- This is Sugar's fault!

If she had just followed the rules,

- Rules are like raisin cookies.

People keep making 'em, but nobody wants 'em!

- I found a jug, but no lemon-eeee!

You broke my fan!

Okay. Okay. Outside. Now!

(All groaning)

- So hot...

- Huh?

- I'm gonna fill this wading pool with water,

and it'll be your own tiny little oasis!

I just need to go to the basement,

and turn on the water valve for the hose.

But no one touches the hose until I get back,

or else, got it?!

Good! Be right back.

(Wheel creaking) - Okay.

Now to get back outside, before--

whoa! I locked myself in!

(Rattles, thuds) Kids? Kiiiids!

(Slow drips)

- Ohhhh! I heard what Chef said,

but I can't wait no more! I say we fill the pool!

- (Gasps) - Here we go!

Raisin cookies is gonna lecture us with her fancy words!

- Your disparaging remark

regarding my comprehensive vocabulary only serves to--

- No one knows what you're saying!

Now this here pool needs filling.

I say we vote on it. - Fine!

All in favour of obeying the teacher,

thereby not tarnishing your school record,

raise a hand.

- All the best games got rules!

- I'm just airing out my pits.

- Okay, now who wants to disobey the teacher,

and have more fun than a heifer on a holiday

gettin' cool as a jewel in the pool!

- You had me at disobey.

- I'm in. - Sorry, Courtney.

- I like to do the right thing,

but it's boiling out here, and I'm wearing a toque.

- I think you should all reconsider your choice

before you- aaaaah!

(Roar of splashing water)

- Ahhh...

This is the life. Hey, Team Raisin!

You're missing out!

- Ughhhh! Team meeting!

Sugar will get us all in trouble

if we don't turn off that hose.

We need to come up with a plan.

- How about we-- - What if we--

- I said we, but I meant me. - Whoaaaaaaaa!

Phew! Gaaaaah...

- Owen! Shh! I'm thinking!

(Weak knocking) - Kiiiiii... aaah-ughh.

(Water drips plink)

Huh? What's that sound?

(Plink) - Uh oh!

A leaky pipe leads to a wet basement.

I better fix this! Oops, wrong tool.

Nothing a hammer can't fix! (Clangs) Ohh!

Courtney: Therefore, Newton's law,

string theory, quantum quark, parsecs,

and we win!

Come on, do I need to explain the plan again?!

- No. Because we'll never understand it.

- What if I just ask them nicely to stop using the hose?

- Great idea! - Oh, for sure that'll work.

I'm on it! - I wasn't being serious!

- Hello, Sugar. I don't mean to bother,

but I was hoping that we could talk about the hose.

- I'm listening.

- Huh. I guess sometimes being nice is all it takes.

(Water splashes)

- Which is why you should put down the hose so that Chef--

aww, it didn't work.

- I can't believe they did that!

You came in peace! That is it!

It's hero time!

- Please don't run off, and--

- Hey! Bam! - Ah! He's gone.

- You're like one of them lumpy desert donkeys!

Kids: (Chant) Harold!

- Can't hero without a little action music.

♪ Bah-de-de bah-de-de bah-bah-bah ♪

♪ Bah-de-de bah-de-de pow! ♪

Bang! Sha-bam! - (Gasps)

It's Lightning! Oh, he's going down!

(Splashing) - Zip-bah-de-de-pow!

Bang! Sha-waaaah!

Whoa! Oof! Eeeeeeee!

(Crash, splashes)

- Lights out, Lightning!

- We can't compete with that hose.

- He's right, Courtney. It's over.

- No, it's not over!

Chef put me in charge of seized contraband,

so I know where the confiscated water blasters are.

- But isn't that-- - Let's move!

(Buttons beep, door whirs open)


- We ready?

- Affirmative. Ready to destroy!

I filled it with fizzy club soda balloons

for 'splody goodness!

- Oh yeah! Let's do this!

(Loud gurgle)

- Huh. Pool must have some kind of water jet feature


Squirrel: (Laughs, chittering)

(Roaring splash)

- Get away from our pool party, you bushy-tailed hamster!

- You shouldn't mess with squirrels,

they hold a serious grudge.

- Squirrels is the least of my worries.

It's quiet out there.

Too quiet.

Jude, Harold, and Beth, get out there,

and find out what they're up to.

- Hai-yah! Hmm.

- You won't be back.

- Gaaaaaah! - (Whimpers)

(Rattling noises) - Oof!

(Courtney whistles)

(Laughing maniacally) - Aaah!

- If only there was some kind of tool

I could use to smash the door!

(Gasps) My hammer!

- What's taking them so long?!

- Ahh... tell my mother...

the broccoli under the sofa cushions...

isn't mine.

- Oh no!

- Ohhhh! - Ohhhhhh!

- Whoa! Duncan! Two pool crashers straight ahead!

- On it!


(Thumps, whooshes)


(Whooshes, splashes)

- Dang! He's good at bein' bad!

(Fighting thumps)



- Why did you have to fill it with fizzy club soda?

Lightning, Owen, Duncan: Aaah!

- Guess it's just you and me now, Courtney.

But you can come out, I won't spray you.



Hey! - Well, well.

Looks like you're "knot" gonna win this one.

- Oh no! Is what I'd say if I didn't have

Lightning's water blaster!

- Aaaaaah! - (Laughs maniacally)

(Roaring splashes)

- Yaaaaah! Gaaaaaah! Ha!




(Splashes, thuds)


- Ha ha! - Aaah!

- Haaaaah! (Glass shatters)

- I'm comin' for ya, Raisin Head!


(Splats, clicking)

Aw, shucks. Empty.

- My turn!

- You might think that if I still couldn't do this!

(Light thud)

Waaaaaaah! (Water splats)

(Sliding squeak)

- There is nothing wrong with rules,

or raisin cookies!

Say it!

- (Scoffs) You ain't no better than me,

using confiscated water weapons.

We both wanted control over that hose.

And we both broke rules, and soaked a lot of kids

to get it. - You're right!

What good are rules if you need to break them,

to enforce them?

- We best get some towels, and clean up

all this water mess before Chef sees it.

(Creaking, groaning) What's that noise?

(Water rushes, all scream)

- (Splashes) Oh no!

I soaked the entire school!

- Yeah, um, you did.

- I bet some of the water even filled the pool outside.

- So remember, when the man from the insurance

company shows up, no one mentions the hammer.

Now let's take a dip in our pool.


(Chittering, laughter)

Hey, now!

Shoo! Shoo! (Squirrels growl)

(Air hisses)

Oh! Aaaaah!

Urghh! Oof!

- Man, it's hot out here today.

Courtney: Yeah. Beth: Uh huh!


