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03x02 - Whack Mirror

Posted: 02/29/24 14:19
by bunniefuu


Beth: C'mon!

I know your nose stretches farther than that!

- (Straining grunts)

(Giving up sigh)

- Look, I get it; your normal face is already funny.

But when you find a mirror like this, you go BIG!

- (Gasps)

- (Muffled)Tadah! - (Giggles)

Chef: HEY! Who's in MY office!?

- (Muffled scream) (slam)

- Cody? - Hi Chef!

We were making funny faces in your new mirror.

- Yes, I can see that

and I need you to stop it right now!

- Or what? Our faces are gonna stay like this?

People been spreading that malarkey

as long as I can remember.

But somehow my face is as beautiful as ever.

(Mirror shatters)

- No! I'm asking you to stop because that mirror...

is haunted!

(Lightning strikes)

- Weird. Almost like a warning

that something awful is gonna happen.

- Wait. How do you know it's haunted?

- Uh, cuz I got it at a haunted garage sale? Duh.

I also bought a toaster and a microwave!


(Sizzles, ghost moan)

Ewww. I mean, I'm gonna eat 'em anyway 'cuz, y'know, waffles.

But still... ewww--

(Energy hums, ZAP) - AHH!


- Why would you buy haunted stuff?

- Cuz the prices were scaaaaary good!

(Snare drums sting)

I bought a haunted drum set, too.

But seriously, folks,

even though it's super fun to make faces into a mirror,

and even though I'm about to leave

and won't be able to see what you're doing,

do NOT keep doing it, okay?

(Sighs) You can always trust toddlers

to chose responsibility over fun.

That's why so many of them are surgeons.

(Energy hums)

(Zapping) - Ahhhhh!

I never should've brought these things to work!

(Goofy noises)


- One more for the road? - Sure.

(Goofy noises)

(Giggling, snort)

- That was our best one yet. Come on, let's go.

(Laughing, snort)

- New H-Town looks great, Harold!

- Thanks, guys!

- (Sinister giggling, snort)

- Back for another look? Well, you're in luck!

Behold the H-Town Department of Sanitation Building--

(Smashing) - HEY!

- (Sinister giggling)


No! Not the Swedish Cultural Centre!



- My favourite surprise of the day

always comes at snack time.

(Gasp!) ♪ Ta Ta ♪

OH NO! I've been snack napped!

- (Sinister giggling)

- So not cool, you guys.

Lucky I always keep a back-up.

- (Chuckles) (POP!)

- Well, I still got a back-up-back-up.

- (Snaps, laughing) - (Gasps)

- (Sinister giggling, snort)

Good think I still have my backup, back-up-back-up-

back-up-back-up-back-up- back-up-back-up snack.

A roasted turkey can be a snack.

Don't judge me!

(Landing thud)

- (Sinister giggling, snort) - (Grunting)

(Hitting thuds)

- Monsters!

- Hey! How 'bout a push, guys?

- Sure, Bridgette!

One, two, threeee!



Higher, you guys!

Higher! Higher!

(Terror screaming)

(Whooshes though air) Ahhhh!

Too high.

Harold: (annoyed) Ah HEM!

- Um, what's up, guys?

- (Gasp) Are you gonna sing to us!?

- Yeah! Exactly!

We're here to sing a song about... YAAAARRRGGH!

- Hold on. - Easy, Leshawna.

- We just want to know why you and Cody

are being so mean today.

- Mean? No no no no.

You're confused. I haven't done anything mean today.

And I can prove it!

Whenever I do something mean,

I write it in my "Mean Journal."

Here's this week's entries:

Monday. Put gum in Bridgette's hair.

- That was you? - Shhh.

Tuesday. Soaked up my Spilled grape drink

with Harold's Karate uniform

- (Gasp) you mean I'm NOT a Purple belt!?

- Ugh, Wednesday was rough.

I barfed in Jude's toque, tied Owen's shoes together,

and blamed a reeeeally bad fart on Leshawna.

- Chef made me see a doctor!

- But nothing today!

Plus, you guys know Cody can't be mean.

He's too nice and sweet

and lacking in essential vitamins and minerals.

(Moans, thuds) (Light pat)

- I rest my head, your honour!

- Not cool, guys. - Yeah, you stink.

- Harold! You know Cody and I didn't do it right?

- What?! Of course you did it!

First you complimented my city planning.

Then you made silly faces like this and... (silly sound)

(Giggling, snorting)

The property values in H-Town will never recover!

(CRYING) Oh no!

- Something's going on here.

Harold's silly face was the exact same one

I made in Chef's haunted mirror.

- Chef has a haunted mirror?! - Yeeeeeah.

I'm gonna have to figure this out on my own, I guess.

(Goofy noises)

- That's odd, there's no reflection!

This haunted mirror must be busted or something.

(Goofy noises)

- (Gasp) Maybe we turned into Umpires!

- How about I do the thinking

and you just work on the nodding.

- Youuuuuuuuuu got it!

- Hmmm.

Maybe we should go check out the yard sale

where Chef bought this haunted mirror.

- Chef has a haunted mirror?!

(Lightning strikes)

(Wheels squeak, footsteps thud)

- How dare you try to make returns?

- (reads) "All sales final in this life and beyond,

including, but not limited to, all states of un-death.

- Brainnn smooothieeeees.

- Oh, this isn't a return.

It's just that something's wrong with this mirror

you sold our teacher.

- Actually, it's haunted. Not wrong.

- Chef has a haunted-- (Muffled)

- DON'T! Just... go look around.

We know it's haunted.

But we made funny faces in it

and now we have no reflections and we're getting blamed

for bad stuff we didn't do.

- I see! Well in that case...


(Maniacal laugh) (Lightning strikes)

- Ahhhhhh! (Vacuum whirs)

- Cody! Stop messing with the haunted appliances.

- AHHHH! Sorry, Beth! AHHHHH!

- You see, when one makes a funny face into this mirror,

their reflection crosses over from another realm

into this one and carries out evil deeds.

- WHAT?! But why EVIL deeds?

- That is what funny faces do.

You want good deeds, you make serious faces.

It's basic mirrorology.

(Vacuum whirring) - Help! BETH! Help me!

- He's going to have to pay for that.

- CODY! Stop it! - Sorry, Beth.

- Please, continue.

The longer a reflection stays in he real world,

the stronger it becomes. I should know.

My evil reflection moved to Washington

so he could work in... politics!

- (Gasps) That is evil.

Okay, thanks, weird vampire guy!

C'mon, Cody! We've got evil reflections to trap!

(Whoosh) - Byeeeeee!

So he said our reflections

are the ones doing the mean things?

- Yeah. Good thing we figured it out

before things got really bad. Eeep.

- The bees! Not the bees!

- HEEEYAA... (Bones crack)

OWWWWWWW! (Pained moans)

- There we are! I mean... they are!

- Who uses food as a w*apon?!

- Should we tell Chef?

- Cody, leave it to me.

I have a knack for talking to adults.


I'm so sorry, Chef.

- Didn't I tell you? I told you!

- You sure did! I'm nod'ding!

- And you can stop fake-crying, Beth.

- Well, who brings a haunted mirror to a Daycare

in the first place?

We could have gotten really hurt!

- (Crying) I knowwwww! I'm sorryyyy!

I am so bad at my jobbbb!

- Now you're fake-crying!

- Oh, so it's okay for kids to fake cry,

but not a grown man in a position of authority?

You don't have to answer that.

- Look, I have a plan to fix this,

but I'm gonna need your help. - Fiiiiine.

- Remember, we gotta be extra careful with this secret plan.

If our reflections find out they could trap us

in the mirror and take over our lives,

we'd be in big trouble.

- And this is the part where I say,



- Oh no! They have learned of our secret plan!

Commence running!

I think we lost them! (Door opens)


I can't believe we're gonna have to live

in Chef's haunted mirror! - Chef has a haunted mirror?!

- What is wrong with you?

- (Sinister giggling, snort) - Gotcha!

- (Squealing) - Time for reflection is over!


- (Grunting) Get in there!

(Huge strain) (Falling cry) Ahhhhhhhhh!


(Stomps) Grunts)

(Mirror shatters)

- Chef! You did it! - YAYYY!

- And with the mirror destroyed,

no more reflections can ever get out again. PHEW!

C'mon Cody.

(Happy giggling)

- (Panting)

(Evil laughter)



