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02x49 - Shock & AWW

Posted: 02/29/24 13:13
by bunniefuu


Harold: I have never been this dirty.

- I know, right?

And you guys thought my shortcut through the sewers

was a bad idea.

I can't wait to roll around on the carpet.

(Blows a whistle)

- That's far enough.

- (Gasps)

(Music sting) What happened to the carpet?

- I can answer that.

I contacted the school board and informed them

our disgusting old carpet was a serious health hazard.

Clean yourself up while I remind you

how gross it was with a flashback.

- This carpet is sooo much better than toilet paper.

- Ugh. That half yogurt I found in the sandbox

is hitting different.

I gotta go to the bathroom!

- Wait! The carpet is right here.

- Good point. (Vomits)

(Ominous music, slithering, objects rattle)

(Roars, chomps)

- Big deal. So it wasn't "clean",

and occasionally someone got eaten by the carpet creature.

- I lived inside him.

It was like having my own room...

that was trying to digest me.

- You hear that? He had his own room!

- This is not okay!

I want our old carpet!

I had months worth of boogers stored in that thing.

- (Grunts) And I had a butt groove worn into the fibres

just how I like.

- And I just enjoy being difficult.

- Now listen here, Dun--

All: (Chanting) Bring back the car-pet!

Bring back the car-pet! Bring back the car-pet!

- Stop!

Cody, no more flossing!

Do you have any idea how dated that'll be

when this airs on TV?

Now, the new carpet is already here.

Getting the old one back sounds like work,

and I've already done too much work today.

- It's : in the morning.

- Courtney, you're in charge for the rest of the day.

Good luck! (Door slams)

- Behold the new list of rules

that will keep our new carpet beautiful.

- Wait. You made rules? On purpose?

- If you are ON or NEAR the carpet,

there will be: No sharp objects.

- "WHA?"

- No glitter or crafting of any kind.

(Marble cracks)

Courtney: No paint. No food.

- (Angry grunt)

Courtney: No animals.

(Roars) Cody: Sorry, Evan.

Courtney: No liquids. No solids.

- We are solids!

- And shoes are... forbidden!

- (Gasp) No shoes?

But my podiatrist said without my special insoles,

my spine will--


- Awww...

- We are now a shoe-free Daycare.

All: Awwwww!

- Please place all your shoes into this barrel fire.

(Fire crackles, ghost moan)

- And what makes you think we're gonna obey your rules...

other than the fact that I just did.

- Chef put me in charge and I'll be watching.


- (bones crack) Guys? Somebody call my podiatrist!

(Engine roars)

(Beep, whirring)


(Pained moan)


- Ah! Ughhhh! (Plungers whoosh)

- Awwwww.


(Car rumbles) - Huuh?

(Thud) Oof!

- We've had enough of this, Courtney!

We've decided to spend all our time at school out side.

All: YEAH!

- Fine with me.

My rules apply to carpeted areas only.

(All cheering)

♪ Ta ta taaaaaa! ♪



- Yeah. I felt our outside surfaces

were also safety hazards.

The school board agreed so we fixed it.

- So what are we supposed to do now?

- I dunno, why don't you come back in

and shuffle around aimlessly for the rest of the day?

- This isn't over, Courtney! We're kids!

Kids with boundless imaginations!

We'll come up with something fun to do!

You won't see us "shuffling around aimlessly".

(Bored moaning)

- So much for our great imaginations.

- I blame children's television.

It robs kids of their creativity

and leaves them unmotivated.

- URGH! This new carpet's laaaaaame!

(Electricity fizzles)

- Yeah. Even your hair is bored stiff.

- That's not boredom, Duncan.

It's static electricity.

- Hm? Static Electricity? What's that?

- Well, maybe this Ed-U-cat-A TRON will explain it.

(Beeps on, reel rattles)

- Well, hi there, kids! Name's Sparky!

And I'm here to sing a song to you

about static electricity.

♪ I'm an electron you see ♪

(Hard smash) - Yeahhhh!

- Smash it, Duncan! - Learning show bad!

- (Panting) Got it.

It can't hurt us (exhales) any more.

- O-kay, we don't really need to know

how static electricity works.

Just that it's super fun! See?

(Electricity crackling)

- AHH! The balloon is trying to eat me!


- You thinking what I'm thinking?

(Laughing, static crackles)

- What's going on in--? (Gasps)

(Kids laughing, electricity zapping)

- COURTNEY, HELP! Call the Balloon Police!


(Static crackling) (Giggles)


- Sorry, Courtney. But none of your precious rules

forbid us from having fun with static.

- And since your rules are already framed,

it's physically impossible to change them!

- HA HA. In. Your. Face.

(Electricity fizzles) - Ouch!

(Gasp of amazement)

- What. Was. THAT?!

- Izzy! Can you do that again?!

Try it on me! Try it on me!

(Zapping) (Delighted giggles)

(Electricity fizzles)


(Delighted giggles)

- I'm gonna get you for that one!

- No! Enough! Stop it!

The new carpet is not a toy!

- Hey! If dragging your feet makes small shocks...

let's see what this does!

(Electricity fizzles)


Cody: Aahhhh! (Crash, giggles)

- Careful, Izzy, you're going too fast!

(Electricity fizzles) - (Laughs)

- Okay, that was really weird.

- WOOOOHOOOOO!! (Electricity fizzles)


(Electricity fizzles) - (Evil chuckle)

- Oh shhhhock.


(ZAPPING) - (Screams) OOF!

That's it!

If you guys won't let me make this place cleaner

and safer then I'm telling Chef!

(Tuba music playing)

- CHEF! - (Screams) Oof!

You've gotta do something!

- (Sighs) What is it, Courtney?

- You gotta hear what those animals

are doing to our new carpet!

- Do I have a choice?

- Wow! What's this?

- The Moisture Punisher ,

the most powerful dehumidifier known to man.

It'll turn our static fun up to eleven!

(Loud whooshing)

(Panicked scream)

- (Whoosh) - I look old now!

(Big whoosh)

- (Giggles)

- But where does all the moisture go?

- It turns into a fine powder,

but if you want it back you just add water.

Let's see Courtney shut us down NOW!


(Electricity fizzles)

- ...and he even yelled HADUNCAN!

Like that video game that came out

years before he was born!

- I don't know what to tell ya, Courtney.

This whole new carpet thing was your idea.

- BUT-but-but-but-

- Now run along. (Door slams)

(Sighs) That kid is such a total drama queen.

How bad can a little static really be?

(Electricity fizzles) (Laughing)

(Attack yell, slice)

- (Gasps) This is baaaaad.

(Tires screech)

Deep voice: THERE SHE IS! - (Screams)

- Hi Courtney! Do you like my mask?

It makes me sound like a man.

- What!?!


- You mean those rules?


- NO! My precious list!


(Tires squeal, engine roars)

(Electricity fizzles)


(Electricity zaps)

(Laughing manically)

- FISHHHH!! - Huh?!


(Landing thud, glass shatters)


- Phew! My rules are safe!

(Electricity fizzles)

- Whoa, what's happening?


(Poof) - NOOOOOOO!

All: (Cheering) Yeah! Woo-hoo!

- You guys are gonna be in so much trouble

when I tell the School Board about this!


NO MORE RULES! (Static crackling)

- No. Chef said I was in charge!


- You brought this on yourself

by getting rid of the old carpet.

All: (Evil cackling) (Static crackling)

- WAAAAAIT! I can make it right!

I promise!

- Really? Awesome!

(Kids laughing)

- (Giggling) Muuuuuch better.

(Kissing sounds)



(Creature roars)

- I... I just don't get it!

I was only trying to make things better!

- I hear ya, Courtney.

But when this school starts making sense?

That's when you really gotta worry.

- I know this looks like fun

but I'm actually quite scared!

(Snaps) Nooooo!

- (Sighs) Graduation cannot come soon enough.



