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02x44 - Double Oh Beth

Posted: 02/29/24 13:10
by bunniefuu



- C'mon. Where're your parents at?

- I dunno. - Well, it's :.

Spring break officially started minutes ago.

You are now cutting into my vacation time.

And I got BIG PLANS!

- Sounds boring.

- Boring?! Ha!

I signed up for an adventure role play vacation.

They don't even tell you what your theme will be,

so you gotta be ready for anything!

I packed a fishing rod, suit of armour,

quick dry cement, night vision goggles,

my brightest novelty hat,

and pounds of butterscotch pudding!

(Ominous beeping) - What's that?

- (Gasps) Uhh.... it's My Mom's car.

Have fun on vacation!

- Wait. I need to be sure your parents are--

Ooh it says my vacation deal

may have venomous Lumpsuckeres!


- Moooo!

- "A blue banana feeds ."

(Scanner whirs)

Voice: Greetings Agent Double Oh Beth.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it...

(Whirs open)

Criminal Mastermind, Beartop Manbelow,

plans to infiltrate your school's

underground information rooooooommmmm... (Trails off)

(Pulls cord) to steal the world's

nuclear launch codes.

He must be stopped by any means necessary.

This message will moo in five seconds.

- Mooo!

- Well then... let's get down to business.


- Hello secret Spy Lady!

- Cody? Why are you still here?

It's spring break! The school is closed for a week.

- Uhh-huh.

That's why my mom packed me three lunches.

- Brilliant. So not only is my cover blown,

but I have to protect you and Chef

AND stop Manbelow?

- I swam in a puddle last night.

- Okay! All packed. A perfect fit!

Now I just need my tuba, and I am ready to--

Manbelow: Perish in the most painful way possible?

♪ Ta Ta Ta! ♪

- (Yelps) Hey! How'd you get in here,

you (Gasps)

This is it, isn't it!

DON'T TELL ME! But this is it, right?

Ohhh boy. I'm so excited.

And what an entrance!

I mean, you're good.

- Thank you?

Happy you're enjoying your own demise

(Leading) Mister... - Chef!

Oh wait, should I be somebody else?

Brochure wasn't clear.

Uh, so what happens now?


You could tie me up then go about your "evil plan"

while I try to escape and save the day!

- Okay. That works too, I guess.

- No! We're too late!

- Strong knot. No messin' around, eh?

- No messing around.

Now, with no one in my way...

(Beep, slow whirring)

- WHOA! When did you put that in?!

I am very impressed.

Wait! What if I have to pee?

Is there like a safe word or something?

- Uh. Sure. Why not.

Your safe word is... turnip.

- Ha! My least favourite food.

You guys really do your homework!

Do you like turnips? GAH-RO-OASSS!

I wish turnips didn't even exist!

- I wish this elevator would move faster.

- He's heading to steal the codes!

My only chance is to beat him there.

I'm going to take the secret dynamic

gravity transport chute.

(Door whirs open)

You stay put and-- - (Gasp) A SLIDE!

- It's not a slide.



- Ahhhhh! Oof!

(Bowl rattles)

- Cody! Be careful!

These microchips contain all the world's

most dangerous secrets!

Bigfoot's home address.

Proof that cows are just horses that drank too much milk.

The truth about asparagus.

It's all here on these chips!

Including the launch codes that Manbelow is after.

(Slow whirring) He's here.

Cody, take the chips and hide,

I'll deal with this animal.

Beartop Manbelow.

Haven't seen you since Project Bear Trap.

Where've you been?

Oh. Healing I suppose.

- Actually, Agent Double Oh Beth,

I was rebuilt into a stronger and faster bear!

And after that I hid away to plot my revenge

from my secret volcano lair!

Ugh. It's so hot in here.



(Slurps) you think you can stop me?

- Does a bear boom-boom in the woods?

- That happened one time,

and I thought I was alone!


(Clang) Ahh!

- HIYAH! Whoaaa!

(Landing thud) OOF!


(Crunching sounds, slurping)

- Agh! - (Grunts)


(Laser zaps) - (Gasp)

- You can run, but you can't hide...

from LASERS!

(Evil cackle)

(Laser zapping)

(Whips through the air) - Agh! Ah!

- Hurry! We have to get out of--

(Gasps) where are the chips?

- (Burps) Sorry, I finished them.

Sooo crunchy.

- NOOO! You have all the world's

most important secrets inside you!

- I do? That's okay,

I'm great at keeping secrets.

Like one time Harold wet his pants on the slide?

I promised not to tell anybody!

Or when I saw Courtney steal Izzy's scrunchie?

Or when Bridgette took the...

- Hello? Bear Head Guy?

Can you come loosen these knots so I can escape?

Too early for that?

Yeah, he hasn't even described his evil plan

in too much detail yet.

(Giggles) This is so great!

- ...but obviously, if I told anybody about that,

we'd all go to jail.

- Uh. Yeah. Great.

Now we need to move before--

- Before I get free?! - (Gasps)

- Too late!

And for the record, I can't believe Owen

did that to Noah. They're BFFs!

Now give me that child!

- Hurry! (Beep)

(Whirring) Come on!

(Pounding, angry roar)

Free Candy, SCORE!

(Whirring, beeping)

- I have to get you back to HQ.

They'll get those chips out of you in a much nicer way

than Manbelow would.

(Rumbling) (Engine rumbles)

We did it! I think we're home free!

- (Static) - Hey!

The funny bear man is on TV!

- Congratulations on your big escape!

(Munching sounds)

But I'm afraid you may have forgotten one thing.

(Evil laugh)


Oh, you guys really spared no expense.

Hey, do I get to keep that after this is over?

My cats would love it.

- Oh, I wouldn't count on using

any of your cool spy gadgets.

(Steam hissing)


- (Evil cackle)

Check and mate, Agent Beth.

- Hey, I have a student named Beth.

- (Sighs) Spying is so much harder

with you and Chef around.

(Beep) - Hey, what's this do?

(Laser zaps, expl*si*n)

- I really need a new assignment.

- It's my turn to fly the bear! Beth: Cody, NO!

(Engine roars, expl*si*n)

- Ow!

(Spy-like music)

(Sighs) Okay, think, Beth.

You can't battle Manbelow with no gear.

He's got pounds on you.

- I'm a unicorn! (Horse whinny)

- Hey! Where did you get that?

- Chef's trunk! Of course!

That'll do, Cody. That'll do.

- (Happy whinny)

- (Evil cackle)

- Have you ever been on TV?

Because I am sure I've seen you someplace before.

- (Cody grunts) - YESSSS.

- I knew it. Was it a cereal commercial?

Crunchy Bits O'stuff? Colonel Munch n' Punch?

Manbelow: STOP!

- I'm sorry. You're right.

I'm breaking the th wall. My bad.

- What's with this pudding trail?

- (Giggles) I'm bait!

- Looks like you fell for my trap -

hook, line, and sinker!

(w*r CRY)

KNIGHTS OUT! - Ahhhhh!



(Cement hardens) - CODY! NOW!

- That's right, Cody. You're fierce.

- That hat! TOO BRIGHT!

Noooooo! (Electricity fizzles)

- Whoa. Manbelow was a cybear?

Well, Cody, it's over.

- What's over?

(Licks) Mmm, this pudding is good.

(Rotors beat)

Voice: Congratulations Agent Beth.

The world is safe again thanks to you.

- And the boy?

Voice: We were able to extract the chips by allowing him to...

"potty in the sandbox like a kitty cat".

(Flicking sand)

- I'm a lethal w*apon.


Voice: But there is still the matter of your blown cover.

- I don't think that will be a problem.

- Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

- Hey Cody! - Beth!

I'm so glad you're back!

I had an amazing adventure with a spy lady!

We flew in a teddy bear!

And I ate so many secrets!

- And I can't wait to hear all about it.

But I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something.

- Uh, Bear Head Guy?

- I am here to pick up a "Chef"

for adventure role play vaca--

Okay, you're clearly having your own adventure.

Bye bye. - NO WAIT!

This laser feels like it's getting... really warm?

Um, turnip? Turnip!



