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02x39 - Space Codyty

Posted: 02/29/24 13:05
by bunniefuu


Noah: I'm sorry, Steve,

we're gonna have to let you go.

- Please, I have a family! And... I know things.

If I'm going down then you--

- ♪ I'm meeee My name's Codeeee ♪

♪ I need to peeee, in the bathroom-eee ♪

- I have information that--

(Quiet effort sounds)


- ♪ And then after I pee I will use TP ♪

(Engine hums)

- Uh, Izzy?

Are you-are you hunting Cody?

- Pfft. People hunting is a Tuesday activity.

I'm obserrrrrving!

Have you ever, like, watched Cody?

He does some weird stuff.

Owen: Ooh, can I have half your banana?

- Yes you can!

(Regurgitates banana)


- (Sniffing) - Yeah, I guess Cody is...

okay... a little odd... but... okay.

You're not exactly the Queen of normal yourself.

- You're just saying that 'cause I have jars of jam

on my hands! It's actually marmalade,

which is the name for jam that's gross.

- Cool. Good talk.

- I've been doing a LOT of Cody observing,

and I don't think he's "odd" at all.

He's super normal... (Whooshes)


That's right, Cody's a space alien...

from space!

And IIII'm gonna prove it.

(Computer keys clack)

- Chef! Sign here, please.

- Okee-dokee.

What's this for anyway?

- It gives me permission to perform an autopsy on Cody.


Let me think about this.

Hmmm... uh...

No. - But Cody is an alien

and the only way to prove it

is with science so... I need to cut him in half

and count the alien rings inside!

- This sounds like a case of

"I spent all weekend watching the space network

and now I think everyone's an extraterrestrial."

- I didn't WANNA watch alien movies!

My cat swallowed the remote!

No, Mister Mittens,

not the space channels.

I want the princess warrior network.

- (Farts)

Not the volume, Mr. Mittens! - (Farting)

- I think you need to take your cat to the vet, Izzy.

And no autopsies on other kids.

- Fine! But I'm continuing with my non-invasive Cody study.

(Drill whirrs)

- Okay, but if Cody turns up autopsied

you get a timeout.

- (groans) O-kay.

- (Whistling)

Whoa-OA! Look out, Courtney!

I can't hear where I'm going!

- For this first test just tell me what you see

in these totally random...

abstract... ink blots.

- Kinda looks like a comet?

That one looks like a spaceship.

Yeah! That's a nifty laser blaster!

- Well, someone's got SPACE stuff on the brain, huh?

Verrry interesting.

Let's move on.

This sensor will help me get an accurate reading

on my truth detector.


Are you comfortable? - Yes.

- How about... NOWWWW!

- A little less, but--


Do you live far away?

- Uh huh. - AH HA!

And do you sometimes miss your real home?

- Mmmm... sometimes.

- HAHH! Final question:

Are you from... a planet?

- YES!

- WE'RE DONE HERE! Thanks Cody.

See! Cody IS an alien.

- (Gasp) Did you use up all the toilet paper doing this?

♪ Ta dam ♪

Harold: Hello? Can I get some help.

There's no toilet paper in here.

(sigh) Well, goodbye Lewis.

(Toilet flush)

- I bring you proof of alien life

and all you care about is butt hygiene?


- Look, I know I said you could keep playing your

"Cody's an Alien" game,

but I'm getting worried you're about to pull an Izzy.

- What's pulling an Izzy?

- Well...

♪ Happy Birthday dear Owennn ♪

♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪

- Let me cut the cake!

(Cackles) (Saw whirs, cake splats)



(t*nk rumbles)

No one keeps me out of The Basketball Federation!

You made up all those examples except the first three.


Just-don't let things get out of hand. Please?

- Fiiine.

Engage countdown to ROCKET LAUNCH!

- Whoa! Where did you get a rocket?!

- Ah, the space military... duh.

- Uh oh. Izzy's pulling an Izzy.

- I'll run and tell the teacher!

- And Courtney's pulling a Courtney.

Let's get out of here before things get out of hand.

- Come on, Cody! I'm taking you home.

- Yay! That's where my jammies live!

(Door slams) - Izzy! Stop!

What are you doing?!

(Rocket blasts) AAAAAAAAAAH!

Izzy! Izzy! Let me in!

- (Sing-song) Who iiiiis it?

- Open the door!

- Okay, okay. Don't have a cow.


(Pained wincing)


Ship computer: Launch complete.

- Ooh, I could get used to this.

Ship computer: Artificial gravity engaged.

- (slams) OW!

What were you thinking, Izzy?

- Cody's an alien,

I have to get him back to his planet.

I don't know where it is yet, but, pfft,

how big can space be?

- It's big.

Ship computer: Approaching interlocking wormholes.

Avoid at all costs.

- Wormholes? COOL!


- (Gasps) Izzy no!


(Poof) (Baby wails)

(Poof) (Screams)

(Poof) (Screams)

AAAAAAAAH! Izzy: Woo-hoo-hooo!

That was fun!

- Fun? Are you kidding?

That was terrifying!

And look at this stupid tail!

Plus, we've got no idea where that wormhole spit us out.

We're gonna be lost in space forever.

- Forever? Noooo.

We've only got enough air to last, oh, an hour. Tops.

- Why didn't you pack more air?!

- Well, I'm not blaming anyone, buuut...

ONE OF US did a lot of screaming.

- These buttons make funny sounds.

- CODY! NO! - Almost done.

Ship computer: Intergalactic Positioning System activated.

- Yay! Take. Me. Home.

Ship computer: Route home: calibrating.

System initializing. (Beeping)

- Oh! We're heading home. Good.

I was starting to worr--

(Engine roars) Oof!



Ship computer: You have arrived at your destination.

- (sighs) Home at last.

Wait... where's the pollution.

The ocean full of plastic bottles.

This isn't our planet!

(Landing gear whooshes)

Ship computer: Landing maneuver complete.

Warning: fuel reserves now empty.

(Whirring) - Yay!

- Cody, I thought you programmed that thing

to take us home.

- Uh huh, I did!

This is my home.

- (Gasp) I was right!

Cody IS an alien.

Cody alien : Everyone, Cody has returned to us!

- Arggh! - Whoaaa.

- Welcome to planet Cody, where I was hatched.

Here, everyone is a Cody.

(Ominous music)

- Gah!

Wh-why didn't you ever tell us you weren't from earth?

- I tried, but no one ever listened.

- One, two, three, four...

- I'm from outer space! - Cody, shush!

No one cares if you're out of spice.

- Come, Cody of Earth. Tell us of your travels.

- (sighs) Okay. Cody's an alien.

- Don't worry I'm not going to say I told you so.

That would be rude-BOOOM!!


- (Chanting) Co-dy! Co-dy! Co-dy! Co-dy!

- They love me, Izzy! They love me!


Good for you.

- You did a lot to get Cody back to his home, Izzy.

Is that 'cause you know how it is to feel different,

and thought finding the place Cody belongs

might mean there's a place where you belong too?

- Did you just call me WEIRD?!

- No. - RUDE.

I'm reporting you to the school board!

- No, I-I'm just-- - You're in big trouble!

- HEYYY... Let's go see what Cody is doing.

- Your experiences on earth sound so thrilling and strange.

- Tell us more.

- Well, on earth

they only eat the inside of the banana!

- Unbelievable! - So GROSS! - EW, YUCK!

- Chef! Izzy! Good news, these Codys pee rocket fuel.

- Not sure a doctor would call that good news.

- They refueled the ship; we can get back to Earth.

(Toilet flush)

(Platform whirs)

- That's kinda gross, but...

- Alright, Codys! LET'S GO!

- I'll be right there. I just need to say goodbye.

I know, I'm your hero,

but Earth is where my best friends live

and every day they teach me about love,

acceptance and respect.

(Door shuts, being) - They're leaving without you.


(Rocket blasts)

- I was worried we were gonna be stuck on that planet

but it looks like I'm getting us back home safe and sound.

- You sure did, Chef. - Ahhh!

Oh no.

That's the wrong Cody.

- Whoa. You are in such... big... trouble.

You grabbed the wrong Cody.

You left the real Cody in outer space!

And you called me weird -

not gonna forget about that either.

BIG trouble. I would NOT wanna be you right now.


Chef: (groans) This is gonna be along trip home.

♪ Ta ta ta ♪


