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02x38 - Baby Brother Blues

Posted: 02/29/24 13:04
by bunniefuu


(Banging metal pot) Attention! Attention!

Big Beth announcement!


(Clanging, laughing)


Wait. Why don't I hear any celebrating?

- She must still think this is a good thing.

- (Sighs) Poor sap.

- Um, Beth?

Do you have any idea what having a baby sibling

is really like? - Sure I do!

It's great, right? Courtney: Here.

- What's this? - It's a sympathy card.

- (reads) "Sorry you've been replaced?"

- Don't you see? You're getting swapped out

for the latest model. I mean... think about it.

- Hmmmm...

Announcer: Meet the all new... Baby GT.

Featuring the sweetest button nose

and... doze adowable, chubby widdle awms.

An upgraded deluxe giggle also comes standard.

- (Small, cute giggle)

Announcer: Parents, forget the other kids;

you'll get it right with this one.

New Babies. Better than you. Period.

- So, you getting the picture?

- Haha. Hilarious.

You guys do great jokes,

but I think I'll ask an adult.

Whoa. Whoa. Chef.

I just asked if what they said was true.

You don't have to make a big production out of it.

(Lights click off)

♪ Life is easy for an only child ♪

♪ It's all peaches and creeeeam ♪

♪ But now you'll have a brand new baby sibling ♪

♪ To trample on your dreeeeeeams ♪

♪ IIIIIIIt's the worst!

♪ It's the worst when you're the one who is born first ♪

♪ What can you do 'cuz number two ♪

♪ Takes all the attention away from yooou ♪

♪ Keep an eye on your cookie ♪

♪ Half of them go to the rookie ♪

- Hey!

♪ You'll put on a fancy show

♪ Just as good as any pros

♪ But all the oohs and ohs

♪ Are for the bubbles that he blows ♪


♪ Throoooow aaaaaa fit, throw a hissy ♪

♪ When your mom has bro or sissy ♪

♪ You'll get so mad that you'll just want to buuuurst ♪

♪ When you're first, it's the worst ♪

♪ It's the worst to be first ♪

♪ It's the worst, when you're first ♪

♪ When you're fiiiiirst!

(Firework pop)

All: (Panting) - Phew!

- Wait. So no one has anything nice to say

about becoming a big sister?

- Well really, there is--

- Whoa. Look at the clock!

That musical number took all day.

- It's pick up time.


Oh, no. I'm not gonna become some second class citizen

in my own home.

I'm outta here!

Chef, car keys!

- You got it, Beth! (Key jingle)

Wait, why do you need my--

(Engine revs) Ahhh! MY CAR!

- I think you have a bigger problem than your car.

Beth's mom is here. (Tires screech)

- (Panicked gasp) I gotta find Beth!

But who's gonna keep her mom busy?

Owen, Noah: Leave it to us, Chef.

- Hmm. I'm not sure where you came from, sir,

but you DO seem to be tall enough for the job.

You're hired!

But how am I gonna track down Beth without my car?

- Don't worry, Chef; I got you covered.

Remember what I got for my birthday?

(Engine hums)

- Hold on! Is that my bumper?

And my muffler?


HUH? Where did that come from?


- Ugh. Chef's car is a total lemon.

(Sighs) Good ol' zoo.

You never let me down.

- Welcome! You're in luck!

It's little siblings get in free day!

- Oh, but I'm just a big sister.

- Ew. bucks.

- (Annoyed) Agh!

- So when's it my turn to be the head?

Beth's mom: Hello?!

- Oops! Too late!

- Hello? Beth?


- Greetings Mrs. Beth's Mom.

I am Chef's supply teacher

because he is away with a... a...

butt... flu?

- Uhh, okay?

Well I'm looking for Beth.

She's usually first out when she knows dinner is rump roast.

(Both whisper in unison) Rump! (Giggle stifle)

- Well, I can assure you that Beth is safely here

in the school...

butttt we're conductoring parent teacher interviews

and... um, it's your turn!

- (phone beeps) Oh!

Well, I didn't receive an email about this, but...

sh**t, I could use some adult company.

After all, I'm about to be drowning in poopy diapers again

any day now.

Noah: Ewwww.

- (Clears throat, coughs)

What my tummy meant to say is...

eww wonderful?

- Of course. Beth loves the zoo.

At least she's somewhere safe.

(Monkey screeches)

(Komodo hisses)

- Or she's already lizard food.


- Hello momma Baboon!

I bet you treat all your kids with respect, don't you?

- (Begging cry)

(Angry groan)

- (Sighs)

- Fun fact. The mama snakes only have a first baby snake

so that they can feed it to newer,

more important baby snakes. - Huh?!

- That can't be right!


- Heh. Busted.

I made that up to freak people out.

- (sighs) I guess being a big sister really is

the worst thing ever.

(Bird squawk)

Ooooh. No babies, huh?

Well, looks like you're my new mom and dad!

(Warning music sting)

- Yup. It's like a one kid soccer team in here.

Look! (Kicking thud, whistle)

- (Barf stifle)

- And it's the strangest thing...

with this baby, chocolate makes me wanna barf,

but I can't get enough pickles and melted ice cream! See?

- Ewww! Pickles give me terrible diarrhea.

And so does melted ice cream.

But I've never tried them together.

Noah: No-no-no-no!

Oh, I hate this.


- Chef. Over here.

- Beth! Get out of there right now!

- Forget it, humans!

My new, giant turkey family loves me

and would never trade me in for a new model!

- Ha! Turkeys? Those are cassowaries.

They eat turkeys for breakfast.

- Not true.

- Heh. Got me again.

But they are vicious predators.

Check this out!


(Attack screech) (Sharp slicing)


- Hm?



(Licking, stomach gurgles)

(HUGE FART, Noah groans)

- Well, how d'ya like that? A tiny toot but no diarrhea.

It's an ice cream miracle! - (Fart)

- Wait. That wasn't me.

- Yeahhh. It was me.

- (GROAN) Oh dear, it's happening!

Beth's baby brother is on his way!

Both: WHAAAA???

- (Screams) - (Screams)

- (Screams) - (Screams)

(All screaming)

- Gwen? Go find me eleven herbs and spices,

'cuz these birds are goin' to fryer town.

(w*r CRY)

Okay. Time to take care of business.

- (Attack squawk) - OOF!

- (Gasps) Mom, dad stop fighting!

He's my teacher!

Chef: Get back here you overgrown feather duster!

- Oh yeah. This is goin' viral for sure.

- (Gasp)

(Fighting thuds) - (Squawking)

- That egg must be for their morning omelette!

(Fighting thuds) - (Squawking)

Phew! I saved the most important meal of the day--

(Cracking) HUH?!

Whoa! This isn't breakfast!

It's another dumb baby.

I'm still gonna be a big sister?

Well, that's just great!

(Egg cracks)



I guess you are kinda cute.

Maybe being a big sister isn't that bad.

- It's not.

You only got half of the story. There's a good side

to having little brothers and sisters too.

- There is? Like what?

(Angry squawk) - Help! Please help!

- You can blame them for bad stuff you did.

You get the new clothes and they get your old ones.

And they look up to you

like you're the coolest person ever

even if you're a total doofus.

- Really? - Really.

- Losin' a lot of bodily fluids here!

- C'mon. Let's get you back to school.

It's way past pick up time

and your mom's probably freaking out.

- I forgot! She's making rump roast for dinner.

- (Snickers) - Bye li'l bro.

- Hey! What about Chef?! Come back!


(Engine roar, tires screech)

- There you are.

You need to go to Chef's office, right now!

Huh? Why? Wait. What's that sound?

(Baby crying)

- Mom!

- It's okay, sweetie. Come meet your new brother.

- That's him? You had the baby? Here?

- Where are Owen and Noah?

- Is it over?

- I think that broke my brain.

Remind me not be a doctor when I grow up.

- Or a mommy!

(Baby cries)

- Hold him. He's not gonna bite.

- Hello baby bruv.

I'm your big sister, Beth.

- Um... what's happening? (thundering)

- Isn't it obvious?

- No, I mean out there.

(Hooves thunder, lion roars)

- I knew it. My brain is broken.

- (Gasps) Where's Beth?



(Animals snort and screech)

(Screeching, huffing)

- Attention! Attention! Big Beth announcement.


- So... who you eatin' first?

- (Shrugs) Ehhh. - (Licks lips)

♪ La la la la la


