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02x31 - Cartoon Realism

Posted: 02/29/24 12:58
by bunniefuu


Kids: (Laughing)

- I'm'na set you free from this rusty bucket, Mr. Lobster.

Be free!

That's weird.

Out! You! Go! From! This! Bucket!

Huh, did he already get out? I'll check!

(Pinching sounds) AHH! OW! EEE!

Please stop pinching my face parts, Mr. Lobster!


(All laughing)

- I can't believe Chef's letting us watch

"Chinchilli Chinchilla"!

- Urgh, how is there a beach inside a building?

I hate cartoons.

- AHHHHHHH... Oof!

(TV turns off)

- Hey... - Awww...

- You turn that back on, or else!

- Or else what?

- Well I... (nonsensical stammering)

- How can any of you stand the sound of Chinchilli's voice?

It makes my brain wanna jump into a volcano.

- Listen up, Chinchilli is the single best thing

to ever happen!

He's my friend and I love him!

- Um, you do know that he's a cartoon, right?



Chef: Whoa there! That's enough.

Cartoons might not be real, but they are magical!

And we'll learn all about how they're made

on our surprise trip to the studio

that makes "Chinchilli Chinchilla!"

- Woohoo! - Yay!

- I can't believe I'm going to meet the real Chinchilli!

- Yeah. She's not getting it.

(Mechanical whir, fart)

- It's beeeeoooootiful!

- I can't be here. Permission to wait on the bus.

- C'mon now, Gwen, give it a chance,

the tour's about to start!

Brightly: That's riiight!

Hi. I'm Brightly. I'll be your guide today.

Do you kids have any burning questions to start us off?

- Oh! OH OH OH! ME!

OHH! Gah!

- Question: Is Chinchilli "REAL"?

- What?! Of course not!

Who said that? Did someone say that?!

Whoever who said that is a filthy liar. (Nervous laugh)

- I brought the kids here because one of them

doesn't understand that cartoons

are actually made by real people.

- Ohhhh. Phew! I thought--never mind.

- I figured if we met the animators,

or the voice actors that might--

- Maybe later. But for now:

who wants to watch some Chinchilli clips

that were considered too violent for TV?

(Wild cheering) - Follow me!

- (Cheering)

- Told you he wasn't real.

- What does she know, she's just a tour guide.

Chinchilli IS real.

I can feel it in my heart!

Chinchilli: I've never juggled chain saws before.

Haha, but what could go wrong?

Agh! (Saw buzzes) Oopsie!

This is going to be WAY harder with one arm.

- (Laughing)

- Super gory. But I still hate it.

- Is Chinchilli okay, though?

Has someone checked on him? - You hear that?

She still thinks cartoons are real.

- Yeah, we're gonna need her to stop thinking that.

- Exactly! Now I understand that the animators

are actually working, but could we meet

(shudder) a writer?

- Ho-ho. Who's the tour guide here?

You kids wanna see all our Chinchilli toys?! C'mon!

All: YAAAAAAAAY! - Wait!

Put me down! Oh, come on!

- I'm gonna go hide in a bathroom

until it's time to leave. - Not me!

I need to find Chinchilli to see if he's okay

after that video! - Ugghhh...

You know what?

I actually wanna be there when you discover the truth.

So let's go "find Chinchilli" together.

- Welcome to our Chinchilli warehouse,

where we keep all of our Chinchilli toys,

packed up and ready to ship!

- Do you have Chinchilli's helium filled novelty pillow?

(whoopee cushion fart) - YUP!

- How about his Ninja star cowboy hat?

(Whooshes, slicing sounds)

- What about Chinchilli's All Terrain Military Vehicle?


- As a token of how much we appreciate our fans,

you're class can take one toy from our reject box!

(All cheer)

- Hey look, I'm Chinchilli!

- No fair! I want a turn! - Let me try!

- Back off! I'm clearly the Chinchilliest!

(Fighting sounds)

(Shelves groan, then thud)

- Ooh. That is not good.

- Oh, don't you worry about that.

You can pay with debit or credit.

- Oh boy. (Beep)

- This doesn't look like somewhere

Chinchilli would hang out.

- Why would this place even need a security system?

Chinchilli: (Laughs)

- I know that laugh; it's coming from over there.


- (Grumbling) ...spend my life savings on busted up toys

just to show kids how...

Brightly? Can we please see how they make the cartoons now?

- That is certainly not what is next on the tour.

This is the studios three story slide!

It reminds us of our commitment to joy and childlike wonder.

- Can I slide down it? - Oh no, no, no.

It's far too dangerous for an actual human to--

- YAY!...


(Hard thud, Pained groans)

- Uh-oh. We'll need to fix that wall.

Will that be cash or credit?

- (Groans)

- Chinchilli's laugh was coming from inside here, I know it!

- Stop! This area is off limits.

- Why does a cartoon studio need an armed guard?

- Are you suggesting Chinchilli is real

and we used an inter- dimensional portal

to pull him from a cartoon universe into our world

where we're forcing him to entertain children

while dangling the false promise

that someday we'll let him return to his

(runs out of breath, deep inhale) family?

- That was... extremely specific.

Brightly: (through radio) All hands to the lobby!

Another kid got injured going down the slide!

- I-I need to go, but you two stay out of this room.

(Gasps) - Chinchilli!!

- Oh, is it time to sh**t a cartoon?

I'm ready! Let's do it!

OOGH! (Birds chirp)

- I TOLD you he was real!

I saw you juggling those mean chainsaws

and I was SO worried!

- Oh, you don't need to worry about me.

Especially because today is my last day of filming...

AGAIN! Both: Again?

- Uh-huh, I've been living at the studio for five years

and every day they tell me...

"Today's the day you get to go home."

They say it every day

and they said it again this morning

(singsong) and I BELIEVE THEM!

- So you're a prisoner here?

- A prisoner? No!

That would mean that they'll never let me...

Oh no.


Oh no!

- What do we do, Gwen? We have to help Chinchilli!

- Urgh! Okay.

I think I know where they're hiding the portal.

Come on.

- Brightly, this is the worst tour we've ever been on.

You showed us violent cartoons,

drained my bank account,

broke all of Cody's bones.

- Not my brain bone!

- And you still haven't taught us

anything about how cartoons get made.

We're gonna go find some animators, right now!

- There are secrets at this studio

that must NEVER be uncovered.

(Gasps) Two of the kids are missing!

(Guards whir)

So you're all under tour guide's arrest

until we find those filthy stragglers!

- Nuh-uh. I'm done being pushed around.

Kids, do what you do best:

(dramatically) Ruin everything.

- (w*r cry)

- (w*r cry)

- Attaaaack!

(Poof, fart) (Pained groans)


- Ahhhhhh!

(Metal clangs) Ahhhhh!



- Maybe it was that violent cartoon we watched earlier.


(Beep, Alarm sounds) - Code red! Code red!

Tour group out of control!

Protect Chinchilli!

(Buttons click, door buzzes)

- Ughhh...

- Wow, your friend is really good

at getting pass-codes wrong!

- Hurry, Gwen!

- URRGH! This will never work!

- Do you wanna try my key?

- (GASP) - AHH!


- That's the portal. Isn't she a beaut?

I can't believe it,

I'm finally going home!

Brightly: Oh no you're not.

Step away from the portal Chinchilli.

You belong to us.

- Mrs. Brightly, please,

You have to let Chinchilli go.

I love Chinchilli.

And I'd miss his show more than anyone,

but it's not right to keep him trapped here.

Won't you help us get him back to his world?

To his family?


Just look at him;

he's so sad!

- You're right. What have we become?

Hurry, the guards will be here any second.

Chinchilli, get in the portal,

I'll enter the coordinates!

- I... I don't know what to say.

You three have saved my life. I'll alw--

Oh! Ooh! Oooof!

My animated ribs!

- Hahaha. (Sigh)

He was funny right up until the end.

- And now he's home. He's safe.

- Um, won't they just pull another cartoon

through the portal?

- (Gasp) She's right,

and the whole hilarious cycle will continue.

- Then we have to destroy it!

(Thud, fizzles)

Automated voice: Portal self destruct sequence



- The pull of the portal gets stronger before it closes!

- Whoa. - Whoa.


- Ahh! - Ahhh!



- Gee Beth, I'm glad to be home,

but I'm sorry you're trapped here now.

- Yeah, but on the plus side I get to hang out

with my new BFF!

- Wooo-hoo-hooo! (Unicorn neighs)

- Then I guess it worked out perfectly for all of us!

- Hello? Hello? If you can see me,

you have to get me out of here!

Everything is made of rainbows!

Cartoons are real!

Do you hear me!? Cartoons are rea--


