02x23 - The Upside of Hunger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x23 - The Upside of Hunger

Post by bunniefuu »



Owen: Hi Duncan, what'cha doin?

- Today's the day I make my escape.

- Didn't you say that yesterday?

And the day before yesterday?

And the day before the day before yester--

- OWEN! How about some positive reinforcementation?!

- You got it!

(Cheering) Duncan, Duncan He's our fellow.

If he can't escape today

he'll try tomorrow!

(Landing thud) Oof. - OWWW!

- Sorry, Duncan.

Do you wanna wedgie me now or later.

- Later... definitely later.

- Oooh. I wonder what my mom packed me for dessert.


A Grapefruit?!

Fruit isn't a dessert or food!

Someone call the police! POLICE!

- What's happening?! Mail tampering?

Election fraud?

(Gasp) Littering?

- My mom didn't pack a dessert with my lunch!

- Calling the police to report a crime

that's not a crime is actually a crime.

All that excitement for nothing.

(Tummy grumbles)

- (Groans) It's okay tummy, we'll be fine

Gwen: No you won't.

You're gonna starve and turn to a skeleton.

You should've made a back-up plan.

- Wait, I did make a back-up plan!


Beep! Boop! Boop! Beep Beep! Boop!


(Heavenly music)

- What is this?

- It's my secret pantry

full of dessert making ingredients.

- Why didn't you just fill it with ready to eat desserts?

- Because, I...


(Gasp) "Upside Down Cake"?


Sugar. Butter.

Baking powder. Eggs.

- These eggs have expired.

- What's the worst that could happen?

- You get rabies and your arms and legs fall off.

- Uhmm, Meh. I'm gonna risk it.

(Whirring, beep)

- Cake time! Yippee!


AHH! This isn't what the photo in the cookbook looked like.

What is going on?!

- (reads) "Warning: using expired eggs may open portals

to other dimensions." - WHAT?!

They should write that WAY bigger on that carton!



Oof. (Pained groan)

Oh good.

I thought I'd end up in another dimension

but I guess I didn't.

Although something seems different.

(Worm roars, belches)

- What was that!?

- There you are, silly goose.

C'mon, everyone's inside.

♪ La la la la la la!

- Please stop! I'm scared. Why are you singing?

- Will you sign my petition?

I'm demanding the right to be at school every day.

Including weekends!

- Duncan? You like school?

And Gwen, you're happy?

- LOVE school. - VERY happy.

- Okay, now I'm REALLY scared.

I need to find my cake and get out of here!

- Cake? (Nerdy laugh)

You're funny.

- Why would you eat cake

when we can have all the junk food we want?

- WE CAN? - Of course!

- (Munching) - (Gasps)

- (Crunching) Mmmm.

- No. No-no-no.

Junk food doesn't grow from the ground!

It's made by people! PEEEEOPLE!

- Owen, your vibrational energy is very negative right now.

Why don't you come explore your feelings

in the Comfort Corner?

(Calming hums)

- The Comfort Corner sure looks a lot like

the corner for Time-Outs.

- WHOA. We don't use that term here.

The Comfort Corner is a place to relax and reflect.


Nama stay as long as you wish.

- Whoa! - Interesting...

you look and sound like Owen but you're not.

What're you doing here?

- Courtney? Why's your hair--

I just wanna find my cake and go home.

- CAKE? Ew.

Why would you want to eat something healthy like cake?

- What's with this place?

Good kids are bad. Bad kids are good.

And CAKE is health food!

I-- (gasp)

I'm in the Backside World!


- I'll help you find your cake

IF you give me whatever I want in return.


- You guys sure shake hands

for a long time in the backside world.

- Yaaaa...


I think you will find what you're looking for in there.

(Whirring open)

- (Panting) (Gasps)

(Screams) What have you people done

to my beautiful secret pantry?!

Oh, this place is the worst!

Evil Owen: Or is it the best?!

- (Gasp) It's me!

And I'm holding my cake!

- Wrong! It's me.

And I'm holding my cake!

- Yeah. That's exactly what I-- wait,

how come we look exactly the same?

- We don't. The Maple Leaf on your shirt

is obviously backwards, doofus!

- (Gasp) You're right!

I don't know how I missed that!

But can I please just have my cake

and leave this place now?

I'm willing to share my cake with... myself.

- No thank you.

I'm not into health food,

I only eat vegetables.

(Chomps) Mmmm.

- (Horror scream) (Doom music sting)

Raw celery?!

At least make ants on a log!

Or dip it in syrup! COME ON!

- This cake holds too much power over you.

Let me remove the temptation.

- Please don't hurt my sweet cake.

All he wanted was to bring me joy!

- Yes, but this will bring me joy.


- My cake!



- You have no one to blame but yourself.

- (Weeping) Oh No!



I brought you to your cake,

time to hold up your end of the deal!

- But my Upside Down cake is destroyed!

Without it I don't think I can get back to my dimension.

- I think I know who can help.

(Bubbling) - So... what did you want?

- Long story short,

this Owen is from another dimension,

he baked a portal cake and we need your help.

- Huh, fascinating!

A precise doppelganger

from another dimension, you say?

- Courtney said you could bring my cake back to life.

Can you? - No, I can't.

But... my Revers-o-lator machine can do this.



Et voila! Your cake has been reverted back into batter.

Don't eat the batter.

Now, to open a portal back to your dimension--

Please stop eating the batter.

You just need to bake it in the Hard to Roast Range.

- (Gulping)

- OH, C'MON!

- In my dimension we call it a Simple Cook Stove.

- (Scoff, laughs) That's a silly name.

- Ahhhh!

You forgot your junk food!

- AAAAAAHHHHH! (Carrots whoosh)


- How will I open the portal now?

I don't wanna get carroted!

- On my signal, bake the cake and open the portal.

I'll create a distraction.

- Where are you hiding, you cowards?

- Come and get me!

- Duncan. Fight music!

(Plays a tune)

(Carrots whoosh)

- Gahh! (Whirring)

(Spraying) (Sputters)


- Go Owen! NOW! - (Panting)

- Chef! There's another Owen here!

And Courtney got juice in my violin!

And the other Owen has a--

- Sounds like you're experiencing

some distress, Duncan.

Let's go explore those feelings in the Comfort Corner.

- No! Wait! That's not Owen!

That's not Owen!

- Well, here goes nothing. (Cranks knob)

Come on, come on, come on!

- HEY! I'm coming for you other me!

Why you little--OOF!

- Would you hurry up! - Don't yell at me,

yell at the hard to roast range!

(Ding) It's done!

No portal?

It didn't work! AHHH!

- Reverse the polarity! - What?!

Ahhhh! (Carrot whooshes)

Are you speaking English?

- Turn it upside down!

- Oh! Why didn't you just say that?

(Poof) Here we go again!



Looks like my dimension.

But how can I be sure?

Hey, Gwen, can I have a hug?

- Ask me that again and I'll take

all the bones out of your body while you're sleeping.

- YES! I'm home!

(Gasp) I never paid back upside-down Courtney

for helping me get back!

- You sure did.

You helped me escape

which is all I ever wanted BOO-YAH!

(Engine revs, tires squeal, crash)

- (Coughing)

I don't care for her.


- Yes! I finally get to eat my cake!



Uh oh... that was mista--

aaaakkke! (Gasp) NOOOOO!

♪ Ta ta taaaaa!



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