02x21 - Grody to the Maximum

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x21 - Grody to the Maximum

Post by bunniefuu »



Kids: (Grumbling, complaining) Cody! Hurry up!

- Go already!

Hey kids! Now what's going on?

- We're waiting to use the slide,

but Cody's blocking it. Again.

- Ahhhhhh!

- C'mon, Cody. Slides are for sliding,

otherwise they'd be called something else.

- But I can't see what's at the bottom!

What if it's water?! I can't swim!

Or a cat?! They have sharp feet!

I'm never coming down!

- (Sighs) Sorry, Cody,

but you are coming down, right now.

(Whirring) - (Resisting) Hu-eeeegh...



(Landing thud) Ugh.

- There you go, kids. All clear!

All: (Cheer) Woo-hoo!

- Cody, you stay out of the slide

unless you feel like sliding. Got it?

- (Groans)

- Jude, you're on my team!

- Bridgette, you're with me.

- Leshawna! - Izzy!

- Noah! - Beth!

- Harold! - Gwen!

- Oh boy, I'm next!

- Uh... I pick... that squirrel.

- (Gasps)

(Angry chitter)

- Uhhh...

I'll take the fire hydrant. - What?!


- (Sighs) I get it.

Fire hydrants are pretty cool!

But I always picked last,

maybe because I scare easy.

(Trembling, scares moan)


- Hello. - Ahhhhhhhh!

Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh!

But maybe today will different.

Today is the day I step up my game.

Yeah! No more scared little boy!

- (Sighs) Okay. I pick Cody.

- Ahhhhhhhh!


Oof! (Splash)

Help! - No do overs.

- I gotta stop being scared of everything.

(Splash) Ahhhhhhhh!


- Well that's just grape.

BOOM! PUN! Haha!

Oh fine. C'mon, let's get you some dry clothes.

Well, there's no backup shirts in your cubby

so we'll have to find you one in...

(Deep voice) the abandoned cubbies.

- Ahhhhhhhh! (Trembles)

- (Clears his throat) Sorry, I need a lozenge.

Let's see, weird books,

spooky toy, Whatever this is.

Ah, here we go. What do you think?


- Whoa...

- Hold up.

This might be too cool for you.

Hmm. Meh, it's only for today.

Yep. Way too cool for you...

but it's all we got.

- This is the coolest thing I've ever worn.

I hope the other kids don't tease me about it.

(Car whirs)

- (Gasps) Look everybody!

There's a cool new kid in a cool shirt!

- Where? Wait... me? - Hi, I'm Harold.

- Hey, I'm Leshawna. I'm cool too.

- No she isn't. I'm Duncan. I'm cool.

- No, you're annoying. I'm Beth.

- What's your name, cool new kid?

- Uuuuummmm....

I know I should tell 'em it's me,

but this is probably my only chance to be COOL!

All I gotta do is come up with a cool new name. Hmm.

Um, my name is... Grody.


- That's the coolest name ever!

- Yeah. Love that name.

- Guys... that's Cody.

- Courtney, of course it's not Cody.

Look at his shirt.


- Cody would never wear something that cool.

- Hey, Grody, you wanna play with my remote control car?

- Play? With another kid? Sure!



(Landing thud) OOF!

I guess now you know that I--

- Grody does wicked stunts!

- (Cheering)

- That was AWESOME! - Grody to the Max!

- (Cheering) - I love this guy.


- So anyway, cool new kid Grody,

who's never seen this place before,

this is the playground.

- You've got your seesaw, sandbox--

all basic, boring, non-lethal stuff.

- Non-lethal can be fun.

- Ha. All... except for this.


- But even this is pretty safe.

- Unless you cover it in grease!

(Grease sloshes) There.

Now anyone who goes in will launch out the bottom

at neck-break speed. Who wants to go first?

(Crickets chirps)

- Whoa, Grody wants to go!

(Chanting) GRO-DY! GRO-DY! GRO-DY!

- (Gasps)

Wow, I've never had my name chanted before.


Of course I'm terrified,

but how fast can a greased slide be?




(Fireworks pop and whistle)

(Splat, pained groan) - He's okay!

All: (Chanting) GRO-DY, GRO-DY, GRO-DY!

- (Dazed) I got a lot friends now!


All: (Chanting) GRO-DY, GRO-DY, GRO-DY!

- Have you all donated your brains to science?!

GRO-dy is CO-DY!

He didn't even come up with a good fake name!

Look, I can do it too!

(Music sting, hose whinny)

Look at me, I'm Gourtney, a cool new kid.

- Uh... Isn't that the shirt Chef uses

to clean poop outta the hamster cage?

- HA! Gourtney's wearing a poop shirt!

(All laughing)

- Maybe she's Cody. - Oooooooooooooooh!

- Sick burn from the Grodymeister!

- (Angry growl) That's how you wanna play?

Okay by me... Grody.

(Music sting) (Roar)

- Hey, Grody. Since you're so extreme,

you wanna try the new playground catapult?

Uh, go wider.

Wanna try it? Or are you scared...

like a Cody.

- No she didn't. (Cheering on)

- My name is Grody.

Launch me! - Hm. Your funeral.

(Eating sound)

(Whistling through air) OOF!

(All gasp)

- I said the other side of the seesaw!


(Woozy moans)

- That hurt so much.


- Hey, Grody.

I dare you to bob for apples.

In the pool of doom!

- Pfft, there's no danger in putting my face

in the kiddieee-AAAAAAAAHH!

(All gasp)

(Thuds, pained grunts)

- Too easy.

All: (Chanting) GRO-DY, GRO-DY, GRO-DY!


- (Angry groan)


(Hack) My other shoe!

Everything is comin' up Grody.

- Alright, Grody.

I have one big, epic,

final stunt for you.

- Bring it!

- I challenge you to go lion jumping!

- What's lion jumping?

- Oh, nothing. It's just sky diving.

(Dramatic music sting)

All: All right! Wow!

- And instead of a parachute on your back, it's a lion!

(Lion growls)

(All cheering on) Woo-hoo! Yeah!

- So are you gonna do it?

Or is there something you'd like to tell us, Grody?

- Anyone who pulls that off

would be the coolest kid ever!

- Uuuuuh.... I'll do it.

- HA! See, I told you it was Co--

Wait. What? YOU'RE DOING IT?!

- Grody to the MAAAAAAX!

- (Cheering)

(Music sting) (Roar)

- Okay, here I go. - Cody, no.

I'll stop trying to out you, I promise.

This stunt is WAY TOO CRAZY!

You'd never survive!

- You're right. I might not survive.

But Grody will live forever!

- Nooo.

(Whooshing through air)

(Lion roars)

- Yep. There's a lion. - This isn't right.

I mean aren't lions endangered?

- Uh huh. And now we know why.


(Landing thud)

- Grody does it again!

- Oh man that's so great! (Cheering)

- Cody. Wow... you did that.

Not Grody. YOU!

They're cheering for you.

You don't need a cool shirt. You're cool without it!

All: (Cheering)

- Hey... you're right.

I don't need to be Grody,

Cody was always cool.

EVERYONE?! I have something to say!

It's me! Cody! It's been me all along.

And you ALL LOVE ME!

(Crickets chirp)

- You mean to tell us we wasted

an entire day watching Cody!

- BOO! - Worst day EVER.

- Who's Cody?

- (Small chuckle) - Awww...

I just got Courtney'd to the max!

- You sure did, Cody.

But hey, it was good while it lasted.

(Lion growls)

- Well, at least you still think I'm cool.

- (Lion roars) - OUCH! OW!





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