02x13 - A Dame-gerous Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x13 - A Dame-gerous Game

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: Congratulations...

to this year's world hide and seek championship winners!

Woop woop! Woop! Raise the roof!!

- No one does that anymore.

- Well, I do! Woop! Woop!

- You won the world hide and seek championship?

- Sure did. Check out these medals we won!

- Aren't they so gold and shiny?

- (Grunts)

Why did they make it so hard to get to the chocolate?

- (Giggles) There's no chocolate, Owen.

- Oh! (Spits)

- The point is we played

the best game of hide and seek ever!

They're probably gonna make a movie about it

and ask me to play everyone.

- Hide and seek? Pfft.

Only cowards hide.

- Cowards, huh?

Well, I'm giving you three seconds to hide right now.

One... - Ha ha. As if I'm scared of--

- Two... - (High pitch scream)

- Look at this!

They're calling you four "the best hide and seek players

in the history of the game".

You even got some fan mail!

Whoa! This is from the Dame Wrench.

- Who's that?

- She's considered the best hide and seeker

who ever hid and seeked!

- A-hem!

- Sorry, was considered the best until you four.

She won championships in a row!

All: Whoaaaa.

- She once hid for hours

inside the left nostril of a Nigerian dwarf goat!


All: Ewwwwwww.

- (Gasp) A memory stick?! Oh, this is so cool!

- Oh, hello, you didn't see me there.

- She's right, I didn't see her!

- Yes, it's really me, Dame Wrench,

extending my hearty congratulations

to the recently crowned champions of hide and seek!

- (Gasp) She's talking about us.

Hi Dame Wrench!

- (Groans) Stop waving. It's a video.

- I'm inviting you to come visit my private island

where we can celebrate your victory together.

- Amazing! Let's get in my car and--

- This memory stick will now violently self-destruct.


(Effort grunts) (Glass shatters)

(Smash) That was a close- waaahhh!!


Oh man, I just vacuumed my floor mats.

Ugh. I'll deal with that later,

we gotta get to Dame Wrench's island.

(Grunts, click)

(Engine rumbles)

(Gags, vomits)

- Weird... Dame Wrench said she'd be here to meet us.

Maybe we-- - Welcome!

- Aaaah!

- Forgive me for startling you.

I guess you didn't see me in my clever hiding spot.

- Behind some barrels?

Is that the best this old lady's got?

- Ha! You must be the self assured Leshawna...

- Hey!

- ...and you're kindly Bridgette,

honest Owen, and adorable Cody.

- Are you my mother?

- (Laughing)


Now come, I'll give you a tour of my island.

- This Dame lady is kinda weird,

but she owns her own island. You gotta respect that.

- And here is our last stop...

...my humble trophy room.

- Wow. - Amazing - Shiny!

- I know. Brilliant golden trophy here.

Brilliant golden trophy there...

- Hashtag: humble brag.

- I won every single one of these

with my amazing hide and seek skills.

- What's supposed to go in this spot?

- Ah. Well... I had hoped to place

my lifetime achievement trophy there.

But now that the press is calling your team

"the best hide and seekers ever",

(Eye tick squeaks)

that spot might remain as is...


But then again, who knows,

perhaps there'll be some special new trophies

to put in that spot.


- Is something funny? Should we laugh too?

(All laughing)

- Hey, what about a friendly game of hide and seek

with this old champ? - What are we playing for?

- Oh, just for the satisfaction of knowing

who truly is "the best".

- (Chomp, chewing sounds)

(Spits) Awwww.

There's no chocolate in this one either.

(Eye tick squeaks) - Aghh.

I'll give you three minutes to hide anywhere you like,

but no leaving the island.

Let the game begin!

- Oh, I don't play. I just watch.

- Well then, you can "just watch" from here.


Dame Wrench: (Singsong) I'm coming to find you!

- (Gasp) Oh no! Here comes Dame!

- Come out, come out, wherever you are...

- Whew. She almost caught me.

- Almost? - (Gasp)


- Attention. Bridgette is now out of the game.

That's down, to go.

- This old lady's pretty good.

We need to take our hiding to the next level.

Let's split up and use the Mcgillis maneuver.

- Right! Let's do it.

(Footsteps crunch)


- (Giggles)

she thought I was a tree just because I looked like a tree.

Aah! That tree's alive!

- Too easy.

(Poof) - (Gasp)

- Cody has been retired.

Two down, two to go.

Ready or not...

(whispered) here. I. Come!

- She'll never find me.

This is gonna be the best hiding spot ever!

Could you please hurry it up!

- (Gulp) - (Giggles)

- Owen. Quit goofing around.

- (Burp)

- (Thud) Oh, wow, you found me!

No wonder you're our team captain.

- You're the best hide and seek-erer ever!

- Why are you telling me things I already know?

C'mon, I know a place she'll never find us.

- Where? The Mong Kok district of Hong Kong?

Inside a muffin?

(Gasp) The future?

- Dame Wrench's trophy room?

I don't know if we should be in here.

- I know,

and that's exactly why she won't look for us here.


- Huh, this golden trophy looks a lot like Chef.

It must be an award for shouting at kids.

- (Gasp) This one looks like Bridgette!

Owen, do you know what this means?

- (Long gasp)


- Dame Wrench is turning us into trophies

so she can reclaim her title as the greatest.

If she catches us we'll be stuck here forever!

- I can't be stuck here as a trophy!

What about bathroom time!?

Dame Wrench: Come out, come out wherever you are!

- Hide!


(Wheels squeak)

- (Chuckling)

I can hear your little footsteps from a mile away.

Because I'm the beeeest. - Gaah!

- Another trophy for me?

- (Poof) - Why thank you.

You're the only one left Leshawna,

so how about you just...

give it up!

Oh my, this one is good.

What a rush!

I'm coming to finnnd youuuu.

- I've got to get out of here!

But don't worry, I will not leave you guys behind.

This lady thinks she's the best

so my plan is to use ego against her.

That'll buy me the time I need to save my friends.

Step one: letting Dame find me.

- Now, now.

You wouldn't be hiding in the same spot I used earlier,

would you? Hiiii-ya! - (Screams)

- Oh, Leshawna. So disappointing.

Hopefully you'll make a better trophy than competitor.

- Wait! Where'd you get that glove?

- Oh, I actually ordered it from the back of a comic book.

I'm surprised it worked because the sea monkeys

were a giant fail. (Chuckles)

- I gotta admit, you really are the best seeker ever.

- Thank you.

- But the game's called hide and seek.

So if you wanna be the best

you gotta be the best at hiding too.

- I'm the best at both!

- Well, you've never hidden from me.

So go ahead and turn me to gold,

but don't go around claiming to be the best,

because you never proved that.

- But-you're just-you-fine!

Wait three minutes, then come find me...

if you can!

No peeking!

- Hm. Too easy.

Buckle up trophies, we're going home.

(Engine rumbles)

- (Burbles)


- Once I tricked Dame Wrench into hiding

I had all the time I needed to escape...

with all my new trophies!

They're real gold.

(Heavenly choir)

- Real gold? Wow!

Hey, what happened to Cody?

- Meh. Three outta four ain't bad.

- Anyway, I'm off to the pawn shop.

- (Crazed laughter)

It's been a week and she still hasn't found me.

I'm the best and she's a fool!

(Crazed laughter)

(Fly buzzes)


Oh... poop. (Poof)

♪ La la la la la



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