02x08 - Supply Mom

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x08 - Supply Mom

Post by bunniefuu »



Duncan: (Whistling)

- Alright, Duncan, spill it.

What are you up to? - Up to?

I'm just enjoying this beautiful day, Courtney.

- Nuh-uh. I can tell by your sneaky face

that you did something and I'm going to find out!

(Tuba honks)

- Ah, what was that noise?

(Tuba honks)

- What's wrong, Chef?

- (Mumbles)

- You sat on your dog?

Your watermelon was trampled!

(Tuba honks) - Are you stuck to your tuba?

(Muffled yes)

- (Snickers)

- (Gasp) You glued him to his tuba!

- Wha- who, moi? Pfft.

Of course I did. It's all part of my genius plan.

- Which is?

- Incapacitate Chef so he has to call a supply teacher...

then do whatever we want all day

because supply teachers are total pushovers.


- Really?

Our last supply teacher turned out to be an evil robot

that hunted us all down and tried to destroy us.


(Electricity zaps) - Ahhhhh!

- Still turned out to be a fun day.

Plus, if there's one thing I know about myself,

it's that I never learn my lesson.

- (Mumbles)

- I've glued myself to lots of stuff,

so I speak this language.

It's okay. Shhhh.

Talk to me.

- (Mumbles, honk) - Yes. Uh-huh.

- (Mumbles, honk) - Yes. Okay.

(Mumbles, honk)

- He says to get unglued he needs to go to a hospital--

(Mumbles, honk) - Or a music store.

(Buttons click)

- How did you get so good at that?

- Remind me to never use that phone.

- (Mumbles, honk) - Chef says he texted someone

to come look after us for the day.


(Mumbles, honk)

- And cue the sucker, right on time.

- Hello, class. I'm Chef's Mom.

- It's an old lady - jackpot!

This is gonna be easier than I thought.

I'll be right back.

- I'll be looking after you today

while Chef gets a tuba-ectomy!

- (Mumbles, honk) - Don't be afraid, Cheffrey,

it's a very simple procedure that only sounds scary.

It's actually really horrifying what they have to do

to get that thing off of his face.

- (Horrified screams)

- Let's all say goodbye to Chef!

(Engine rumbles)

- How does he drive like that?

(Tires screech, cashing)

(Cars honk) (expl*si*n)

- Well now!

I have a few ideas for things we could do together today--

- Chef made a list this is what we're doing!

That's right! Duncan's calling the sh*ts today, lady!

- He wrote his list in crayon?

- Yup. He sure did.


- And got grape jelly stains on it?

- Oh yeah he's a pig. Everyone knows it.

- (Exhales)

(Worried groans)


- Does this kid think I was born yesterday?

Little punk doesn't know who he's playing with.

Okay, we'd better read this list then.

- So what're we gonna do today, Mrs. Chef's Mom?

- (reads) "Number one,

turn the slide into a wicked water slide."

Sounds fun, let's do it!

He wants fun?

Oh, I'll give him fun.

Do you know what's better than a water slide?

A water cannon!

- Wow! This is way cooler!

- Is this thing safe?!

- No.

(Water whooshes) - Ahhhh!


- Again! I wanna go again!

- Everyone gets a try. Next!

- See? Thanks to me, we're actually having a good time!

(Water whooshes) - Ahhhh!


(Gasps) - Ahhhhh!

(All gasp)

- (Laughing) Best. Day. Ever.

- It's okay, young man,

I know what to do!

(Blows whistle) - Ahhhhh!


Oof! That penguin has sharp toes!

- Now, who wants to pet a vicious carnivore?


- (Screeches)

- No thanks, I'm cool.

- I think she's calling your bluff.

Whoa! She just threw down the gauntlet!

Maybe you should admit that you wrote the list

before someone gets hurt.

- No way. We're just gettin' started!

I got a gauntlet too.

- (Gasps)

- Oh yes I did. That just happened.

- Oh, it's on like monkey pong.

Let's see. Next on Chef's list:

go to a monster truck rally?


- If that's what the list says...

I guess Chef wanted us to see one.

- Field trip...?

- Field triiiippp!!!!!

- Yay!

(Bus rumbles)

- (Cackling)

I told you we'd have an awesome day!

The old bat's actually taking us to see monster trucks

beat each other up!

Are we gonna see Truckasaurus Rex for real?

- I suppose so!

- Yessss!

Announcer: Looks like we've got a late entry, folks,

and just in time

because Truckasaurus Rex is hungry!

- Man, I would not wanna be up against that thing.

- Well, then you're in the wrong vehicle, young man!


Everyone hold on to somethin'

'cause we're about to school this dinosaur!

(Engine roars) All: (Scream)

(Loud smash) (Metal crashing sounds)

(Loud thuds)

Announcer: This is unbelievable.

She's headed straight for the field of fire!

Mrs. Chef's Mom: Aiyiyiyiyiyi!

Announcer: And then right through the meat grinder.

- Ahhhhh!

Announcer: Oooh! That's gonna leave ea mark -

but it's still not as bad

as the pond of piranhas!

- Woo this is fun!

(All groan)

Announcer: And they've made it to the ramp of doom!

Chef's Mom: Hold on tight!

All: Ahhhhh! (Teeth snapping)

- Still think all supply teachers are pushovers?

(Loud crash)

It's okay, Courtney,

you're just having a nightmare.

Wake up. (smack) wake up! (smack) Wake up!!!

- Should we see what's next on the list?

Or maybe we should put it away and have some nice,

quiet, safe reading time.

What do you think... Duncan?

- Never.

(Popping shoulder back in) Uh, owwww!

I have never let a supply teacher beat me

and I'm in way too deep to do give in now.

(Shouts) Have fun or die! (Bones cracks)

- Okie dokie then.

Oooh! The list says we're going to a rodeo.

- Excellent choice. - I agree.

- (Sighs) I love horsies!

- Why bother with horsies

when we can ride the bulls!

- Are you happy now?

We're all doomed!

- It's not my fault!

I said go to a rodeo not go in one!

- Have you considered that she's just punishing

all of us because you made a fake list?!

Now fess up, before someone gets really hurt!

- Pfft. No chance.

She'll give in. You'll see-eeeeee!

- Giddy up! (Smack) - Mooo!

- Chef's Mom is a maniac!

- You think?!

Announcer: Looks like we've got some late entries, folks!


Announcer: Wooodoggie,

it's a monster truck first!

- Mooo!

(Crashing sounds)

- Wooohoohooo hahahaha!!!

- Phew! (Gasp)


- Phew! - Ahhh!

- Moooooo! Duncan: (Pained groan)

- You have to get that list back or we're done!

- (Spits out tooth) And get in trouble?

No way. If this is her idea of fun

just imagine how brutal her punishments would be!

(Both shudder)

- The next item on the list says...

go on the moon rocket ride at Spaceland.

Duncan, doesn't that sound fun?

- (Gulps)

At least she can't make that scarier than it is. Right?

You can't do this! We're kids!

You can't send us to the moon on a real rocket?!

- (Laughs)

Not the moon, sillies.

You're going to the sun!

- What??

(All screaming)

- Now count with me kids:

, , ...

- (Farting) Ahhh.

Even my bum is screaming!

- She's not bluffing!

- ...! - Stop! Don't do it!

- Stop! - Hold up, Barry!

(Rumbling stops)

- Something to say, Duncan?

- (Struggles) Fine.

I made the list, not Chef!

I don't want to fly into the sun!

I just want to have a quiet nap time, play a few board games,

and wait in an orderly fashion for pick-up. Please.


- Duncan, the next time you make a fake list -

don't sign it.

- Man she's cool.

- And that, is how it's done!

- Hello kids! I'm back!

Whoa. It's so... peaceful.


- What happened??

- Hello son.

Glad to see you're unstuck from your tuba.

- Sure am. Did you have fun with the kids?

- I really did,

and the kids were just wonderful.

Right Duncan?

See? He's good.

- Thanks, Mom, I knew I could count on you.

Just let me put this away.

(Loud moo) - Aaaahhh!

Why is there a bull in my office?!

Ahhhhhh!! No! Helllppp! (Hooves thunder, Mooing)



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