Undead, The (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Undead, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Noah!

- Huh?

- Noah!

- What?

- They're here. I saw them.

Where are you going?

- I'm hungry.

- Well, don't leave me here.

- You'll be fine.

- Noah.

- I'll get something

for you, too.

- Noah!

I know who they are.



Oh, oh, what have I

done? What have I done?

- Why are we here?


is the point

of any

of this?

We're here for such

an insurmountably

small amount of time

in the existence

of the universe.

And yet, I ask you,



is it coming

to an end


Because it is

the end.

It's not coming.

It's here.

We stand

on the precipice of time,

watching the world burn!

But from

those ashes

we will rise


- Amen.

- Amen.

- Um.

I'm not speaking metaphorically.


This isn't grandiose.

It's, uh...

It's not a delusion.

This is the



Book of Daniel 12:2.

"Many who lie dead in the

ground will rise from the dead.


will be given eternal life.

Others will be given nothing

but shame

and disgrace."

The resurrection

is here.

- Amen.

- Yes, brothers, sisters,

this is no fairytale.


is no time

to relax.

It is time

to open

your eyes

and gaze

at the flames that burn us!

The fire

that traps us

from seeing the truth.

The truth

which is right in front of you.

The blinding light.




The ultimate decider.



of this,

we're here,


one temple,

a shelter from the storm,

a home

for when the Lord arrives.

There will be

no chariots,

no trumpets


But we must have faith

that these

are the signs

of his arrival.

- Where is she?

She was supposed to be

here half an hour ago.

- Are

we truly

ready to receive him?

The undead

will walk among us.

- Jeez. And I thought my

generation was too sensitive.

- A bunch of snowflakes.

- She's right.

- What?

- Mm-hmm.

We need

to look

for a reason to laugh

during these times.

So I thank you.

Shall we

condemn those that sin

without showing them the

path to righteousness?

Shall we

condemn these actions

without proper judgment?


will we find


in ourselves

To help them?

- Don't f*cking touch me!

- Those chosen to walk

the path of righteousness

will be shown their

way in due time.

- Where is your daughter?

- She'll be here soon.

- She is a complete


First she embarrasses us in

front of all of our friends.

Now she's late to

the family meeting.

I can't deal with this anymore.

- You heard Adam. We

have to be patient.

She'll find the way.

- Do not defend her.

- I'm not defending her!

- Oh yeah? Then

what are you doing?

- She'll be here

any second. Calm down.

- Ah!

- Someone's jumpy.

- Ah, come on, Rachel. You

know your mom has a weak heart.

- Look who decided to show up.

- Oh, cut her some slack.

- There you go,

defending her again!

- Adam is ready to see you now.

- Thank you, Bud.

- I...

I know the pain your

family must be in.

- Do you? Really?

Did you k*ll your brother?

- Will you shut up for one damn

minute? He's trying to help.

- I haven't.

And I'll never

understand how you feel.

But I'm

sure it is an unbearable

weight you must carry.

That you all carry.

Listen, um,

I'd like to offer you something.

It's my cabin upstate.

It's where I go to find solace.

It's where I found my faith

when I was lost and in the dark.

It may offer an opportunity

for healing, don't you think?

- Absolutely not.

- It's this reform school.

- You can't be serious!

- You will like

this a lot better.

I assure you.


I'll make all the arrangements.

- Thank you so much.

- Of course, Noah.

- Thank you.

- Of course.

- Are you excited?

We're almost there.

- So excited.

- I thought you

wanted to be an actor.

Can't you at least

pretend to be excited?

- Whatever.

- Thank God Adam's letting

a stay at his place.

- What kind of religious

leader calls himself just Adam?

Like, who does that?

- It's not about him.

It's about our healing and...

- God.

- You sound like you're

in some kind of cult.

- Well, it's true.

- The cult?

- No!

- One of the reasons

we belong to this faith

is because it's

open to everyone.

There's no titles.

- She's not listening to you.

- I'm listening!

Ugh! Stop being such a bitch!

- What? Did you hear?

What she just said?

- You can't talk to your

mother like that, Rachel!

- Why, 'cause she's crazy?

- How dare you?

- Just stop it, both of you!

- You are so grounded!

- Ah!

- Is everyone okay?

- Holy shit!


- I hit my neck really hard.

- Can you check her, please?

- No, no, no! No!


Hey, hey, hey, hey,

get out of the car.

I don't think it's safe.

- What happened?

- I don't know. I think it's

leaking gas, or something.

- What are we gonna do?

- I don't know.

Come here.

We need to get her some help.

I'm sorry, honey. Lemme see.

- Dad, I'm still

feeling a little dizzy.

- Oh, I'm sorry, dear.

It's just a bit further.

- Ah, no! I can't

go any further.

Can't you look and see if

we've got a signal yet?

- Yeah.

No luck.

Well, can't we wait by the car?

- I don't know. It

smelled like gas.

- Maybe it's because

you had too many beans.

- Right?

Yeah, maybe, but that's a

different type of expl*si*n.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Are you okay?

- Do you have a phone? We

need to get her to a hospital.

- Of course.

My house is

just over there.

Not much further now.


- Oh.

Thank you. Thank you.

- What happened?

- I think I hit something in

the road and cut a fuel line.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

- So what brings you to

my neck of the woods?

Few people come around up here.

- We're supposed to be staying

at our friend Adam's house.

- Adam! That religious guy?

Oh yeah.

His house is

just up the road.

I can take,

drop you off, if you'd like.

- Are you sure we're

talking about the same Adam?

- W- w- we wouldn't

wanna impose.

- No.

No trouble at all.

- No, absolutely not. I do

not feel right about this.

We do not know anything

about that guy.

- What other option do we have?

Are you ready?

you guys are a

bunch of nervous Nellies.

- How much further is it?

- Oh,

about, um,

10 more minutes or so.

- You said that a

half an hour ago.

- I'm joking.

It's just around the bend.

- Please, God,

let there be service.

- Hey,

you can pray all you want,

but there's not a blip

of service here.

- You're not serious.

- Ah.


sweet home.

- Ah!


I'm late for a date.

I'll get your car towed.

Don't worry about it.

I know where to

find you.

- Boy, that guy's, uh, that

guy's a little unique, huh?

- I'm just surprised

he has a date.

- Yeah, yeah.

Well, you know,

love can be blind.

- There's seriously

no service here.

- Well, I guess we'll just have

to talk to each other, then.

Where are you going?

- to get some air.

- She's so moody.

- Yeah. But maybe you

can cut her some slack.

- If you defend her one

more time, I'm leaving.

- Come on now.

- You think I'm overdoing it?

You don't see how

she looks at me.

She wants nothing to do with me.

- What the hell was that?

Did she just leave?

- Let her.

- Ah, shit.

- Ow!

- You okay?

- No!

Why does she do this to me?

It's like,

ever since Matthew died,

I became the devil.

I don't get it.

I'm afraid she's

turning into me.

- No, no, honey.

Come on. Don't be like that.


You know she still loves you.

Come here.

Stay here.

- What?

- Stay here.

I think I heard something.

- How can you eat

at a time like this?

- Starving ourselves isn't

gonna help us find her.

- I'm such a terrible mother.

- No, no.

Come on. You're not terrible.

Now, don't be so

hard on yourself.

- I'm sorry for causing so

much trouble all the time.

- I heard something.

- Oh, good. I thought

it was only me.

What are you doing?

- I found her passed out.

- Honey, are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

- I- i- is she-

- Daughter!

Who are you?

- I don't know.

- What? What do you

mean, you don't know?

- I don't know.

- Who are you?

- I don't, I- I don't remember.

- Oh, I'm scared. Who is he?

- What do you mean, you

don't remember? Who are you?

- Dad, don't yell at him.

- I don't know who this guy

is. He could be anybody.

- He saved me.

- Well, let's not

get carried away.

He's the one that

could've done this to you.

Where you from? Do you

live around here, huh?

- I don't know.

- I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have

to ask you the leave, then.

- Dad! But he helped me!

- I'm not gonna let someone

who doesn't even know who he is

stay with my family.

- Right.

- No, wait. Stop.

He obviously needs help,

and we need to help him.

We're people of

faith, aren't we?

- Maria, what do you think?

Oh, w- well,

we really don't know who he is.

- Mom, he seems like a

nice guy. I can tell.

Please, just trust me.

- Well, it's not like you're

gonna listen to me anyway.

- Hey.

- Yes?

- You can sort yourself out,

and we'll figure this

out tomorrow morning.

But if you even lay a

finger on my family,

I'll be forced to

resort to v*olence.

Are we clear?

- Yes, I understand, sir.

- Very well.

- I don't know what your

intentions are with my daughter,

but watch yourself.

- I have no ill intentions.

- Oh, so you know that,

but you don't know who you

are or where you're from?

- She told me about Matthew.

- What about him?

- It's clear to me that

she's in pain. You all are.

- And who are you to judge?

- I'm simply a man

who cares for others.

Thank you again for

letting me stay.

Have a good night.

- What? What's happening?

- There was someone in the room!

- Who, who? Was it that guy?

- No! There were

two little kids!

- Did you remember to

take your medicine today?

- It's not my medicine.

They were here.

- Are you sure you

took your medicine?

- Yes!

- Okay, it's...

Just go back to sleep.

It's okay, okay?

I'm here now.

It's okay.

- Okay.

- God,

grant me the serenity to accept

the things I cannot change,

the courage to change

the things I can,

and the wisdom to

know the difference.


- Ah.

- So,

what's your deal?

- My deal?

Uh, what do you mean by that?

- Like, you still don't know

who you are, or anything.

- Yes. Unfortunately not.

- Does that bother you?

- Yes, I don't know what it

is I'm supposed to be doing,

or if there's anything

I need to be doing.

- You're chopping wood,

so that's something.

- Only because Noah said he

needed more wood for the stove.

- But you know how to do that.

- Well, doesn't everybody.

- I don't know how to do that.

- Um,

thank you, by the way,

for, um, telling me about

your family last night.

I feel like it helped

me in some way.

- Did you have a family?

- I think so. I mean, I must

have, but I don't remember.

- I would think someone like

you would want a family.

Don't you think?

- What do you mean?

- You know, like,

you're pretty cute,

and you seem like a nice guy.

- Thank you. Uh,

I think you're cute, too.

- What if we did something

to help you remember?

- Like what?

- Oh, I don't know. Does

anything ring a bell?

- I don't know. Wh

-wh- what do you think?

- How about this?

- Oh, uh...

My apologies, I, uh...

I was just not anticipating

such, such an action.

- Do you remember anything now?

- Uh...

This doesn't feel right.

- Come on. That was

barely even a kiss.

- No, no, I think, uh,

I'm just going to keep

chopping wood, okay?

- Fine. Suit yourself.

- There is no time to waste.

You must be baptized

by the Holy Spirit

if you are to be saved.

Those who walk amongst

shall be cleansed of

their original sin.


cleanse this man of his sin,

where he now walks the path

of righteousness and grace.

He is now in your hands, Lord,

and will walk with

us in eternity.

- Preacher!



Baptize my children!

I am begging you!

- I will, Sylvia, but you

must bring them to me.

- No, no, no, no, no,

no! They are evil!

I am begging you! They

mustn't leave the house!

I need you to come baptize them!

Release the evil

from their souls!

- No, no, Sylvia.

They are not evil.

Though evil may reside within

them, they can be forgiven,

but you must bring them here.

- I cannot do that

which is not possible.

They cannot leave the house.

They will curse the land

that they walk upon.

- Sylvia. Sylvia, please,

bring the children to me.

- Hmm.

Look at this.

- What is it?

What is this?

- It's him.

The guy who's staying with us.

- No, it's not. This

is an antique photo.

- Look closer. It's him.

It looks just like him.

- Do you hear yourself?

How's that possible?

This photograph is at

least 50 years old.

- I know, I know.

But there is something

not right about that guy,

and this proves it.

- Some doppelganger photo

doesn't prove anything.

Millions of people

look like other people.

What is your point?

- Fine, whatever.

Don't listen to me.

I'm just the crazy one.

- Ah.

You're back.

- You're happy to see me now?

You seemed pretty okay

with me leaving before.

- Well, yes, but while

I was chopping wood,

I remembered something.

- You sure it wasn't the kiss?

- Maybe it was the kiss.

But I remembered there

was a lake nearby.

- Oh. That's very interesting.

- Would you and your

family like to go swimming?

- I don't know. Probably not.

- Why not?

- I don't know.

- I could show you.

It'll be fun.

- Hey!

Good to see you!

- Hey!

How's it going?

- Well, uh, yeah.

You know, it's, it's,

it's going, yes.

- Oh.

Yeah, I brought of some

food and some stuff

that y'all might need.

- That's great, thank you. You

can set it down right here.

- Yeah, of course.

Any- anytime.

- Hey, wait, wait. How how'd

that date go, by the way?

- Let's just say it, um,

didn't quite make it

to the first course.

- Oh. I'm sorry about that.

- Ah, there's, there's

plenty of fish in the ocean.

It's just, um, I'm not

a very good fisherman.

- It happens

to the best of us.

- Oh, um, your, your, your

car's in the shop now,

and I'll bring it

over when it's done.

- Oh, sounds good,

Herman. Thank you so much.



- Whoa!

Did I hit you?

- Close enough.

- Sorry about that.

- What'd

you do that for?

- I don't know.

Maybe I'm just a

little frustrated.

- With me?

- No, no.

Your mother, she's, she's, she's

been having episodes again.

- Oh, I see.

- Sometimes I, I, I, I wonder

what life would be like if,

if, you know, if Matthew

was still with us.

Our family, we wouldn't be

in such constant turmoil.

Your mother, well,

your mother would be in a much,

much better place, for sure.

- Yeah, I agree.

- But God gives

the worst hardships

to his strongest followers.

But sometimes it

just feels like...

- Too much?

- Thanks for being a good

sport about everything.

I understand dealing with

your mother can be, uh,

let's just say a hardship

in itself sometimes.

- I mean, what

else am I gonna do?

I'm kinda stuck here.

- Hmph.

- I mean, we all are.

By the way, our new friend,

he remembered that

there's a lake nearby.

He wanted to see if

you wanted to go.

- Hmm, yeah, that sounds nice.

- I'm not going.

- No, we're going. Put

on your bathing suits.

- No.

- Stop acting like a

child and just get ready.

I'm not gonna force you, but

we have to go for Rachel.

- You never listen to me. We

always do what you wanna do.

I never listen to you? We

always do what I wanna do?

Everything I do

is for the family!

Why can't you just listen to

me for once and just do it?

I'm not gonna dress you

like you're a f*cking child!

I'm not your f*cking father!

Just make the right decision!

- Oh, this is great. Just great.

- How much further is it?

- If my memory serves me right,

it should be just a bit further.


- Oh, wow.

- Much better than sitting

in your room, right, Mom?

- Yes, honey.

It really is.


I feel like a

little kid!

- It's not so bad, is it?

It's perfect, Noah.

- Come here.

- I'm sorry about before.

- Ah, it's okay, honey.


- What was that for?

- I'm sorry!

- Oh!

I should do it more often, then.

- Come on. Come on.


I'm glad you're happy.


It's beautiful, isn't it?

- It's stunning.

- Hmm.

- Did my dad not have

any extra swimsuits,

or are you just wildly insecure?

- I just, well, I

felt right in it.

And anyway, I like

watching you all have fun.

- What's with the glasses?

- I just thought they were nice.

- Are you gonna jump in?

- Ah, no.

Something about this place

doesn't feel right for me.

- You're leading

us into this lake,

and there's something evil here.

- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

It's not like that at all.

It's, um...

Sometimes a fire can

cook a meal for a family,

and other times it

burns the house down.

- Yes, Prophet.

Can't you ever just have fun

and not think about things?

- Whoa!

Oh my God! It's


- There is no time

to wait.

- You should've told

us you can't swim.

- I can!

But it was like there was

something pulling me down.

- Something, or someone?

- Are you okay?

- What was pulling you down?

- I don't know!

- You don't know, or

you don't want to know?

- Stop it, Maria.

He almost drowned.

- No, no, she's right.

- What?

- Wait, what?

- I think I saw someone.

Or something. Maybe,

uh, two people.

- Were they kids?

- Uh, they could've been.

I was in too much of

a panic to notice.

- See? They do exist.

I told you

- Not now, Maria!

- No, it's okay. It's fine.

- You sure you're, okay?

You're starting to

sound like my mother.

- Well, she may

be onto something.

- Wallkill.

- What was that?

- Wallkill, New York, that's,

that's where we are, right?

- Yes. We're in Wallkill.

- I'm from here.

I can feel some of my

memories returning.

- Like what? What

do you remember?

- I don't know.

I think there's something,

something about that lake.

- Oh, really? Well, what

makes you think that?

- I think...

I think something

happened there.

- Is that why you

freaked out at the lake?

- I don't know! I don't!


Why can't I remember anything?

Why is this happening to me?

Jesus, as far as I'm concerned,

the world started two days ago.

Who are you?


All right, maybe, maybe...

Maybe I just don't

want to know. Hmm?

God, I just, I...

I can't think about

this right now!

- What was that?

- I don't know.

- What's going on?

- Jesus!

We need to put a bell on

you. You scared us again.

- I think there's some

kind of animal at the door.

- I'll take care of it.

- Wait, what?

- Oh!

- What?

- Are you okay?

- Elijah.

- What?

- Elijah. That's my name.

- Wow.

- Yeah.

- Elijah. What a nice name.

- I keep having these visions

or daydreams or something.

They keep coming to me.

- Maybe you wanna

put the g*n down?

- Oh, uh, yes. Sorry.

I just,

I don't feel right.

I feel off.

- Is it because you

k*lled an animal?

- I don't know. Maybe.

- Maybe you don't

like k*lling animals.

Maybe you were,

like, "Creature!",

or something.

- But that sounds about right.

- Does the idea of

death scare you?

Because it was either

us or that bear,

and you chose to protect us.

I think that makes us even now.

You made the right decision.

- Well, after everything

you all have done for me,

it was the least I

could do.

- You were right!

There were a bunch of hunting

nights in the basement.

- He remembered his

name. It's Elijah.

- Oh, that's such great news.

Elijah, you ready to

help me butcher the bear?

- Yes, well, um,

after giving it some thought,

I think it would be best

if we brought it out back

and buried it.

To be honest, I don't know

how to butcher an animal.

Well, you sure

sh**t like a hunter.

- Yes, well, maybe someday

I'll remember that, too.

- Your mom hates you.

She despises you.

What a terrible human being.

- No.


- You k*lled Matthew.

- Please!


- Is everything all right? I

sensed something was wrong.

- Yeah, it was just a nightmare.

- Were they in here?

- Who?

- The kids?

- No.

- Okay.

Try to get some sleep.

- Okay.

- Honey, I warned you not to

come in here. I warned you.

- Are you okay.


Are you okay?

- Sorry, I didn't hear you.

- Is there something

troubling you?

- Yeah, I don't know.

I'm just thinking about

a couple of things.

- Is it about Matthew?

I'd like to hear

more about Matthew.

- I'll be there in a minute.

It's your favorite.

- The doctor says

that it's too sweet.

- A little sugar won't k*ll you.

Here, drink some.

It's a little hot. I'll wait

for it to cool down, okay?

- You're the best sister ever.

- I'm not that good. Trust me.

- No more jokes.

They hurt too much.

- I made you a

special tea today.

- I'm sorry.

Don't you wish that you

didn't always have to help me?

- What? Of course not.

You're my baby brother.

You're not a burden at all.

- Yeah, but Mom and Dad are

always fighting about me.

- Mom would fight

over a piece of bacon.

It has nothing to do with

you. It means nothing.

- Maybe it's better

if I just die.

- No, stop it, don't

say that. It's nonsense.

Here. Drink some

and feel better.

Come on. Let's say a prayer.

God, I know we haven't

spoken in a while,

but I'm sort of mad at you.

My parents go to

church every weekend,

and my brother is still dying.

Why are you doing this to us?

Why are you doing this to him?


I'm sorry, God, but


please just,

just tell help

him to get better.

Just this once, let there

be some kind of miracle.

- Okay. Dad and I are ready.

Are you and Matthew

almost ready to go?

- Yeah, but he

doesn't seem so good.

- Well, you know

what the doctor said.

Pain is the beginning

of his recovery.

- But I think that

he's coughing more now.

- Well, sure he is coughing,

but he is also

walking and playing.

The road to recovery isn't paved

with all amenities, you know?

- I guess so.

- Okay.

Matthew says he

feels a lot better

since he started drinking

your special tea.

See you downstairs.

- I stand before you today not

as a preacher, but as a man,

a man of faith,

who believes deeply

that love and faith

are within us all.

The same can be said

for this building.

Is this a temple,

a church, a mosque?


It is a building

filled with faith.

People filled with

faith and love.

Same can be said

regardless of the religion.

I can tell you one thing

with absolute certainty.

This is God's building.

We are just


constructing our own

faith, our own path,

sourcing from all religions

to build our home,

a place that means faith to us.

But today we'll

talk about baptism,

an idea that predates


The belief of

cleansing one's soul of all

that no longer serves them,

as well as an initiation

ritual into one's faith,

and sometimes


to heal those

who are sick

of body and mind.


I pray that you cleanse

all those before me

so they may be reborn.

- Sorry, sis.

- You always

win. Why do I even play?

- I'm the king.

- Oh yeah?

- What are you doing?

You could k*ll him!

- Mom, we were just playing.

- He just started to

get a little bit better.

You've got to be

careful with him.

I don't know if I can

trust you with him.

- No, Mom, you could trust her.

I started it. We'll be good.

- Your father and I have

to go to this meeting.

It's very important.

- Whatever.

- Night, sweetie.

- Where were we?

- I wanna be baptized.

- I knew we shouldn't

have gone to the assembly.

- Can you baptize me.

- There. You're baptized.

- No, I wanna be

baptized like Adam said.

- So go to the

assembly next week.

Or maybe Mom and Dad could-

- But I want you to.

You had that magic tea.

- I don't know about that.

- Please. I want you to.

I just wanna be better.

- Are you sure?

- Yes.

- Okay. Well,

here goes nothing.

Um, I'm going to put

my hand on your head

when I dunk your head in, okay?

- Okay. I'm just

a little scared.

- Are you serious?

You're making me do this?

- No, no, please,

just do it.

I just wanna be better.

- Okay.


- God, cleanse this child

as you have cleansed me

so that he may be

reborn and saved.


No. Matthew?







Please, no!


I k*lled him.

- It sounds like it

wasn't your fault.

- What do you mean,

it wasn't my fault?

- It sounds like

he was really sick.

- But he was getting better,

and then I drowned him.

- You know,

he never really left.

He's still with you. He'll

always be with you, here.

Those memories you've shared

with me, cherish them.

He'll always live on, not

only inside those memories,

but in your heart.

Remember that.

- I don't give a f*ck. I

just want my brother back.

- And what are you doing?

- We're making a

sandcastle. Right, Samantha?

- Oh, that looks

like fun. Can I join you?

- Sure.

- Ah. Thank you.

- It's a sandcastle for Daddy,

so he can come back home.

- You miss him?

- She's a bit shy and all.

- Oh, that's all right.

Come. Won't you

help me, Samantha?

- Mummy says we were bad,

and that's why Daddy left us.

We need to get the

evil spirit out!

- Wait now. No.

No. Now, listen.

Sometimes when

mummies are upset,

they can say things

they don't really mean.

I've got to go, but can I come

back and talk to you later?

Would that be all right?

- Yeah, that would be fine.

- All right.

- This is for Daddy.

- Are you okay?

- She just misses Daddy.

Right, Samantha?

- Hey, uh, get away

from the sandbox.

There's a dead

squirrel in there.

- Doesn't it deserve a

proper burial, Preacher?

- I guess so, but please

get away from the sandbox.

- What about the burial?

- Oh, you were serious.

- We need to make a sacrifice

if we want Daddy back.

- Wait.


- Father?

- Mm?

- I heard the strangest

thing on my way here.

I think I heard

Samantha screaming.

I was walking over

to the church,

and I heard screaming

coming from her house.

- Well, what makes you

think it was Samantha?

- Well, obviously it wasn't

Sylvia, and it wasn't Raquel,

and I heard it coming

from Samantha's house,

so it must've been her.

Wait, Father, where

are you going?

- Uh, I'm heading

over there now.

- What the hell do

you want from me?

- Oh, oh!

What have I done?

- The sacrifice is done.

- I had to finish the

service, but I'm here now.

Where are the children?

- I am finally free.

They are finally free.

- Wait. What are

you talking about?

- The judgment fell upon us,

for the end of

times is a-coming.

I am finally free of

all that chains me

and holds me hostage,

for they have been freed

from Satan's grasp,

and thus,


have I.

- Sylvia, Sylvia,

where are the children?

What have you done?


- What happened?

- It's okay.

Everything's going to be okay.

- They're here.

- I know.



Oh, I'm so glad to see

that you two are back.

- Back from where?

- I'm so sorry I let you down.

I remember everything.

- You do?

- Yes.

Rachel, I'm your


- Wait, what?

- I know, I know, it's

a lot to process, but

the end is upon us,

and I have returned.

Maria, do these children

look familiar to you?

- It's the kids.

- Yes.

Their names are

Raquel and Samantha,

and they have risen as well.

This is unbelievable.

- I know.

I kissed my great-grandfather.

That's disgusting.

- I have something to show you.

- Matthew?

Oh, I can't believe it!

Oh, I'm never letting you go.

- Sacrifice.
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