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01x10 - Switch

Posted: 03/02/13 23:06
by bunniefuu
"The Switch" ("Contrefaçon")

[ honking ]

[ screeching tires ]

[ moaning ]


[ moaning ]

Hit her harder, please.

I decide how much pain she gets.

And I decide how much money you get.

Put those away.


[ honking ]

[ screeching tires ]

[ dog grunting and growling ]

[ growling and barking ]

[ barking ]

[ growling ]

[ dialing ]

Frank, I figured you'd call.

Do you know who W. C. Fields was?

The guy who married Mae West?


He was a guy who refused to work with kids and animals.

I'm a fan.

Don't tell me you opened the package.

I thought about it.

That cute little dog!

So you knew about this all along?

Lighten up, Frank. It's easy money.

There's no such thing as easy money.

[ grunting ]

[ growling ]

[ growling ]

Hi, baby!

Come here, baby! Mommy missed you!

Did you miss mommy, my little baby?

Hum? Ah! He wants to say goodbye!

Say bye bye!

[ growling ]


[ growling ]

Give it to me.

This is my place. We play by my rules.

Look, if she wasn't here...

What? What would you do?

Give it to me.

Leave this to a professional.

Uh, could one of you hit me please?

[ whipping sound ]


[ whipping sound ]

Oh! Oh!

[ whipping sound ]

Yes! Oh!

♪ I get up at seven, yeah ♪
♪ Then I go to work at nine ♪
♪ I got no time for living, yeah ♪
♪ I'm working all the time ♪
♪ Seems to me I could live my life ♪
♪ A lot better than I think I am ♪
♪ I guess that's why they call me ♪
♪ They call me the working man ♪
♪ They call me the working man ♪
♪ I guess that's what I am ♪


Have you heard anything yet?

They're moving it today.

It's not just for me, you know.

I know, grandfather. It's for all of us.

All of us.


[ beep! beep! ]

[ sigh ]

Ah! Striking, isn't it? What would you say if I told you

I could sell that painting tomorrow for half a million euros?

I'd say you'd have to steal it first.

Speaking hypothetically, of course.

Of course.

Name's Tracy.

This is Mr. Voros.

Let's get this over with.

The sooner he makes the delivery, the sooner I get my money.

Now, you be careful with that, because you have no idea how much it's worth.

[ beep! beep! ]

Take it easy.

The package in your trunk, give it to me.

I can't do that.

Give it to me! Now!


Because it belongs to me!

Put the g*n down.

I'm just a driver, delivering a package...

Which was stolen from me!

Why should I believe you?

Because I'm the one holding the g*n.

Do you have any idea what you've got in that car?

It's none of my business.

Following orders?

Sticking to the deal, actually.

Give it to me.

[ police siren ]

You should be careful with those things. They can be dangerous.

You're the driver?

Not what I expected.


Where's the package?

Follow me.

So when's that auction, Professor?

Three months. Paris.

The driver has arrived, Mr. Khyber.

Oh, perfect.

I've been waiting a long time for this.



Well, if our business is done...

Wait a second.

This is something I've been pursuing for quite some time now.

I need to have my associate here inspect it, just to make sure it wasn't damaged in transport. Professor?

Yes, yes... exquisite use of light...

It's magnificent.

Yes, it is.

Wait ...


What is it?

Well, it may be a masterpiece in its own right, but it's not the painting you bought. It's a forgery.

That's impossible.

Maybe. But I doubt I'm wrong.


[ shattering glass ]

This is extremely disappointing.

I just deliver the package. I'm not responsible for what's inside.

I made a down payment of a million dollars for this painting.

I'm sure you won't mind the hospitality of my estate while I look into this.

A real animal lover, your boss.

Bad news.

The professor's confirmed the painting is a fake.

Well, like I said, it's got nothing to do with me.

The man who hired you to make the delivery says he gave you the real painting.

Of course he did. What else is he going to say?

So, someone is lying, then. We just have to find out who.

Since you happen to be here right now, you go first.

Are you left-handed, or right-handed?

I only ask because it usually saves time... and a hell of a lot of mess... to go straight for the fingers of the dominant hand.

Second time today I've had a g*n pulled on me.

Mr. Khyber: I need to speak to Mr. Akamatsu.

Yes, I know what time it is in Tokyo. It's urgent.

I can assure you, I'll get to the bottom of this.

[ screeching tires ]

Yes, I am aware of the consequences.

[ muffled screams ]

I don't expect any of you idiots to know anything about art, so I'm going to try to explain this really carefully.

That painting was part of a set. The same scene done four times, each representing one of the four seasons... winter, spring, summer and fall.

I own three of them.

Individually they're each worth about twenty million.

As a set, they're worth five times that much.

I already have a buyer.

He will be very disappointed if I don't deliver.

Now, what happened?

Dumbfuck here let the driver take his g*n.

I could beat you to death with this poker... but that would make a mess on the carpet.

[ scream ]

[ thud ]

Start with that driver.

Find out what he knows and then k*ll him.

[ ring ]


I'm here.

Ah, the rider's coming home.

Come in.

Why do I do this work, you ask yourself, Frank?

Because it's simple. Pick something up at point A, take it to point B. End of story.

Nothing complicated.

You are a man who likes routine, Frank.

Exactly. So why does it turn to shit?

You need to stick by your rules.

Is the car ready?

Yeah, system check is complete... in maybe sixty seconds.

[ car starts. ]

What can I do for you?

The painting was a forgery.

You opened the package?

Long story.

I need you to find out about that gallery owner.


And I need you to run a motorcycle plate.

All right. Anything else?


Find me a nice simple delivery for a change.

Do you ever think about switching jobs?

Only three or four times a day.

Just imagine how bored you would get, Frank.

Thanks, Carla.

What the hell are you doing here?!

I've come to talk about the painting.

So, you will come twice a week, you will pay in cash, and you will never complain.

No matter what happens.

I don't want anything too rough.

I'll decide about that.

And no marks.

I don't want my wife asking questions.

You're a naughty boy, aren't we?

I'm just here to have a little fun.

Nothing dangerous. You can put those away.

You know what? You businessmen are all the same.

Big men on the outside, frightened little boys on the inside.

[ cell phone ringing ]

I have a job for you.

I'm sorry, Madame Cora is not available.

Don't "Madame Cora" me: It's work time.

She's with a client right now. I'll have her call when she's done.

Cut the crap. You work for me.

Full time. I own you, so get over here.

[ phone beeps ]

Where do you think you're going?

I have business to attend to.

Right now, is playtime.

I'm just here...

...for light whipping.

You know what?

Get out before you get hurt.

[ coughing ]

I already told Khyber... I don't...

I don't know anything about the painting. Talk to the broker.

His name is Tracy. If anyone knows anything about this...

Oh, we're going to talk to him, don't worry about that.

But here's the thing, Mr. Voros, we need to find out who has the real painting.

And we're finding it very hard to believe that you don't know anything about it.

I want you to think long... and hard...

I don't know.

You know what you need?

A little more incentive. So tell me... are you left-handed or right-handed?


No, no...

[ scream ]

You shouldn't break into people's houses.

And you shouldn't chase cars on a motorcycle.

I know a few people who can ride like that.

You're not exactly that type.

Oh yeah? What type am I?

A nice Jewish girl, from an American suburb.

The pictures... the one with you and the older gentleman in a suit?

My grandfather.

The Pissarro? It was fake.

My buyer's expert barely looked at it... he had no doubt.

When you see the real thing, you know right away.

There's an essence that no forger ever captures.

But you thought I had the real one.

I heard that the original was in Berlin: Anton Khyber wants it, and Charles Tracy offered it to him.

I'm sorry about the frying pan: I just want what's mine.

And what makes you more deserving than anyone else?

Family photos?

This was my great-great-grandmother. See that?

What am I looking at?

On the wall behind her.

The Pissarro.

This was taken at their house in Warsaw. Mid-1930s.


My great-grandmother again. With her father.

See the guy with the beard?

My grandfather's great-grandfather.

Camille Pissarro?

The rest is birth certificates, other stuff.

So what happened?

Ober-gruppenfuhrer Paul Hausser.

It's bounced around since the w*r.

And you just have to get this old family painting back?

I made a promise to someone.

Do you know where Voros stays when he comes to Berlin?

Why should I tell you?

If you want to see the painting again, I'm your best chance. Let's say I have a professional interest in getting to the bottom of this.

I think you have a target on your back.

Odds are, so do you.

I figure you've been investigating this for some time.

Poking around, asking questions. They're gonna find out.

Voros uses an apartment in Dahlem.

It actually belongs to one of his father's companies.

Let's go.

Ah, hang on. I just want to get my jacket.

Get your hands off me!

Let go of me!
[ cell phone ringing ]

It's his phone!

Hey, come on.

Goren, it's Khyber.

Where's my painting?

Your painting?

Hey, you listen to me, you son of a bitch.

No, you listen to me! That painting's mine.

I don't give a f*ck where it came from! I'm going to find it, and if you get in my way I'm going to f*cking k*ll you. Understand?

Like I said. We've both got targets on our back.

[ cell phone ringing ]


Now listen to me, you idiot. Go find that girl.

If you don't find her, you'll get a visit from Madam Cora.



Maybe you should wait here.

Not a chance.

It's the guy from the art gallery.

That's not a good sign.

Oh, God!

His fingers are missing.

It means he stuck to his story, right to the end.

He was telling the truth... he had nothing to do with this.

Are you going to be okay?


Do you need a minute? I'll look around.

[ scream ]

I thought he was dead.

I think I'll take that, for just a little while. We better get out of here.

Now what?

We still have the forgery.

Why did you keep it?

It's not paint by numbers. There are only so many people around capable of doing something like that.

We find the forger, he'll lead us to the original.

I have a friend who knows about these things. His name's Ivon.

I'll give him a call.

Goren found the driver. He was with the girl at her apartment.

And then they lost them. Again.

You keep disappointing me, Lara.

We've got a lead on the broker, Tracy.

He owns a gallery called The Culture Factory.

There's going to be some sort of event there tonight.

I love a good art show.

[ phone ringing ]


Hi, Ivon. I have a painting I need authenticated.

Bring it to the gallery. I'll take a look.

All right, well, see you soon. Thanks.

He's working at an opening tonight. We're going to meet him there.

How long have you been doing this kind of work?

A while.

No wife? No family?

I like to keep things simple.

Sounds kind of lonely.

You didn't track that painting to Voros with a simple internet search.

I wish. Three years of my life spent in dusty archives all over Europe.

When I started this, I told myself it was for my grandfather.

Sometimes I wonder why I don't just walk away.

Why don't you?

Maybe it's because I've been doing it so long I don't know anything else.

You know what I mean?

I get the idea.

[ music ]

It's an installation. It's called Porcelain Angel.


Not exactly your kind of crowd, I'm guessing.

I'll see if I can find Ivon. Try and stay out of trouble.

The composition achieves a very powerful, dissonant counterpoint, doesn't it? Although I must admit, usually I prefer the early Russian school of abstraction.

When I was nine, I had my first erection to a Kandinsky.

In that case, I'll leave you to it.

What's with her?

Later. Come with me.

Frank, this is Ivon.

Come in back, show me what you've got.

Go in. Get Tracy. Bring him to the car.

We'll wait behind the building.

You found it.

This is Pissarro.

It's called "The Street Beside the Lake in Winter".

Is it?

You think it's a fake?

That's what I was told.

I don't know...

This painting's been missing for almost seventy years.

Assume for the sake of argument, the artist had the original to copy from. Who could have done it?

Not many people.

This is first class work. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say...

Markov. Anton Markov.

He's the best there is. He's crazy as a loon, but if anyone could pull this off, it would be him.

How do we find him?

Ah, he's a recluse, but I could ask around if you want.

The main event. Please.

[ music ]

[ clatter ]

Who is that guy?

Mr. Tracy, my boss.


[ screaming ]

Going somewhere?

Let's go. Come.

Good call.

Why don't you shut your face?

Okay, okay.

Get in there. Now!

Watch the hair.

[ jumbled voices ]

Is that enough dissonant counterpoint for you?

They got Tracy.

The police are on their way.

If you don't want them to find you here you'd better get going.

You know where your boss lives?

He's staying with his girlfriend.

Give me the address.

Please... you have to listen to me.

I didn't have anything to do with this.

Mr. Voros said otherwise.

All I did for him was I just advised him that if he wanted to sell the painting, I could get a good price for it.

And that Transporter wasn't my idea.

No, I could have delivered the painting myself...

Shut up. I'll deal with the Transporter later.

Right now there's only one thing I need to know... where's the original?

I don't know.

Very well, then.


Are you left-handed, or right?

The girlfriend's home. We can use that.

Hey, before we go in there... I just want to say something.

Whatever happens in there, I just...

I want you to know that...


We'll continue this later.

It won't work.


Your g*n, which you just slipped from my pocket.

I removed the clip.

Shit. I'm going in there.

You're just gonna walk up and knock on the door?

So how are we going to do this?

You've been att*cked.


[ banging on door ]

Will you help me?

What the f*ck?

Somebody help me, please!

[ violent banging on door ]

Help me, please!

[ banging ]

[ crying ]

You have to help me. There's this guy and...

Thank you.

You can wait right here.

Mmmm, mmmm!

We've got to make this fast. I'll check the basement.

Where is it?

It's in the basement.

Get it.

I prefer to fight someone my own size.

Is this as good for you as it is for me?

Too much foreplay.


We've got to put out that fire!

Never mind about that. Where's my painting?

It's over there, but...

Get it.

Don't you move.

Shut up. Get the painting.

The second you hand it over he'll k*ll you and us.

Shut up or I'll k*ll this bitch right now.

My painting.

It's too late.

My painting.

Get off of me!

We've got to go.

Please. Please.

There's at least fifty million dollars worth of art down here!

[ coughing ]

[ woman screaming inside ]


Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Thank you.

Call the fire department.

You'll need a place to stay tonight. Come on.

coughing: Lara! I can't move.

[ coughing ]

Lara! Help me!

I can't breathe!

[ coughing ]

My legs!

Lara, help me!

[ coughing ]

[ sirens ]

Hello. Leave a message, please.

Juliette DuBois.

This is the Transporter. I have information for you regarding the death of Max Khyber. Call me back. And you owe me one.

I can't believe the painting's gone.

I mean, after all this time, I really thought I would get it back.

Hey, we got out alive.

Would it make a difference if the painting wasn't destroyed?

What are you talking about?

I switched them.

Is it the real thing?

It is.

Can I look?

You know, last night, I half-expected you to throw me out of the car and keep the painting for yourself.

You don't know me very well.

Maybe that's something we can work on.

I'm leaving town tomorrow.

Another job?


I know a great waffle place.

It is. It's authentic.

Babe, wanna party?

With you?

You up for it?

You by yourself?

Not if you get in with me.

You want to meet my little friend?

Every one of those assholes had it coming.

That waffle place in Brussels... maybe I'll see you there?


Thank you.

[ music ]

[ camera clicks ]


[ intake of breath ]

You found it.


Now we are all home.

Thank you.