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06x10 - Amazin' Amazon Adventure

Posted: 02/29/24 09:01
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts

Chris: We're here in South America,

in the world's largest rainforest...the Amazon.

Martin: It's us the Kratt Brothers.

Chris: I'm Chris... Martin: I'm Martin...

The Amazon rainforest has high biodiversity,

meaning it's jam-packed with so many different

species of plants and animals.

In fact, there are more different kinds of creatures

here than in any other forest or land habitat on earth.

Chris: This is an oxbow lake.

A favorite home of the giant river otters.

Martin: This lake is full of all the fish

that giant otter's love to eat.

They've got piranhas, catfish and a lot more.

Chris: Where there are fish, there should be otters.

All we have to do is find them.

Hey, something's moving in this fallen tree.

Martin: What? Giant otters!

Chris: Yes! We found them.

Martin: I didn't even see that one.

Wow, what a creature.

Chris: Giant otters are one of the largest

members of the weasel family.

They're huge.

Martin: It is so lucky that we found a family.

Hey, it looks like they caught a really big fish.

That fish head is like five times bigger

than the otter's head!

Chris: They go around hunting in packs and are so tough,

they can take on caimans and jaguars.

That's why in Spanish they're called lobos del rio

- wolves of the river.

Imagine if we could uncover the secrets

of the Amazon's bio-diversity.

Martin: Imagine if we had rainforest

animal creature powers.

Martin/Chris: What if?!

♪ On adventure with the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready it's the hour

♪ We're gonna save some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power

♪ Gonna go wild with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, Wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride

♪ Gonna go wild with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts

Chris: Amazin' Amazon Adventure.

[mellow hiking music] ♪♪

Martin: You sure this is the way Chris?

Chris: Yeah, just up ahead, I think.

Aw if we get to the tributary,

then we can start searching for them.

Martin: I hope we find them..

Oh I've always wanted to meet a pink river dolphin.

Chris: Oh yeah, they're in this Amazon rainforest somewhere.

We just got to find them.

Martin: All right, well then we got to get on the river.

Chris: Ok, let's make sure we have everything.


Martin: Check.

Chris: Food?

Martin: Check.

Chris: First aid?

Martin: Check.

Chris: Dolphin decoder?

Martin: Check! Thank goodness

for Aviva's awesome inventions.

Hopefully, this will help us communicate with them.

Chris: Ok, let's get her in the water.


Chris: Why is our canoe heavier?

Martin: And bumpier?

Chris: Really bumpier.


Martin/Chris: It's a caiman!





Chris: Yikes!

Martin: Ahh!

Chris: In the boat, in the boat! Run, run, run!


Martin/Chris: Whew!

Chris: That was close.

Martin: Yeah, we got to be more careful around here.

Koki: Guys, we have a big problem.

Martin: Yeah, we just had one of those too.

Koki: It's Aviva. She's not herself.

She's been trying to come up with her next invention

and she just can't think of one...

Aviva: Hmmm, come on brain.....


Jimmy: We're worried about her.

Aviva: Hmmm.


Martin: It looks like she's thinking so hard that it hurts.

Chris: Aviva, are you ok?

Aviva: Ugh....I just need to come up with something great.

Really innovative and new.

Martin: Yeah, don't worry about it.

You'll think of something.

Aviva: I'm not so sure.

I just want my inventions to be meaningful

and good for the world.

Maybe I'm all out of ideas.

Maybe I'm tapped out.

Chris: No, not a chance.

Look at all the cool things you invented already.

Jimmy: Yeah.

Like the Butterflier XT.

Martin: The Dhole Duplicator

Chris: Amphisub.

Koki: Manta Sled.

Chris: Cheetah Racer.

Martin: All kinds of cool stuff.

Aviva: Well, you better enjoy those,

because that's all I've got.

I guess...


Martin: Okay, those dolphins can wait.

Chris: Aw, we really need to help our friend.

Martin: Yeah and without Aviva,

the Wild Kratts team just isn't the same.

Chris: She needs inspiration.


Jimmy Z: Bioinspiration?

Chris: Yeah, bioinspiration.

See, nature has been a living invention laboratory

for millions of years.

Scientists get ideas from how nature does things.

She needs to come with us.

Martin/Chris: Into the Amazon!

Koki: Great idea! We'll drop her off.

Aviva: Ugh, ohhhh.

Martin: She's in.

Aviva: Hmmm...

Aviva: Hmmm...

Zach: My spybot is secured.

The signal is coming in.

Aviva: Come on...come on... come on....come on...come on.

Zach: What is she thinking about?

Aviva: Something big.... something really big!


Zach: Something big?

Big like what?

Chris: The Amazon is full of inspiring ideas, Aviva.

It has the highest biodiversity

of any land habitat.

Zach: Oh, they're talking about biodiversity.

See biodiversity is...uh...

well, biodiversity is?

Martin: The amount of different plants and animals.

And Aviva, the Amazon has more biodiversity

than any other forest in the world!

Zach: Well, that's what I was gonna say.

Chris: The biodiversity is so high here,

it's home to % of all the planet's creatures.

Zach: Hmmm...high biodiversity equals

lots of animals and plants.

Like an animal warehouse.

Very interesting.


Chris: Okay, Aviva, get ready to experience a single rainforest

almost the size of Australia.

With mysterious creatures

like pink river dolphins.

Aviva: Pink dolphins?

Are there really pink dolphins?

Martin: Yeah, really, pink dolphins.

Aviva: Oh.

Koki: Hey guys, I'm coming too.

We need all hands on deck to get Aviva back.

Jimmy Z: And I'll stay with the Tortuga.

Too many creepy crawlies and mysterious things for me.

I'll make sure Zach and the others don't cause any problems,

especially while Aviva is out of commission.

Zach: Aviva out of commission?

Oh goody! I sense opportunity here.

I'll need to call my friends.


Koki: Wow. Beautiful!

So much life here to see...


And strange sounds to hear.


Sounds like a monster!

Martin: It's not a monster, it's a monkey!

Look...howler monkeys!


Koki: Well, I see where they get their name.

Chris: They're a vegetarian monkey.

They eat mostly leaves and fruit.

Martin: And check this out Aviva,

they have a special bone in their throat

that makes that awesome sound.

See, the hyoid bone.

Aviva: Right, it acts like a resonating chamber

and that bone helps to amplify the sound making it louder.

Martin: Very inspiring huh?

It's kind of like a megaphone built into

the throat of the monkey.

[monkey imitation call]

And these monkeys had hyoid bones

way before humans invented megaphones.

Aviva: Well that's a good example of nature's inventions,

but I'm looking for something higher tech.


Martin: We're not going to give up.

We got to find something.

Chris: Yeah, we'll find another one of nature's inventions

to inspire her.

A hummingbird! Perfect.

With its power, I can do a quick buzz around the forest

to see if I can find anything in there.

Insert Hummingbird Power Disc.

Touch hummingbird. And activate hummingbird powers!

[exciting transformation music] ♪♪


I feel so full of energy!

A mini-helicopter bird.

Be right back Aviva!

Wow, the rivers and lakes are part of the story out here.

And the amazing forest is the other.

The Amazon is sometimes called 'the lungs of the earth'

because there's so much plant life

giving off oxygen that we breathe.

Koki: That's right Chris,

almost percent of the world's oxygen

comes from the Amazon.

Chris: And all this plant life supports kinkajous,


praying mantises, hey Liturgusa krattorum,

tamarin monkeys,

and much more.

Want to check out any of those, Aviva?

[beep] Uh-oh.

Sugar Levels low.

I got to fuel back up!

Martin: Go find some nectar.

Chris: Oh no, need that flower nectar now!


red-bellied piranha!

Not just one...lots of them!

Martin: They're hungry! Koki: Hang on Chris!

Chris: Yikes! Oh those teeth are shaaarp!

Martin: We're coming bro!

Chris: A rock. Got to get to the rock...


Oh. Ah...Whew!

Aah! That was close.

Aviva: Chris! Martin: Chris, you ok?

Chris: Yeah, thanks to this rock...

which is...kind of hairy...whoa!

Martin: Cause that rock is a capybara!

Aviva: What are they?

Martin: The largest rodent in the world.

Chris: They're like massive water-loving guinea pigs.

Thanks capybara.

Koki: They look like peaceful creatures.

Martin: Oh yeah, I love your big, blocky head.

I'm going to name you Blockhead...


Koki: Look Aviva, she has a baby.

Aviva: Oh, quelindo.

They sure are cute.

Martin: It's a whole herd basking in the sun.

They're perfectly at home in the water or on land.


Did you hear something buddy?


[gasps] Capybara stampeeede!

[splash, splash]

See how athletic they are?

They can run nearly as fast as a young horse on land.

Aviva: Really?

Koki: Let's check them out Aviva.

Chris: And they swim really well too.

Aviva: Hmmmmm, athletic on land and water.

You mean like amphibious?

Koki: They're definitely not amphibians.

Aviva: No amphibious.

Not amphibians, like frogs.

Amphibious, like anything that can move well in water and land.

Chris: Yeah! Amphibious.

In water, capybaras have webbed feet

and special fat reserves,

that help them be neutrally buoyant.

That helps them move underwater like a submarine.

Aviva: Wow...amphibious.

Good on land and in the water.

Koki: Watch out for those piranhas Chris.

Those little predators will take a bite out of anything.

Chris: Don't remind me...

Aviva: Oh...let me see.

Look at those razor sharp teeth, interesting.

Chris: Wow! It's amazing down there.

The cool thing is that capybaras

get to be in both worlds

- land and water.

I wish we could do that.

Aviva: An amphibious robot vehicle...

a new way to explore habitats like the Amazon.

Martin: Ooh yeah, like a vehicle that could go on land

and underwater... that'd be so cool!

Chris: The coolest!

Aviva: Maybe even find pink river dolphins too.

Koki: See that?

No more wacky thinking poses.

Martin: I think we're getting her back.

Jimmy Z: [snoring]

Zach: Oh good. He's asleep again.

I can always count on him for that.

Now connect my calls.

Donita: Hello darling. Donita Donata Fashions.

All the latest in animal wear, for the fashionably conscious.

Gourmand: Yel-lo!

Gaston Gourmand here.

Endangered species chef extraordinaire.

Paisley: Paisley Paver, CEO of Pave Nature Incorporated.

Turning yucky wild places into beautiful pavement.

Don't waste my time.

Zach: I'm not!

I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse.

I've become aware of a place that could be

good for all of us.

It's called the Amazon Plainforest.

Donita: Plainforest?

You sure about that?

Paisley: All forests are plain, if you ask me.

Go on.

Zach: Anyways, you can think of it as a warehouse

of all kinds of varmints.

I think we can all find things we can use there.

Like I can find animals

that would make good spare parts for my robotic inventions.

Gourmand: Hmmm. And animals to cook?

Zach: Lots. A pantry full of ingredients.

Donita: Nice patterned animals to turn into fashion items?

Zach: For sure.

Think of it as the world's largest closet.

Paisley: And how big is this place?

Zach: Huge! Bigger than most countries.

Paisley: Fine.

So you all harvest all the animals you want,

and then I'll pave the whole place over and

build a giant mall where you can sell it all.

Zach: My thoughts exactly.

All: [laughing]

Chris: Nice swimming little buddy.

You're doing great!

Martin: See how their eyes, ears, and nostrils

are towards the top of the head,

so they are out of the water when they swim.

Koki: Cool.

Chris: Oh yeah, it's a nice ride and...aahh!

Martin/Aviva/Koki: [gasp]

Chris: Oh's...

an anaconda!

Martin: Whoa, a green anaconda.

Chris: I can't believe I'm saying this,

...but I wish it wasn't green.

Koki: Why?

Martin: Green anacondas are the biggest snakes in the world.

Up to feet long and over pounds!

Martin: Cmon!

We got to get them out of this tangle.

Chris: Hurry! Martin: Pull!

Martin/Aviva/Koki: [grunting]

Martin: Anacondas are constricting snakes.

That means they squeeze their prey in a tight grip.

Koki: You're not kidding!

Aviva: This is one powerful snake.

Martin: Yeah, way stronger than the three of us!

Aviva: How can it be this strong?

Martin: This isn't working.

Ooh, cool!

Chris: Martin! He gets distracted Blockhead

...even at the worst times.


Martin: I didn't get distracted, I got electrified!

Electric Eel Power!

Thanks Voltage.

Right now we could use your electric defense.

High voltage force field activated...

...aaand zap! [ZAP!]

Chris: It's working Martin.

His's loosening.

Martin: No offense, Condy, but you got to let go of them.


Chris: Almost there!


Thanks bro. We're out of here.

Martin: We're cool right?

There's other prey out there and you're obviously a good hunter..

Oh yeah, you are one impressive snake.

Chris: Deactivate!

Whew, that's enough hummingbird power for now.

Koki: That was close.

Martin: Good thing Voltage, the electric eel was around.

Aviva: Natural electricity!

That needs to be part of my invention.

These organs inside the eel's body

function like natural batteries.

I may be able to make a bioelectric battery

that mimics the eel, but digests garbage

and converts it to energy.

Wow, thanks for the inspiration, Voltage!

And that anaconda grip?

What strength!

That can be very useful on any adventure vehicle.

And these snakes are amphibious too?

Chris: Sure are.

They're at home moving around in the water,

on land and even in the trees.

Aviva: Wow, all these amphibious animals.

They're giving me an idea.

Thank you creatures of the Amazon!

Chris: Thanks Blockhead, you helped me with the piranhas

and we helped you with the anaconda.

Martin: We learn so much from you animals.

You help us, we help you.

Aviva: We're partners in adventure and invention.


Zach: Ooh. Incoming signal!

Show us the spybot feed.

Donita: I want that snake! Nice design.

Oh, I could make pairs of anaconda sandals.

Zach: No! I need that for my Anaconda bot.

Gourmand: I want the big pig thing.

They look delicious.

Maybe roasted with some mint jelly.

Donita: No, I need those... the fur looks comfy.

They would be beautiful oversized pillows.

Gourmand: I called them first.

Zach: Stop it! Stop!

Biodiversity remember!

There are lots of animals for us to use up in this forest.

We'll just get more!

Paisley: And I want no delays.

According to my schedule,

my pavers will begin paving the forest soon.

I can't stand this messy's so ugly.

That's why when I'm done with it, it'll look like this.

[lightning crashing]

Now that's more like it!

Zach: Collectors!

[evil dance music] ♪♪

Fan out and collect it all

and start with those varmints

the Wild Rats found for us.


Aviva: I think I've got it g*ng!

Koki: You do?

Chris: You do?

Martin: You do?

Aviva: Thanks to these Amazon creatures,

I'm so inspired

and have a vision for my next invention.

The Amphi-Trek XT!

Martin//Chris/Koki: Wow!

Martin: Sounds incredible.

Aviva: Just wait til you see it.

I got to get back to the Tortuga and my invention station.

Koki: I'm coming too.

Jimmy come get us.


Where's Jimmy?

Emergency wake-up!

Jimmy Z: [snoring]


Koki: Come get us Jimmy.

Jimmy Z: Oh...On my way!



Koki: Hey, I see something.

Got it.

One of Zach's spybots on our boat.

Aviva: Oh no.

Koki: I'm going to tap into its communication data logs.

Zach: Amazon Plainforest. A warehouse of varmints.

Paisley: So you all harvest all the animals you want

and then I'll pave the whole place over

and build a giant mall, where you can sell it all.

Zach: Fan out and collect it all.

Chris: Oh no!

The entire Amazon rainforest is in danger!

Martin: And all our creature friends too.

Aviva: There is no way I'm going to let them destroy

this rainforest and all of nature's inventions.

Koki: It provides so much oxygen to the planet.

Martin: One of the largest sources of fresh water on earth.

Chris: Mysterious creatures that have yet to be discovered.

Aviva: If I can construct this invention just right,

it might help us stop them too.

Koki: I'll take the spybot back to the lab

and try to extract the villains' location.

Martin: Great, and we'll search for those villains.

They got to be somewhere here in the Amazon.

Just in time.

Aviva/Koki: Good luck guys.

Chris: You too!


Martin/Chris: Bye Blockhead!


Zach: Woah ho ho! Add those to the collection.

Donita: I love this.

It feels like a shopping spree.

Gourmand: A very tasty one.

[evil laughter]

Zach: I am so inspired to use all the animals

as spare parts in my robots.

[evil laughter]

No one can stop us!

Zach/Donita/Gourmand: [laughter]

Martin: Wow, this Amazon rainforest

is like a web of different sized rivers.

Chris: Oh yeah, we've reached a much bigger river now.

Martin: We've got to keep our eyes peeled for any sign of

Zach and the rest of those villians.

Chris: Yeah and then... [snorting]

Hey, you hear that?


Martin: Gourmand?

Chris: Could be.



Martin: Who's doing that?


Martin/Chris: Giant river otters!

Martin: Oh these otters are huge.

Chris: Yeah, and so endangered.

Martin: Hm?

Ahhhh! Our boat!

Chris: Ahhh!

Oh no, it's sinking!


Martin: Ok well, I guess we just became part of the pack.

Chris: [laughing] Yup. Part of the family.

They live in extended family groups.

Aunts, uncles, brothers, big happy family.

Martin: Hey little girl.



Otter snort snot.

Chris: [laughing] She got you right in the face.

Martin: I think I'll name you Snorty.

Chris: Now that we've introduced ourselves,

they're not snorting so much.

The snort means they're curious or alarmed.

Martin: Yeah, looks like they know we come as friends.

Chris: Amazing, these are the largest otters in the world,

sharing the water with caimans and jaguars.

They're playful, but also tough when they need to be.

Martin: Hey, where're you going?


Talk about tough, they're fishing for piranhas.

Chris: Martin, I just realized

we found another amphibious animal.

Amazing in the water and good on land.

Tortuga come in.

Otter Pack here.

Koki: Hey guys.

Chris: We have good news and bad news.

Martin: Which do you want first?

Aviva: The bad news I guess?

Chris: We kind of sunk our canoe.

Koki: What?

Martin: Yeah, but the good news is that you can make us

a giant otter power suit instead, right?

Aviva: Well the bad news for you is that I'm too busy working

on this awesome new invention.


Martin: Ohhhh...

Chris: But it's a member of the otter family,

can't you just do a quick modification

of the river otter disc?

Aviva: Okay, but just to keep you moving.

Any sign of Zach yet?

Martin: Not yet.

Any luck with getting some GPS coordinates from Zach's spybot?

Koki: I'm still working on it.

It's heavily encrypted.

Martin/Chris: Ugh! Chris: Finding them

is not going to be easy.

Aviva: You'll be fine.

Just stick with those otters and I'll send the discs soon.

Martin/Chris: On it!

Paisley: Hmmm.

Our inventory is growing nicely.

It looks like we'll be able to start paving soon.

[engines rumbling]

Zach: [coughing] Hey, cut that out!

How is a genius like me supposed to work on his inventions

in a cloud of smoke?

My Jagwirebot will be one of my greatest inventions.

Infused with a jagwire's essence of strength and power,

it'll be unbeatable.


Hey! Zachbot,

make sure that mind control helmet is nice and snug.

Donita: Oh Zach.

Glad you dropped in.

What do you think of this fully sloth sash,

matched with these hummingbird earrings?

Zach: Um, yeah...

looks divine...or whatever.

Gourmand: I told you not to use all those hummingbirds!

Donita: Relax Gourmand.

Can I interest you...

[clap clap]

in a kinkajou?

Gourmand: Ohh, la de da.

This kinkajou fondue

will be a fabulous starter

for my , course Amazon feast.

Paisley: Don't let any animals go to waste my friends.

They won't have anywhere to live

when we flatten this forest anyways.

Martin: Wait up, Snorty...

Chris: We just can't keep up with you..


Aviva: Are ready to pick up the pace?

Martin: Please say you've got the otter power disc.

Aviva: I do.

Coming at you Jimmy.


Jimmy Z: And... Zap 'em!

Martin: Whoa.

Oh, thanks.

Martin/Chris: Insert giant otter power disc...touch giant otter

and...activate Giant Otter Powers!

[funky transforming music] ♪♪

Chris: Alright!

Martin/Chris: Awesome!

Chris: We're amphibious!

Hey pack, we're ready to head down river.

Martin: Let's keep a look-out for the villain camp.

By the way Snorty,

do you know any pink river dolphins because that's

...huh? Chris: Martin, over there!

Martin: Could it be?

Chris: Dolphin fin?

Martin: I can't believe it.

Chris: We're really going to meet a...

Martin/Chris: Bull shark!

Chris: Get out of here!

[frantic music] ♪♪

Martin: A bull shark in the river?

Chris: I know! They're supposed to be ocean creatures.

Martin: Yeah, but obviously bull sharks sometimes go up river.

Chris: I know, sometimes hundreds of kilometers

up rivers like the Amazon and the Mississippi.

Chris: Ugh, we can stay away from him,

but we can't shake him bro.

[frantic music] ♪♪

Chris: It's the pack!

The power of the pack!

Martin: Oh yeah! Giant otters are tough!

Chris: Tough enough to take on a bull shark.


Thanks giant otters.

We owe you one.

Martin: Okay Snorty, now I know why otters can live with crocs,

jaguars and other predators.

You guys really stick together.

Chris: We sure do.

Sorry jag. The pack needs a quick break,

then we're off again.


Martin: Oh and by the way,

have you seen a guy with a chef hat around here,

maybe a lady all dressed up like fashionable?



Chris: Donita?

Martin: Gourmand?

[evil laugh]

Zach: Don't forget me!

Martin: Zach!

Zach: Ahh, the Wild Rats.

Gourmand: Greengrape and Blueberry.

Donita: Christo and Martino.

Zach: So surprising to bump into you here,

amongst all this "biodiversity"

Zach/Donita/Gourmand: [evil laughter]

Martin: What're you doing here


Donita: Oh, we're up to something big.

Gourmand: So big, we can't have you messing it up.

Zach: Zachbot's, bring them with us.

Let's go!

Martin/Chris: Whoa...oh...

Koki: Aviva, it's taken me all night,

but I think I found the GPS coordinates of the villains'

camp in the homing database of the spybot.

Aviva: Really?

Koki: Yeah, I'm going to go scout it out.

Aviva: Keep in touch.

Chris: No, you won't get away with this!

Paisley: You think you can stop us?

We have Zachbots, mannequins... my paving machines.

Nothing will delay us!

Koki: Pssst.

Martin: It's Koki.

Chris: She must've decoded the GPS location.

Koki: Now, how am I going to get to them?

Martin: I hope these mannequins don't see her.

Chris: Whoa, she turned off its programming.

Martin: Way to go Koki.

Uh-oh. I'm not sure about this.

Chris: We got to help her get to us.

Um, Donita...

Donita: Yes, you like this?

Chris: No, not exactly... I have a really itchy back.

Martin: Yeah, um..he gets itchy sometimes..

Chris: Itchy.. itchy...itchy...itchy.

Woo hoo. Itchy.

Donita: Ugh. You!

Can you deal with that please?

Gourmand: Ah, Donita, is that mannequin sick?

It's walking funny.

Donita: They don't get sick. They're mannequins.

Zach: Well, they don't move nearly as smoothly

as my robot technology.

Chris: Oh yeah real itchy, yeah,

Itchy, itchy, itchy... Ooh! Itchy, itchy.

Donita: Ugh.

Chris: Umm...a little lower.

Oh yeah, that's the spot.

Thanks Koki, we'll wait til sunrise to make our move.

Donita: No, no more back scratching!

Mannequins go!

Collect me more animals!

Koki: Whew! That was close.

The rest is up to them.

Aviva: Okay, Jimmy.

The key to this vehicle is that

it will be able to travel over land and water with ease.

Jimmy Z: Yeah, it's amphibious.

Aviva: Exactly.

I've designed the power drivers with two modes.

Just like the otters and capybaras.

In land mode, the traction pads and claws make it slip-free.

And in the water mode,

the fingers spread out with webbing between them -

transforming into basically a paddle.

Jimmy Z: This amphibious vehicle is gonna be so cool!

Aviva: Now let's see if I have the constriction

power of the anaconda right.

I mimicked the musculature of that snake.

Thousands and thousands of body muscles.

Jimmy Z: I'm out of here!


Aviva: Don't worry Jimmy.

Jimmy Z: Ohh....oof.

Aviva: This is a job for Crash Test Dummy Brad.

Initiate strength test.

Jimmy Z: Cool.

Aviva: Awww, that's not even full strength.

Maximum Squeeze!


Oh yeah, that's a strong grip.

Jimmy Z: Anaconda awesome!

Paisley: OK, I'm ready to start building our gigantic mall -

Phase One.

The beasts are cleared from this area yes?

Zach: Yes, the varmints are all secured.

Paisley: Then we'll start with this part of the forest.

Martin: You're going to clear the entire Amazon rainforest?

Paisley: Yes, it will look like this when I'm done.

Martin: What?

Chris: Aw but the Amazon gives us so much of our oxygen.

And it has so many plants and animals.

They'd be gone.

Martin: Forever!

Donita: Oh, don't worry so much.

It'll all work out.

Martin: Oh, you're right, it will work out.

Chris: Ready? Martin: Ready.

Donita: Hey! You're free.

Gourmand: I knew there was something

wrong with that mannequin.

Zach: Yeah, it was all like, yaaah...yaaah...

Donita: Enough! Get them!

Martin: Insert Jaguar Power Disc...

Chris: Insert Orb Weaver power disc...

Martin: Touch jaguar...

Chris: Touch orb weaver....

Martin: And..

Martin/Chris: Activate Creature Powers!

[funky transforming music] ♪♪

To the Amazon rainforest rescue!

Martin: Retractable claw power.


Chris: Spinnerette web power!

Woo hoo hoo. Yeah!

Coming at you bro!

Martin: Claw power...

[whack] with pouncing action!

[klang] [smash]


Chris: Yee-ha!

Martin: Good job Chris.

My turn.



Nice one bro.

Gourmand: We need reinforcements.

Zach: Don't worry I've got a plan.

Paisley: Good. Keep them busy.

I won't be delayed.

Zach: Say hello to my Jagwirebot.

Martin: Uh-oh.

Chris: Oh no, Paisley and her paving machine.

I'll stop the paver.

Martin: I'll tackle the Jaguarbot.

Haha...nice kitty.

Paisley: You can't stop us!

[evil laughter]

[crash] Huh?

Yuck. A giant spider web!


Chris: Sorry Paisley. Couldn't let you do that

to all these animals' homes.

Martin: Yeah, that's spider power.

Sorry villains, it's over. Let these creatures free.

Paisley: This web might stop one of us...

Gourmand: But not all of us!

Paisley/Zach /Donita/Gourmand: You can't stop us!

Chris: Oh no, they could be right.

Martin: There's too many of them.

Martin/Chris: We need help...

Donita/Gourm: Huh?

[blub blub]



Aviva: Introducing my Amphi-Trek XT.

Do you like it?

Martin/Chris: It's awesome!

Chris: Way to go Aviva!

Gourmand: What is it?

Donita: Aviva, and another one of her inventions.

Zach: Wow...that's amazzzzingly...boring.

Ho-hum my robots are much better.

Aviva: It's inspired by creatures from the Amazon.

They taught me so much science.

Gourmand: Oh yeah?

Well did they teach you to deal with my dough balls?

[chomp, chomp, chomp]

Aviva: Sure did!

My Amphi-Trek runs on bioelectric power

created from food waste or garbage.

So your dough balls just boosted my power.

Thanks Gourmand!

Chris: Wow they look like piranha teeth.

Slice like them too.

Aviva: Right. I designed it after piranha teeth.

Donita: Oh yeah? Well it can't deal with

my mannequin pose beams.

Aviva: Electric eel voltage on!

[zing, zing]

It fritzes the pose beams

and the batteries are even inspired by those special organs

inside an electric eel.

Zach: OK, OK, step aside.

I see that I'm going to have to take care of this.



Aviva: The Amphi-Trek is pretty agile on land.

Zach: Not so fast, watch this...

Aviva: Deploy Anaconda Gripper!


Zach: Hey, no fair!

It has a strong grip...

Aviva: Like the anaconda.

Zach, you don't have to use animals in your robots.

Just get inspiration from them,

figure out how nature does things and adapt it.

Martin: Good job Aviva!

Paisley: You can't stand in the way of our progress

- even with your inventions and your power suits.


Aviva: Not so fast Paisley.

Paisley: You can't stop us!

Aviva: I'm holding the paver with anaconda strength...

but.....nootttt sure long.....

Chris: Time for Wild Kratts teamwork!

Let's do this.

Gourmand: Ohhh!

Donita: Whoa!

Paisley: I never stop...huh!

Zach: Ah!

Gourmand: Get me out of here!

Zach: I want to go home!

Chris: Think of it like a cozy sleeping bag.

Paver shut down.

Martin: Disable control panel.

You're free, animal pals!

Chris: Living free and in the wild!

Zach: I'll get you next time Wild Rats!

Donita: Ugh. The Amazon is so last season.

Gourmand: Rotten Blueberry and Green Grape!

Paisley: Get me out of this messy forest!

Koki: Guys, you saved the Amazon rainforest.

Aviva: And I found my invention inspiration again.

Koki: Wow, the Amazon sure is an important place on our planet.

From the trees that provide so much oxygen.

Jimmy Z: To the importance of its water cycle.

Martin: And being home to so much

of the precious life on earth.

Martin: Hey, look! Chris: Could it be?

Martin/Chris: Pink river dolphins.

Aviva: Hop on!

Martin: Yes! I couldn't wait to try this out.

Martin/Chris: Deactivate!

Chris: Let see what this can do!

Martin/Chris: Woo hoo!

Aviva: Water mode.

Chris: Super cool!

Martin: On land and in the water.

Aviva: Yup, the ultimate adventure vehicle for both.

Chris: There they are!

Martin/Chris/Aviva: Pink river dolphins!

Aviva: Amazing.

They really are pink.

Martin: Pink dolphins that live in freshwater rivers.

Chris: [laughing] And they're friendly.

Aviva: But why are they pink?

Martin: No-one really knows.

Scientists still have so much to learn about them.

Chris: Oh yeah, there's still lots to learn

about this whole forest.

And new creatures are still being discovered.

Martin: Well, you did it again Aviva.

Your invention saved the day.

Chris: Yeah, we're so glad you're back

to your inventing self.

Aviva: Thanks everybody.

I'm definitely happiest when I'm inventing.

Jimmy Z: You're so good at it too.

Aviva: Sometimes you just hit a bump or a block

and have to work through it.

Thanks for helping me find the inspiration I needed.

Chris: That's what friends are for.

Koki/Jimmy Z: Yeah!

Martin: Yeah, and not just us,

also our creature friends.

Right dolphin pals?

Aviva: Thank you Amazon, for everything.

[birds cawing]

Martin: So the Amazon rainforest is a true creature paradise.

Full of amazing plants and animals.

Chris: Each with surprising creature powers.

Like the poison frog's toxic skin.

The tiny tamarin's acrobatic abilities.

Martin: Or the giant river otter's amphibious lifestyle.

That's a powerful swimming body.

They use their tail like a rudder

to help them surge through the water.

When they really want to go,

they kind of do a porpoise motion.

The otter's hungry and they're on the move.

Chris: And so am I.

Searching for the Amazon's most mysterious creatures.

There's something in the water.

Over there too.

Yes, pink river dolphins!

This is so awesome to be hanging out with pink river dolphins.

They are so rare, so mysterious, so endangered,

and here they are all around us.


We all know the dolphins that live in salt water,

but this is rare - a dolphin that lives in fresh water

and not only that, they're pink.

Pink river dolphins look a lot different than most dolphins.

They have that really long pointy snout

and a really bumpy head.

Most people don't even believe you when you tell them

about pink river dolphins but,

here they are and they're awesome.

There are still so many mysteries,

so much we can learn

from the plants and animals of the Amazon.

Martin: There are so many animals around here

that new species are being discovered all the time.

We love every single creature who lives there.

All the Amazon's biodiversity

is a really good reason to save this place

not to mention the importance of the rainforest

for our planet as a whole.

Chris: The Amazon rainforest is a special place.

Martin: Keep on creature adventuring.

Chris: We'll see you on the creature trail.

[show theme music] ♪♪


Chris: To find out more about cool animals.

Martin: And collect your own Wild Kratts Creature Powers.

Chris: Go to the Wild Kratts website.


Both: We'll see ya there!