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04x12 - Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Man

Posted: 02/29/24 08:54
by bunniefuu
MARTIN: We're here on the continent of Asia.

In the southern mountains of China.

Where summers are hot and winters are cold.

It's us, the Kratt Brothers!

I'm Chris! I'm Martin!

And it's pretty warm in the mountains right now

because it's the end of the summer,

but in the winter, it gets cold here.

And we're searching for a monkey

that can deal with some of the coldest weather

of any monkey in the world, come on!

There they are!

BOTH: Golden snub nosed monkeys!

Look at that golden fur.

The skeleton-like noses.

They have blue faces!

That is one cool looking monkey.

Golden snub nosed monkeys live together

in groups called troops.

There are "single male" troops made up of one male

and a bunch of females and their young,

and then, there are "all male" troops.

This right here, is an "all male" troop.

A mature, male snub nosed monkey has a special feature.

The long hair on his back, it's like a cape,

and it's really impressive to the females.

Being big, being strong, being brave,

and having a cape like that.

That's the way a golden snub nosed male

becomes the leader of the troop.

Check it out, over there in the trees!

Some young ones, and their moms!

Oh, wow.

These golden snub nosed monkey babies

are super cute aren't they?

They stick with their mom until they're almost two years old.

Moms protect the babies.

Oh, and groom them too.

Snub nosed monkeys have to take care of that thick coat of fur,

it's just one of the important features

that will help them survive the coming winter

Imagine if we could have the golden snub nosed monkeys'

cold weather creature powers.

BOTH: What if!

♪ On adventure with the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ Gonna save some animals today with Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

JIMMY Z: We're passing high over

the Daba Mountain Range of China right now.

So how long do you want me to circle

the Himalayan foothills region anyway?

Chris and Martin said they'd call us

when they found something.

KIKO: Guys, come in.

How's it going down there?

No luck yet, but we're in the right place.

The monkeys should be here somewhere.

Are you sure there are monkeys that live down there?

I mean, I'm used to seeing monkeys

in warm tropical rainforests, not snowy mountains.

Oh, yeah, they're down here all right.

This type of monkey lives in the coldest habitat of any primate!

Well, besides humans.

Long winters at sub-zero temperature...

snow covering the ground...

and somehow these monkeys deal with it.

They're the great snub nosed monkeys.

And we've gotta find 'em!


Whoa... looks like they found us!

Golden snub-nosed monkeys!


Where? Where are they?

Ha-ha, I'm a snow monkey sundae!

Ha-ha, you look like you have blue goggles on.

Hey, that's what I'm gonna call you: Blue Goggle.

These monkeys are so impressive.

With that unique snub nose, the golden orange fur,

the cool shaggy mane on this guy...

Don't forget that blue face.

Ho-ho-ho, I love that blue face.

Hey, I wonder what other animals have blue faces?

I can think of other blue animals, like the blue jay,

blue-ringed octopus, blue whale, bluebird.

But a face that blue? That's rare.

Hmm... but why the blue face?

And don't say because he's so cold his face is turning blue.

Well, who wouldn't want an ice blue face?

It goes well with the golden hair and--

Hey, why don't I name you... Golden Ice.

Oh, hello!

Okay, guys, can I just tell you

that this is just about the most beautiful monkey I've ever seen.


Stick with them, guys.

I want to make a golden snub nosed monkey power suit.

You've gotta figure out

all their cold weather creature powers.

Will do.


Because it's colder than we thought up here! Brr!



We should've brought warmer gear.

Well, I'm ready to design. What can you tell me about them?

Well, a typical golden snub nosed monkey group

is made up of a male and three to five females,

plus their young.

Sometimes groups get together in the summer

and you can have up to travelling together.

But in the winter, when there's not much food around,

they stick together in these small groups.

Which small groups exactly?

BOTH: Hey!

Wait for us!

Let's hope those two monkeys can keep up with the real monkeys.

Loch Ness Monster, no!

Unicorns, yuck!

Yetis, hmm.

What else can you find me about this Yeti creature?


Yeti: a legendary giant man ape creature.

Several expeditions to find the Yeti have failed to bring back

undisputable evidence that the creature really exists.

Hmm... Ooh!

Now that's my kind of creature...

You know, the kind that'll make me rich!

You see, if I bring back one from the wilderness,

everyone will want to see it.

Oh, I'll charge people tons of money

just to see it for two minutes.

My Yeti will be the main attraction of everything!


I need all the information I can get

about where we might find this Yeti.

Dig deeper in those books!

No, no, no!

I didn't mean dig literally!

Oh-- ow!

Okay guys, I'm programming the thick warm fur

for dealing with the cold mountain habitat.

But let's see that nose again.

This nose?

Whoa, that's red! Getting chilly?

Yeah! Since human noses stick out so much,

they get cold fast.

Usually noses, fingers, and toes

are the first things to get frostbite.

But these guys don't have to worry about that.

Their nose isn't big and fleshy, like human noses.

So it's less likely to get frostbite.


And their hands have short, stubby fingers

with so much hair on them

that it looks like they're wearing furry mittens.

It sure would be nice

to have those features soon.

Brr! Tell me about it.

Don't worry guys. I think I've got it already.

Coming at ya, JZ.

And zap it!


Ha-ha-- Hey!

Don't worry, Martin. I'll get that disc back!

Activate golden snub nosed monkey power!

Well, that's a mouthful.

All right!

I feel warm, lean and strong, and ready to climb!

Sure, rub it in.

Get back here with that disc, Blue Goggle.


Not so fast, buddy!




Oof! Whoa!

I got ya, Chris. Hang in there brother!


BOTH: Whooaa!

CHRIS: Martin, here's your disc.

MARTIN: Thanks.

BOTH: Whooaa!

No way I'm missing seeing these monkeys.

Besides, it's good to get out of the lab

every now and then and take a break.


Uh-oh! Runaway snowball!


Huh? Those aren't my feet.

Aviva? Ooh...

Where's Martin? And Blue Goggle?

Chris? Aviva?

Hang on, buddy.

Ohh, it's busted.

It's smashed.

Mine's gone!

BOTH: Uh-oh...

Don't worry, Blue Goggle.

I'll help you find your troop, but it's so cold.

I need your cold-weather monkey powers first.

Uh-oh, my Creature Power Vest took a beating too.

But I got to try it anyway.

Let's hope it works, Blue Goggle.

Activate golden snub nosed monkey power!


Uh-oh. A Creature Power Suit malfunction.

Something must be really wrong with the suit's size modulation.


But at least I'm a warm snub nosed monkey, huh?

A big one, but still a snub nosed monkey.

Come on, Blue Goggle.

If we climb up on the top of this mountain range,

we might be able to flag down the Tortuga.

They must be looking for us by now.

This is not a good place to be lost.

Yeah, but at least being in a warm monkey power suit

makes it pretty fun.

Huh? Golden Ice! It's you.

Wow, they're really on the move.

Maybe they're looking for Blue Goggle.

He was in the runaway snowball too.

We'd better stick with them.

They know how to survive up here and they know their way around.

Let's swing.

Easy for you to say


Yeti, Yeti!

Oh, hello.


No-- No, I'm just--



Heh, I guess people aren't used to seeing people

in giant monkey power suits, huh?

Temperature is dropping.

Yeah, and these monkeys even know

how to get through a cold night out here.

They huddle together to help each other stay warm

and to keep an eye out for predators like clouded leopards.

Clouded leopards?

Don't worry.

They wouldn't mess with a person, just a monkey.

Yeah, maybe I'll just go see if we can join them.

Come on, I'll try to sneak you in.


It's much warmer. Come on.

Much better.

I've been trying to contact them all night.

No one's answering their Creaturepods.

Those monkeys are pretty amazing.

It's not the first time they've stayed out with the creatures

all night long.

No, I think something's wrong here.

Breaking news!

I'm here with Mr. Zach Varmitech of Varmitech Industries,

who is preparing to trek up--

Yes, yes, blah-blah-blah.

Thank you very much.

I, Zach Varmitech, will fearlessly lead an expedition

into the mountains beyond

and bring back the legendary Yeti man ape.

Okay, and sir, you have reportedly seen this Yeti?

I-- I-- I--

Yes, but I, Zach Varmitech,

the greatest robotics inventor ever,

will find him and bring him back.

And everyone will have to pay big bucks to see him!

So save your money, kids!


Come on, Zachbots!

Well, there you have it.

A Yeti? In these mountains?

No, Jimmy! Yetis don't even exist.

They're made up.

How do you know?

No one's ever seen one.

There's never been any real evidence of them.

Just stories. That's all.

Well, you never know...

Right, but I do know

that we'd better start searching for Chris, Martin, and Aviva.

And while we're at it, let's just keep an eye out for Zach.

Wow, it's lonely being a Yeti.

Or at least, being a giant golden snub nosed monkey man.

But I've got you, Blue Goggle.

And don't worry...

the Tortuga is up there somewhere.

At least on this ridge we should be able to spot it.

I'm so hungry.

I wish we had some food with us.

Where do they find food up here?

Well, they have to travel far and wide to find food

in this wintery landscape, so we just have to keep up.


Did you hear that?

That's snow monkey speak for "I found food!"

But what are they eating?

CHRIS: It's lichen.

You mean that dry hard stuff that grows on rock?

Isn't it a mix of fungus and bacteria?

Yeah, and it has protein

that helps get the monkeys through the winter.

They'll even eat pine needles and bark!

I love these monkeys,

but I don't love what they eat in winter.

(Roaring) Oh, no!

Clouded Leopard! Argh!




Wow, Chris,

you were right in the middle of a rarely seen wildlife moment.

Yeah, I just followed my inner monkey instinct.

That was a classic golden snubbed nosed monkey

group defense.

AVIVA: Aw, I think she's saying thanks.

In snub nosed monkey troops,

courage is rewarded with a higher rank

and Golden Ice sure stood up to that leopard.

You didn't do too bad either.

That's why she wants you to have that lichen.

Oh, great, lichen.

Ugh. Yum?

If we make a signal in the snow,

the Tortuga might see it from way up in the stratosphere.


Aha! The Yeti! I found him!

Come on, Zachbots!

Let's get me that Yeti!

There, they should be able to see that.

Get him! Get that monkey man Yeti thing!


Blue... Goggle...

He has a weird Yeti language.

Oh, people will love that!



I'm winning!


Blue Goggle.




I did it!

The beast is down.

I caught the Yeti monkey man ape thing!

Ah, no offence, but lichen and pine needles

just doesn't sound like a tasty breakfast.

Isn't there something else you can find?

You found the Creaturepod!

Great job, buddy.

It's about time.


Ooh, Chris you're looking rough.

No, we're over here.

Okay, well now you look a little better.

Where are you guys?

It's a long story--

That involved a giant runaway snowball.

Anyway, Martin and Blue Goggle are still lost. They're--

Hold that thought.

This just in.

We're receiving a report from Zach Varmitech

that he has indeed captured the Yeti.

Told ya.

We go now live to a special satellite feed

of the Varmitech expedition.

Mr. Varmitech, how did you do it?

Well, it's simple.

Zach Varmitech always gets his Yeti.

You see, I came face to face with the beast

high on the mountaintop.

I stared into his cold, blue eyes

and I knew at that moment that it was either him... or me.

So I battled the beast with my bare hands.

Using my considerable strength,

and my signature Yeti takedown move,

I subdued the beast!

Everybody better get their money ready

because I'm bringing the Yeti down the mountain,

for paying customers only.

Wait, pause the feed, Jimmy.

Zoom in.

JIMMY Z: Look, there's his hairy foot!

AVIVA: That's my suit.

It's Martin, wearing my CPS.

I'd know my CPS technology anywhere.

No, Zach thinks Martin's a Yeti!

Mm-hmm. Told ya.

Come pick us up, quick.

We've gotta get to Martin and Blue Goggle right away!

JIMMY Z: We're on our way!


Where am I? Zach!


The Yeti knows my name?

I'm not a Yeti.


Blue boy in a monkey suit?!

Of course, Yetis are cool legends,

but they probably don't really exist, you know.

We're golden snub nosed monkeys.

My suit malfunctioned and made me gigantic.

Now let me and Blue Goggle go.

No! No, I won't let you go.

You're supposed to be a Yeti.

Now you be a Yeti like you're supposed to, got it?

No way, Zach.

You won't get away with this.

I'll tell everyone who I am.


No, you won't, because I have him.

Now you be a good Yeti for the cameras

or else I won't give him back.

Zach, you can't do that.

Give him back!

I can, and I am.

Now, zip it.

That's right, that's a nice Yeti.


This legendary creature expedition thing is kinda fun.



To the creature rescue!

Snowball fight!




Aviva, cover me.


Cool suit, bro.


AVIVA: Bros! A little backup here?!



Well, I still have him.

Hey Zach, ever play snowball fight with a Yeti?

Aahh! That looks--


Welcome back, Blue Goggle.

Fine! You can have your orange slug-faced ape,

or whatever they're called.

It's too cold up here anyway!

ALL: Bye, Zach!

I need to be a giant snub nosed monkey

in all my snowball fights.


Oh, great, they finally found us!

Whew! I'm glad you guys moved down to the lower valley

where it's not so cold and snowy.

Yup these monkeys are always on the move.

Okay, Martin, I'm ready to fix that suit malfunction.

Aww, can't I be giant snub nosed monkey man a little longer?

It's kind of fun,

thanks to a pretty cool Creature Power Suit malfunction!

And the awesome cold weather survival skills

of the snub nosed monkeys!

Thanks for showing us all your cool adaptations, Golden Ice.

Hold still, Martin.

Wait, before I change back...

Snowball fight!

So Yetis and Bigfoots probably don't exist,

but golden snub nosed monkeys definitely do,

and they have some amazing cold weather creature powers.

But snub nosed monkeys aren't always left out in the cold.

Summer is a time of plenty of warm sunshine and lots of food.

Snub nosed monkeys love seeds and fruits.

In the summer, they pick through the grasses,

eating some of the grass,

but also the seed pods of the grasses.

Oh, right now when they're grooming and eating

is a great time to check out those stubby fingers.

Look at them, they're short, and covered with fur.

It's almost like they're wearing mittens.

That helps keep them from getting frostbite

in the wintertime.

Wow, that golden fur is beautiful and impressive.

It's pretty thick right now, in the fall,

and it's getting thicker, and thicker,

as the golden snub nosed monkeys prepare for winter.

A thick, warm winter coat

is vital for getting them through the harsh winters.

When he's looking off to the side like that

you can really see the profile of his snub nose.

It's really pushed in so much that when it rains,

sometimes they get water up their noses.

Those snub noses are great for a cold weather monkey.

With such a small nose close to their face,

they're less likely to get frostbite in the winter.

This is lichen.

It looks like part of the tree bark, but it's not.

It grows on the tree,

and it is critical for the golden snub nosed monkeys.

This lichen, has protein,

which is important for the snub nosed monkeys,

and better than that, it's around during the wintertime,

when berries and leaves aren't.

You got to love golden snub nosed monkeys.

Not only because their faces are blue,

but because they have so many cool creature powers.

Whoa! These guys are great at moving through the trees.

They can really get around up there.

The young guys like to hang out with each other

and practice their climbing.

Whoa! You're a good climber!

Yeah, you're doing great.

Martin! The monkeys are on the move!

Then so are we.

Keep on creature adventuring!

We'll see you on the creature trail!

To find out more about cool animals...

And collect your own Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

Go to the Wild Kratts website.

BOTH: We'll see you there!