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24x01 - Daniel Helps Take Care of Margaret/Daniel Goes to the Dinosaur Playground

Posted: 02/28/24 20:56
by bunniefuu
Daniel Tiger: [to viewer] Hi, Neighbor! Today, I'm playing

at Jodi's house with Baby Margaret.

And then, my class is going to the Dinosaur Playground!

It's going to be tigertastic!

I'll be riiiiight back!

♪ It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine,

♪ Could you be mine,

♪ Won't you be my neighbor?


Narrator: ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood ♪

♪ A land of make-believe

♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪

Daniel: ♪ Ride along.

Narrator: ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood ♪

♪ So much to do, so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪

Daniel: ♪ Ride along.

Narrator: ♪ I've got lots of friends for you to meet. ♪

♪ In this land of make-believe

♪ A friendly face on every street, ♪

♪ Just waiting to greet you.

♪ It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. ♪

♪ A beautiful day for a neighbor, ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood! ♪

♪ [playful music]


Daniel: [to viewer] Hi Neighbor!

It's me, Daniel Tiger!

We're making picture frames at school today.


Come inside!

Teacher Harriet: Good job! Well done.

Prince Wednesday: [proudly] I'm making my picture frame

for my big brother, Prince Tuesday!

Daniel: I'm making mine for my Dad!

[to viewer] Oooooh. I like this smooth green rock.

Teacher Harriet: Okay class, you can add

a few more things to your frames,

then it's time to get ready to go.

Daniel: I still have more things I want to add

to my picture frame...

Buuut I'll finish it at home.

My dad can help me add some tiger stripes,

riiiiiiiight there!

Katerina Kittycat: Pretty, meow meow!

Daniel: Yeah, that'll look tigertastic!


Teacher Harriet: [gently] Daniel, I heard from your dad

that he won't be able to pick you up from school today,

so he's asked Nana Platypus

to take care of you and Margaret.

Daniel: [upset] But, I want my dad to pick me up!

Teacher Harriet: I know Daniel, but there are lots of people

in the neighborhood who can help take care of you

until your dad is done with work.

Like me, and Nana.

♪ We take care of each other.

Daniel: ♪ We take care of each other. ♪

Baby Margaret: [off screen] [giggles]

Dan, Dan!

Daniel: [giggles] Hi Margaret!


Baby Margaret: [giggles]

Nana Platypus: Hi, Daniel.

Your dad asked me to take care of you

at our house until he's done with work.

Daniel: I know, but

I was going to finish my picture frame

at home with my dad!

Can I finish it at your house?

Nana: Sure you can, Daniel!

♪ We take care of each other.

Jodi: I can help, Daniel!

You can use some of my stickers!

Daniel: Thanks, Jodi!

[to viewer] Wow! There are a lot of people

to take care of me while I wait for my dad.


Bye, Teacher Harriet!

Teacher Harriet: Bye, Daniel! Bye, Jodi!

Jodi: Bye bye!

Come on Daniel!

Teddy/Leo/Baby Margaret: [giggles][baby babble]

Jodi: Nana? Can we play the color game?

Nana: Sure!


Looking high and looking low,

I see something...


Baby Margaret: [giggles]Nana: Can you find something yellow?

Jodi: Hmm...

Daniel: Yellow... yellow.

[gasp] The flowers!

Yup, yellow flowers!

Nana: Yes, those are yellow!

Daniel: [sniffs] Mmmmm.



Jodi: We're home!


Teddy/Leo: [giggles]

Teddy: [giggles] Nana: [humming]

Let's put on our slippers.

Daniel: Hmm.

Baby Margaret will like these.

Nana: Okay.

Baby Margaret: [happy baby babble]

Teddy/Leo: [giggles]

Nana: Are you all ready for a snack?

Jodi: Yes! Daniel: Yes please!

Leo: Yummy! Teddy: Yum yum yum!

Nana: Then let's wash our hands!

Teddy: [frustrated] Up! Up! Up!

Jodi: Here, Teddy!


Daniel: You can wash your hands with me, Teddy!


[water running]

[playful] Washa, washa, washa!

Teddy: Washa washa!

[water running]

Daniel: And dry!

Nana: You are such a big helper, Daniel.

Thank you!

Daniel: ♪ We take care of each other! ♪


[water running]


Leo: Yum, nom, nom!

Teddy: Nom, nom, nom!

Daniel: Ooh, look, Margaret, strawberries!

Your favorite!

Baby Margaret: [happy babble]

Jodi: [giggles] Thank you!

Nana: [humming]

Here you go!

Some sweet strawberries for sweet Margaret!

Baby Margaret: [happy squeals]

Daniel: Thank you!

Oh. No strawberries!

Baby Margaret: [baby babble]

Daniel: A berry? For me?

Mmm mmm.

Thank you for taking care of me, Margaret.

♪ We take care of each other!


I love the bananas, Nana!

Jodi: [giggles]


Daniel: Banana-Nana!

Daniel/Jodi: [giggles]

Daniel: Yummy!

Jodi: All done! Daniel: Me too!

Nana: Daniel, would you like to finish

your picture frame now?

Daniel: Oh yes!


Nana: You can use anything in here to decorate.

Jodi: Like, these stickers!

Daniel: Tigertastic!

Jodi: Here you go, Daniel.

Daniel: Thank you!

♪ [humming]

These glittery stickers

are the stripes.

Jodi: Ooh, yes!

Daniel: That looks tigertastic!

Jodi: Here's another one.

Daniel: Thank you!

Jodi: [gasps] And look what else I have!

Daniel: Whoa! Sooooo shiny!


[to viewer] Look at these sparkly glitter stripes

and colorful rocks.


Do you want to make-believe with me?

Let's make-believe we're in

a sparkly rock cave!

♪ [sparkly transition]

♪ Riding my boat

♪ On the waves

♪ Through a glittery rainbow cave ♪

♪ I look here

♪ I look there

♪ Sparkling colours everywhere

♪ Green and yellow and pink and blue ♪

♪ Shimmering, glittery sparkles too ♪

♪ Look at all the colours that we found ♪

♪ All around

♪ [sparkly transition]

[to viewer] Wasn't that grr-ific?



Jodi: Yippy skippy!

Let's go show Nana!

Daniel: We finished my picture frame!

Nana: How wonderful!

I think your dad will really like it.

Daniel: I can't wait to show him these sparkly stripes.

Baby Margaret: [sadly] Dada!


Daniel: Dad will be here soon!

Nana: We are here to take care of you, Margaret.

Daniel: We can play until he gets here.

Nana: ♪ We take care of each other.

Daniel: [giggles] I know what Margaret might want to play...

Peek-a-boo, Margaret!

Baby Margaret: [excited squeal]

Nana: And Pandy-boo!

Baby Margaret: [bigger giggles]


Baby Margaret: [giggles]

Daniel: Peek-a-boo, Margaret!

Baby Margaret: Boo!


♪ [sparkly transition]

All: ♪ We take care of each other ♪


Narrator: ♪ We can help you tie your shoes ♪


♪ Play catch and play games with you ♪


♪ Help you get a snack when you need ♪


♪ Help you find your favorite stuffy ♪

All: ♪ We take care of each other ♪

Narrator: ♪ If something is up high, we can get it for you ♪


♪ We can help with bath time too ♪

♪ Help you when you're feeling sad ♪

♪ Help calm you when you get mad ♪

All: ♪ We take care of each other ♪


♪ We take care of each other

♪ [sparkly transition]

Teddy/Leo/Baby Margaret: [giggles]

[door bell ringing]

Daniel: Dad! Baby Margaret: Dada!

Dad Tiger: Hi, my tigers!

Daniel: [proud] Dad! I helped Nana take care of Margaret!

Baby Margaret: Dada!

Dad Tiger: I'm so proud of you, my fuzzy guy.

[to Nana] Thank you for taking care of Margaret and Daniel.

Nana: Daniel was a big helper!

Daniel: I made this for you!

Dad Tiger: Wow!

This frame is tigertastic!

Look at these glittery

stripes and sparkly rocks!


I love it!

Thank you, Daniel!

Daniel: [to viewer] There are so many neighbors

who can help take care of me,

like Teacher Harriet and Nana.

And I liked helping take of Margaret today.

We all take care of each other.



Daniel: [to viewer] Let's go see some Neighbors!

Sam: [to viewer] Hi, Neighbors. I'm Sam.

Today, I'm at the museum to find out about these rocks

that I found, from my friend Jessica.

Hi Jessica. Jessica: Hi Sam.

I'm so glad you came to see me.

Sam: Me too. I have these cool rocks

that I have some questions about, can you tell me more?

Jessica: Of course! You came to the right place.

We have lots of wonderful rocks, minerals,

and gems here at the museum.

Let's take a closer look together.

Sam: Okay!

I noticed some things about these rocks.

This one has a green stripe going through it,

and this one has black stripes all over it.

Jessica: Oh, it is really cool that you noticed

all those things about the rocks.

So, things like color and shape, and pattern,

help us identify these stones.

I think this is probably quartz,

with some calcite running right through the middle there.

Would you like to see some more minerals

that we have here at the museum?

Sam: Yeah.

Jessica: Hi Pat! Thank you so much

for getting these ready for us!

Pat: You're welcome.

Jessica: Take a look at these.

So, there are lots of different kinds of minerals

and rocks and gems out there.

They're all very different, and very unique.

Take a look at some of these specimens;

these are some of my favorites.

Sam: Wow, they are amazing.

I really like the...Zurite?

Jessica: Yes, Azurite!

This one is a really bright blue,

and it's really easy to identify because of that.

If you look, there's little tiny specks in it,

that kind of give it like a little shine.

I think that one's beautiful too!

And this one is similar to it, it's called Malachite.

But of course, you can see a very different color.

Nice bright color!

And see these strips going through it?

Sam: Thank you for showing me all these cool rocks.

Jessica: You're welcome! Thank you for coming.

Sam: [to viewer] Bye, Neighbor!


Daniel: [to viewer] That was so much fun!


Daniel: [to viewer] Hi, Neighbor!

Today, we're going on a school trip

to the Dinosaur Playground!

You can come, too!

Roar! Roar! Roar!


[to viewer] And guess what?

My mom is coming with us!


Mom Tiger: Roar! [chuckles]

Jodi/Miss Elaina: [giggles]

Jodi: Roar, Daniel! [giggles]

Mom Tiger: [chuckles] Oh, Daniel,

your shoe's untied.

Here, I'll tie it for you.

[chanting] Over, under pull it tight...

Make the bunny ears just right!

Daniel: Thanks, mom!


Prince Wednesday: Dinos, dinos, dinos!

Katerina Kittycat: [giggles] Daniel: I'm so excited!

Katerina: Me too, meow meow!

Prince Wednesday: Boop-she, Boop-she, Dinosaur Boo!


Teacher Harriet: [off screen] Okay, everyone...

[chanty] One, two, three,

line up here... next to me!

Thank you.

We have a special helper coming with us today.

Mrs. Tiger!

Jodi: I'm excited! O The Owl: Hurray, hoo hoo!

Miss Elaina: Alright! Daniel: I'm so glad

you're helping take care of us today, mom!

Katerina: But my mommy isn't coming, meow meow...

Who will take care of me?

Mom Tiger: I'm here to help Teacher Harriet

take care of all of you today, Katerina!

♪ We take care of each other.

Katerina: [sighs] Okay, meow meow.

Teacher Harriet: Okay, everyone.

Trolley's here.

Mom Tiger: Oh, no!

Katerina: Oh no! My bow fell out!

Mom Tiger: [warmly] It's okay, I've got it right here.

Here we go.

Now, may I put it back in your hair?

Katerina: [relieved] Yes please, meow meow.

Mom Tiger: ♪ We take care of each other. ♪

Katerina: ♪ We take care of each other.

Teacher Harriet: Trolley, please take us

to the Dinosaur Playground.

Trolley: [ding-ding]

Teacher Harriet/Mom Tiger: ♪ We're going on a trip today,

♪ so much to do, so much to play! ♪

Daniel: ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪

All kids: ♪ Ride along!

Daniel: ♪ Won't you ride along with meee? ♪

We're here, we're here!

Trolley: [ding-ding]

Teacher Harriet: Thank you, Trolley.

Katerina: Thank you, meow meow! Mom Tiger: Thanks Trolley!

Trolley: [ding-ding]


Teacher Harriet: [to children] Okay, we're going to be

in two groups.

Daniel, Katerina, and Jodi,

Mrs. Tiger will take care of you over there.

Daniel: I'm with you, mom! Jodi: Yippy skippy!

Teacher Harriet: And Prince Wednesday, Miss Elaina,

and O the Owl, I'll take care of you over there at the sandbox.

Miss Elaina/O The Owl/ Prince Wednesday: Yay!

Teacher Harriet: We'll switch groups in a little while.

Mom Tiger: [to her group] Let's go!

Teacher Harriet: [to her group] Come with me!

Katerina/Jodi/Daniel: [giggles]

Mom Tiger: It's time to explore!

Find something dino-tastic you'd like to play on!

Daniel: Okay! Jodi: Purple dinosaur!

Katerina: Hurray! [giggles]

Jodi Platypus: Neato!

Whoa! Uh!

Mrs. Tiger?

Can you help me up? Uh!

Mom Tiger: Of course, Jodi!


♪ We take care of each other

Jodi: Thank you!

Mom Tiger: That's what I'm here for!

Jodi: [giggles]

Daniel: I'm a stomping dinosaur!

Katerina: [giggles] Daniel: [gasp] Look!

Dinosaur footprints!

Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Katerina: [giggles]

Daniel/Katerina: Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!

Daniel: Hi, Dino Mom!

Mom Tiger: [chuckles] Hi, Dino Daniel!

Katerina: [giggles]

[gasp] A big big egg shell swing!

Katerina/Daniel: [giggles]

Daniel: [to viewer] Have you ever seen an egg that big?

Katerina Kittycat: Look, I'm a dino mommy!

I'm pushing my pretend baby dinosaur!

I'll take care of you, baby dino.

[baby voice] Roar, roar!


Daniel: I think she likes it!


[to viewer] Heyy...

Do you want to make-believe with me?

Let's make-believe that we're

playing with a baby dinosaur!

♪ [sparkly transition]

♪ [playful music]

Narrator: ♪ Where's baby dinosaur? ♪

♪ Where could they be?

♪ There you are!

♪ We found you, now you can seek! ♪

♪ 'Gonna find a place to hide

♪ Don't peek!

♪ Where did Daniel Tiger go?

♪ Where could he be?

♪ There you are!

♪ We love to play hide and seek ♪


♪ [sparkly transition]

Daniel: [to viewer] Wasn't that grr-ific?

Teacher Harriet: [off screen] Gather 'round children!


Okay, Dino Explorers!

It's time to swiiiitch places!

[to Daniel, Katerina, and Jodi] Now, you three get to come over

to the sandbox with me!

Daniel: But I want to stay with my mom!

I like when she plays with me.

Mom Tiger: It's your turn to play at the sandbox

with Teacher Harriet,

while I take care of your friends over here.

She will take good care of you

just like she does at school.

Teacher Harriet: That's right, Daniel.

♪ We take care of each other.

And I think you'll enjoy exploring

over at the sandbox!

Daniel: [to Teacher Harriet] Okay, I'm ready.

♪ We take care of each other.

Mom Tiger: I can't wait to hear

all about it later, my big tiger.

Teacher Harriet: [sweetly] C'mon, Daniel!


Now, we're going to go on a...

[playfully dramatic] Dino dig!

Daniel: [to viewer] A dino dig?


Teacher Harriet: Go ahead and see what you find!

Jodi: Neato! Daniel: Grr-ific!

Katerina: [giggles]

[soft grunting sounds]

[gasp] I-I think I found something, meow meow!


Jodi: [gasp] That looks like a dinosaur bone!

Katerina/Daniel: Woah!

Teacher Harriet: See what else you can find,

Dino Explorers!

Jodi: [playfully] Dig... dig... dig.

Daniel: [gasp] I found something, too!

Teacher Harriet, I want to show you something!


Teacher Harriet: Daniel! Are you okay?

Daniel: I almost fell!

Teacher Harriet: Oh, I see your shoe's untied, Daniel.

Can I tie it for you?

Daniel: Hmm..


I want my mom to tie my shoe.

O The Owl: Ready, Mrs. Tiger? Hoo hoo!

Mom Tiger: Ready, O!

Come on down!

I'm waiting right here.

Daniel: I like the way my mom ties my shoe,

buuut she's taking care of O right now.

[to Teacher Harriet] And you're taking care of me!

Teacher Harriet: Mhm!

Daniel/Teacher Harriet: ♪ We take care of each other.

Daniel: Teacher Harriet,

can you please tie my shoe?

Teacher Harriet: I'd be happy to, Daniel.

[chanting] Over, under

pull it tight...

Make the bunny ears just right! Daniel: [gasp]

[to viewer] That's the same song my mom sings!

Teacher Harriet: [chanting] Now your shoes feel alright!

See? [chuckles]

All tied!

Daniel: Thank you!

Teacher Harriet: You're welcome, Daniel.

Now, what was it you wanted to show me?

Daniel: Come on!

I found a dinosaur bone in the sandbox!

It's buuuumpy, see?

Teacher Harriet: Wow!

I see that!

Jodi: [giggles]

I found something too!

Daniel: Wow!

Jodi: [gasp] Yippy skippy!

Katerina: That dinosaur bone is soooo big, meow meow!

Daniel: [amazed] Tigertastic!

Teacher Harriet: Okay, children!

Let's take a few moments to finish up

what we're doing,

and then we'll ride back to school.

Jodi: Okay! Daniel: Yay!

♪ [sparkly transition]


Daniel/Mom /Teacher Harriet: ♪ We take care of each other!

♪ We take care of each other!

Daniel: ♪ There are lots of grown-ups who can help you ♪

Mom Tiger: ♪ If you find there's something you can't do ♪

Teacher Harriet: ♪ Ask your teacher or your neighbor too, ♪

Mom Tiger: ♪ There are lots of grown-ups who can help you! ♪

Daniel/Mom/Teacher Harriet: ♪ We take care of each other!

♪ We take care of each other!

Daniel: ♪ There are lots of grownups who can lend a hand, ♪


Mom Tiger: ♪ If you're hurt they will have a plan ♪

Teacher Harriet: ♪ If your mom or dad are not there with you, ♪

Daniel: ♪ Another grownup can help you! ♪

Daniel/Mom/Teacher Harriet: ♪ We take care of each other!

♪ We take care of each other!


♪ [sparkly transition]

Katerina: Mommy! [giggles]

Daniel: [to viewer] My mom and Teacher Harriet

took care of me today!

It feels good to know there are lots of people

who take care of us.

Who helps take care of you, Neighbor?



Narrator: ♪ It's such a good feeling

♪ To play with family and friends, ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling

♪ When they lend you a hand.

♪ You wake up ready to say

♪ I think I'll make a snappy new day! ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling,

♪ A very good feeling,

♪ A feeling you know.

Daniel: ♪ That I'll be back

♪ When the day is new,

♪ And I'll have more ideas for you. ♪

♪ And you'll have things

♪ You'll want to talk about

♪ I will too.

Because it's you I like.


Daniel: ♪ It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood. ♪

♪ So much to do, so much to see. ♪

♪ Won't you play along with me? ♪


♪ And Margaret! [giggles]

♪ Won't you play along with us! ♪

Baby Margaret: [giggles]

Dan,, play!

Daniel: [giggles]

[to viewer] Hi, Neighbor!

Today, Margaret and I are playing at the beach.

Baby Margaret: [baby babble] [giggles]

Daniel: [giggles]

[to viewer] My baby sister loves to play in the sand.

Baby Margaret: Yay!

Play! Play!

Daniel: [to viewer] When Margaret does this,

it means she wants to play!


Baby Margaret: [giggles]

Daniel: Okay, Margaret.

This is a castle, where...

A shell family lives!

Baby Margaret: [baby babble]

Daniel: This is the big brother shell,

and your shell is the liiitle sister.

Baby Margaret: Yay! [giggles]

Daniel: Just like you, Margaret!

Baby Margaret: [giggles]

Daniel: [to viewer] Look, the shells are daaancing!

Cha cha cha!

[giggles] Cha cha cha!

Baby Margaret: [imitating Daniel] Cha cha cha!


Daniel: Here you go.

Baby Margaret: Yah! [happy babble]

[happy babble] Yay! Daniel: [giggles]

[to viewer] I love playing at the beach

with my little sister.

I wonder if there's someone in your neighborhood

who loves to play in the sand too?

Bye, Neighbor!

Baby Margaret: [happy baby babble]


♪ [show theme music]


