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19x02 - Daniel Listens to Dad/Daniel and Katerina Listen to Each Other

Posted: 02/28/24 20:25
by bunniefuu
Daniel Tiger: Hi, Neighbor! Today, Dad and I are going

to the music shop to listen to the instruments.

And then, I'm going to Katerina's treehouse

to put on a show!

It's going to be tigertastic! You can come too!

♪ It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine, Could you be mine, ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor?

Narrator: ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood ♪

♪ A land of make-believe

♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪

Daniel: ♪ Ride along.

Narrator: ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, ♪

♪ So much to do, so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪

Daniel: ♪ Ride along.

Narrator: ♪ I've got lots of friends for you to meet. ♪

♪ In this land of make-believe

♪ A friendly face on every street, ♪

♪ Just waiting to greet you.

♪ It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. ♪

♪ A beautiful day for a neighbor, ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood! ♪

♪ [playful music]

Daniel: Hi Neighbor!

I'm feeding my fish. Come with me!

Hi, little fishies!

Are you hungry?

Just two shakes.




[gasps] Loooook!

They're eating all the food!

[giggles] Hi there!

Glub! Glub! Glub!

Hello Queen Fishy!

[mouth-trumpet sounds]

Dad Tiger: Daniel...

Daniel: Dad! Say hi to Queen Fishy!


Right there! Look! Do you see Queen Fishy?

Dad: Oh yeah. Hello, Queen Fishy!

Daniel, remember we need to go to Music Man Stan's Music Shop

soon so I can get my trumpet fixed.

Daniel: Mhm.

Dad: It's time to put your shoes on.

Daniel: Uhh huh.

Dad: I want to make sure we get there before it closes.

[mouth trumpet sounds]

Daniel: I think my fish are playing hide and seek.


Glub, glub, glub!

Where's my fishy?

Dad: Daniel?

Daniel: [gasps] I see you! Glub! Glub! Glu--

Dad: Daniel!

Daniel: Huh?

Dad: You didn't put your shoes on like I asked.

Remember, I told you that we need to go

before the Music Shop closes.

Daniel: You did?

Dad: I don't think you were listening to me

when you were playing.

When you listen, you can stop what you're doing and look at me

and that shows me that you're listening, like this:

♪ I can stop and show you I am listening. ♪

Daniel: ♪ I can stop and show you I am listening. ♪

I'm done playing with the fish.

I'm listening now, Dad.

Dad: Thank you Daniel.

Now we need to go to the Music Shop so you need

to put your shoes on. Daniel: Ok.

♪ [playful music]

One and two.

Tadaaaaaa! There.

I'm all ready. And so are my feeeeet!

Dad: [chuckles] Thank you for listening, my fuzzy guy.

Time to go!


Daniel: Look, Dad! Trolley's here.

Dad: Grr-ific!

Trolley please take us to--

Daniel/Dad: The Music Shop!

Daniel: We have to get there before it closes!


Daniel: We're soaring down the street,

like an airplane!

Daniel/Dad: Fwooosh!

Dad: Fwooosh!

[chuckles] Vroooomin' down the street!

Daniel: [giggles] Beep beep! Like a truck!

Dad: Splash! Splash!

Daniel: Like a boat!

Dad: [laughs] Yeah you got it!

Daniel: Have you ever had to get somewhere fast?


Do you want to make-believe with me?

Let's make believe we're racing to the Music Shop!

Daniel/Dad: ♪ Racing with you is my favorite thing to do! ♪

Dad: ♪ Hop on a dragon! Daniel: ♪ Hop on a dragon!

Dad: ♪ And we can fly! Daniel: ♪ We can fly!

Daniel/Dad: ♪ We can fly so high into the sky! ♪

Daniel: ♪ Down we go! Dad: ♪ Down we go,

♪ Jump on this slide! Daniel: ♪ Jump on the slide!

Daniel/Dad: ♪ It's super twisty down the mountain side! ♪

Dad: ♪ We can row! Daniel: ♪ We can row!

Dad: ♪ In a canoe! Daniel: ♪ In a canoe!

Dad/Daniel: ♪ Racing with you is my favorite thing to do! ♪


Daniel: Wasn't that grr-ific?


Dad: Bye Trolley! Daniel: Thank you!


Daniel: Did we make it? Did we make it?

Is the Music Shop still open, Dad?

Dad: Yes we made it, Daniel! It's still open!

Daniel: Phew!


Music Man Stan: Hi Tigers! Welcome to my Music Shop!

♪ Where the music will make you hop! Hop! Hop! ♪

Daniel: ♪ The music makes me Hop! Hop! Hop! ♪

All: [giggle]

Stan: Now, how can I help you today?

Dad: Well,

My trumpet isn't sounding right when I play it.

♪ [untuned trumpet sounding]

[chuckles] You see what I mean?

Stan: Hmm, I bet it just needs a good cleaning.

I have just the thing!

Daniel, while I fix your dad's trumpet,

you can play with anything on this--

--ah, hmm...

Dad: Daniel, can you show Music Man Stan that you're listening?


♪ I can stop and show you I am listening. ♪

Daniel: ♪ I can stop and show you I am listening. ♪

I'm listening.

Stan: Thanks Daniel. I was just saying,

you can play with anything on this table.

Daniel: Oh, thank you!

Dad: Oooh! I've been wanting to read this!

Daniel: Listen to this!

[finger cymbals] They're so tiny!

[finger cymbals] Dad, see?


Dad: Mhmmmm.

Daniel: Oooooh Dad! Listen!

♪ [humming 'Row, row, Row your boat'] ♪

Dad: Mhmmmm-hmmm.

Daniel: ♪ [humming 'Row, row, Row your boat'] ♪

[giggles] Oooooh! Look at this big drum!


Wow! Is that a piano?

I can't touch it

because it's not on the table.


Do you know what this is?

Dad: [chuckles] How about that?

Daniel: Dad? What is that?

Dad: Oh!

I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention Daniel.

We're here together, and...

♪ I can stop and show you I am listening. ♪

I'm listening now, Daniel.

Daniel: Thank you, Dad.

Come look at this!

Can't touch it.

Dad: I'm proud of you for listening

and following the directions.

Daniel: What is it?

Dad: It's called an accordion!

Daniel: Accordion.

Dad: I don't know how you play one of those.

Stan: But I do! Neat, uh?

[chuckles] All fixed. Here you go!

♪ [simple trumpet melody]

Dad: Oh thank you so much!

It sounds great!

Stan: Let's make some music together!

Daniel, why don't you grab an instrument

from the table to play!

Daniel: Okay!

Ummmm...I'll play...the drum!

You can drum too!

Stan: Ok Daniel, we'll listen to your drumming

and then we'll do the same rhythm.

Take it away!

Daniel: [drumming] ♪ Tap-a! Tap-a! Tap! Tap! Tap-a! ♪

♪ [trumpet/accordion music] Stan: ♪ Tap-a! Tap-a! Tap! Tap! Tap-a! ♪

We sound good! If I do say so myself!

All: [laughing]

Daniel: Let's make more music! Your turn, Dad!

Dad: [deep breath]

♪ [trumpet music]

♪ [all instruements playing] Stan/Daniel: ♪ Ba! Ba! Ba! Ba! Baaaaa!

Dad: Wow! That was tigertastic!

Stan: You're really listening and following the beat!

Follow me now!


♪ [accordion melody]

Daniel: ♪ Wayyyy - o! Wayyyy-o!

♪ Wayo! Wayo! Wayyyy-o!

Stan: Alright!

♪ [upbeat music]

Narrator: ♪ I want to hear your stories ♪

♪ I want to listen when you share ♪

♪ I'll stop what I'm doing and listen closely ♪

♪ So that you know that I care

♪ I can stop and show you that I'm listening ♪

♪ That I'm listening

♪ I'll use my ears to hear you

♪ Or use my eyes to see

♪ I'll stop whatever I'm doing so I can pay ♪

♪ Attention in my own way

♪ When someone takes the time to share with you ♪

♪ They're showing you that they care ♪

♪ And when you pay attention and listen closely ♪

♪ You're showing them that you're there ♪

♪ For them too

♪ I can stop and show you that I'm listening ♪

♪ That I'm listening

♪ I can stop and show you that I'm listening ♪

♪ [all instruments playing] Stan: Ha ha!

♪ Wayyyy - o!

♪ Wayo! Wayo! Wayo!

Dad: Oh yeah! Sounding good, Daniel!

Daniel: I'm glad that I listened to my Dad today,

and I really liked when he listened to me.

Thanks for listening to me too, Neighbor.

Ugga Mugga!

Let's go see some neighbors!

Janae: Hi! I'm Janae and today my friend Ken is going

to teach me about accordions.

♪ [accordion music]

Ken: Great job, A.J.! We'll see you next week!

♪ [upbeat music]

Now here there are three parts to an accordion,

I have what they call the treble side,

♪ [treble notes playing]

I have the bellows over here which controls the air,

and then I have the buttons.

♪ [music scale sounding]

And depending on which button I press down,

I can get different sounds for example...

♪ [chords playing]

♪ [chords playing]

So let me hear you play some of the buttons.

♪ [slow chords playing]

Didn't that sound nice? Janae: Yes!

♪ [uplifting music]

Ken: This is my tuning table, Janae.

Look underneath the table, tell me what you see.

Janae: Looks like an accordion.

Ken: That's right. On the accordion,

depending on what button or key I'm pushing,

makes different sounds, just like this!

♪ [plays notes]

Ready to give it a try? Janae: Yes!

♪ [accordion music]


Janae: Bye, neighbor!

♪ [show theme music]

Daniel: I like these visits with you!

♪ [soft playful music]

Hi, Neighbor!

We're going to Katerina's tree house,

and I have a biiig idea

for what we can play!

Do you want to know what it is?

My big...



I want to put on a show with Katerina!

Doesn't that sound Tigertastic?

Dad: It certainly does, my fuzzy guy.

Henrietta Pussycat: [humming]

Oh! Hello there, Tigers!

Daniel, Katerina's waiting for you up in her room, meow meow!

Dad: I'll come back to pick you up a little later.

Daniel: Okay!

Daniel/Dad: Ugga mugga.

Daniel: Bye, Dad!

Katerina Kittycat: [humming] Daniel: Hi, Katerina!

Katerina: [giggles] Let's go! Whoo hoo!

Daniel: Kateriiiiiiina?

Katerina: Oh! Hi, Daniel meow meow!

Daniel: Hi!

Katerina: I'm so glad you're here!

Daniel: Me too!

I have a biiiiig idea for what we can play to--

Katerina: Daniel! We should turn this box into something

like a fire truck!

Daniel: Ok, but I--

Katerina: [siren sounding] Weeeee wooooo!

[giggles] Ooh! We need crayons!

Daniel: Maybe...

Prince Oinky could be in our show too.

I'm a firefighter!

Katerina: Weeeee woooooooooo!

Daniel: Katerina, we could put on a--

Katerina: Ooooor the box can be a boat!

Bwahp! Bwaaaaahp!


Daniel: Katerina's not listening to my idea.

Katerina: Bwaaaph! Let's set sail, Daniel!


Daniel: I wanna put on a show--

Katerina: This boat is ready to float! [giggles]

Daniel say, BWAAAAP! [giggles]

So silly, meow meow!

Daniel: Grrr!


Katerina: Huh?

Henrietta: Is everything okay in here, meow meow?

Katerina: Daniel's upset.

Henrietta: Is everything ok, Daniel?

Daniel: Hmph. I had a biiiig idea for

what we could play today, but--

Katerina: [giggles] Watch this!

Henrietta: Katerina, did you listen to

what Daniel was saying?

Katerina: Well, Daniel wanted to...


I don't know.

Henrietta: It sounds like you weren't listening to each other.

Katerina: Oh!

Henrietta: When you're listening,

you can stop what you're doing

and turn towards whoever's talking.

Like this:

♪ I can stop and show you I am listening. ♪

Katerina, maybe you can show Daniel you're listening

when he tells you his biiig idea!

Katerina: ♪ I can stop and show you I am listening. ♪

Okay, I'm listening!

What's your biiig idea?

Daniel: I thought we could use your stage to put on

a biiiig show for the stuffies!

Katerina: [gasps] I like that idea!

Daniel: Oh, please put on a show for us!

Prince Oinky loves shows!

Katerina/Daniel: [giggles]

Daniel: At the end we'll clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!

Katerina: [giggles]

Daniel: I liked how you listened to me about the show.

I'm going to listen to you now!

♪ I can stop and show you I am listening. ♪

I'm listening, Katerina.

Katerina: Well, meow meow, I still want to make

something out of this box.

Hmm-- maybe we could make it part of our show?

Daniel: Yeah!

Henrietta: I'm so proud of you for listening to each other.

I'll be right downstairs if you need me, meow meow.

Daniel: Ok! Katerina: Ok, Mommy.

Daniel: There we go!

Katerina: Ooh! I'm going to get the crayons.

Daniel: Hmm, I wonder what kind of show we should put on?

Maybe a music show!

Or...a magic show?

Or...a puppet show!

[gasps] Hey...

Do you want to make-believe with me?

Let's make-believe, we're putting on

all different kinds of shows!

♪ [playful music]

♪ We can put on a show, Where we sing and kick! ♪

♪ La-la-la-la-la!

♪ Or a magic show, With a magic trick! ♪

♪ Or a puppet show, that will make you say WOW! ♪

Childern: ♪ Wow!

Daniel: ♪ And at the end of the show, We can take a bow! ♪



Wasn't that grr-ific?

Katerina: Maybe over here..


Let's color the whole box purple,

so our show can be about a purple castle, meow-meow!

Daniel: [humming]

Katerina: Daniel? Will you color with me?

Daniel: Uh-- oh yeah! I'll help!

Katerina: We'll make the whole castle purple!

Daniel: Uh-huh.


[gasps] Oooh!

Our show can be about a snowy mountain!

And this is the snow.


Katerina: [gasps] Daniel!

I said I wanted to color the box purple.

Daniel: You did?

Katerina: Yes! I did!

Daniel: Ohhh...

I wasn't listening.

And I made a white snowy mountain...

I'm sorry.

I wasn't listening before, but...

♪ I can stop and show you I am listening. ♪

I'm listening now.

Katerina: Thanks, Daniel.

I was saying I want our show to be about a big purple castle!

Daniel: Okay, let's make it a purple castle.

Katerina: Hm, what if...

...the purple castle

is up in the white fluffy clouds!

Daniel: Oooh...

Katerina: It will be high in the sky!

Daniel: White fluffy cloud!

Katerina/Daniel: [giggles]

Katerina: Oh that looks good!

Katerina/Daniel: [giggles]

Daniel: How do you think it got into the sky?

Katerina: Maybe... a dragon took it up!

Daniel: A purple striped dragon with big orange wings!

Katerina/Daniel: [giggles]

Daniel: ♪ Dun du duh duh

Katerina: Look, Mommy! We made a castle in the clouds!

Henrietta: Oh my, meow meow!

And what a beautiful castle it is!

Katerina: Let's put on the show!

Daniel: If we listen to each other,

we could make up a really grr-ififc story!

Katerina: Ok!

Mommy, you sit here.

C'mon Daniel!

Katerina/Daniel: [giggle]

Katerina: [clears throat]

Daniel: I'm listening...

Katerina: Once upon a time, there was a pig

named Prince Oinky.

Your turn!

Daniel: And this pig could fly!

Now it's your turn!

Katerina: Prince Oinky was flying to find a place to live,

meow meow! I mean...

oink oink [giggles]

Daniel: He flew this way.

Katerina: And that way.

Daniel: And up, up, up into the sky...

Katerina: 'Til Prince Oinky found a purple castle...

Daniel: In the clouds!

I'm home, oink oink!

Daniel/Katerina: [giggles]

Both: Theeeee End!

Henrietta: Bravo! Daniel/Katerina: [giggles]

♪ [playful music]

Daniel/Katerina: ♪ I can stop and show you, I'm listening ♪

Katerina: ♪ It can be easy to get distracted ♪

Daniel: ♪ Sometimes I have trouble listening ♪

Katerina: ♪ But when I'm talking with my friends and family ♪

Daniel: ♪ Listening to each other is the right thing ♪

Daniel/Katerina: ♪ I can look up and listen to you ♪

♪ And when I listen, you feel good too ♪

♪ I can stop and show you, I'm listening ♪

Katerina: ♪ Maybe you want to play a different way ♪

Daniel: ♪ Or you want to show me something new ♪

Katerina: ♪ When we listen to each other, ♪

Daniel: ♪ Things will be grrifffic for me and you ♪

Daniel/Katerina: ♪ I can look up and listen to you ♪

♪ And when I listen, you feel good too ♪

♪ I can stop and show you, I'm listening ♪

♪ Stop and show you, I'm listening ♪

Katerina: Thank you, thank you!

Daniel/Katerina: [giggles]

Daniel: When we stopped and listened to each other,

Katerina and I put on a tigertastic show!

You can stop and listen to your friends too.

Ugga Mugga!

Narrator: ♪ It's such a good feeling to play ♪

♪ with family and friends

♪ It's such a happy feeling,

♪ when they lend you a hand.

♪ You wake up ready to say,

♪ I think I'll make a snappy new day! ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling, A very good feeling, ♪

♪ A feeling you know!

Daniel: ♪ That I'll be back,

♪ When the day is new,

♪ And I'll have more

♪ ideas for you.

♪ And you'll have things

♪ you'll want to talk about.

♪ I will too.

Because, it's you I like.

Henrietta: ♪ It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood, ♪

♪ So much to do, so much to see. ♪

♪ Won't you camp along with me? ♪

♪ Won't you camp along with me? ♪

Hi Neighbor, it's me Henrietta.

We're camping in our tent tonight.

Come on in!

Katerina: Hi, neighbor.

When we go camping, we use a light

so we can see in the dark!

Henrietta: That's right, meow meow.

We also use it for our guessing game!

Guess with us!

Try to remember a backpack, a compass and a pillow.

Katerina: Backpack, compass, pillow.

Henrietta: I'm going to turn the light off

and hide one of these things

and when I turn the light back on,

you can guess what's missing!


Katerina: Rrrready, meow meow!

Henrietta: Lights out!

Katerina: [giggles] It's sooo dark!

Henrietta: Lights back on!

Do you see what's missing, meow meow?

Katerina: I see the backpack, the pillow--

Hmm! The compass is gone!

Henrietta: Yes! The compass!

Katerina: My turn!

Lights out!

Lights back on!

[giggles] Do you know what's missing?

Henrietta: Hmm.

The pillow, meow meow!

Katerina: Yes! I love camping with you, Mommy.

Henrietta: I love camping with you too, Katerina.

I wonder if someone in your neighborhood

likes to go camping?

Thanks for visiting!

♪ [theme show music]