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07x01 - Outfoxed

Posted: 02/28/24 18:31
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts!

Martin: Almost all around the world including North America,

there's a really cool creature we're on the look-out for.

We're here in a regular small-town neighborhood.

It's us the Kratt Brothers.

I'm Martin.Chris: I'm Chris,

and we're hanging out with one of the most adaptable...

Martin: Athletic... Chris: Intelligent...

Martin: And crafty... Chris: Creatures in the world!

Martin/Chris: The red fox!

Martin: Red foxes will make their homes deep in forests

or in secluded meadows.

Chris: But they'll also sometimes live very close

to people and that can be a very special opportunity to see them.

Martin: This old pile of logs

is a fox den site.

Underneath is a burrow with

lots of entrances and exits.

Chris: We've been staking out this den for months,

and have been lucky enough to have a front row seat

to the life of a fox family.

Martin: When they first come out of the den,

the red fox kits are actually grey in color

and their eyes are blue,

but as they get older that red coat starts coming in

and their eyes change color too.

Outside the den and all around this area,

the kits have these play sessions that go on and on,

seemingly endless play sessions.


They stalk each other,




All this play helps them learn skills for survival.

They're sharpening their hunting skills

and developing red fox power.

Chris: Imagine if we could learn all the resourceful tricks

of this supremely adaptable animal.

Martin: Imagine if we had red fox power.

Martin/Chris: What if?


♪ [show theme music]

♪ On adventure with the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going places ♪

♪ you never get to see.

♪ Hanging with their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready it's the hour

♪ We're gonna save some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power!

♪ Gonna go wild with Wild Kratts gonna go ♪

♪ wild wild Wild Kratts ♪ Wild Kratts!

♪ Gonna go wild with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ gonna go wild wild Wild

♪ Cheetah speed and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild wild Wild Kratts Wild Kratts! ♪

♪ Gonna go wild with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild wild Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild wild Wild Kratts!

♪ [playful music]

Chris: Outfoxed!

Martin: Wow! You still have a bunch of acorns left

over from the winter.

Look at all these!

Chris: Wow!

Hey Martin, how about sharing some of those?

Martin: Ok with you?

Sure! Comin' at ya Chris!

Chris: Got it!

Martin: Nice! But can you do three in a row?

Chris: One!




See that, buddy?

It never hit the ground.

Got 'em all!

Martin: Yeah, nice catches, bro!

Chris: Toss down some more!

♪ [tense music]


Martin: Whoa, that fox came out of nowhere!

Did you see those jumps?

Chris: Ugh! Yeah, I saw them...barely.


Martin: It was a classic red fox bounding attack.

Martin: Quick stalk,

then an initial pre-leap to get some spring going,

with a final six-foot bounding leap onto its prey.

Martin: Amazing!

[chuckles] I love their hunting style.

You know, I'm going to name you Red Flash!

Chris: Ah Martin, now that you've got the replay

and naming taken care of, could you please help?

My suit's busted!

I can't deactivate and I think I'm lunch!

Martin: Uh oh. Foxes do like squirrels for lunch.

Or rabbits, birds, voles, eggs,

lots of different food.

Wait, we gotta save Chris!

Oak Tree to Tortuga! Come in Tortuga!

Oak Tree to Tortuga, come in Tortuga.

Koki: What's happening Martin?

Aviva/Koki: Ahhhhh!!

Martin: Sorry buddy, I gotta take this call.

Koki, Aviva, Chris is in trouble.

He was just carried off by a red fox.

Koki: Who?!

Martin: Chris! You know, my brother!

Koki: No, the other who.

Martin: Oh, you mean the red fox?

Koki: Yeah, that's who!

Oh, a red fox! A red fox!


Aviva: I know, I know, foxes are your favorite.

Koki: Ahem. So, you were saying?

Martin: Aaah! Chris was carried away by a red fox!!

Aviva: Sounds like the perfect situation

to test my latest invention.

Introducing the Smell Tracker .

Martin: Sounds cool. What does it do?

Aviva: It can 'see' smells!

Martin: Huh? See smells?

Aviva: Yeah check it out!

Can you smell this sock?

Koki: Eww, who can't?

Aviva: Now, if I turn on

the Smell Tracker ...

you can see the sock...

but you can also see the smell

rising from the sock.

Those are tiny molecules of smell

rising into the air.

They float around in the air

and when they go up someone's nose...

Jimmy Z: [sniffing] Yuck!

Aviva: [laughs]

The nose senses them as a smell.

Jimmy Z: Time to get that smell outta here!

♪ [country cowboy music]

Aviva: Look even after the smelly thing is gone,

there are still some smell molecules around.

That's key!

Koki: [sniffing]

Yeah but so few, I can't really smell it anymore.

[sniff, sniff]

Aviva: But he can!


Koki: It's a dog!

Hi buddy!

Aviva: Where'd you come from?

Martin: He's a basset hound.

Basset hounds are one of the best smeller's

in the creature world.

A basset hound can smell , times better than a human can.

Koki: Hmm, and he's on the scent trail.

Martin: We've gotta go after Chris

and the Smell Track can help.

Hey, can you meet me out here with it?

Jimmy Z: Whooaaaa!

Slow Doooownnnn!

Uaaaaah! Ugh!


Aviva: Thanks, sweetie.


Koki: Goodbye, happy smelling.

Aviva: The Smell Tracker is kinda like a basset hound.

Since it has a super ability to sense odor tracks.

So, I'll just set it to fox...

and you can use it to follow the fox that has Chris.

Koki: Yes! This is going to be awesome!

Let's go Jimmy!

Jimmy Z: Me?! Aww.

Aviva: Good luck!

Gourmand: Hmmmmm-mmmm.

An endangered species chef like me

always uses the finest ingredients.

I just need a delicious varmint

to cook up real nice.

Chris: Uh-oh, Gourmand.

Wait, we better get out of here.

Oh no! No, no, no!

You want those eggs, don't you?

Be careful!

Gourmand: Hmmm...

If I could just find a varmint somewhere in these woods.


Chris: Ha!

Gourmand is outfoxed...

by a fox!

Quick, let's get outta here!

Gourmand: [sniffing]


An egg is gone!


And I smell a thief!


I'll need my assistant.

[loud whistle]

Do you smell something, Nostril?

[gasps] You're onto that thief aren't ya?



Huh? Stop thief!

Get after it, Nostril!

Chris: Uh-oh. They're after us!

Kick it into gear!

Martin: Okay, this must be her trail.

We just can't lose it.

Koki: Yup, those orange smell molecules

are the fox's scent trail.

We're on it and I can't wait to meet my first red fox!

Jimmy Z: [grunting]

Martin: Predators and dogs like hounds

also pick up other smells when following a trail.

Like the smell of freshly disturbed soil from footsteps.

Or the smell of broken plants left behind.

Koki: Yeah, I can see the scent from the broken plant.

Uh-oh! What now?

Martin: Hey, it's some Wild Kratts kids.

Go for Martin!

Nolan: Hey, Wild Kratts! Nolan and Eden here.

We have a creature mystery.

Eden: Yeah, there's some strange sounds coming from the shed.

Martin: Really? Maybe it's the fox.

Koki: The GPS reading shows they're nearby.

Martin: Okaty, thanks for the creature alert,

I'll be right there!

Stay on the fox trail guys!

Jimmy Z: No problem!



Koki: Well, maybe not NO problem...

Gourmand/Nostril: [sniffing]

Chris: Thanks for letting me ride

instead of being carried!

This way I can be on the lookout more easily too.

Uh-oh. They're gaining on us.

You'd better start using some of those

awesome tricks you foxes have.

I know your creature power is to be smart and cunning.

It's time to use that to get Gourmand off our trail.

[gasps] Huh?!

Turning around?! No!

What?! Why are you heading straight towards them?

Not what I had in mind!

Hmmm, you're following your exact trail backwards...

Whoaa! Nice leap.

Oh, I get it. This is your trick!

It's called doubling back.

Gourmand/Nostril: [sniffing]

Gourmand: That's it. Stay on the scent trail, Nostril!


Chris: It's working!

He's following the fake scent trail you made.

Gourmand: Huh?! The trail just ends!?

Chris: That's where you turned around and doubled back!

Only they don't know it.

For them, the trail just stops. Gourmand: [sniffing]

I don't smell that thief anymore.

Where'd that varmint go?

Nostril: [sniffing]

Oh, come on Nostril, they've must have gone this way.

Back on the trail!

Chris: Pretty smooth Red Flash,

he's outfoxed again!


Koki: It looks like the fox crossed the stream on this log.

Hold it!Jimmy Z: Ahhhh!

Ugh! Why'd you stop?

Koki: The trail! It just ends!

In the middle of the log!

Jimmy Z: Well, the fox isn't under the log.

Aviva: How's it going trackers? Koki: We lost the scent trail.

Jimmy Z: Well, there's always a next time.

Koki: No! I have to meet the fox.

We're not giving up!

Aviva: The fox couldn't have disappeared into thin air.

Jimmy Z: Just keep going to the other bank.

She was heading that way so I'm sure we'll pick it up here.

Koki: Unless...the fox is trickier than that.

The Smell Tracker is showing the scent is here!

So, the fox must have...

come up to the log, started across it.

Any animal following her trail would assume

she would go all the way across.

So, she doesn't.

She jumps off onto this island.


[whirring scanning sound]

No trail here.

[whirring scanning sound]

Eureka! Here's her trail!

Aviva: Wow!

Koki: It's here!


she jumped from the island back to the original bank.

Aviva: Genius!

Who would have assumed she'd do that?

Jimmy Z: Not me.

Koki: And the trail goes off that way along the bank.

She could've just kept going straight,

but she did that whole log thing

to throw everyone off her trail.

Aviva: Wow, foxes are incredibly clever.

Now I just have to figure out how to put that fox instinct

into a red fox creature power suit.

Koki: And now I'm even more excited to meet the foxes.

C'mon, Jimmy!

[odd cries]

Nolan: I think it's haunted!

Eden: Sounds like an alien.

Martin: Or it could be that fox, that took my brother!

Nolan: Aren't foxes in the dog family?

It doesn't sound like a dog to me.

Martin: Yeah, they are in the dog family,

but they make lots of different sounds.

From full howl-like cries...

[howl-like cry]

to purring sounds...

[purring sound]

to warning calls...

[warning call]

and distress sounds.

[distress sound]

For example a sound like...

[distress sound]

that means "Where's Mom and Dad?"

And a sound like...

[playful sound]

means "Let's Play".

Nolan: And the fact that those sounds

just came from the shed means...

there are foxes in the shed!

[distress sound]

Martin: Yup there are fox kits in the shed.

Eden: Awww, fox kits are the cutest!

[playful sound]

Martin: Yeah, they're only about four or five weeks old.

Nolan: Haha, that one's really pouncy.

Martin: Pouncy! That's great!

We'll call her Pouncy!

Eden: Oh, he's sneaking up on her...

Martin: Oooo! Sneaker! We'll call him Sneaker!

Nolan: Too intense for you, little guy?

Martin: Okay, so we'll call him Shy Guy.

You know, this play is important practice for hunting.

As the kits grow up they have to

get really good at stalking

and pouncing to catch their food.

So, they start practicing right now

with playful games right from the start.

Nolan: Where're they going?

Martin: Oh, looks like there's another den right there.

Foxes usually have multiple dens to use,

that are not far away from each other.

Nolan: Awesome!

I'm so glad they decided to make a den by my house.

I love foxes!


Gourmand: I don't like foxes!

C'mon Nostril, let's get that varmint!

Chris: Okay, Red Flash.

I know you have a few more tricks up your sleeve. Kick it!


[gentle splashing]

Oh-ho, I get this trick.

No scent trail is left behind when you're swimming in water.

Gourmand: [sniffing]

[sniffing] C'mon!



Chris: Yeah...

lost the scent, ha!



Nice leap! One of the best leapers

in the whole dog family!

Why are we up here?

[gasps] Are you using the fence

to get your scent off the ground?

I like it!

Gourmand: Good boy, Nostril!

You've rediscovered the scent.

[smash!] Owwww!

Augh! Who put that fence there?

Yeow! [thud!]

Nostril: [sniffing] Gourmand: Ow!

Find that trail!

Don't lose it again!

Chris: Very clever Red Flash!

I'm impressed!

Nolan: Where are their mom and dad?

Martin: The parents leave the kits at the den

while they go out hunting.

So, I'm hoping it's their mom that caught Chris

when he was in a squirrel power suit,

so she'll end up bringing him back here!

Nolan: I sure hope so! And the dad fox?

Martin: The dad must be somewhere too.

They both help take care of the kits.

[belly rumble]

Eden: A belly rumble, the kits are getting hungry!

Martin: Hmm, seems like it.

The mom and dad usually leave some food,

hidden around the den,

but it looks like there's not much left right now.

Nolan: Uh-oh for Chris!

Martin: Yeah, we'd better be ready to snatch him

before these hungry kits do.

[twigs snapping]

Someone's coming!


Gourmand: [sniffing]

How could you lose the scent of that fox?

Martin: Gourmand?!


Gourmand: You smell something?

Oh! A den! A fox den!

Well, that makes me happier than

a possum eatin' a sweet tater...


Martin: Oh no!

Gourmand: I'm going to get you now foxes!

[motor humming] Ha-haaa!

[motor rumble]

Martin: Fox Den to Tortuga.

Come in Tortuga. We need help!

Aviva: Tortuga here. Go Martin.

Martin: I need a fox power disc. Fast!!

Aviva: You're in luck.

I'm just putting in the smell sensors.

See, that's what they look like.

When odor molecules enter the nose, the sensors are activated.

Being members of the dog family and predators,

foxes have a great sense of smell too.

They find lots of prey with their sense of smell.

Martin: Well, if I don't get that fox power disc soon,

we'll be prey!

Gourmand: [laughs]

Aviva: Done...aaand print!

On the way, Martin!


And as Jimmy always says,

energize and zap it!



Martin: Got it!

Insert Red Fox Power Disc.



Touch red fox.

Activate Red Fox Power!


Eden: Wow! Nolan: Fox Power!

Martin: Oh yeah, I feel so fleet-footed and quick!

Uuuh, and clever too.

Nolan: Just like a fox!

Martin: Yeah, hey you guys hide from Gourmand,

while I get these kits to a safe place.

C'mon, little guys.

We gotta get outta here for a while.

You'll be safe with me!

Let's go!

Gourmand: I know you're down there, you varmint!

Aviva: Koki! Jimmy! We've gotta meet up!

We need to put our heads together

and help Martin save those fox kits.

Koki: You got it!

We've learned a lot about fox tricks following the scent.

Aviva: Good. We'll need to think like a fox.

Gourmand: [exhausted panting]


Huh?! Where're ya going?

Oh, escaped out the back! I should've known.

I'm back onto you, foxes!

Chris: We're not being followed anymore,

good job losing them, Red Flash!

C'mon out, kits.

We've got some food for ya!

[playful sound]

[gasps] Your den!

What happened here?

Your kits. They're gone!!

Martin: Wait!


Oh no, they're still on us!

All our fox scent put together is way too smelly.

Okay, fox trick, fox trick...

I need a fox trick!

Hey, maybe we can hide our scent

with the sweet smell of flowers!

Come on in!


[laughs] Woo-hoo!!

Ok, I think we smell more flowery now.

Aviva: Martin! Martin: Aviva?

Koki: That's a great fox-like idea, Martin!

Aviva: And we've got one to add to it.

Martin: But we don't need to track anything.

We need to lose Gourmand!

Aviva: No, look! I added a feature.

Now, it can lay down fox scent.

Koki: It can take over your fox scent trail

that Gourmand is following.

It'll act like a decoy.


Off it goes...

laying down a trail of fox scent.

Martin: Oh wow, a decoy! Brilliant!

And now that we don't smell like foxes anymore,

we'll slip off in this direction! C'mon!



Gourmand: You got somethin', boy?


What's wrong?!




Ha! They went that way!

Gourmand is too smart for you, varmints!

Koki: Or is he...

Martin/Koki/Aviva/Jimmy Z: Outfoxed!

Koki: Finally! A red fox!

You are so cute!

I've been waiting all my life to meet one of you foxes.


Aviva: Do you think she's happy

she finally caught up to the red foxes?

Martin/Koki/Aviva/Jimmy Z: [laughing]

Chris: Don't worry. We'll find your kits somehow.

Martin: Are you looking for these?

Koki: Awww!

What a reunion!

This just keeps getting better.

Chris: Anybody hungry?

We brought this back for ya'!

You're awesomely clever mom

outfoxed Gourmand every step of the way.

Koki: I wasn't sure we'd ever catch up with you tricky foxes,

but it was worth the effort!

Martin: [chuckles] I wonder where Gourmand is now?

Gourmand: [exhausted panting]

I'll track these foxes to the end of the earth!

[exhausted panting]

Gourmand always gets his fox!

Koki: I think he's been out-foxed!

All: [laughing]

Chris: So, red foxes are incredibly resourceful,

adaptable and clever.

Martin: And back here at the den,

the fox family has been busy.

With the parents taking care of the young kits,

and the little foxes honing

their red fox power!

Chris: The fox parents are excellent hunters,

and when it's time for them to go off and hunt,

they leave the fox kits alone at the den.

And the kits know to stay inside the holes

or very close to the den until they return.

Their parents are resourceful and caring,

and under their watchful eye,

these kits will learn how to use their fox powers

of athleticism, cunning and intelligence.

Check it out, if you look around the den site,

you can really see

what the parents are bringing back for the kits to eat.

Look, right over here is a snake that they caught

and that little kit was carrying it around

and playing with it.

So they might want to finish this later

or play with it some more and practice their hunting.

Martin: As the kits grow bigger and stronger,

they get more and more adventurous.

They even started wondering about us.

♪ [suspenseful music]


Chris: Check it out, he's practicing hunting,

probably looking for little insects in the grass.

Those early hunting skills.

This is the age where these foxes

start exploring their habitat.

They do a lot of playing with each other

to practice their hunting skills

and they become very curious.

Very curious.

Oh, they are so cute!

Where's everybody else?

Martin: And now the fox kits are big enough to have left the den.

Chris: We were so lucky

to have been able to watch them grow-up!

Martin: They're gonna do great!

Chris: Oh yeah, keep on creature adventuring!

Martin: We'll see you on the creature trail!

♪ [show theme music]
