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02x06 - I am Hedy Lamarr/I am Archimedes

Posted: 02/28/24 16:24
by bunniefuu
Brad: Ready for adventure?

♪ Who's that kid who can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: ♪ To change the world!

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! Yadina: ♪ And Yadina!

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: ♪ And the Secret Museum!

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪


Yadina: Lights! Brad: Camera!

Xavier: And... welcome to the show!

Yadina: Today we're meeting a truly amazing person:

Hedy Lamarr.

Hedy Lamarr was born in Austria

over years ago

and grew up to be a movie star!

Xavier: That's not all...

Brad: [struggling effort] Xavier: Hedy Lamarr was also

a really smart inventor.

Brad: [thump]


An inventor is someone who comes up with

never-before-thought-of ideas.

Yadina: Like new ways to make planes go faster.

[cell phone buzzing]

[boop] Xavier: Hello?

[garbled phone voice]

Time to start the show?

And... ACTION!


Yadina: Good morning, friends!

Good to see you, President Teddy.

Oh, huh.

Looking extra dignified today, President Abe.

Brad: [to Xavier] I think it's the beard.

Yadina: Just think, Dr. Zoom...

[happy sigh] One day,

we'll be in the Hall of Presidents, too.

Dr. Zoom and I have been working VERY hard

on our Presidential song.

Brad: Presidents have their own song?

Yadina: This one will.


♪ ["Hail to the Chief" music]

♪ I am Yadina,

♪ chosen as your President,

♪ and don't forget my VP Dr. Zoom! ♪

♪ We'll fuel the nation

♪ with cheese and jelly sandwiches, ♪

♪ and no one will have to clean their room! ♪


Brad: That was great singing, Yadina!

Xavier: You should try out for the school musical.

Brad: Maybe you can be in a BIG musical,

on a BIG stage one day!

Yadina: You really THINK SO?

Xavier: For sure!

Yadina: People coming to see me sing...

Oh, [hi-hi] I mean, US, Dr. Zoom.

But... how can I be a singer

if I also want to be president?

I can't be BOTH...


[sighs] The dream was good while it lasted.

Brad: Yadina looks so sad.

There's got to be something we can do to help--

Xavier: Oh there is, Brad.

There is...

Brad: Oh no!

Xavier: ...TO THE SECRET MUSEUM! Yadina: Yeah!

Brad: [sighs] I have only myself to blame...

[calls out] Wait up!

♪ [fun adventurous music]

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when!


Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohooo!

Brad: Wooah!

Xavier/Yadina: Hi, Berby! Berby: [bleearp]

Brad: Hi, Berby! Berby: [blar bleep]

Brad: Oof!

Xavier: [humming]

We're getting something!


It's a... Yadina: A...

wind-up toy?

Ooooh, it's a MUSIC box.

Wait, is the Secret Museum telling me to be a SINGER?

What about PRESIDENT?

Brad: I wonder who it belonged to?

Xavier: Hedy Lamarr.

That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In Austria, in the year .

Brad: Whoa, that's over years ago!

Yadina: I wonder how Hedy can help me choose

whether to be a singer or president?

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure? Yadina: [excited] Ready!

Brad: Oooor, we could just flip a coin to decide

which dream you follow?

Heh. Worth a shot.

Okay... ready.

Berby: [bleep blarp bloop]

Yadina: Here we go!


Brad: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo! Brad: WOOOOOOAH!

Berby: [bleep bleep blarp bloop]


Brad: WAAH-- Oof!

[happy sigh] Finally, a soft landing!

WOAH! Ugh!

Yadina: [giggles] Oh, Brad!

♪ [tinkling] Heeey, the music box, from the Secret Museum!

♪ [tinkling]

Berby: [whirring]

Xavier: And that's Hedy Lamarr.

Thanks, Berby.

Brad: Aaaah!

Hedy: [singing in German] ♪ Und das ist das Ende der Shooooow! ♪

Brad: Wow, Hedy is really good. Xavier: Totally!

Even if I have no idea what she was singing about.

Yadina: Xavier, we're in Austria.

Hedy speaks German!

We need the translator.


Hedy: Thank you! When I grow up,

it's my dream to be an actor.

Yadina: I can SO relate.

When I grow up, it's my dream to be PRESIDENT.

...Or maybe a singer.

No wait, definitely President.

Ugh, I can't decide!

Hedy: I don't think you HAVE to decide.

You can be more than one thing.

Yadina: I don't know.

Being a singer and being President are SO different.

If I'm a singer, I can entertain people and make them happy!

Buuut, if I'm President, then I can LEAD people

and help make the country a better place!

[conflicted, dramatic] Oh, what to do, Dr. Zoom??

[thump!] Ugh!


Yadina: I'm so sorry!

Hedy: It's a...



[chuckles] Just kidding!

It's NO problem at all.

Xavier: [chuckles] Wow.

You really ARE a good actor.

Hedy: Thank you very much.

Yadina: Huh. You know how to fix it?

Hedy: Oh yes. I've taken it apart before.

MANY times.

Yadina: But, that sounds more like a scientist

than an actor.

Hedy: So? You can be more than one thing.

I may want to be an actor when I grow up,

but I can STILL tinker and figure out

how things work.

♪ [music box] I love that, too!

Xavier: Wow. Brad: Whoa.

That's so cool!

Yadina: But, even if Hedy can fix a music box,

can she really grow up to be more than one thing?

Berby: [bleep blarp]

Xavier: Berby seems to think so.

Yadina: Yes!

Berby: [bleep blarp bloop]


Brad: Ugh!

Yadina: Where are we?

Back at Hedy's house?

Brad: Huh? Ummm...

Xavier: The flowers are fake.

We're on a movie set. In California!

Yadina: years later!

Xavier: There's Hedy!

Hedy: [acting] What did I come here for?

Well, isn't it obvious?

I came here to ask you...

to dance!


Director: [off screen] And... CUT!

[loud bell ringing]Great job, Hedy.

Take five everyone!

Yadina: Hedy!

Xavier: You became an actor?

Brad: And got fancy new clothes?

Hedy: [to assistant] Thank you.

[to trio] Oh these aren't mine. It's a costume!

But yes-- I did become an actor.

A movie star, actually.

[cameras flashing] Brad: Ooh! Bright! [cringe]

Aaah! And, we're dizzy again...

Yadina: So, does this mean you gave up inventing?

Hedy: Gave up inventing?

Hah! Why would I do that?!

Come, come come.

Join me in my trailer...?

Some people see me smiling on camera and think

that's all I can be: an actor.

But you can be more than one thing.

And I'm also an inventor.

Yadina: [gasp] Did you draw these?

Hedy: Mhm.

A friend needed help designing planes

that could fly really fast,

so I came up with an idea.

To find the fastest bird

and copy its wings,

and the fastest fish and copy its fins.


Xavier: Did it work?

Hedy: See for yourself.

Yadina: Woaaaaah... Xavier: Woah!

Yadina: Hedy really did grow up

to be an actor AND an inventor.

So maybe it IS true.

Maybe I CAN be a singer

AND President one day.

Hedy: Of course you can!

And don't let anyone tell you different.

Berby: [bleep bleep blarp bloop]

Yadina: Thanks, Hedy! We have to go now.

I've got some work to do.

Hedy: Me, too.

Perhaps I'll put on some thinking music.

♪ [music box] Ah, yes!

♪ [humming]

Yadina: Bye, Hedy! Xavier/Brad: Bye!

Yadina: Berby, let's go home!


Yadina: Boom. Signed up for the school musical.


Xavier: Yes! Brad: That's great, Yadina!

Xavier: I'm so proud of you.

Yadina: Now that I know I can be a singer

AND still be president...

Maybe I can ALSO be an inventor, like Hedy.

[gasps] And an astronaut...

Oh! Uh! And a turtleologist...

[gasps] And a movie director...

Xavier/Brad: Umm...

Yadina: And CUT!

That's a wrap, people.

[zap] ♪♪

Meeting Hedy Lamarr was incredible!

She was a brilliant actor AND inventor.

Brad: She helped invent technology we still use today,

for things like WiFi, GPS...

Xavier: And cell phones!

Yadina: She also thought up fluorescent collars

to help dogs be seen at night!

[thump!] Brad: Woah!

Woah woah---

Tablets you put in water to make instant soda-

[slurp] Mmmm...

Xavier: And a tissue box with a secret compartment

for used tissues!

Brad/Xavier: Ah...ah...ah choooo!


Brad: Smart thinking! [giggle]

Yadina: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Hedy Lamarr.

Xavier: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And I know I can be more than one thing!

Just like Hedy Lamarr.

Yadina: Hello! And welcome to the show.

Xavier: Today we're meeting someone

who was a creative thinker

and figured out how things work:


He was born in an ancient Greek colony

over two thousand years ago.

Brad: Many people think Archimedes

was one of the smartest people ever!

Yadina: He was a mathematician

who figured out all kinds of things.

Like how levers work.

Ready, Brad?

Brad: [worried] For what?

Xavier: To start the show!

In , , ...

Brad: Woooaaaaah!

Ugh! [zap]

Okay! Come on...

Stay straight...

Don't crash...



Xavier: Hey, Brad! Whatcha got there?

Brad: A pterodactyl egg! I made it myself.

I always thought the one in the nest must be lonely by itself.

Y'know, when we're not here.

Yadina: Uh, Brad...

You know it's not a REAL

pterodactyl egg, right?

Brad: Pretend eggs need friends too.

Xavier: Bring it up!

Brad: [grunting/straining]


Xavier: Uuuh, okay.

Xavier/Brad: [grunting]

Yadina/Brad/Xavier: [straining]

[thump!] Brad: Ugh!

Yadina/Brad/Xavier: [grunting]

Yadina: Uaaah! Xavier: Woah!


Yadina/Brad/Xavier: [grunting/straining]

Brad: Uh oh. Yadina: Be careful!

Xavier: Woah! Xavier/Yadina/Brad: Oof!

Brad: Phew! Yadina: [disappointed] Awww...

Brad: [long sigh]

Maybe the eggs could just be pen pals...?


Xavier: Awwww. But, no!

We're not giving up that easy.

Yadina: These two eggs need each other!

We just need a bit of help.

And that means...

Yadina/Xavier: To the Secret Museum!


Brad: You stay here, eggy.


Time travel is a scrambly business.


That's a good one.

Wait for me!

♪ [fun adventurous music]

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet.

Yadina: And where we'll go.

Brad: And WHEEEEEEN!!!!

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohoo!

Yadina/Xavier: Hi, Berby! Berby: [bleep blarp]

Brad: Hi, Berby! Berby: [blee blarp]

Brad: Oof!

Xavier: [humming]

We're getting something!

Yadina: A boat?!

Maybe it can sail Brad's egg up into the nest.

Brad: Seems a tad small.

And I'm pretty sure boats need water to sail.

Xavier: Look! Archimedes.

That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: In Sicily,

in the year ...


Xavier: BCE stands for

"before common era",

which means BEFORE year one.

Brad: You mean we're going back in time

more than two thousand years??

Xavier: Actually,

it's more than two thousand three hundred years.

Brad: Oy gevalt.

Yadina: Do you think Archimedes knows how to get

big eggs up into nests?

Xavier: Only ONE WAY to find out...

Ready for adventure? Yadina: Ready!

Xavier: Hm?

Brad? Brad: [gasps]

New idea: Me and my egg-head will just live in the nest

and be the pterodactyl egg's friend.

Berby: [bleep bloop blarp] Brad: Oh, alright!


Berby: [bleep blarp bloop blurp]

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: [bleep blarp]

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo!


Berby: [excited blarp bloop]


Xavier: So this is what an ancient

Greek colony looks like.

Woozy Brad: Ooof. Archimedes: Hmm.

[thump!] Woah, Uh-aah-uh-aaah! Ugh!

Archimedes: [in Greek] Oimoi, syngnothi moi!

Yadina: [gasp] He's speaking Greek!

let me tune my translator.


Archimedes: Kalos ekheis?

... Are you okay? Brad: Yup.

[groan] Just your average case of time travel dizzies...

Yadina: [low, to Xavier] He's holding the boat,

from the Secret Museum!

Berby: [whirring]

Xavier: That's Archimedes! Thanks, Berby.

Berby: [bleearp] Yadina: Hi! Nice boat.

Does it happen to sail

giant eggs up into nests...?

Archimedes: I don't know...

My dad and I just made it,

and I'm about to sail it for the first time!

Wanna see? Xavier: Totally.

Brad: Huh? Did we find Archimedes?

Archimedes: .. .. ..

Cast off!

[giggles] Yay! Woohoo!

Let's go!

Xavier/Yadina/Brad: [giggles]

Xavier: Woah! This is a really cool boat.

Archimedes: YAAAY! That's so cool!

Xavier: [laughs]

Brad: Yeah! Going down the stream...


[gasp] Uh oh.

Archimedes: It's okay - I'll get it.



It's stuck!

Archimedes/Xavier/Yadina/Brad: [all grunting]

Whoah! Huh, Oof! [BAM!]

Archimedes: Don't worry. We just need to get creative.

Because creative thinking

can lead to new ideas!

Xavier: But, we already tried pulling the boat free,

what else is there?

Archimedes: Let's think...

The reason we can't pull the boat

is because it's trapped by these rocks.

[gasp] So maybe,

we can move the rocks!

Xavier/Brad: [grunting/groaning]

Woa-whoa-whou! [thud!] Ugh!

Xavier: [frustrated groan]

Yadina: Now what?

Brad: I think the universe is telling me to stay here.

I should listen. Archimedes: Hmm...

We just need to get creative!

Creative thinking can lead to new ideas.


Yadina: Uh oh. We better warn that kid,

so she doesn't get her boat stuck too!

Archimedes: Another boat?

Hmmm... If pulling my boat out isn't working,

then maybe pushing it will.

Worth a try!

, , -- Cast off!

Yadina: Yeah! Come on!

Xavier: Woohoo!

Brad: Let's go! Xavier: Woohoo! Yea!

Brad: This could work! [thud!]

All: Awww!

Archimedes: [disappointed] Hmmm...

Thanks, anyway.

Brad: [sighs] It's hopeless...

Archimedes: [gasp] Eureka!

I found it!

Yadina: Found what?

Archimedes: When Brad sat down,

he was able to lift you higher,

because this piece of wood acted like a lever.

Yadina: A lever?!

Xavier: A lever is like a see-saw:

press down on one side,

and the other side goes up.

Archimedes: If Brad on his own was able to lift

both Xavier and Yadina using a lever,

then maybe we'd be able to lift

one of the heavy rocks using a lever, too!

Yadina: I've never see-sawed with a giant rock before,

that's definitely some creative thinking.

Let's try it!


Uh! Ready?

[group grunting/groaning]

Archimedes: PUUUUSH!

Xavier: [gasps] It's working!

Keep going!

[group grunting/groaning]

Archimedes: HAHA! Yes! We did it!

Xavier: It worked! Yadina: We rock!

Xavier: Archimedes used creative thinking

to come up with new ideas

for how to free his boat.

Yadina: And it worked!

If he can do that...

Brad: Then maybe we can use creative thinking

to get the egg up into the nest!

Archimedes: Thanks for all your help.

Wanna do more sailing now?

Yadina: We'd love to, but we have to get back home.

An egg needs our help!

Archimedes: Okay. Good luck!

Xavier: Bye-bye! Yadina/Brad: Bye!

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: [bleep blarp]


Yadina: So, we tried pushing it up there on our tippy toes,

hoisting me up... Brad: [sighs]

Yadina: Even tossing the egg up!

Xavier: And...

none of it worked.

Brad: [to himself] Hmmm...

Creative thinking can lead to new ideas...

Xavier: What if we use a lever?

Like Archimedes?

Yadina: But the egg isn't stuck like his boat was.

It's just too big and heavy to lift up into the nest.

Brad: EUREKA! WAAH! [thud]

That's it!

Levers lift heavy things up...

Like our egg!

Xavier: [gasps] Oh, yeah!

Yadina: Ready!

Xavier/Brad: Ready.

Yadina: .. .. .. LEVER!

[group grunting/groaning]

Yadina: Yes! You're doing it!

[group grunting/groaning]

Yadina: Got it! Xavier: Woohoo! Good job!

Yadina: Uuugh! There.

I think this is the beginning

of an EGG-cellent friendship.

Brad: Awwwwwww.


Xavier: Wasn't meeting Archimedes great?

He used his math and science knowledge..

Yadina: And a whole lot of creative thinking..

Brad: WOOOAH! [thump!] come up with new ideas that are still used today.

Like how to get a BIG boat like this to actually float!

How DO boats float?

Xavier: Hm. Ask Archimedes.

Thanks for joining our awesome adventure to meet Archimedes.

Brad: Who used to be a kid,

just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

And we know that creative thinking

can lead to new ideas.

Just like Archimedes!

♪ [show theme music]

