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02x04 - I am Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Posted: 02/28/24 16:23
by bunniefuu
Brad: Ready for adventure?

♪ Who's that kid who can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: ♪ To change the world!

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! Yadina: ♪ And Yadina!

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: ♪ And the Secret Museum!

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: [ahem] I'm Brad.

Welcome to the, um,--

[loud rumble]

Uh oh!

Yadina: Hello! And welcome to the show!

Xavier: Today we're meeting someone really important,

who cared a lot about making the world

a more fair place.

Yadina: Ruth Bader Ginsburg!

Xavier: Ruth was a United States Supreme Court Justice,

which means she had to understand laws really well.

Yadina: Laws are kinda like rules

for a whole country.

But sometimes they aren't fair.

Xavier: When a law or rule is unfair, Supreme Court Justices,

like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, can help change them!

Yadina: It's a BIG job that comes with

a lot of power and responsibility.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg used her power to create change

that she thought would help people.

Xavier: As a Supreme Court Justice,

she also got to wear one of these!

Yadina: Ah, lookin' good, Dr. Zoom!

Berby: [blarp bloop]

[whirs] Brad: Thanks Berby!

Berby: [bleep bloop]

Yadina: And every time a Justice walks into court,

they get announced with a gavel. Berby: [whirs]

Yadina: Oh-yay, oh-yay, oh-yay!

The show is about to start!


Brad: Whaddya think?

Xavier: Looks great, Brad!

Yadina: Like all the other butterflies you made...

Brad: I couldn't decide which colour to use. [giggle]

Kerry: Okay Nature Troopers!

Let's clean up those crafts.

It's home time.

Trooper: Awwww.

Kerry: I know, I know.

But hey, I hear Troop Leader Gary has something special

planned for next week...

Gary: Next week I'll be leading a new activity: Building!

Where we will get to make something out of wood.

Yadina: COOL!

What should we build, Dr. Zoom?

[gasp] Maybe a go-cart?

[squealing tires]

Or a pair of clogs?


Or... [gasp]

A turtle dream house!

With a pond! And a sun room!

[gasp] And a rock-climbing wall!

Dr. Zoom's all about extreme sports.

Ooh! Ooh! I wanna sign up for building!

Gary: Oh, I'm sorry, Yadina.

I'm just doing the building activity

for the boys in my group.

You'll be with Troop Leader Kerry like usual.

Kerry: Well, you see Yadina, the woodshop only has enough spots

for half the troop, so we decided to split up.

The boys will build, while we...

do arts and crafts!

Yadina: But.. we just DID arts 'n crafts.


Kerry: [off screen] Well maybe next week you can make...

a tissue paper turtle!

Yadina: Oh...

I guess.

It's not fair!

Why do you get to build stuff and I don't?

Xavier: Hmmm... hm.. hmmm.

Maybe you can make something for Dr. Zoom in arts and crafts?

Oh, like some cool new outfits?

♪ [funky dance music]

Yadina: Dr. Zoom likes her cape.

[sigh] Besides, I really wanna build her a turtle dream house!

Building shouldn't JUST be for the boys.

Lots of girls like building, too.

Xavier: You're right.

You should have the chance to build something.

Brad: But what can we do?

Troop Leader Gary and Troop Leader Kerry

are well, the Troop Leaders!

They decide what activities to do.

Yadina: Huh?

[gasp] We know what to do, don't we, Dr. Zoom?

To the Secret Museum!


Xavier: Yahoo!

Brad: Oy vey.

[calling] Oh, wait for me!


Xavier: Are you ready?

Brad: [hesitant] Here we go...

Yadina: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Xavier: And where we'll go?

Brad: And what-- [gasps]

[footsteps sounding]


Guys, wait up!

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohoo!

Xavier/Yadina: Hi, Berby! Berby: [bleearp]

Brad: Hi, Berby! Berby: [blar bloop]


Xavier: [humming]

Yadina: We're getting something!

A necklace?

Are you kidding me?!

Does the Secret Museum think I should just do arts and crafts?

Berby: [blar bloop]

Brad: Pretty sure that's a 'no'.

Xavier: I wonder who it belonged to?

[gasp] Look!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In New York, in the year .

Brad: That's...

um.. uh, over years ago!

Yadina: Do you really think Ruth Bader Ginsburg

can help me build a turtle dream house?

Xavier: Who knows? She could be a master builder!

Only one way to find out...

Yadina: Right! Ready for adventure?

Brad: Isn't that your line?

Xavier: Uh, yeah...

but I'm gonna go with it.

Brad: Okay? Berby: [whirs]

[bleearp bloop]

Yadina: Here we go!


Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo!



Xavier: Ooh, so this is New York in .

Berby: [blee blarp bloop]

Yadina: Berby says we're at an orphanage.

A place kids live if they don't have their own grown-ups

to look after them.

Brad: But, I don't see Ruth Bader Ginsburg...

Girl #: [in Yiddish] Ich vell zayn nach dir! ["I'm next!"]


Yadina: [whisper] Xavier, that kid's speaking Yiddish.

Xavier: Oh yeah. Neat!

Yadina: Use the translator!

Maybe she's saying something to help us find Ruth!

Xavier: Ooooooh, riiiiight.

Yadina: I wonder if cool hoodie translators

are just for boys too.

[frustrated sigh]

Xavier: Hmmm...I guess I do have the only one.

And I am a boy...

Huh. I never thought about it before.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Ice cream...

Would anyone like some ice cream?Xavier: [gasp]


Brad: Does anyone else hear that?

Berby [blar bloop]

Xavier: I could go for some ice cream!

Yadina: [gasp] It's even better than ice cream!

Brad: Better than ice cream?

Berby: [whirring]

Yadina: [off screen] That's Ruth Bader Ginsburg!

Ruth's Mom: [warm chuckle] Ugh! I'm very proud of you

for sharing your birthday party, Ruth.

I think it'll mean a lot to these kids.

Ruth: Hmmm! Ruth's Mom: Oooh!

Yadina: Did I hear that right?

You're giving other people ice cream

on your birthday?

Brad: Shouldn't you be the one getting ice cream?

And cake? And presents?

Ruth: I thought so, too.

But then I realized how lucky I am

to have a family I get to celebrate with.

And eat ice cream with.

[sad] The kids who live here don't usually get that.

Yadina: Really?

Xavier: Ooooh!

Brad: [off screen] That doesn't seem fair.

Ruth: I agree!

My mom taught me I have the power to create change.

Even if it's just small change,

like brightening up their day by sharing my birthday treat.

Xavier: That's...

SO cool!

Yadina: Can we help?

Ruth: Sure!

Yadina: Alright!

Xavier: Ice cream! Come and get it!

Yadina: Ice cream!

Come get your ice cream!

Boy #: Oh, look!

[giggles] Boy #: Let's go!


Boy #: [giggles] Girl #: Yippee!

Boy #: Thank you!

Brad: Wow, everyone looks so happy.

Boy #: Woohoo! Ya!

Brad: Mmmmm!!

[brain freeze cringing]

Yadina: Mmmm!

[chomp] Mm mm mm! [squeak]

[giggles] Awww, Dr. Zoom...

It is really great that Ruth

is sharing her ice cream with everyone!

But, I don't know how this is going to help me

build my turtle dream house...

Brad: Maybe the Secret Museum

thinks you can make it with ice cream instead?

Uuuh! Berby: [burrs]

[long sigh]



Yadina: Where are we?

Xavier: When are we?

Berby: [bleep blarp bloop]

Xavier: [gasps] Berby says

we're at the United States Supreme Court,

years later.

Yadina: [gasp] Look! There's Ruth!

Yadina: Hi! Xavier: Hi!

Brad: Hi Ruth!

Ruth: Hi!

Oh, I'm happy to see some friendly faces.

Today is a big day for me.

I'm a little nervous.

Yadina: Why?

What's going on?

Ruth: Well, I'm a lawyer now.

That means I spent a long time

studying laws and rules,

because I want to help people

when they're faced with rules

that are unfair.

Yadina: Wow!

That's so cool.

Ruth: Thanks!

Today I'm trying to change a rule

that treats women and men in the Air Force differently.

For no good reason!

Sadly, it's something that happens a lot. Everywhere.

Yadina: Dr. Zoom 'n me can totally relate.

Ruth: That's why it's important we change the rules!

I know I have the power to create change.

We just need the Justices to listen to us.

Xavier: Justices? Who are they?

[gavel banging]

Bailiff: The Honorable Chief Justice

and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court

of the United States.

Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!

Ruth: That's them now.

They're the people we have to convince.

They decide if the rule changes or not.

Xavier: Wow! Brad: [gasp]

Yadina: The justices are all men.

Xavier: Huh, you're right!

Yadina: I bet they all got to build turtle dream houses.

Ruth: You better go sit. We're about to start!

[deep breath]

Mr. Chief Justice,

and may it please the Court.

Amicus views this case

as kin to Reed v. Reed U.S.

The legislative judgment...

Yadina: Huh? Ummm--

Xavier: What?

[Ginsberg speaking]


Brad: [whispers] Amicus?


Xavier: [whispers] Uh, what?

Brad: [whispers] Leg-is-la-tive?

Xavier: [whispers] Uhhh... Huh.

Brad: [whispers] Wha-what is she talking about?

Xavier: [whispers] I have NO idea.

Yadina: [whispers] Heeeey. Xavier, try the translator.

Xavier: [whispers] The translator?? Why?

Yadina: [whispers] It works on other languages,

maybe it can turn these big lawyer words

into something we understand too!

Xavier: [whispers] I dunno, but, I'll try...

Ruth: This case is about an idea.

An unfair idea...

Brad: [whispers] It's working!

-- Wah!

Xavier/Yadina: Uuuh-ah!


Xavier: [whispers] You were right, Yadina!

Yadina: [whispers] Yes!

Ruth: ...The idea that all men should go out and work

while all women should stay home

and take care of their family.

This is why men who work for the military

are given extra money to buy things like a home,

and their wives are given health care.

The law assumes

that his wife depends on him for these things.

But they do not give those things

to women who work for the military.

No extra money for a home or healthcare for her husband.

No, the law treats her differently,

and gives her less,

just because she's a woman.

Yadina: [shocked] What?! Xavier: Aww...

Ruth: This is called discrimination.

And it's wrong!

Yadina: [HUSHED] It's also a lot like MY problem.

I can't do building

just because I'm a girl.

Ruth: To finish,

I will just say this:

Women are not asking

to be treated in any special way.

Simply to be treated as equals.

Thank you.

Male Justice: Thank you, Mrs. Ginsburg.

[applause]Xavier: Yahoo! Yadina: That's right!

Brad: Go Ruth!

[gavel banging] Um--

Yadina/Xavier: [embarrassed] Sorry...

Yadina: Sorry! Ruth: [giggles]

Yadina: [hushed] Ruth was amazing!

The Justices have to agree with her, right?

Brad: Totally. Xavier: Of course!

Yadina: [frustrated sigh] It's been sooooo long.


Brad: I thought it'd be fun to make paper butterflies

to pass the time,

but I'm all butterflied-out.

Yadina: [to Ruth] Why hasn't the Supreme Court

made a decision yet?

Didn't they understand what you were saying?

Ruth: I hope so. But, these things take time.

Xavier: They have to understand.

Brad: Yeah! We totally got it!

Well, after Yadina thought to use Xavier's translator.

[knocking on the door]

Ruth: [gasps]

The decision? It's in?


The Supreme Court made their decision...

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: And?

Ruth: And... they agree!

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: [cheering] Yeah! Alright! Woohoo!

Ruth: There can't be one set of rules for men,

and an entirely different set of rules for women.

The Supreme Court agrees

that the current rules are clearly unfair

and need to be changed.

Yadina: You did it, Ruth!

You created change.

Ruth: Well, I didn't do it alone.

But, yes. And it feels terrific!

I hope this is just the beginning!

Berby: [bleep blarp blooop]


Brad: Ugh! Where are we again?

Yadina: We're... back in the Supreme Court!

Berby: [bleep blarp]

Xavier: But, Berby says, it's years later!

Brad: Um, why are we here?

Ruth: [off screen] Well, hello again!

Xavier: Huh? Brad: Huh?

Yadina: Ruth?

Ruth: [giggles] Up here!

Yadina: [gasp] Ruth!

What are you doing up there?

[gasp] Are you one of those

fancy Justice people now?

Ruth: [laughs] Yes, I am!

It took a lot of work,

but now I'm the second woman to be named

a Supreme Court Justice.

And I get to help make sure that the laws in our country

apply fairly to everyone.

Xavier: Wow, that is ah-mazing!

Ruth: It is, isn't it?

I knew I had the power to create change...

And now I can help create some really big change.

It's a big responsibility,

which I take very seriously.

Speaking of which-- I've got work to do!

There's a school that isn't giving girls

the same opportunities as the boys...

And I have the power to change that!

Yadina: Oooh!

Ruth: And I am not the only one.

Xavier/Brad: Bye, Ruth! Yadina: Bye!Brad: Good luck, Ruth!

Yadina: Wow. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

had the power to create change.

She started off with small changes,

like sharing her birthday treat with kids

who could really use it.

Then, she created BIG change.

Here, in the Supreme Court.

So, maybe I can create change, too.

And convince our Troop Leaders

that building isn't just for boys!

Xavier: Yadina, you totally can.

Yadina: Berby, let's go home!

Berby: [blarp bloop]


Yadina: Um, hi, Troop Leader Kerry?

Kerry: Hi, Yadina. What's up?

Yadina: Hmm..


[deep sigh]

I know you said that only the boys

are going to build stuff out of wood,

but, I really really REALLY want to do it too!

It isn't fair to leave the girls out,

so, the rule needs to change.

And as Ruth Bader Ginsburg told me,

I have the power to create change.

Kerry: Wow.

That Ruth really says some smart things.

Thank you for telling me how you feel, Yadina.

I'll talk with Troop Leader Gary and see what we can do.

Okay? Yadina: Okay.





Xavier: Yadina? Did you hear back

from Troop Leader Kerry, yet?

Yadina: [sigh] No.

And it's been a whole week!

What if she didn't understand me?

What if nothing changes??

I tried making Dr. Zoom a napkin dream house,

but it turned out more like a dream blanket.


[frustrated sigh]

Xavier: I don't know what will happen with Nature Troop.

But you did inspire me to make a change, Yadina.

When you asked if only boys get to wear translator hoodies,

it got me thinking.

It isn't fair that I always have the translator and you don't.

Especially since you always have to remind me to use it!

[chuckles] Yadina: [giggles]

Berby: [giggles]

Xavier: [laughs]

Which is why Berby and I think it's time you had your own.

Berby: [blurps in agreement]

[bleep blarp bloop]


Yadina: Thanks Berby!

Dr. Zoom, let's try it.



[into the translator] Thank you! Translator: Domo arigatogo!

Yadina: Wow! Translator: Gracias!



Yadina: Cool! My own translator!

Xavier: [giggles] Sounds like it works!

Berby: [blee-arp]

Yadina: I love it!

Berby: [blarp bloop]

Xavier: Mmmm...

Brad: Yadina, Xavier, it's time for our Nature Troop meeting!

Yadina: [excited gasp] Brad: C'mon!

Xavier: Woah-ho-ho-ho!


Troopers: [laughing]

Gary: Welcome Nature Troopers!

Come on, settle down. Quiet, quiet, quiet... Okay, okay.

Kerry: We'd like to start today's meeting

with an announcement.

Thanks to some very important feedback we got last week,

we decided to make a change to this week's activities.

Gary: We've opened it up so ANYONE

can do the building activity.

Yadina: Really? Girls too?

Kerry: [nods] Mhm! Girls, too.

If we have too many troopers who want to build this week,

then we'll do it again next week!

So no one gets left out.

Yadina: YES! Kids: Yeppeeee!


Girl Trooper: Yes! I love building!

Gary: Okay Nature Troopers,

line up for your activity.

Builders with me!

Come on!

Kerry: And anyone who'd rather do arts and crafts, come see me!

Kids: Yes!! Alright! [laughter] Yepeee!

Xavier: Yay!

Brad: Uhhh...

Kerry: [giggle] Nice to have you, Brad.

Yadina: [theme song] ♪ Yadina Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier! Brad: ♪ And Brad!

Yadina: ♪ And the secret museum!

[giggles] Nature Troop was so much fun today!

Xavier: I made a guitar.

[guitar twanging]

Brad: And I made a pom-pom friend!

[as the pom-pom] Hi, I'm Mortimer.

Yadina: And I made...this!

Dr. Zoom loves it.


Xavier: And we loved meeting Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Yadina: She was SO inspiring!

Brad: As a lawyer, and a Supreme Court Justice--

Yadina: --only the second woman to have that position!

Brad: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

helped make lots of amazing changes happen.

Yadina: Like making sure

everyone gets the same opportunities.

Xavier: She helped people with disabilities get the right

to live in their homes,

and NOT be separated from their communities.

Brad: And worked for everyone's right

to marry whoever they love!

Yadina: She was a total hero.

Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Xavier: So kids like YOU can change the world!

I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And I know I have the power to create change.

Just like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

♪ [show theme music]

